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    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released May 26, 2009

    inFamous is a third-person open-world action game in which players take control of Cole, an urban explorer / bike messenger changed by a mysterious blast that grants him electricity-based superpowers.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 84 user reviews

    a Year and a Half Later 0

    InFamous came out May 26, 2009. That means a year and a half ago. I only played it now because for some reason, it continually got pushed behind other games. So how does it fair, a year and a half after its release ?  InFamous has you playing as Cole, a bike messenger carrying a package that at the first moment of the game explodes, bringing ruin and destruction to tri-isled Empire City. But that is not all, because this explosion also grants Cole power over electricity. Power that allows him to...

    0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    fun as having electric powers should be 0

    Having the power of electricity surging through your body should be fun, and Infamous is Fun.   The story in infamous is really pretty lame when you think about it. Guy gets powers, there's an orb thingy that could kill the world, and of course there's a girl... well guess what..... That's a lame story. And the big reveal at the end is pretty lame too.  BUT  The game is fun damnit, and that's what games are really about. In fact, the game is so much fun I almost platinumed it... and I am no comp...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFamous Review 0

     Superhero games are a mixed bunch. Some are completely awesome and feel amazing to play- take a bow, Spiderman 2- but most are complete trash which are only worthy of landfill. Suckerpunch hopes to buck this trend with their new title infamous, but without a popular super hero and by only releasing the game on a single platform have they dashed their hopes for success? My immediate reaction is no- inFamous is a fun, polished title which gives plenty of bang to the buck. On the flip side of the...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Origins of a Hero 0

     Open world gaming has evolved significantly since the days of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. From far reaching cities infested with criminals, to your everyday man becoming a daring freedom fighter sometimes it feels like every concept has been tried. However the developer’s at Sucker Punch have found a way to breath a sense of fresh air into a stale concept with InFamous. Unlike most open world games of the day InFamous does not follow the exploits of a tired gangster who has problem...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    User Review #92?! 0

    I was one of the fortunate ones who actually hadn't acquired any of the games offered by Sony's Welcome Back program. Obviously inFamous is one of the games I chose, why else would I be talking about it? Infamous is the first game developed by Sucker Punch that I've played. That may be a shock to many, but I've never had any form of Playstation as my main platform until recently. Since this is my first date with Sucker Punch, I'm happy to say they've made a positive first impression, but inFamou...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Excellent story and gameply combine in one electrifying package 0

    Have you ever wanted to be a superhero battling mutated bad guys in the street by shooting lightning bolts out of your hand and blowing up every vehicle on the block? If so, then you will quickly fall in love with Infamous, and even if this thought has never crossed your mind, you will probably love it anyways. Infamous is one of those games that everyone who owns a Playstation 3 should play, and it is the closest thing to a "system seller" that the console has. Infamous has everything that you ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    What have we become? What are we waiting for? 0

    This game from Sucker Punch is among the games made available for free download, as part of the PlayStation Network's "Welcome Back" pack. It introduces a new kind of gameplay.In this game, the world's atmosphere really gives off that a city once known to be incredibly busy and exciting is now very hollow and gloomy after such a disaster with thieves running amok and people suffering from the lack of food and medical help.With an incredibly large open world which you can traverse at will, lots o...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    The infamous "repetetive open-world game" problem mars an otherwise solid game. 0

    Tight controls, fun superhero (or villain) action and engaging open-world gameplay make Infamous a good time. The game is let down by its weak story and the eventually repetitive turn that the side-missions and item collecting take, but the game looks nice, the free movement is very well done and the combat is fun and manages to be a little fresher than many other third person shooters. It's probably not going to blow you away, and you will be doing a lot of the same stuff quite a few times, but...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Amazing Must-have Title 0

    There comes a time in a person's life where they just have to do what they have to do. Joe has to find a way to pay the mortgage, Bill has to send overpriced products onto the shelves of your local stores, and our hero Cole has to make life-changing choices and determine the fate of an entire city by shooting electricity from his hands. In inFamous you do just that, and with the natural controls, great action, and solid plot, you'll never want to put down the controller. In inFamous you play as...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    InFAMOUS review 0

    Cole McGrath is the key protagonist in this game and in case you haven't noticed, he has the power of electricity literally at his fingertips. InFamous is an edgy, action game that brings creativity to the table. Though it is in need of a better story and less glitches, it was one shock away from being perfect. SoundThe game doesn't actually have a real soundtrack. It does however have a varied array of symphonies depending on what's happening in the game. If you're in the heat of battle the sou...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Infamous Review 0

