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Giant Bomb Review


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Review

  • X360

Ubisoft's distinctive murder adventure series gets better and better with this continuation of Assassin's Creed II.

 Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
 Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
It’s been an interesting process watching Ubisoft figure out the Assassin’s Creed games. The first was a bold, if not entirely sure footed venture that, while hampered by an eventually laborious lack of variety and an abundance of rough edges, still established an interesting sci-fi premise and showed the promise of the fluid, stealth-driven open-world mechanics beneath it all. Things really started to click with Assassin’s Creed II, which sanded those rough edges smooth. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, while so dependent on the story, setting, and basic technology of ACII that I have repeatedly insisted Ubisoft made a mistake in not calling it Assassin’s Creed II: Brotherhood, is the most assured entry in the series so far, even if it’s not the most evolutionary.
If you finished Assassin’s Creed II, you no doubt have some burning questions about just what in the holy hot hell is going on in this universe, which has pretty rapidly escalated its already tripped-out, high-concept premise of ancient, clandestine groups of Templars and assassins using genetic memories to hunt down powerful artifacts of mysterious, even more ancient origin. Picking up right where ACII left off, Brotherhood sees Ezio doing a victory lap of sorts after recovering the Pieces of Eden and learning a bit about their true nature. While he finds some time for the ladies, it’s not long before a new Templar threat, in the form of the categorically creepy Borgia family, is literally knocking on his door, stealing the Apple of Eden, destroying his country villa, and further shattering the remains of the Auditore family, all in dramatic fashion. With the Apple in their possession, and the backing of the Pope himself, the Borgia have absolute power over Rome, and Ezio spends the grand majority of the game systematically sabotaging their power structure while also gaining the support of the people of Rome for his own chapter of the assassin’s guild. 
Several key supporting characters from Assassin’s Creed II return here, including Ezio’s sister Claudia and his love interest Caterina Sforza, as well as the historically unfettered caricatures of Niccolo Machiavelli and Leonardo da Vinci, all of whom are given room to develop. Though you’ll spend more meaningful time here playing as Desmond than in the first two games combined, his story mostly bookends the main narrative, exploring his burgeoning relationship with his ragtag team of modern assassins and hinting further at just what in the holy hot hell is going on in this universe. Frankly, I found myself so engrossed in the nuts and bolts of the world itself that a lot of the specific story beats were kind of a blur--I was less interested in the specific whos and the whys of my murderous pursuits than I was the actual execution. In a way, the predestined nature of Ezio’s story makes it not really matter in the grand scheme, though the final moments with Desmond left me feeling baffled by the mop of loose ends it rather deliberately leaves cliff-hung.
 The kills come quicker in Brotherhood.
 The kills come quicker in Brotherhood.
A quick intro video recaps the big bullet points of the story so far for those who haven’t kept up or simply forgot. Similarly, the first several hours of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood are uncharacteristically linear, spending ample time easing you into the particular feel of the Assassin’s Creed movement and combat, while also introducing you to the new stuff. The basic handling no different from Assassin’s Creed II, and by and large, you’re performing the same types of tasks--sneaking through the dense streets and gymnastic rooftops, coolly tracking and assassinating specific targets, and juggling groups of enemy combatants. The group combat has never been Assassin’s Creed’s strongest point, though Brotherhood streamlines it in a way that makes stringing together one-hit kills an absolute breeze. This allows you to chew through your enemies, which, in kind, lets the game throw more enemies at you. It doesn’t really address the fundamentally shallow feel, but the satisfaction of watching Ezio fluidly conduct his dark business certainly helps take some of the edge off.
A lot of the activities introduced in Assassin’s Creed II are expanded on, or at the very least, multiplied. The real-estate angle from ACII has been opened up to let you purchase dozens of blacksmiths, art dealers, banks, and clothing stores, all the way up to actual Roman landmarks like the Pantheon and the Colosseum, with each purchase increasing your periodic income. Before you can start getting your Monopoly on, you need to rid the area of the Borgias' corrupting influence by destroying their tower in the district, a task which adds a little assassination mission to the tower-climbing business that has been an Assassin’s Creed staple. Unlike Assassin’s Creed II, you can now replay any story mission out of order, and each mission now has a secondary win condition, such as never breaking stealth or executing enemies in a specific fashion. There are side missions and challenges to be taken from thieves, mercenaries, and courtesans, a fun series of missions tasking you with stealing, using, and destroying some fantastical da Vinci-built war machines that the Borgia have in their possession, pickpockets and Borgia agents to chase around the city, shop-specific collection goals, and just a load of posters, feathers, flags, and treasure chests to be collected. At a certain point, the world of Brotherhood opens up, and it kind of never stops blossoming, and it constantly introduces something new to do. When you pull up the map to try and decide what you’re going to do next, it can be downright overwhelming. This is not a short game, and while I didn’t stick to the critical path, I probably spent a good 20 hours with Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and the mad completionists out there will surely put that number to shame.
