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Best of 2010

YukoAsho: Best of 2010

List items

  • Halo: Reach is an amazing entry to the Halo franchise, and has a meaty multiplayer component too. The total package.

  • One of the meatiest FPSes to come down the pike in a long time, and a perfect antidote to the mess that was MW2.

  • Sex appeal driven to the extreme, an insane combo system, wacky enemies and a complete disregard for reality. If more Japanese studios took PlatinumGames' lead, Japan would be in far better standing in the game industry right now.

  • As seems typical of Eastern Bloc development, Metro 2033 emphasizes slow, deliberate pacing and an oppressive atmosphere over flashy explosives and breakneck pacing. A game that doesn't get the credit it deserves due to its lack of flashy presentation.

  • Aggressively macho to the point of absurdity, with a heavy emphasis on fun over realism. Like Bayonetta, Vanquish is the rare example of a Japanese-developed game feeling fresh and exciting.

  • I think everyone expected this one to suck horribly. I know I did. It just felt so much like cheap corporate pandering. Instead, EuroCom defied all expectations by delivering a game that stands solidly on its own, with a completely redone story and a new focus on great firefights. The Wii could do with more like this.

  • Mechanically, it's a God of War clone. However, it manages to transcend GoW by making a character that can actually be sympathized with. Rather than a mindlessly angry badass, Dante is forced to come to terms with his sins, eventually coming to terms with the fact that he is the source of his own problems. The character carries the game in a way Kratos never could.

  • It's a damned shame this game came out so cripplingly buggy, because Fallout: New Vegas is a deep, engrossing game with a beautifully crafted faction system and a whole lot of depth, even discounting the Hardcore Mode. Here's hoping it gets ironed out sooner than later.

  • It's adorable, it's relaxing, it's easy, it's pretty damned fun. Kirby's Epic Yarn is a great way to decompress after getting frustrated at one of the other games on this list.

  • Transformers: War For Cybertron is not only a good Transformers game - it's a good game period. Solid action the whole way through, with an interesting story and loads of classic Transformers charm make this one worth getting.