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Here's What Won in 2019 - Giant Bomb's Game of the Year

There's dozens of hours of podcast deliberations to listen to, but there's also this list here.

The time has come! White smoke! After discussing over 100 amazing, or at the very least, interesting games we have arrived at our decision for game of the year 2019. Historically, the last year before new consoles has been a little scattershot, with a mix of huge sequels that show off everything a developer has learned over the course of the last generation and games that feel like they kinda have to be shoved out the door before the new consoles render them entirely obsolete. Ultimately, 2019 feels a little different that than typical scenario, with a wide variety of games across all platforms. We saw a lot of new things, games iterating successfully on the huge genre of the day, and games by teams both large and small that stood out above the competition. While we've seen some people try to write off 2019 as a weak year for games, we think that's off-base. Here are the games we've awarded in 2019.

My editor told me having a Fortnite picture is good for business. Fortnite didn't win any of our awards this year, but this stage is extremely elaborate.
My editor told me having a Fortnite picture is good for business. Fortnite didn't win any of our awards this year, but this stage is extremely elaborate.

Best Music - Outer Wilds

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Outer Wilds' soundtrack has a breadth that feels like it matches the overwhelming cosmic scale of its setting. The game opens with a humble, rustic post-rock style that sounds exactly like your home planet's earthy, wood-fired technology looks. And while that style acts as the grounded refrain that the game's intimate, melancholy story always comes back to, the soundtrack also goes new places musically just as you visit the strange and wondrous places across the solar system. It sounds alien and mysterious as you wander ancient ruins. It reaches a cathedral-like, almost religious grandeur when you're staring out the observation window of a platform orbiting just miles above the flaming surface of the sun. And it goes unnervingly discordant in places where exotic physics have taken over and the very rules of reality appear to be bending back on themselves.

What elevates Outer Wilds' score is the way it uses certain recurring motifs to enhance the moments when the game really comes together in its final hours. It takes the morose yet urgent stinger that you hear every time the game signals that your 22 minutes are yet again about to end, for instance, and layers underneath it a more driving, triumphant feeling when you begin your final voyage, making you feel in your gut that this time it really is the end of all endings. And the game builds to an emotional crescendo during its last moments, layering the signature instruments of your companions--the harmonica, the banjo, the drums, even the otherworldly piano--into the most complete version of that old refrain from the beginning of the game, in a way that makes the soundtrack come full circle just as everything else does. It's a timeless example of music that enhances and builds on everything the game is doing, a crucial piece of a cohesive, unforgettable whole.

Runners-up: Hypnospace Outlaw, Ape Out

Best Style: Control

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Control is a tremendous-looking game that matches smart visual design with a strong technical presentation. One backs up the other, in a sense, because you wouldn't be able to build a world where all the signage and layout worked and made sense without having enough fidelity to ensure all those signs were clearly readable. And you'd have a technical showpiece with no substance it it weren't for the little things, nuances in the running and hovering animations, for example. Or how about the stark, white text that blasts out at you when you enter a new area? Even the little things, like the way the desks are laid out in what appears to be some kind of abandoned secretarial pool, contribute to making the world of Control feel grounded and reality-based.

This, of course, is what makes the shifting and twisting world of the Oldest House work. If the place didn't have that lived-in feel, watching it reshape itself while you're still inside wouldn't have the impact that it does. The astral plane wouldn't stand out if it wasn't set against an oft-times incredibly normal plane. Covering all those bases is why Control has the best Style of 2019.

Runners-up: Ape Out, Later Alligator

Cool Multiplayer Thing of the Year: Apex Legends

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Apex Legends iterates on last year's whole battle royale thing really well, but what makes it stand out as the Cool Multiplayer Thing is the way the game uses systems and dialogue to keep players working together--even if they don't especially want to.

The game's take on a contextual ping system lets the team-based shooter work for players without a headset, which these days, seems to be most players. There's certainly a time and a place for voice chat, but as the years go on, subjecting yourself to public chat just seems like a worse and worse idea. Being able to tap a button and essentially say "hey, there are bad guys here" or "hey, here's a gun you might need" creates the opportunities for co-operation between players who won't, or perhaps can't communicate in other ways. This can take many forms, up to and including "there is a baby sleeping in the next room so I can't just sit here and shout out compass coordinates at you."

On the other end of those pings, the dialogue helps players stay informed while also giving the game a lot of character. Sure, we probably don't need to hear Bangalore barking out facts about guns anymore, but that doesn't mean that it isn't at least a cool idea. Anyway, being able to play a team-based game, alone, with strangers, and have things come off in a surprisingly coordinated way is something pretty special, and it's one of the things that makes Apex Legends stand out here in 2019.