 Leonardo has some wonderful new toys for you to play with.
 Leonardo has some wonderful new toys for you to play with.
Depending on your play style and how much time you spend on all the stuff outside the main story missions, it might be a while before you get to start recruiting and training your own brotherhood of assassins, something that’s new to Brotherhood and easily my favorite addition. As you’re running your vicious errands around Rome, you’ll find citizens fighting it out with the corrupt city guards, and if you rescue them, they’ll pledge allegiance to your cause. Once recruited, you can earn more money and build up the experience of your individual assassins by sending them out on jobs across Europe. Any assassins that aren’t out on assignment, though, can be used to take care of any enemies you don’t want to dirty your hands with, simply by targeting the enemies in question and tapping a button. It really compounds the cool confidence Ezio has when you watch him raise his hand and then calmly stroll by as his minions appear out of nowhere and explore his enemies’ head and body cavities with various razor-sharp implements. Through the entire game, it never failed to elicit a satisfied chuckle from me when an assassin would just hop out of the nearest haystack or simply fall from the sky ready to do some pro-grade stabbin’, but there are a number of missions designed to necessitate their use. The only adjustment in Brotherhood that cut the wrong way for me was the decision to put horses inside the city limits. Rome is a massive city with significant tracts of open space that are well-suited for short bursts of the kind of horseback riding seen in the previous games, but they just don’t fit in the dense alleys and abundant staircases of the city’s urban centers. There’s even a new fast-travel system that doesn’t shrink the city too much, but which makes the horses feel at least somewhat redundant.
The biggest gamble in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is the new multiplayer mode, which goes to some pretty clever lengths to adopt something recognizable as the Assassin’s Creed gameplay into a player-versus-player experience. The premise here is that all of the players are Abstergo trainees being taught in the ways of the assassins with networked Animus scenarios designed to help them better understand their enemy. This makes room for the biggest contrivance in the multiplayer, albeit a necessary one. Games can support up to eight players, and as such, there are eight different player models to choose from, and only one player can use one of those models in any given game. The levels are then populated exclusively with benign AI versions of the models, providing you with crowds of pedestrians to blend in with. There are a few different free-for-all and team-based configurations, but the basic idea is that everyone is given a specific player to assassinate, making everyone both hunter and hunted, creating this cat-and-mouse Mobius strip of sorts. In addition to your target’s face, you’re also provided with a simple directional compass that provides a general idea of where and how far away they are, though at a certain point you have to use your skills of observation to figure out who’s a real person and who’s AI. 
 Hakuna Matata!
 Hakuna Matata!
That you’re constantly looking over your shoulder creates a terrific sense of tension, and there’s an interesting dynamic of balancing how quickly to approach your target without betraying yourself as a live target to whoever’s hunting you. The whole thing’s outfitted with a persistent experience system that grants you rechargeable abilities like a brief sprinting boost and additional slots to have multiple abilities active at once. It probably ends up working better than it really ought to, and I’ll admit that I found it particularly satisfying to be able to shout “UH!” at my live opponent as I slipped a dagger into his ribcage, though it’s still more of a novelty than a serious multiplayer contender. There’s good variety in the small number of maps included, but there’s not many of them, and the four modes don’t cover much ground. More importantly, with the tools provided, it’s remarkably easier to hunt down your targets than it is to evade assassination, and it makes the experience feel a little lopsided.
Brotherhood lacks that generational leap we saw from Assassin’s Creed to Assassin’s Creed II, but it more than makes up for that with a full-bodied single-player experience teeming with interesting gameplay additions and a risky multiplayer component. Even more surprising than the single-player experience is the addition of a competitive multiplayer game that, through some downright acrobatic contrivances, manages to make the cat-and-mouse core of the single-player work with live opponents. For fans of the series Brotherhood is no optional sidebar; this is as significant an entry as either of its predecessors. It’s also about as fun as Assassin’s Creed has ever been.