    Infamous for me was fun becasue of the "charge levels and the oil" giving a constant challenge to the player of staying charged and dry. also the comic book esq  "cutscenes" are a new twist to cinematics that i really liked.The skills are really well thought out and developed like the sniper skill and the shockwave skill. Also the karma fuction in the game isnt just and empty thing that hast no real effect it actualy affects the gameplay and the interaction with civilians. overall imfamous for m...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Infamous Review - Worth the $$$ 0

    After going thru the game twice, I still want to go back in and zap things.  That says a lot about a game to me, I might be tooling around on Burnout, doing some Gears with some buddies, but I always look at Infamous and think how much fun I know I will have playing the game.  If you are reading this review, you know the ratings this game is's a great game, but is it the game for you?  I would say if you had fun with games like Crackdown, GTA4, Prototype, Hulk Ultimate Destruction,...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.


    MORAL CHOICES HAVE NEVER BEEN SO ELECTRIFYING!Every single one of us, as at one point in their lives thought about what it would be like to have their very own superpowers.  To be like superman flying through the clouds or to suddenly go invincible at the click of your fingers. There abilities we dream of, and one of the main reasons companies like Marvel and DC have been so successful. Their comic book creations are stuck in the minds of generations, and even today the stories of Spiderman and ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Infamy, Infamy, They've All Got It Infamy..... 0

    I usually walk through town, or drive, or occasionally catch the bus, but if there is one thing i have learnt from this generation of gaming, it's that traversing any open world environment can be made significantly more interesting by climbing buildings and leaping from rooftop to rooftop. inFamous in its grammatically incorrect glory is the next title to take the sandbox genre and make it vertical.You play Cole McGrath, messenger and man in the middle, as a package he is delivering explodes ca...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Fun game 0

    The pros: Grind on anything I please, climb on anything I see. Electricity is awesome. The fact that all the moves a map on the controller without having to going into another menu to pick. Its a great looking game and the frame rarely drops when so much action is going on. The morality system is cool it doesn't allow me to try something else which I guess to some people its a bad thing but I thought it was good, I wanted to see what would happen if I continue to push being evil.The cons: some m...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    A fun and addictive game that features solid gameplay. 0

    I finished the game as Good on Medium mode and I went back and finished the game as Evil on Hard mode. Really fun game with a great satisfying ending. It's really interesting to see what was different when you played each side. I was sorta disappointed that most cutscenes were unchanged between both sides though. Oh well. But I liked the many poses that Cole does which looks like an obvious homage to Spider-Man. Hell, I would say inFamous is the best Spider-Man game without swinging. The voice a...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFAMOUS 0

    Cole McGrath, probably the coolest bike courier ever. He stars in Sucker Punch's new game inFAMOUS. While Cole might have a weird day job, he ends up being in one of the best games of '09. grrrrrrSo the story. Like I said before, you play as Cole. A bike courier who gets a package, his last package! No actually it just destroys the whole city. Leaving Cole in the middle of the chaos. As you leave the site of the blast, you gain electical powers. Like most games right now, this game has a karma ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFAMOUS Review 0

    Infamous is the next gen game form SuckerPunch (the guys behind the Sly Cooper series).Being a PS3 exclusive this game has had much hype but does it deliver?Infamous' story feels just like the origins story for a comic book character. The cutscences are even in done like a graphic novel. You play as Cole, an average bike messenger. One day you are delivering a package and it explodes in your hand destroying much of Empire City and giving you electric super powers. The city is then quarantined as...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    One of Sony's best exclusives 1

    InFAMOUS is easily one of the best PS3 games out on the market. Why you ask? Well there's a whole lot of reasons why. First is the story. inFAMOUS puts you in the shoes of Cole McGruth, a bad-ass who's package explodes in his face as he's delivering it some where. After healing up for about a week, he finds that now he has the power to control electrisity. He also learns that the city he lives in is quarintined to stop a spreading plauge. Cole is promised to obtain his freedom by working for an ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    This is just Electrifying 0

