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The Community Spotlight - 08/24/2012

RYDDOK Gives Double Middle Fingers to All Inferior Lifeforms!
RYDDOK Gives Double Middle Fingers to All Inferior Lifeforms!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I guess first things first I would like to apologize for the lack of content on this edition. For this entire week I was without a reliable source of internet. Now with that aside, please take the time to review over the Reformed Giant Bomb Forum Rules. EpicSteve is coming back to the site and home after his tour in Afghanistan and gives his thanks for your support here. The fan art for this week isn't just limited to Ryan, nope, someone on Twitter has some Drew fan art for you to check out. Also if you didn't hear Norman Chan celebrated his birthday yesterday. Next there's YouTube video created by user TepidShark of what Giant Bomb would be like if it were a television show. Finally check out the latest episode of the Bombcast animated series brought to you by user BRYN:

Game Nights/Community Activities

  • ExtraLife 2012 Giant Bomb Team! - Sign up to Play Games to Raise Money for Children Charities Over Here!
  • Giant Bomb Classic Competitive Community Server for Counter Strike Source for the PC - Join the Server Here!
  • Giant Bomb Counter Strike: Global Offensive Xbox 360 Gamertag Thread- Share Your Gamertag Here!
  • Giant Bomb Official TF2 Mann vs. Machine Community Server - Join the Server Over Here!
  • Giant Bomb Lincoln Force Guild Wars 2 Community Guild Release Q&A Thread - Ask Any Questions You Have Here!

Wonderful Wikis

The big games are coming out! There are more than a few game groups and servers for Counter Strike: Global Offensive. The tradition of the Giant Bomb community loving them some Transformers continues with Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The wiki page for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure does a good job at explaining what makes the game so "bizarre." Finally video game legend Tim Sweeney recently exclaimed being impressed at Giant Bomb's wiki page for Dark Reign: The Future War.

Best of Blogs

PerfidiousSinn discusses if Persona 4: Arena is a game for someone like him who is terrible at fighting games. Marino continues his blog series looking back at his EverQuest memories. Mento continues to play video games out of his comfort zone with and even more eclectic group of games this week. HelicopterSpy gives you an update on the indie game that he's working to make. MMMman explains why SimCity Social isn't just a bad game but an amaoral one while Count_Zero shares his video blog which compares the book Red Storm Rising to the game that it is based off of. hsvlad showcases his in-game photography skills, this time with Crysis 2. User dankempster discusses how Theme Hospital led to an odd clash of his real life and his video game life. Finally friend of the site lordofultima shares his top 10 boss fights from all the video games he has played.

Fantastic Forums

Many thanks to SternCat for the very hilarious Ryan Davis fan art which is featured as our banner this week. If you can finish jakeyjake's Flight Club text adventure then you are a better person than me. AjayRaz is starting a fun little community challenge to see who can hurl Wei from Sleeping Dogs out of a car the furthest. Finally check out the Trickle Down Koopanomics T-Shirt design thread for some very clever T-Shirt designs.

Lovable Lists

Giant Bomb user sodacat has started a very interesting list detailing and annotating every video game that has a "Monster Girl" in it.

Useful User Reviews

User Created Podcasts