Runners-up: Kind Words, Death Stranding

Best Story: Outer Wilds

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Outer Wilds is a game about a balance between exploration and story. The exploration drives the story and, by the time you are wrapping things up, the story is driving your exploration. It's a grand tale told on a cosmic scale, but it's also a lonely one as you ease into the role of a sole chronicler of a lost history. It's a murder mystery. It's an origin story. It's something that, as has been said many times before, is hard to dig into without delivering massive spoilers.

The two most impressive things about the story though are probably the way it's told and how satisfying the resolution is. You're uncovering the tale and mystery in a non-linear fashion, finding pieces that won't make sense not because of level design but because of your unique playthrough. And the story is your inventory, it's how you progress in the game. You don't find a physical key to unlock your next door but instead you find and use information. You keep gathering and unlocking until finally you have all the keys and all the doors are open except one. When then you walk through that last door, you've got little more than the same items and abilities you started with. Except now you are accompanied by all the knowledge you have gained through hours of exploration and gathering of information. The world feels truly different, yet nothing in it has changed. It's hard to think of something that compares to it in video games in general, let alone in 2019.

Runners-up: Mortal Kombat 11, Judgment

Without further ado, here is Giant Bomb's Game of the Year 2019. Thanks for listening and we'll be back with you in 2020.

Game of the Year: Outer Wilds

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While elements like music and "story" are certainly standout portions of Outer Wilds, they're only pieces of the overall picture. That's fitting, given the nature of the game's slow build and reveals. Those reveals might seem small at first, but eventually you might just see how those small pieces fit together into something monumental. Ultimately, though, those small, quiet moments are just as important as the satisfaction that comes from finally seeing the big picture really click into focus. And that's what makes Outer Wilds so special.

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Of course, it's also a game about exploration where the stakes end up being fairly low a lot of the time. Its very nature encourages experimentation, whether that's you learning how to fly the game's ship without having it shatter apart into pieces after every "landing" or trying to look at a particular installation from a different perspective, you simultaneously have all the time in the world and never enough time to get things done... until you actually get things done, of course. That slow-pouring vibe set against total annihilation works so, so well.

Other games have certainly tugged at some of the concepts that Outer Wilds handles so expertly, but the way this space mystery plays plays its hand ends up making every moment matter. The journey and the destination are equally important here, and the two add up to form 2019's Best Game.

Runners-up: Control, Apex Legends, Mortal Kombat 11, Resident Evil 2, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Ring Fit Adventure, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Disco Elysium, Judgment


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@lionsy: It's out on the Epic Games Store.

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Mmm i wouldn't call the Outer wilds soundtrack Post Rock. But hey, if you can't find a style that fits paste post rock on it always works. :D

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Also i miss "Hottest mess rants" Let's face it when Jeff rants about a videogame it's always golden. I was looking forward too the Anthem rant that never came. :'(

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Outer Wilds is an incredible game and it got exactly what it deserved. I've not been so emotionally invested in a game in a looooong time.

@lionsy: It's on the Epic Game Store

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At first I was with Jeff on Outer Wilds, yet, thanks to a friend and Vinny's/Austin's love for it made me give it a reluctant second go. Boy, was I glad I did, probably among my favorite 5 games of the decade. That said, I totally understand how it's very much not for everyone, rather surprised and pleased it managed to win over as many people as it did. Really looking forward to whatever those developers do next.

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@lionsy: Outer Wilds is available for PC through the Epic Game Store.

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@lionsy: Just wanted to be the first to let you know that Outer Wilds is, in fact, on PC! You can buy it via the Epic Games Store and it plays brilliantly! Cheers!

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Shame they only really looked at the goofy stuff from Hypnospace for best music.. a lot of the ambient stuff is pretty amazing and really worth listening to. It fits perfectly in the game also. I feel like outer wilds music was pretty basic but well crafted into the game.. I dunno personally I think if the music does both of fitting into the game well and is good beyond the game its way more important, hard not to think the crew was more attached to the music through association with liking the game rather than having the music make them like the game more. I supposes that's just like my opinion man.

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@lionsy said:

Outer wilds looks fun but it isn't out for PC yet :(

Are we still doing this bit ?

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Day 4 and 5 were nice...1-3 was a waste as someone who listens to all the podcasts through the year. Bring back fun categories and have more group videos this year, please.

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The real war crime was Modern Warfare getting picked over Luigi's Mansion 3.

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This is the first year in a while where I haven't been fuming about "why are they even talking about x game? It's not that good!" Good list.

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didn't realize that outer wilds was on epic games store, hard pass from me.

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Really missed the Hottest Mess category this year. Between Blizzard and Bethesda, there were some pretty hot messes out there.

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@lionsy: It's been out on PC since May. And with the $10 coupon it's currently $15.

