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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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I Got a Bowling Pin!!

But not any bowling pin the BEST bowling pin. Every year there's a Classic Bowling Expo held in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For those who don't know, Classic is a bowling company who distributes bowling equipment to your local bowling center. It started in Fort Wayne but has since opened in Texas and Florida. Anyway, while all the different bowling companies are there showing off their new equipment they also bring pro bowlers to show off their equipment. Me and my dad both work at the same bowling center but he has 30 years on me so he gets to go to this thing and not me. While he was there he got me a autographed bowling pin!! 
Now I'm sure by now you all know that I am really obsessed with bowling (if not look at the bowling page). So this is probably my favorite thing I own now. It's signed by Johnny Petraglia (Hall of Fame bowler, he as the 'stash in the video) Wes Malott, Bill O Neill (in blue in the vid), Michael Fagan (one of my favorite bowlers), Jason Couch (future hall of famer), Rhino Page
This is probably the greatest thing I've ever gotten. If it would have had Tommy Jones on it, I probably would have shit myself. That dude is my idle.
Here's a pic.

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Thanks for reading

Take 2

I wrote a long blog but it didn't post due to shitting internet connection. So here's a recap of what I wrote.
Lost Planet 2 Sucks
Lord of the Rings: Conquest isn't terrible but combat is shitty
BioShock 2 My early pick for game of the year
Lead and Gold A pretty good multiplayer online game. Love it
I love golf
Inception is fucking awesome
I think Ellen Page is extremely beautiful. Proof: here, here (my desktop) and here (PSN card)


So. E3. Yeah.

So I guess I'll add my 5 cents on what happened yesterday at E3 or as everyone calls it The Electronic Three. This is basically my first E3. I was on the site last year but I don't think I fully understood the whole concept of it. Hell before last year I didn't even know what E3 was. But now I do and here's my impressions blog, of the day before E3, that I'm sure that everyone else is doing.
As a pretty die hard Sony fan, but also a die hard video game fan in general, I decided to watch the Microsoft press conference. And what a whopping waste of time. Now it wasn't all bad, the beginning stuff with Cliffy B and things were pretty good. Once the show got to the kinect stuff I felt that the show basically fell apart. It was filled with people who couldn't fucking talk and said the dumbest stuff. But I did like some of the kinect stuff. Dance Central was actually really cool, I'm a abysmal dancer but I could see me and my friends having a lot of fun with that. Rare's new game Kinect Sports which does look like Wii Sports, does look pretty cool as well. But I am a Rare fan so that helps. Codename: Kingdoms, which all there was was a trailer but that looks like a game that could have some potential. Again, that's just my guess. The Forza spot to me wasn't too impressive. I don't care if I can walk around the car and look at everything. I guess someone will thinks that's cool but not to me. So basically everything after that I either didn't care much about thought was bad. Well I don't own a 360 and don't plan on buying one. Personally everything it's coming with, built in WiFi, 250GB, slimmer console reminded me of Sony's consoles. But there could be more differences. 
Well I missed the other press conferences. I was out with friends and played some Lost Planet 2 for a while but thanks to Twitter I got to here what all went down! But really the only thing I heard about, that I cared about was the Sly Cooper coming to the PS3! But that's really all I heard that I really cared much about other then some new Crysis stuff. 
So there's my mandatory blog on E3. I hope you kind of enjoyed. 


Why my dreams will never, ever, happen.

I'm sure by now, since I've been on the site for over a year now, you all know that I'm REALLY into bowling. I mean look at that concept page I put together. But yes my friends I do love one thing more then bowling itself, shocking right? Obviously it's gaming. The only sad thing about the whole situation is that I just got into gaming maybe within the last three years. I bought a 360 when I was a sophomore in High School and basically that's where it all begin. Still, I don't think I REALLY (that's the second time I've caped really so you know I'm serious) got into gaming until I found this great site, the site known as Giantbomb (dumb sentence). So by now I assume most of you know where this is going. It's been written many times before and I'll add to that list. So here it goes.... I WANT TO WORK IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY! Well I should add I want to work in some form of it. I don't care if it's journalism, review stuff or even working at a company. I know this is one of the hardest industries to get started it and the fact that I found our really late that I wanted to maybe do this for a career doesn't help the fact at all. I know I wouldn't be able to make games cause I know absolutely nothing about HTML or coding, you know, computer stuff. I know I could learn, but I'd still be way far behind on people who have been doing this for a really long time, people who have made this their goal for years. 
I'd always love to start up a website or something, to do you know, podcasts, reviews, news etc. It's always interested me but I SUCK at writing. When I say that I mean like write reviews and stuff. I've tried, I've read many reviews to try to get batter at them, but still they always turn out to be trash. But that only takes practice. But I am going to college for business so I'd love to get with some of my friends, and making either a site on video games or make our own really small indie company. Of course I'd handle the business end of it. But this dream still might never happen. The chances of this ever happening is what, 3%. Fuck. But if I ever got desperate with getting into the industry I could always be a PR guy or something. Like be the guy who goes on to things and shows off the game. That'd be awesome to me. 
But hey, if this never happens that's cool. So that's my rant on how my dreams will never happen. But I guess there's always my dreams of bowling on the PBA Tour. At least that is more realistic :)
Thanks for reading


Graduation Day!

