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Here's What Won in 2019 - Giant Bomb's Game of the Year

There's dozens of hours of podcast deliberations to listen to, but there's also this list here.

The time has come! White smoke! After discussing over 100 amazing, or at the very least, interesting games we have arrived at our decision for game of the year 2019. Historically, the last year before new consoles has been a little scattershot, with a mix of huge sequels that show off everything a developer has learned over the course of the last generation and games that feel like they kinda have to be shoved out the door before the new consoles render them entirely obsolete. Ultimately, 2019 feels a little different that than typical scenario, with a wide variety of games across all platforms. We saw a lot of new things, games iterating successfully on the huge genre of the day, and games by teams both large and small that stood out above the competition. While we've seen some people try to write off 2019 as a weak year for games, we think that's off-base. Here are the games we've awarded in 2019.

My editor told me having a Fortnite picture is good for business. Fortnite didn't win any of our awards this year, but this stage is extremely elaborate.
My editor told me having a Fortnite picture is good for business. Fortnite didn't win any of our awards this year, but this stage is extremely elaborate.

Best Music - Outer Wilds

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Outer Wilds' soundtrack has a breadth that feels like it matches the overwhelming cosmic scale of its setting. The game opens with a humble, rustic post-rock style that sounds exactly like your home planet's earthy, wood-fired technology looks. And while that style acts as the grounded refrain that the game's intimate, melancholy story always comes back to, the soundtrack also goes new places musically just as you visit the strange and wondrous places across the solar system. It sounds alien and mysterious as you wander ancient ruins. It reaches a cathedral-like, almost religious grandeur when you're staring out the observation window of a platform orbiting just miles above the flaming surface of the sun. And it goes unnervingly discordant in places where exotic physics have taken over and the very rules of reality appear to be bending back on themselves.

What elevates Outer Wilds' score is the way it uses certain recurring motifs to enhance the moments when the game really comes together in its final hours. It takes the morose yet urgent stinger that you hear every time the game signals that your 22 minutes are yet again about to end, for instance, and layers underneath it a more driving, triumphant feeling when you begin your final voyage, making you feel in your gut that this time it really is the end of all endings. And the game builds to an emotional crescendo during its last moments, layering the signature instruments of your companions--the harmonica, the banjo, the drums, even the otherworldly piano--into the most complete version of that old refrain from the beginning of the game, in a way that makes the soundtrack come full circle just as everything else does. It's a timeless example of music that enhances and builds on everything the game is doing, a crucial piece of a cohesive, unforgettable whole.

Runners-up: Hypnospace Outlaw, Ape Out

Best Style: Control

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Control is a tremendous-looking game that matches smart visual design with a strong technical presentation. One backs up the other, in a sense, because you wouldn't be able to build a world where all the signage and layout worked and made sense without having enough fidelity to ensure all those signs were clearly readable. And you'd have a technical showpiece with no substance it it weren't for the little things, nuances in the running and hovering animations, for example. Or how about the stark, white text that blasts out at you when you enter a new area? Even the little things, like the way the desks are laid out in what appears to be some kind of abandoned secretarial pool, contribute to making the world of Control feel grounded and reality-based.

This, of course, is what makes the shifting and twisting world of the Oldest House work. If the place didn't have that lived-in feel, watching it reshape itself while you're still inside wouldn't have the impact that it does. The astral plane wouldn't stand out if it wasn't set against an oft-times incredibly normal plane. Covering all those bases is why Control has the best Style of 2019.

Runners-up: Ape Out, Later Alligator

Cool Multiplayer Thing of the Year: Apex Legends

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Apex Legends iterates on last year's whole battle royale thing really well, but what makes it stand out as the Cool Multiplayer Thing is the way the game uses systems and dialogue to keep players working together--even if they don't especially want to.