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It already has a store page on Steam, so it seems it was a timed exclusive similar to Hades, etc. I doubt many games would stay exclusive to EGS forever, they just want that better revenue split on initial sales.

Speaking of sales, I just picked on Disco Elysium on Steam. Looking forward to diving in after I finish Divinity: OS 2!

@sharkman said:

didn't realize that outer wilds was on epic games store, hard pass from me.

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Funny how the narrative on Outer Wilds seems to be that there's an initial hump to get over and then it's great, as I had the opposite experience. I was initially enchanted just flying around the different planets and discovering things. But by the time I was starting to piece together what I had to actually do I was so sick of flying to the same damn planet for the 50th time that I was ready to quit. I ended up following a walkthrough word for word to streamline things, but it was still frustrating. I can't tell you how many times I painstakingly set up some thing I had to see on Brittle Hollow only to take one slightly wrong step or jump, fall into the black hole and have to start over again.

I still think the story was incredible and it's an impressive feat of game design for sure, but the superlatives being thrown around about it are borderline ridiculous. I've said it before, but if you want an emergent story about exploring a vast, mysterious and frightening alien world with actual gameplay attached, go play Subnautica.

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Edited By darklingscribe

When the format changed for game of the year to make the first few podcasts a game-by-game year in review, I liked it because it does allow every game to get into the discussion. However I do miss some of the categories that fell by the wayside.

In particular Best Moment of the year and Hottest Mess (or whatever equivalent). I liked that Best Moment gave games that were light on story recognition in the way they engaged the player and I liked how Hottest Mess garnered discussion about the state of the games industry as a whole (for instance I would have liked to hear them discuss things like Riot’s employment equality problems and Blizzard banning the Hearthstone player for speaking out in support of the Hong Kong protests).

Perhaps in the future they could either include some wider games industry news commenting in their year in review section or maybe try to shorten the year in review to 2 or 2 & 1/2 podcasts to squeeze in one or two more categories.

Also it would be nice when they are doing their game-by-game year in review to list each category the game currently being discussed is nominated for (if someone feels the game belongs in a category).

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Edited By JTartaglia

Giant bomb waxing poetic about the story of Outer Wilds (a game that I enjoy greatly), but failing to realize that the themes of hope and the inevitability of obliteration are virtually the same as Death Stranding, a game that many on staff dislike...smh

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@lionsy: Hey lionsy, it is out for PC, I just finished it a couple of days ago. It's currently only on the Epic store.

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I wasn't sure Outer Wilds was gonna click for me, especially coming off all the hype for it. But it's totally delivered so far, I haven't seen the ending yet (which I understand is the best part) but I suspect I'm getting close now and it's already been rocketing up my personal list the more I play of it.

Generally speaking I tend to be much more of a gameplay-first dude than a narrative one (certainly not exclusively, but fun gameplay is generally the easiest thing to win me over with). But I fell in love with Outer Wilds after just a short while on one planet. The uniqueness of design and the clear care and craft that has gone into the concept and layout of every single part of that galaxy is really special. It's a game that has kept surprising me at every turn, and by the time I'd seen all the "big" surprises I was invested enough into uncovering the secrets of the Nomai that I had to see things through. Heck, they even won Dan over.

I'll say this - I lost my save due to an unfortunate crash probably 15-20 hours in, and I almost immediately booted right back into a clean playthrough. Granted the looping nature of Outer Wilds makes it a game that's relatively easy to jump back into fresh, but in fact zipping around and "rediscovering" everything to fill my ship log back out only made me appreciate how tightly designed that game is even more. I'm sad Jeff had the awkward experience he did, and I hope he finds the magic that so many other people did eventually (though maybe it's just not for him).

On other notes: thank you to Alex for fighting for Judgement. I'll always be sad for Yakuza 0 getting dropped, but this felt like somewhat of a compensation (also that game is totally a deserving top ten game in its own right). It was good to see both that and Disco make it in, felt like they were definitely the passion games this year. And Sekiro deserved better, but that's the way these things go.

Thanks all for another great year of discussions!

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I get why they changed up the format, but I will agree that I love the previous years' group videos and some of the old categories (styyyyyyyyle... wait, is style and styyyyyyyyyyle the same now?? and hottest mess, definitely).

Outer Wilds has a lot of good stuff in it, but I have to agree with the people who are saying the quality-of-life stuff where you have to keep going back to do the same run again and again (the hanging city and the hourglass twins) to get a little deeper was a big turn off.

Maybe it's because I started playing it just before GOTY time when I was pretty sure it would be high on the list and so many people were suddenly saying good things about it, but while I think it's very good, it's not earthshattering for me, at least.