So I graduate in about 5hrs. The last four years of High School have been great, and I start college in August. The only thing that sucks is that for some reason all my friends are going away to Ohio or other parts of Indiana (which is where I live) while I remain only 20mins from my home. But there's always summer break and good 'ole things like that. We graduate a whopping 109 people, while my sister's school graduated 750 :P. 
What's everyone's favorite graduation memories and who all is graduating soon or already has??
Regardless if you're graduating college or high school, congrats class of '10!


Scott Pilgrim: Why my productivity is at a all time low.

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Back in 2004 Bryan Lee O' Malley wrote a little graphic novel called Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life. Now there has been four after that, vs the World, Infinite Sadness, Gets it Together, vs the Universe and the newest one Finest Hour, due for release in July. Fast forward six years and I finally start the series. I have Screened to thank for their summer preview video. They showed the trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs the World, who have since watched at least 50 times. So after being blown away by this trailer I headed over to Amazon to get the first three books, which equaled out to be about 24 bucks, not bad at all. So now, even though I'm really late to the party, I'm 100% obsessed with these graphic novels. They're funny, well written, a unique story, the characters are well thought out, to use a cliched line, it has the whole package. I've read through Precious Little Life and vs the World so far. I'm about half way through Infinite Sadness and it's pretty good. Here's a quick review of each (mostly just a grade).

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life:

 A very funny start to the series. It build upon the characters great, you get to know most of the series regulars here. Funny throughout, well written. Just a great read. 

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Scott Pilgrim vs the World:

It's a good second book, but it tries way too hard to be funny and that really kills it. There's a fight seen in it that is killed because it's trying to be funny, and it could have been a really good fight. But all in all, it's a really good book as well. 

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Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness:

 I'm still reading it, but it's looking to be the best so far. 
I'm pretty fucking stoked to read more of the series. O' Malley has crafted a gem for not just comic fans but for anyone. As I've said before the story is completely unique
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and it's something that pulled me in instantly. And I guess this is cool, I tweeted enough about the Scott Pilgrim movie that Edgar Wright, the director also of Hot Fuzz fame, tweeted me saying there's a new trailer coming out. So I'm stoked as hell!!! If you'd excuse me, it's time to go read Infinite Sadness. WOOOOOOOSH!!! (Oh and I'm REALLY stoked for the game!!!)
Thanks for reading,

I've graduated. Well, close enough anyway.

So basically Monday is my last day of school. We're not really doing much, it's the day where you mostly turn in books and stuff. Tuesday we have Graduation practice for two hours and then on Wednesday we have senior breakfast, then class day for about two to three hours. Then we're done at 1. Pretty stoked. 
Class of 2010 unite!! 
Oh and I'm looking to become the first kid in my family to graduate college. I start in August!!!!!
Just a short blog this time folks, thanks for reading anyway.



'Sup gents. I apologize for the large amount of no blogging on my part. Consider this the beginning of my Giant Bomb Redemption!!! Well, at least I'll try to be active more.  
Not too much has happened since I was gone. I got a chance to play a lot of games. Which included: BioShock, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Bionic Commando, Penny Arcade 1&2, Borderlands (finished it), Uncharted 2 (finished it), Fairytale Fights, Dante's Inferno and more that I'm sure I'm forgetting. I did get my first platinum, please hold your applause, it was in Ratchet and Clank. It wasn't too hard. I'm two trophies away from getting the platinum in Fallout 3!!!!!!! To end the gaming part on a gaming subject. I think I'm going to go into some type of gaming field. I'm getting a degree in business (more in a second) so maybe I'll start up a game site or some indie company. A few of my friends are going to college to do programming and I talked to them about starting up a business after school.  

 My phone!!!!!! Not the background though. Mine's more manly. 
 My phone!!!!!! Not the background though. Mine's more manly. 
Outside of gaming. I got excepted to the International Business College. Like I said I'm getting my business degree. The thing I really like the most about that college is that I graduate next October with a Associates  Degree. It's about 20 - 30 mins from my house so it's not a bad drive. Other things that happened since my absence. I saw Gabriel Ilesias live, broke the house youth record at my local center with a 738, got a new phone. Not really the best, most exciting thing ever. My new phone is the Palm Pre Plus and it's pretty dope.  

Thats going to end this blog post. Expect more next week on my love for Scott Pilgrim.
Thanks for reading, 

Hey um.... I'm coming back.

For those of you on GB that still remember me, I know it's probably few, I'm finally getting access back to a computer! So I'll finally get to be active again. Someone, anyone, please update me on what has happened. I know of the quest system but that's really it. I'm looking forward on coming back. 


My Official Goodbye.... For Now Anyway.

Welp GB, I've think I'm going to have to say goodbye for now. I won't be able to get on at all really anymore so until I get internet access back I don't think I'm going to get back on for a long while. I want to go ahead and thank all the peeps out there that helped me get used to the site when I started almost a year ago. I will be on again soon I hope, maybe within two months.   
So until then, keep it classy San Diego. 
If you want to keep in touch with what I'm up to just follow me on twitter. But you'll see my twiiter, tweets on GB anyway.