The game's take on a contextual ping system lets the team-based shooter work for players without a headset, which these days, seems to be most players. There's certainly a time and a place for voice chat, but as the years go on, subjecting yourself to public chat just seems like a worse and worse idea. Being able to tap a button and essentially say "hey, there are bad guys here" or "hey, here's a gun you might need" creates the opportunities for co-operation between players who won't, or perhaps can't communicate in other ways. This can take many forms, up to and including "there is a baby sleeping in the next room so I can't just sit here and shout out compass coordinates at you."

On the other end of those pings, the dialogue helps players stay informed while also giving the game a lot of character. Sure, we probably don't need to hear Bangalore barking out facts about guns anymore, but that doesn't mean that it isn't at least a cool idea. Anyway, being able to play a team-based game, alone, with strangers, and have things come off in a surprisingly coordinated way is something pretty special, and it's one of the things that makes Apex Legends stand out here in 2019.

Runners-up: Kind Words, Death Stranding

Best Story: Outer Wilds

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Outer Wilds is a game about a balance between exploration and story. The exploration drives the story and, by the time you are wrapping things up, the story is driving your exploration. It's a grand tale told on a cosmic scale, but it's also a lonely one as you ease into the role of a sole chronicler of a lost history. It's a murder mystery. It's an origin story. It's something that, as has been said many times before, is hard to dig into without delivering massive spoilers.

The two most impressive things about the story though are probably the way it's told and how satisfying the resolution is. You're uncovering the tale and mystery in a non-linear fashion, finding pieces that won't make sense not because of level design but because of your unique playthrough. And the story is your inventory, it's how you progress in the game. You don't find a physical key to unlock your next door but instead you find and use information. You keep gathering and unlocking until finally you have all the keys and all the doors are open except one. When then you walk through that last door, you've got little more than the same items and abilities you started with. Except now you are accompanied by all the knowledge you have gained through hours of exploration and gathering of information. The world feels truly different, yet nothing in it has changed. It's hard to think of something that compares to it in video games in general, let alone in 2019.

Runners-up: Mortal Kombat 11, Judgment

Without further ado, here is Giant Bomb's Game of the Year 2019. Thanks for listening and we'll be back with you in 2020.

Game of the Year: Outer Wilds

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While elements like music and "story" are certainly standout portions of Outer Wilds, they're only pieces of the overall picture. That's fitting, given the nature of the game's slow build and reveals. Those reveals might seem small at first, but eventually you might just see how those small pieces fit together into something monumental. Ultimately, though, those small, quiet moments are just as important as the satisfaction that comes from finally seeing the big picture really click into focus. And that's what makes Outer Wilds so special.

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Of course, it's also a game about exploration where the stakes end up being fairly low a lot of the time. Its very nature encourages experimentation, whether that's you learning how to fly the game's ship without having it shatter apart into pieces after every "landing" or trying to look at a particular installation from a different perspective, you simultaneously have all the time in the world and never enough time to get things done... until you actually get things done, of course. That slow-pouring vibe set against total annihilation works so, so well.

Other games have certainly tugged at some of the concepts that Outer Wilds handles so expertly, but the way this space mystery plays plays its hand ends up making every moment matter. The journey and the destination are equally important here, and the two add up to form 2019's Best Game.

Runners-up: Control, Apex Legends, Mortal Kombat 11, Resident Evil 2, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Ring Fit Adventure, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Disco Elysium, Judgment


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Edited By paluchador

@lionsy: It's available via the Epic Games Store, if you're not opposed to it.

Edit: and I think it's only $15 with the available coupon.

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@lionsy: Huh? It's on the Epic store.

Unless that's a joke. :p

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I'll try Outerwilds, and see for myself if this game is all of that. I'm pretty sure it won't be. I'm currently playing Control and enjoying it a lot. The more time you spend with it, the better the game gets. I personally didn't hate or dislike Quantum Break outside of its technical issues, but Control is Remedy back in their element. Apex Legends was a great surprise, and even though I fell off of it not long after it came out because battle royals in general don't do it for me, its easily the best one of those I've played so far. I see why so many people have it on their GOTY list. And with the new map, polish, and characters, I might give it another go, but right now, Call of Duty MW is scratching my multiplayer itch.

