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Hey I wrote a review for an old game! Video review maybe someday?

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Eder's Top 10 Worst games I have right now (Last one)

Oh man I gotta finish this

#6: Kingdom of Paradise (PSP)

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Now this game might come as a surprise to people. First, this game got really good reviews, like 8's and 9's as far as I saw. But I still think this game is really bad and for really dumb reasons. The game is an action JRPG, just the way I like em. The story revolves around a guy who gets exiled from his clan. While he's on a break a rival clan wipes them out, leaving him and this other girl alive (how convinient). The story is not bad by any means, it's JRPG and ninja stuff, and that's cool im down with that. Even the gameplay is really good. You get a list of moves from different styles; you put them in slots that are your combo movies. So you can mix and match to make some pretty cool looking moves. Where the game totaly falls apart is in the interface. I wasted so many healing items by accident due to the damn way this game works. You map an item to one of the face buttons but the game doesn't have anything to remind you that you have that item there. Then theres the map, it's a complete waste of time. It looks really good artisticly, but if you wanna get somewhere good luck because the roads aren't in it. I don't play my portable games at home, so when I went on trips I would play this game. But after a month or so of not playing the game, I had no idea what I had to do next. The game wouldn't tell me what the hell I was supposed to do next or how to get there. Due to all these problems I could never finish this game and I don't intend to.

#5: Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal (DS)

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Now we're really getting to the good stuff. Once again I got suckered into getting any game during the times when there are no good games out. Tao's Adventure: COTDS (Nice sub-title by the way) is an RPG where you fight monsters in a tower using magic and regular attacks in a turn based fashion. The thing about this game is that you draw the symbol of the magic you wanna use. That system sounds good but it just sucks. I would only remember like 2 symbols and never use the rest (Heal and Fire). The story is just about a kid (Tao) that has to get this monster egg from the tower in the middle of town to save his tribe who has been turned to stone. Something to point out of this game is that all of it takes place in the tower and you just go up floors full of monsters to kill. The graphics are ok and the monsters look pretty bland. But the UI is so messed up, it's really hard to buy stuff to upgrade your character because you can't tell if its better or not. The worst thing is that I didn't get this game on purpose, I was looking for some other game that looks a lot like it. I read this game is a kinda sequel to Azure Dreams on the PS1, might check that out. Oh wait....

#4: Sonic the Hedgehog (XBOX 360)

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By now it's very clear that I'm a big Sega fan and a Sonic fan as well. This game looked really good on all the previews I saw and trailers. This was gonna be Sonic's big comeback from Sonic Heroes and Shadow the hedgehog. But as many of the dudes that made Sonic Team the powerhouse I guess it still is or was started leaving to make their own studios, this game just didn't make it past alpha. All the pieces where there to make this Sonic Adventure 3: Good graphics? Check. Good music? Check. Sonic running really fast? Check. Sonic the hedgehog is a very broken game, that's the biggest problem with it. It's got bugs all the way up the ass. You can sometimes go through walls, bump into invisible objects, slowdown and in one boss fight you can even get sent into space! This game has it all! To make things worse, you can control super broken versions of almost all of the Sonic heroes cast. Knuckles and Rouge are the worst BY FAR. I'll just tell you this: once you get on a wall, good luck getting that bastard off of it. I wont keep going because we all know this game blows. Robotnik looks cool though. Silver is also a cool new character.

#3: Haven: Call of the King (PS2)

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Just thinking about this game gets me so mad. Even though I got it for like dirt cheap, almost free. Another thing im a sucker for are platformers. I love them. So when I saw this at for like a dollar I go: "Well how bad can it be?". OH boy REAL BAD that's how bad. The game is a broken, bad, sucktown, hand-me-down version of Jak & Daxter. The only thing that made me get to the end was the story. I gotta admit it was not bad. You play as Haven who hears the "Golden voice" of the lost king of the land. This makes the bad guy, Lord Vetch, keep an eye on Haven because he doesn't want the fair king back. So you go around getting items like all good platformers to keep the story going. There isn't much to say other than the game just feels unfinished and very frustrating at times. The combat just sucks, you get a yoyo for a weapon and you can find upgrades to your bracelet that let you shoot your enemies in like 4 different ways. Now on to the main even. The game ends in a cliffhanger that makes Halo 2 look like graduation day. You fight Lord Vetch and he freakin BEATS you. But don't worry, you find the king! Oh but he's chained to a rock in the middle of space, and Lord Vetch chains you up right next to him. The end. Really that's the end. Have no fear though! It's only the first game of a trilogy. Thank god. Wait, what's that on the box? Midway? Ah crap. Haven couldn't sell enough to even get a sequel. I couldn't find this secret ending if you get all the cogs or gears whatever, I couldn't take anymore of this game to care. But if anyone know what it is, let me know.

#2: Sonic & the Secret Rings (Wii)

Front cover.
Front cover.
Worst Sonic game ever made.