    This game is just amazing. Infamous tells a interesting story if not alittle played out before. A Messanger ends up turning New York like city Empire City into ruin and changing the entire city for the worse. He now has to figure out what went wrong and how he did it. This game tells the story in a different way. Through a comic like view and ends up turning out just right. many games have tried this before, but never managed to get it right. Gameplay is where this game shines the most. You can...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Smells like fried chicken, make that fried bloke. 0

    inFamous [read: Pretentious syntax] can be seen as a service. It is a game that delivers on many a young mans dream of re-living those heady childish days playing "Star Wars" in the back garden. The game bestows upon you myriad ways to blow things up using mother natures most visceral creation, electricity. Look at this game as a piece of story-telling and you will, most likely, go away dissapointed. Approach it from the point of view that blowing things up is ruddy good fun and you will go away...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFAMOUS is very fun to play but has some minor issues 1

         Overview:In inFAMOUS you play Cole Magrath an ordinary bike mesanger whos world changes when a package he's carrying explodes taking out 6 block of Empire City. He wakes up and realizes he has aquired electric powers. Then you basically two choices, save the city from destroying itself from the inside or help it destroy itself and have everone fear you.  The choices you make affect how you look, how others react to you, and what upgrades for your powers you can get. So there is reason to pl...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Super Special Delivery 0

    inFamous is a major contender for PS3 Game of the YearinFamous is a game that includes elements of other games that we have all seen before. Open-World gameplay, Moral Choices, Good and Bad Side. It has all that. But Sucker Punch has crafted a game using those elements and made something that is truly electrifying and a major reason to own a PlayStation 3.Without giving anything away, The story of inFamous begins when Bike Messenger Cole McGrath is delivering a package which is actually a bomb t...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Infamous, a great game with very little problems. 0

    In Infamous you play in a sandbox world as Cole, an average messenger that delivers a package that turns out to be a bomb that destroys the city. You wake up at ground zero with just a few scratches and discover that you have super powers. You can control electricity to your own will. This is a game mechanic that really allows the developers to do what ever they want with Cole. For example, he can jump off the tallest building and not get hurt and he can even read minds, something I wouldn’t exp...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    You are the hero. 0

    Video games and super heroes are a great mix. There are many games that have blended these two concepts and be very successful. Now that Infamous comes along, it changes up the game, makes it more involving, and nearly perfects the idea of playing a super hero.    The story is told mostly through a comic book style which blends in well with the mood of the game. It would have been nice to have more Cut-scenes, but the comic book story telling is different. The story starts out basic, but gives t...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFamous! a must! 0

    I'm going to assume you're read the wiki to this game... if you haven't... go back and do it.  I'll wait here...Go on...  Here's a link! Back?  Good...  on we go.I found the story very interesting... like a book you can't put down and stay up way too late reading.  That's what I found happening as I played through this game.  It would be 1 or 2 in the morning, and I kept telling myself... just one more mission, or a quick side mission... and then another and another.  The "cool" factor for me is...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    An absolute must-buy for all PS3 owners. 0

    I had never played a game from Sucker Punch before yesterday when I picked up inFamous, but I think I'm quite sure I will be buying all of their future products from now on because I had an absolute blast with this game.inFamous is a free-roaming superhero action game, the type of which usually suck. This game is totally original though as you play as a bike messenger named Cole who drops of a package that turns out to be a bomb that destroys most of Empire City (the game's setting). Cole wakes ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Infamous - Review 0

    Review from http://bngames.basicallynothing.comInfamous is a Playstation 3 exclusive game by Developer SuckerPunch who are known for the SlyCooper games on the Playstation 2.  Imfamous is one of those rare games that can really deliver the “Hero” and or “Villain” experience like no game before it. Story: You are Cole McGrath, a delivery boy who is suckered into delivering a bomb that mysteriously grants you the ability to manipulate lightning and electricity.  You can be a Hero and be the good ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Lightning Fast Review 0

     I will keep it lightning short. At 1st I didn't like the game, it felt quirky, the animations felt bad at first glance, the gameplay seamed boring. But after 1 hr, my interest grew and grew and by middle of the game it is one of the best sandbox games I've ever played. Your character is very much like spiderman with slick platforming across the city,helped by great controls and smooth animation. But the similarities ends there, its a very mature super hero game unlike spiderman. Cut scenes are ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Excellent open world game, lots of value. 0

    As an open world game, inFAMOUS (that is the official spelling) is a great package. It combines a variety of elements that, simply put, make the game fun to play, and overall a rewarding experience.  Firstly, one of the most prominent parts of the game is the combat. Although it may seem to be "Force Lightning spamming to git r done" it can actually get more deep and complex, especially because there are multiple powers to acquire along the way. On top of this, there is enough variety in the ene...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    InFamous(I'm loving it) 0