With all that said, try to do better next year.

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I'm with Brad in that in my 35 years of gaming, Outer Wilds might be the best game I've ever played. It's certainly in the conversation, at the very least. I'm glad it got recognition here. Control and Disco and the rest are all extremely good, but Outer Wilds was a slam dunk as soon as I finished its mystery.

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For me, Outer Wilds is a fantastic exploration game. And as soon as it's time to actually use the information to finish it, it's garbage. Ship controls take a long ass time to actually get used to for how little of it you have to control. I haven't finished it, I know I have to go back into the bramble and I just don't want to.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the first GOTY that Jeff actively argued against. (There may have been a few in the past where the GOTY was his second or third choice, but I think this is the first year it wasn't even on his list). Usually Jeff has enough sway to sort of count as two or three voices in the room.

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@admiral_crunch: As an Alan Wake fan I suggest you read every paper you come across and explore as much as you can because there are some really nice Easter eggs just for us.

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@nameredacted: I saw he posted on Twitter that he was ill and hoping to be able to get his list put together and posted soon.

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@definiterobot: Dark Bramble was a little bit of a struggle which is why I saved it for last, but I was glad to have stuck with it. Once you realize how to exploit it with your tools, it becomes really interesting and horrifying to think about the implications of this construct. It's also easy to miss one of the log entries about the bramblefish's weakness. That said, even when I had everything figured out, it was a tense traversal every time.

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@nameredacted: I think he posted on Twitter something about having to go to hospital, so not being able to do his list/video.

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@warsloth: Same, I got a bit further than he was and was kind of digging the game until i discovered that the game reset every 22 minutes and then it killed the fun and it seemed like a race every time i died to get back to where i was.

IMO Control is 10x the game than Outer Wilds in every aspect.

p.s. Would of loved to see Borderlands 3 at least considered somewhere, this entire site collectively dumped on the game but its far and above the best of the series, and if you think Im wrong, go play 1 or 2.

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@lionsy: Don't be one of those people, its on Epic and plays miles better than the console version, I have problems with Epic but Epic isn't going anywhere so get used to it.

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@warsloth: Same, I got a bit further than he was and was kind of digging the game until i discovered that the game reset every 22 minutes and then it killed the fun and it seemed like a race every time i died to get back to where i was.

IMO Control is 10x the game than Outer Wilds in every aspect.

p.s. Would of loved to see Borderlands 3 at least considered somewhere, this entire site collectively dumped on the game but its far and above the best of the series, and if you think Im wrong, go play 1 or 2.

Overall, I agree that Borderlands 3 is better than 1 and 2, and I don't agree with how Jeff and Ben dumped on it claiming that the jokes weren't funny, as if that's the only thing about the game. However, my little complaint about the game is the main villains. The twin brother and sister act, didn't have the presence Handsome Jack did. He was a villain with depth and was entertaining at times. The twins were just stereotypical social media tropes, trying to play off current youth culture. Especially the sister, who's whole motive is "I want to become a god and destroy the universe, and stream it."

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I loved Outer Wilds, but Control is my game of the year. I was with Jeff. Though I didn’t have the same experience that he did, he’s right to say that the game is obscure and many of the things you need to learn to enjoy it are easy to miss. After spending a long time in Timber Hearth and investigating everything I could (I’m the kind of gamer that goes left when the game tells you to go right), I finally got to the statue. I thought I should save the game. Since I couldn’t find any option or hint it auto-saved, I went online to search if you could save in Outer Wilds. That’s when I had the time loop spoiled for me. I then went to the ship and tried to fly away. Instead of going to the moon, which I decided would be the next step, I noticed some structures in Timber Hearth I could not access before getting into the ship. I landed back in Timber Hearth and walked around. I found the large seed and a path near the teleporter. Then I decided to get back to the ship. But I couldn’t find. I don’t know if it was sucked into space or if I simply couldn’t find. Then the sun blew up, as I walked around looking for my ship. I was confused about the whole thing. I’m happy I read a few tips online about where to go or what to do. I discovered most of the things by myself, but I feel that without any outside help, I would have given up on the game. An example of that are the shortcuts to get to places where, if you follow the normal path, you won’t have enough time to explore the environment. Knowing myself, I wouldn’t have stuck with the game long enough to find all of this on my own. That said, it’s a memorable game that stays with you long after it’s over.