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Edited By Skald

Didn't expect this.

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Edited By Claude

Just great, I was going to buy 4 or 5 cheap games with Christmas money, now I must change my plans. Hell, I loved AC1 and AC2, what was I thinking.

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Edited By mrcraggle

Really wasn't expecting 5/5 UH's even after the praise Ryan was giving it on the Bombcast. AC2 was one of my favourite games last year so I'll have to pick this up.

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Edited By Glak

Holy crap, I did not see this coming 
It looked good from what I've seen of it so far, but damn 
Might have to pick this up soon

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Edited By MisterMouse

awesome stuff!!!!

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Edited By elservo

Kind of upset that I didn't wait in line for this one.  It seems to have addressed every single issue that I've ever had with it.  

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Edited By cornbredx

Damn, I was hoping this would be a side bar that wasn't really necessary for the rest of the story so I could skip it (for monetary reasons, not because I don't want to play it).  Now I have to get this when I have the money =P

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Edited By Evilsbane

So why isn't this just called Assassin's Creed 3? Its seems like it deserves it.
  "Though you’ll spend more meaningful time here playing as Desmond than in the first two games combined"
That just blew my mind I mean wow...

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Edited By IshimuraD

I seem to be in the same position as a bunch of other people; I wasn't expecting Brotherhood to be any good, so I was thinking I could skip it. There's way too many games out now that I want, and I've gotta add Brotherhood to that list now. It's not like Q1 2011 lets us rest up either.

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Edited By JoelTGM
@SpiritOf said:
" I called it.  Scored a cool 60,000. "
I had a 70k bet on 4 stars.  Can't believe the game actually is this good, I didn't know Ubisoft could do that.
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Edited By SkinnyBlue

Had I known that Brotherhood was actually going to have a fully fleshed out single player campaign that expands on Desmond's story as well as the franchise's universe, I would've been a lot more excited for it. I really want to play it now.

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Edited By artofwar420

I was ready to discount this game as unneeded sequel, how wrong I was.

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Mmmmm, interesting score/review, Ryan. Too bad I am nowhere near interested in playing through more Assassin's Creed (I played the shit out of AC 2), since I have so many other games at the moment, so this seems like a down the road purchase.

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Edited By Kinggi

Absolutely amazing this game is doing so well after just a year of development. Not skimping on length is a big deal.

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Edited By IrishBrewed
@Laketown:@Laketown said:
" @patrick said:
" @IrishBrewed said:
" Someone is a obvious fanboi, this is obviously the same ol' game....pass "
Only on at Giant Bomb is where adding an entire multiplayer system completely irrelevant! "
the multiplayer system that is basically the ship?  I think I'll pass; AC2 was fun for a while, but the ending was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen :/ "
Yeah I agree with you, and for the commenter who quoted me, if your buying this for the MP you are in for a let down, it might look fun in a QL, but it is gimmicky and has no real staying power...In laymen terms that means, it will get old fast...Warning signs that this game is a slight upgrade from the last.: 9 months of development...
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Edited By Sharpshooter

Well if Ryan Davis approves of the quality of the neck stabbing in this game then it is a must buy when its released in Ireland on Friday.

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Edited By patrick
@IrishBrewed said:
" @Laketown:@Laketown said:
" @patrick said:
" @IrishBrewed said:
" Someone is a obvious fanboi, this is obviously the same ol' game....pass "
Only on at Giant Bomb is where adding an entire multiplayer system completely irrelevant! "
the multiplayer system that is basically the ship?  I think I'll pass; AC2 was fun for a while, but the ending was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen :/ "
Yeah I agree with you, and for the commenter who quoted me, if your buying this for the MP you are in for a let down, it might look fun in a QL, but it is gimmicky and has no real staying power...In laymen terms that means, it will get old fast...Warning signs that this game is a slight upgrade from the last.: 9 months of development... "
Someone is a obvious troll, this is obviously the same ol' hatin.
If you're willing to completely disregard an entire concisely written review, then proper arguments apparently aren't your forte. Protip: Writing grammatically incorrect opinions full of subjective ramblings isn't the best way to get your point across.
Disregarding a factor as large as multiplayer because it conceptually resembles another game of different thematic elements is one thing. Somehow implying that first person shooter which came out 4 years ago negates the relevance of a third person action game in the here and now is like comparing Starcraft to Rainbow Six.
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Edited By Sooperspy

Definite Christmas present.