    You know InFamous is a whole new game, it's not like those other superhero-games that everyone hates and wish Marvel would stop making old superhero-games. I had a lot of fun and when I played another game I always thought "I could sit right now and play InFamous but I don't, what the fuck is wrong with me" I did play it twice just to see all the things you can do in the game and thats one of the few games that I've completed twice. It's about Cole that wakes up after a big explosion with weird ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Some visual flaws, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless 0

     Review:   InFamous (PS3) By Shift_andrew Introduction: I’ll admit it, the only reason I went out and bought InFamous was because I wanted to get into the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta.   Well…that and there seems to be nothing else coming out this summer.  But mostly because I wanted to play Uncharted 2.   So, I was going into InFamous with nearly no information on what it was, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised.   Read on to find out why. Presentation: The setting in which the game ta...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    The "set-up a sequel at the end" problem 0

         Infamous had me until the very end of the game. I thought it was a great game that nailed every mechanic that it tried to implement. But then came the last cutscene of the game, and the plot twist. It was very underwhelming. It felt like a very cheap way to set-up the sequel. It was a big "fuck you, you are going to have to wait for the sequel" gesture to the player. The gameplay is perfect in Infamous, and there is not a single fault with any of its mechanics. It is the underwhelming story...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFAMOUS=FUN 0

    Ahhhh..... The games I love the most are science fiction games and this game really hits the mark on one of my favorite science fiction offline games I ever played. To start off the gameplay is near perfection with third person view like no other and if you are a big fan of the series"Sly cooper" then you recognize this game right off and climbing up buildings will make you think of  Assassins creed which is one of my other enjoyable games. So basically this game for me is a mix of my favorite g...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Assault and Battery (get it?) *ZAP* 1

    *Disclaimer* I am reviewing the game based on the demo* Yes, yes I know the demo can't possibly give me the whole breadth and width of the amazing experience that is bla bla bla.  Anyhow, I loved the intro to the game. I love the art style. I am not enamored with the controls or the fighting. Granted, that the demo amounting to little more than an ESCORT MISSION of a #!!@#@#! train did little to excite me. The protagonist's powers seem underwhelming. He tosses little snowball sized globes of ele...

    0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    The world right at his fingertips... 0

     InFAMOUS Review (PS3) Gamer Jay The Playstation 3 has had many titles hit store shelves that, in some way, awes gamers of all varying game levels, but with this new title from Sucker Punch studious we get a taste of being a comic hero (or villain) in inFAMOUS. You play as delivery man turned super hero Cole Macgrath, nicknamed “Electric Man” or some people’s favorite “Terrorist” After a large, seismic, electrical blast that all but destroys large portions of the setting of the game, Empire Cit...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFamous is SHOCKINGLY great. Ha. Get it? I'm hilarious. 0

    ProsCombat is exciting, both to look at and participate in.Assassins Creedesque climbing abilities make getting around the city a lot of fun.Well told story, one that you'll want to play through at least twice so you can see both sides of it.Collectibles show up on your mini map, so getting all that crap that would be painful in other games is done with relative ease in inFamous.ConsSome of the side missions aren't really.... Fun.Theres no reward for being neutral. Be fully good you get bad ass ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    inFAMOUS Review 0

     This is a game that should not be missed by anyone. As soon as you pop that disk in you'll find yourself lying in crater due to an explosion from a bomb you were carrying in your hands?! The explosion destroyed and killed everything in its path except for you and now you find yourself jumping from buildings, blowing up stuff and draining electricity from Empire city. You are given a choice to do a Good deed or a Evil deed this is called a Karma moment. In karma moment time pretty much just s...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Crackdown + Story + more awesomeness 0

    When I first saw some longer gameplay footage of inFamous for the PS3 I thought: "Crackdown + shooting electricity from your hands? I'm in". But inFamous is more than just a simple iteration or only a slight improvement over the two-year-old Xbox360 game. And with its successor still far away, there was nothing holding me back on getting this one. You play Cole McGrath, a bike messenger, roaming through the streets of a now destroyed and locked down city. And you were the one delivering the b...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Worth a rent at least. 0

    It's good proabaly the best PS3 game i have played since Metal Gear.I played through good & evil and it really feels like they kind of tacked evil on since most of the cut scenes work better if your playing good. In general though the game works out the same way playing either side. The same people die and you get the same animated comic ending. The big difference is in the 15 optional good or evil side quests they are completely different so it is worth playing through twice. And the way th...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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