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I think the strengths of Outer Wilds likely push it over the top for me as well, but Jeff missing the main mechanic of the game kind of derailed any discussion of the real potential negatives in the game. The demands on you often don't match up with the controls, it's very easy to get frustrated either because of a badly timed restart or trying to find something you missed (I can't remember the number of times I had to explore my way down to the city underneath the sand and try to scramble to find something I missed), and there are puzzles that are obscure enough that it often requires out-of-game assistance.

The combination of those really soured the experience at times for me and especially hampered the ending having the impact it did for everyone else. I think the highs of discovery and exploration still overcome that, and I still had some of the same amazing moments that they described even without the ending landing, but there are some real issues there that can mess with your experience. Though given that Control likewise has some terrible combat scenario designs and a bolted on inventory/crafting system, it's not like the main competitor was flawless.

All that said, the real game of the year remains Slay the Spire. Masterclass in design and balance that's endlessly replayable. Easy to see why it never comes up here, since you until you spend dozens of hours digging through its systems you don't really get the full depth of the game, but hopefully people will spend more time with it later.

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Did Jason not do a Top Ten list for 2019???

If i recall he became ill, and had to postpone it. Said he would released it when he could.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the first GOTY that Jeff actively argued against. (There may have been a few in the past where the GOTY was his second or third choice, but I think this is the first year it wasn't even on his list). Usually Jeff has enough sway to sort of count as two or three voices in the room.

You're right that he has had a lot of sway some years. But Jeff was extremely anti-Skyrim, pushing for Saints Row the Third as GOTY in 2011. He was also more into Far Cry 3 than XCOM Enemy Unknown in 2012.

This year most of the room was there for Outer Wilds. He showed maturity by saying his piece and then letting the room go with what was obviously the Game of the Year for the staff.

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@lionsy: You mean it's not out on Steam right? Because it's on the Epic Games Store.

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@syz9000 said:

Does it seem weird how hard Alex went for Judgement? From what I remember from the Beastcast it took him forever to beat it and he wasn’t exactly gushing about it when he finally did. Unless I’m misremembering

He mentioned it several times, and seemed to really enjoy it. I don't know what you're thinking of...

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@dudestreet: Thoughts and prayers! Hope kiddo comes out stronger than ever!

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Edited By JediMasterLex

@syz9000: Alex spent a long time to complete Judgement b/c he was savoring it and wanted to do everything. He wasn’t as in love with the ending but that was a very minor part of what that game is. I haven’t played it yet but Yakuza games are very much about the journey that makes them great!

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Edited By JediMasterLex

IMO I don’t believe Outer Wilds is as good as the hype states and feel more like Jeff does but I still pushed through. I beat this game the first week it hit Gamepass so dropped it quick after and haven’t wanted to touch it since. I however can understand why it did based on the staff personalities. I wonder though if they all had played it at launch instead of at end of the year if it would of won best game, it definitely would of made the list but I have serious doubts would hit top 3. I am a little sad Luigis Mansion didn’t do well but I understand and can kinda agree with that.

My two issues with the list are the fact that Cadence didn’t at least Runner-up in Music is insane to me!!☹️ The second issue is that Control didn’t win story or at least runner up, especially compared to Outer Wilds. MK11 definitely belonged. I have no interest to pick up Outer Wilds again even if they added DLC, it did it’s thing and story was fine. However; all I have been itching for more of is Control! It is just such a cool story and game, while it deserves best style for sure if were my list would be Control for best story and runner ups unchanged as I quite enjoyed Judgment. This is where I wish Jeff would at least push his viewpoints more than he does instead of letting it go just to get done. However, I would probably do the same if I were him as these things are a slog 😂.