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Edited By kagekage

Woohoo, more points for me!

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Edited By Hourai

Totally deserves 5 stars. The only complaint I'd give is that the combat is too easy. 

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Edited By apoloimagod

Ryan just convinced me to buy this game. Game publishers should start paying him to promote their games! (j/k) :-P His enthusiasm for this game is so contagious and authentic that I just want to run to the store right now to get and start paying right away!!!

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Edited By Skittlenizzle

I agree. This game has been so awesome to play.

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Edited By Cornman89

Ryan's ridiculous enthusiasm for this game is infectious. i want this goddamned game. I want to command other dudes to stab faces and necks.

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Edited By Fascism

Yawn. Just as boring as AC2

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Edited By Undeadpool

Interesting. I recall first hearing this announced and thinking it was going to be multi-player only with maybe a single player VS bots slapped on, but now it seems like the single player is the strong part and the multiplayer is kind of "meh." Irony.

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Edited By Mikewrestler5
You're probably right.
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Edited By MAST
@Fascism said:

" Yawn. Just as boring as AC2 "

I never really know what to say to people like you. I always see comments like this every time a top tier game comes out. Uncharted 2, Halo, Starcraft 2, etc. Name any top selling game, and there is always a handful of people bashing it, and acting like it's complete pewp.   
What games do people like you enjoy? Damnation? Legendary? As well as all games based on a movie? I can only assume your taste in games is completely backwards, or that you are simply trolling.
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Edited By m0nty

But but but bu... I haven't even started playing Black Ops, Fable III, Dead Rising or Fallout New Vegas. I'll drop them all for more Ezio stylings.

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Edited By McGhee

This looks good enough that I think I'll have to go back and finally play AC2.

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Edited By MintBerryCrunch

The quest for this was fun

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Edited By Fascism
@MAST said:
" @Fascism said:

" Yawn. Just as boring as AC2 "

I never really know what to say to people like you. I always see comments like this every time a top tier game comes out. Uncharted 2, Halo, Starcraft 2, etc. Name any top selling game, and there is always a handful of people bashing it, and acting like it's complete pewp.   
What games do people like you enjoy? Damnation? Legendary? As well as all games based on a movie? I can only assume your taste in games is completely backwards, or that you are simply trolling. "
I pIay the same games you do im sure. Im not trolling im just sharing my opinion, AC2 was one of the most god awful boring games I ever played (one of the only games I ever fell asleep during while holding the controller, Dragon Quest 7 was the only other one)  and yes I played it until completion and Im sure I will do the same with this game. I play all the major releases (because I fucking love video games) and I think some of the them, even the OMG 5 STAR games are pretty terrible.
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Edited By brainswarm

Looks awesome.  I'm buying it.

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Edited By what_what

glad to hear it's not a cheap cash in.  picked up creed 2 for $35 new a few months after it came out so it's going to be a struggle to pay full price for this.  can probably wait until late/post holiday sales...
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Edited By Dude_What

I absolutely love enthusiastic Ryan.  Releases here today, and should be on my doorstep in mere minutes!

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Edited By Sambambo
@Fascism said:
" @MAST said:
" @Fascism said:

" Yawn. Just as boring as AC2 "

I never really know what to say to people like you. I always see comments like this every time a top tier game comes out. Uncharted 2, Halo, Starcraft 2, etc. Name any top selling game, and there is always a handful of people bashing it, and acting like it's complete pewp.   
What games do people like you enjoy? Damnation? Legendary? As well as all games based on a movie? I can only assume your taste in games is completely backwards, or that you are simply trolling. "
I pIay the same games you do im sure. Im not trolling im just sharing my opinion, AC2 was one of the most god awful boring games I ever played (one of the only games I ever fell asleep during while holding the controller, Dragon Quest 7 was the only other one)  and yes I played it until completion and Im sure I will do the same with this game. I play all the major releases (because I fucking love video games) and I think some of the them, even the OMG 5 STAR games are pretty terrible. "
Why would you play a game you find boring or terrible :S
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Edited By IrishBrewed
@patrick said:

