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    Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Jun 03, 2008

    Become Jason Bourne as he tries to outrun government assassins and discover the secrets of his past.

    vinchenzo's Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for vinchenzo

    Bourne Conspiracy is an underrated title that's worth a play.

    • You feel like Jason Bourne, really captures the movie's feel.
    • Slick hand-to-hand combat.
    • Graphics are well-done, and character skins are detailed.

    • Short game, 6 hours long.
    • Too much shooting, I liked the fisticuffs combat better.
    • The story is confusing if you have not seen the movies.


    So the gameplay is varied and fun. At one point you will be in hand-to-hand combat. You can chain attacks by pressing X and Y (or hold either to perform a kick), X being a light attack and Y being a heavy. You can block by holding A, and if your gauge fills enough you can perform Takedowns (more on Takedowns later). Shooting is also pretty simple. You can shoot, reload, and do Shooting Takedowns. These 2 types of combat are the meat of the game. When I said Takedown I meant a literal takedown. Bourne has a gauge, split into 3. For instance if you are fighting a normal enemy and have 1 part of the gauge filled up, you can then press B and Bourne will decimate them with the environment or his body. For multiple opponents you may allow it to fill up to 2, or 3, and as you can see you will take down 2 or 3 nearby enemies with one Takedown. Shooting takedowns work the same, you press it when part of the gauge is filled and Bourne kills them with a precise shot.

    The game is fairly linear in its pathing, which is somewhat of a shame. The Bourne character leaves a lot of creativity open, in how he deals with situations. There are 11 levels you will play through, each level usually has a tough enemy (stronger than a normal one), or a boss (same concept). These usually act out in hand-to-hand combat. Throughout these levels, though, you will kill enemies, shut down security, and so on (basic stuff here). As you can see it is a fairly straight-forward game.


    The graphics are great. The character models are very nice, especially Bourne, I just wonder why they didn't try to recreate Damon and the cast. As you beat up characters, or get beat up, character models react by getting a bloody face or black eyes, and such. The sound is equally impressive. The soundtrack works great with the game.


    The game would be worth $60 if it wasn't so short. To be honest, I loved the game like I loved the movies, but clocking in at 6 hours with questionable replayability just left me wondering. I didn't buy the game myself, but it's just long enough to make a great rental. Wait for the price to drop if you really want to snag this. It's just a shame, they didn't really hype up the game and it feels like it will be severely underrated.

    [This game was originally reviewed by me on GS, June 10th.]


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      Captures the essence of Jason Bourne well 0

      The Bourne Conspiracy is a relatively faithful rendering of its cinematic source in video game form through a combination of third-person shooter and beat-'em-up gameplay mechanics. The story traces the narrative of The Bourne Identity, and it's quite fun to relive some of the film's most thrilling moments. The feel of the movie itself is captured quite well with the aid of well-done, albeit short cinematics and an excellent, heart-pumping score.The game itself is pretty standard third-person sh...

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      Overlooked action game 0

      Pros: Feels like the movies; great combat; presentation; quality Cons: Not much to do once the story has been completed; you need to like cut-scene events; driving level is a bit of a mess. The Bourne Conspiracy is a character action game, based on the book & film series and is probably one of the best tie-ins since GoldenEye on the N64. High Moon studios have created quality product with superb presentation and production values that really gives you the feeling of playing Jason Bourne. Rel...

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