I was not the biggest Alan Wake fan and there were parts of the game that was a major slog so why it doesn’t deserve GOTY; I am just super happy the studio finally got a recent win, they’re just insanely creative even if it doesn’t hit.

I might be wrong but I also think Control was the only game high-up game on everybody's list. I think this is a year where they look back years from now and Outer Wilds definitely won’t hold up to the hype and playing at the EOY. I stand with Ron!!!

Does anybody else miss the old GOTY format from early 2010s? I get why they did and site wasn’t same without Ryan‘s heart. I feel it’s a time they could try the scripted video shorts again and stuff they did before they moved to this everybody in a room arguing. I just feel it’s run it’s course and we don’t need to know how the hot dog is made. I appreciate they tried a few different things this year though even though not all of them worked for me I wonder if others liked them? It’s at least a step in the right direction

Well done GB!

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Edited By CamelToe13

Outer wilds is boring. Giant bombs game of the year let me down again

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Edited By JediMasterLex

The aggregated list of the staff lists on reddit, somebody linked to it here, is actually what represents GB real list to me. It seems to align much more with what I’ve seen them play and talk about on podcasts all year. Anybody else wish GB would adopt this model? They could then just goof off, play games and Ben/Jan can cook for everybody for the EOY stuff. I SEVERELY missed there not being any Hitman play this year for Xmas, end of an era. The way they crack each other up from the random way they complete kills is so good!

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@lionsy It's on EGS.. but you probably knew that

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Outer wilds is boring. Giant bombs game of the year leg mr down again

Yeah I don't get the love for Leg Mr. Down. Will win 2020 as well I bet.

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Outer wilds is one of the most boring games I have ever played. The only reason I even gave it a shot was because of Vinny's incessant praise about the story. What a waste of my time. Shoddy controls, nonexistent gameplay, devoid of any personality, and lame all around.

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Ben assassinated so many games during the discussions to reduce the competitors for Disco Elysium. I agree with Brad that Cadence of Hyrule was cruelly shoved out of categories. I would have countered the variety and anti-remix arguments during the music discussions with the Lost Swamp track, it is one of Danny's favorites and it is not based on an existing Zelda theme.

Also ironic that the Necrodancer style run mode this staff wanted got patched in after these discussions

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Surprising, I bounced off Outer Wilds *hard*. Whatever.

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Edited By NTM

I tried playing Outer Wilds on the Xbox One X because I saw a lot of people gushing about the experience, and maybe it gets good, but nowadays, I don't want to delve into games that don't grab me within the first two hours or so, and Outer Wilds just didn't do it. I bounced off it and Life is Strange 2 pretty fast. I liked Life is Strange 1, but in two, the writing and voice work was just mediocre to me; it didn't seem to bother me in the first game. As seen by Lionsy, Outer Wilds isn't on PC, but I was wondering if everyone was playing on PC that enjoyed it because technically the game isn't great on even the X; I guess people get over it though.

I feel like a curmudgeon because all the top games of the year I was more down on, and/or unenthusiastic about than I was positive. For every 'that is impressive', there is a 'but'. My favorite game of the year is probably still The Division 2. I was disappointed in it as I went through it (the first game is my favorite game this generation if I had to choose, so a lot to live up to), but several patches including a FOV slider, neutral lighting which helps immerse me in its world, and just playing more end game stuff, I came to like it a lot. It's the game I'll go back to because I enjoy it, rather than an attempt to enjoy it more, seeing if something clicks.

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@warsloth: 150% same.


I thought Control was going to have it in the bag because of the story, the shooting, the sense of place and mystery. The thought of having to figure out what to do every 22 minutes for hours on end makes me think the game doesn't value the player's time.