" @IrishBrewed said:

" @Laketown:@Laketown said:

" @patrick said:
" @IrishBrewed said:
" Someone is a obvious fanboi, this is obviously the same ol' game....pass "
Only on at Giant Bomb is where adding an entire multiplayer system completely irrelevant! "
the multiplayer system that is basically the ship?  I think I'll pass; AC2 was fun for a while, but the ending was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen :/ "
Yeah I agree with you, and for the commenter who quoted me, if your buying this for the MP you are in for a let down, it might look fun in a QL, but it is gimmicky and has no real staying power...In laymen terms that means, it will get old fast...Warning signs that this game is a slight upgrade from the last.: 9 months of development... "
Someone is a obvious troll, this is obviously the same ol' hatin.  If you're willing to completely disregard an entire concisely written review, then proper arguments apparently aren't your forte. Protip: Writing grammatically incorrect opinions full of subjective ramblings isn't the best way to get your point across.  Disregarding a factor as large as multiplayer because it conceptually resembles another game of different thematic elements is one thing. Somehow implying that first person shooter which came out 4 years ago negates the relevance of a third person action game in the here and now is like comparing Starcraft to Rainbow Six. "
Something about your reply just gives me douche chills. Is "same ol' hatin" grammatically correct? And what part of the internet world do you derive from? Subjective statements is king on these here nets. Also who the hell said anything about a fps you nimrod (have lowered the bar even lower now).... No one compared this to anything, its AC. Trust me man, Jeff & Ryan are  fanbois of the series, I dont think they will argue with that. Protip: Reviews are all subjective and opinionated. Get with the program paid subscriber.
I hated the first one and the second one...So this one sucks too...take that
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Edited By detectivepbert

I played through the campaign in AC2 and found it overly easy.  Might get this for the multiplayer though.  Will be interesting to see how popular AC:B's multiplayer becomes on XBL.

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Edited By nkornek

I was skeptical of the multiplayer in the beginning but as soon as I got into my first game I started loving the hell out of it

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Edited By shakra

I didn't realize this was basically assassins creed 3. I thought it was all just multiplayer. So far this game is amazing though, the story is top notch.

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Edited By MechaDan

Bought it based on the review. Loving it so far and yes Ryan, the horses are a pain in the ass. 

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Edited By HerbieBug

Goddamnit Davis this is 60 bucks I wasn't planning on spending.  
*places order*

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Looks incredible, but I've never really been able to get into AC. I bought the first when it came out and didn't like it much myself, or watching other playing it. AC 2 seemed to have made some big improvements over the first, and this seems to blow both of them out of the water, but I'm a bit reluctant to play the second without playing the first.

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Edited By Diachron

Still multiplayer-skeptical, but can't wait to get back to the hunt!

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Edited By Scottyman33

I dunno.  About two hours in and while I'm wanting to like it I just think this is too similar to AC2 too soon.  Maybe I'll feel different once I open up some more things unique to Brotherhood.  Adding a different type of tower to climb was definitely not the way to mix up a game that is already extremely repetitive in most of it's mechanics.

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Edited By Jerome85

Loved the first two games.  Plan on picking this up soon.

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Edited By bluemanrule

Great review Davis!  I am loving AC:B-rotherhood (Jeff PLEASE do that on the podcast) as well.  The MP is a very unique experience but the proper single-player experience is even better than ACII.  Thanks for the review.  Another reason why i love this site.
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Edited By kennybaese

I really really like the multiplayer, mostly because it's so different from everything else out there I feel like there's enough of a learning curve that I'm on a level playing field with everyone else which is completely not the case with COD... or pretty much anything else.  
All in all, really enjoying the game. PIcked it up over NFS Hot Pursuit  because of Mr. Davis' review. 

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Edited By m0nty

RDR vs ACB for GOTY. Callin' it now.

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Edited By Budkin

More face and neck stabbing! Unh Unh Unh Unh