I am pretty surprised it took it over Control, though, especially because Jeff in particular felt strongly about both Control (positive) and Outer Wilds (negative).

@syz9000 said:

Does it seem weird how hard Alex went for Judgement? From what I remember from the Beastcast it took him forever to beat it and he wasn’t exactly gushing about it when he finally did. Unless I’m misremembering

Not to me, no. Alex brought up Judgment week after week and said it might be his favorite game of the year more than once if I remember correctly.

And I can say, as someone who is almost done with the main story, Judgment deserves the praise it's getting and I'm damn glad Alex fought for a game from the Yakuza bloodline to get on the list! The story is great, the game has a lot of the wacky side stuff that makes Yakuza mainlines fantastic, and it's absolutely a worthy successor to Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 6.

Those games have come so far. Very excited to see where Yakuza 7 goes next year with its new combat system!

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Was surprised how quickly Cadence of Hyrule dropped on both music/ game of the year.

I really need to play Judgment (Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 6 first though), Control from these discussions and more Outer Wilds.

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Edited By Mezmero

2Mello was robbed yo! I'll be playing through Later Alligator in solidarity! I was gonna say some of those Hypnospace tracks sounded like they were done by the Wet Pets guys. I'm somewhat let down that Alex didn't bring up any of the "We all learned a valuable lesson" tracks from the end of side cases in Judge Eyes. The only omission that I would've said my peace about would be A Plague Tale's soundtrack. It's got a really great sense of foreboding to it that fits well the narrative of the game even though it perhaps doesn't blend particularly well with the mediocre game play.

I thought for sure Void Bastards would run away with Style. I guess that's what happens when you abandon Styyyyyyle. I think I agree with Story but MK11 being a runner-up seems nuts and propelled a bit too much by nostalgic appreciation. I liked that story too but c'mon.

I've said it elsewhere I firmly stand with Outer Wilds as a great choice for GOTY. Looking over the rest of the list it's probably one of the only ones I'd call genuinely special. Forgive me for wanting to root for the little guy, I thought that was one of the reasons people come to Giant Bomb, to support something niche and quirky. Regardless of how good the rest of the games on this list are giving it to another 2019 action game would feel kind of...shallow? I don't know man can't we just be happy for Vinny to finally get his fave game at the top? As much as I totally get the love for Control's style that game feels far too unoptimized on multiple design fronts for that to seem like a good choice in my opinion.

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@lionsy: It absolutely is, it's on EGS. (I hope you're not one of those people who say things like that only because the game is not on Steam)

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i would've liked to have a Best moment categorie as they usually do, it really is my favorite category

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Man i really wish they kept Best Moment...
it's the best category imo

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Edited By Obsurveyor

@sammo21 said:

Day 4 and 5 were nice...1-3 was a waste as someone who listens to all the podcasts through the year. Bring back fun categories and have more group videos this year, please.

I loved this year's format. I don't want to hear them haggle, trade and argue for 10 hours but I love listening them talk about games(I also listen to all the podcasts through the year) so I listened to 1-3 and skipped 4 and 5. It was perfect.

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I'm really glad Alex fought so hard to get Judgement on the GOTY list. I recently started playing it and it is fantastic! It has a real sense of place that few games are able to establish. Even after playing Yakuza 0 the changes to the world and amount of detail poured into the environment is astounding and the story/acting is pretty top notch. You can see the roots to Yakuza and Kiryu in some respects but this is a definite divergence in key aspects that set it apart from the main Yakuza series.

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Even the Academy Awards are more diverse than this list. 2 games? (not counting Apex)

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Watching the GOTY debate now. Jeff's reaction to Outer Wilds is pretty strange to me. I think he was just becoming a parent so he could have been stressed and time-bound about because of that, which could have added to the frustration. I understand about not seeing the writing - I think I read some of the writing in the museum but the significance didn't hit me for a while because I didn't realize that there were more spiral offshoots that appeared which you can read. I guess I could understand his stress about the time loop too, if he came in knowing that. I didn't, and at the beginning I found that I died far earlier than the 22-minute loop, so it took me a while to even realize it was there. In the early stages of the game 22-minutes is plenty enough to get a good look around. It's only later, when you know what you are doing, that you realize that there are specific timed challenges that can be a pain.

Here's the part I don't understand. Jeff keeps on saying how he lands on a planet and finds "nothing". But there's never nothing. He means in video-gamey terms that he was not making specific progress that he could note. But what about the sheer joy of exploration? I was not making any progress in the game for quite a while, but I was exploring, and I just kept on finding more holy-shit moments that were unlike any other game I had played. Even without the log, or the writing, or any dialogue really, I would've still wanted to explore these worlds because of the ambition and creativity that went into creating them. My mouth was agape with wonder *many* times in the first couple hours.