One thing I realized that is somewhat dark, is I enjoy hearing the arguments, the horsetrading, the arguments for position. I'm sure it is stressful and not an ideal experience for those doing it, but when everyone agrees or when they are just giving summaries of the games it becomes less interesting.


Vinny is 100,000.00 % right and was so humble regarding his belief in Luigi's Mansion 3. When others supported him, I cheered! Games where co-op accommodates a player who is very skilled and one player is not, is incredibly difficult to do. The fact that the devs figured out a FUN way for two people with disparate skill sets to enjoy the same experience is bonkers. We might assume it is always going to be adult = skilled/ child =unskilled, but it could be the reverse. An adult who is not familiar with games and a child who is familiar with gaming. How frequently do people not involve themselves in their child's games, because they believe their lack of controller skills and performance would detrimentally impact the game playing experience?

I am guessing there will be many who see the Luigi's Mansion 3 formula and run with it. I would rather spend $200 on one game that can do cooperative same screen multiplayer for players with different skill sets than spend $200 on four games that a only a skilled player has fun with or only unskilled player has fun. Playing together regardless of abilities is so crucial to having a fun experience.

Sorry for the soapbox. I love all the work the entire staff puts in before break. Enjoying GB's content during the holidays is such a nice slice of sanity during stressful times.

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So Control... Ok, I’ll just say my experience in an attempt to explain why people’s take on it confuses me without invalidating their perspectives. Without having heard of it, I saw it on the PS4 store and looked up trailers and reviews to see what it was like. Everything I saw of that game seemed up my ally, so I bought it, played it in great quantities for the next four days, and with every intention of picking it up again on the fifth day, just didn’t. By the sixth day, I struggled to remember anything about it.

I swear I obsessively read every bit of lore I could find and I don’t remember anything. I have never had as little to say (good or bad) about a game I played so much of and the one thing I remember is struggling harder and harder to motivated to finish, which is just so weird because people are passionate about it and I like listening to people about their interests, and Control is interesting enough on paper that I do like hearing people have to say about it, I just wish I understood what everyone saw in it.

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Thanks for all that you guys do! Not a big fan of the format though. Would rather just have more category’s on each day rather than just discussing every game for most of the week.

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@humanity: I was happy that he hated Death Stranding this year more than anythin

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@lionsy: yes it is. It’s on the EGS

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@admiral_crunch: you will not be dissapointed, i havent played on the ps4 but on PC with a 1440p monitor and decent card it really shines, that game has some of my fav moments in games ever.

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None of those Top 10 games are on my list.....and that's completely fine. Most of my time in 2019 was finishing up AC Odyssey(and subsequent DLCs). That's one of the problems with soooo many games coming out, and for different types of people. I am looking forward to checking out Outer Wilds and Judgment in 2020.

I hope next year they can bring back some of the niche/meme categories. That was one of the things that attracted me to Giant Bomb's GOTY coverage.

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@lionsy: weird how it's sitting on my PC then

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@zoofame: That was (all) Ed Boon's fault now?

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I love Outer Wilds. Amazing. GOTY.

I loved the music, too, for all the reasons the crew said, but I disagree that it should’ve won Best Music. There really isn’t much variety other than variations of the main theme. Maybe 3 other original tracks? At least it felt that way. I liked them all, but you really are mainly just hearing that main theme about 400 times and I was kinda annoyed by the end because I wanted the music to have a more emotional impact, but I was just getting tired of hearing it by then.

Didn’t play Cadence or Alligator, but from the Quick Looks alone I think one of them should have won.

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I agree with Ron Funches. GiantBomb can’t pick a real Goty For shit.

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Gris should have been in the best style category

I know it came out last year, but in December, so it was too late for the discussion

Don’t know if it would have been in the top 3, but it definitely deserved to be mentioned

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I would have played Outer Wilds if it came out on Steam, so i'm taking everyone's word for it being so good.
I have more questions about Control, the aspects of it people praise the most are the bits that sound exactly like SCP, so i don't know if i'm going to be as impressed by it. Again i would have played it if it came out on Steam.