#1: Spikeout: Battlestreet (XBOX)

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Spikeout sold itself to me with this one thought in my mind: A four player beat-em-up with online. How could you go wrong with that? Well let this game tell you how. First of all, you only get 1 stinking life for the whole game!! WHAT THE HELL? There are like ten chapters and you can save at the end of each one. But with only one life the game is impossible. It's crazy you have to put all the time in the world to become a master at not getting hit so that one life can be enough. It shames me to say that the game can tell you suck and asks you if you wanna tone it down to easy. So I did. The result is the same thing! I can't get past the second chapter. I can even act out the first like 15 seconds of that chapters cutscene, because that's the time it takes for it to load the game. The story and characters are all just wack. They are so bland and full of sucktown. I can't think of anything good about this game. That's why I think it's the worst game I have in my collection.

I'm almost out from work so thats why I cut this thing short. So I did the worst, so I guess I'll do the best. That list I think is harder to do.


Eder's Top 10 Worst games I have right now (Part 2)

Here I go again, the next 2 games that I should have stayed the hell away from.

#8: Goldeneye: Rouge Agent (DS)

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Back when the DS first came out there wasn't a whole lot of games to get. This is what happens when you have little to choose from. I got this game thinking: "It's a FPS with touch screen controls". Yes this game is that but where this game falls apart is in the hit detection. Sometimes I swear I shoot some guy and the bullet just goes through him or the whole thing is just too clunky. The graphics are also terrible, the game probably looks worse than Goldeneye on the N64 and that sucks since Mario 64 DS looked slightly better than the N64 version. This problem is a real bitch when you have to snipe dudes that just blend in with the rest of the enviroment since they all look blocky and pixelated. The controls are ok I guess, the idea can and has worked (Metroid Prime: Hunters) of having a FPS control with the touch screen. Something really weird about this game is that it has loading. What the heck? Isn't it supposed to be a cart? It doesn't take a lot but really, why in the world would this game need that? The game has multiplayer in case you want to subject someone else to this terrible game.

#7 Headhunter: Redemption (XBOX)

Headhunter: Redemption (Cover)
Headhunter: Redemption (Cover)
More like headhunter: deception. A sequel to the Headhunter game on the Dreamcast and PS2, I was so excited before this game came out. The game puts you in the role of either headhunter Jack Wade or his new super dumb as hell parter: Leeza X. Oh and did I mention her name is dumb? And that she is in fact, dumb? Let's start with her. She is probably the main problem with the game. All her dialog consists of complaining and just trying to be all hip. BUT SHE'S NOT. Leeza X just barely tries to be this badass girl from Da Hood. The other thing is that the missions are just terrible, they are so boring. Just kill a bunch of dudes and to some random ass puzzles. One good thing I can think of this game is this one boss that has a movie studio. He's played really over the top silly but is also very sadistic. There is also some character development, Jack got married to the girl he had the hots for in the first game and has a kid. After a tragic accident the kid dies and the lady blames it all on Jack. So they get divorced and the game starts. The story in general picks up right after the whole bloody mary incident and from there on, it's pretty good. But the pace of the game is really slow. The game as I said before lets you play as both characters depending on what part of the story you're at. You don't get to choose. Thats a real bummer since Jack has way better weapons and accuracy. But that would make it a better game more like the first one, and that's been a big no no for Sega in a while.

Next time will be a double wammy of portable games that just suck the big one.


Eder's Top 10 Worst games I have right now (Part 1)

I don't have that many games in my collection but man I've made a few mistakes. I tend to take a visit to the bargain bin to see if I can find some gems here and there. But it's just like digging in the dumpster, you find a lot of junk. I'll try to make this in some kind of order but the only one in this top 10 that has any kind of rank is #1. Here we go.

#10: Shadow the Hedgehog (XBOX)

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After Sonic Heroes it was clear that Shadow was here to stay (sadly). I'm a big Sonic fan and man this game we all knew was gonna be full of suck. Shadow as a character in Sonic Adventure 2 was great, he had an ok story and it ended well with him dead at the end and saving the world after he became friends with the good guys. The part where things went bad is that he somehow got popular with the kids and so Sega I guess thought: "Shadow = Money! Let's do this!".  So as a result of all this we got this crappy game. The controls are exactly like Shadow in Sonic Heroes, and he has guns as you can see on the box. Why the hell would you need guns in a Sonic game and playing as a copy of Sonic? Aren't they supposed to be faster than that? This game has all the bad things you can think of in 3D Sonic games, bad camera, bad dialog, bad story and bad in-game videos. The only good thing here is the music, theres even a track done by Powerman 5000. Another good thing I guess are the CG videos, they look really good. Oh man and the different endings are soooo dumb, you get to go bad or good in every mission and that leads to a LOT of useless endings since theres a final one that ends up being the real one. The game also had the stupid promise of telling the whole story to Shadow and his origins. That ends up being completely useless since they did that already in SA2. Oh god just don't play this game, maybe if you wanna laugh at it and see of for 5 bucks or less.

#9: Biker Mice From Mars (PS2)

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Dear god I loved the cartoon as a kid so when I saw this game I totaly got it. But as I played this game I noticed that the story was all changed, the bad guys where these cats and gone were the other cool ones from the show. Sadly it turns out this game is based on a remake of the show that I can no idea existed. The game is barely playable and the cutscenes my god are so funny and not in a good way. It's something I can't really explain and everyone must see. The other game of the cartoon on the SNES was pretty good, an isometric racer with cool upgrades and weapons. This game has a similar upgrade system but just feels very bland and it's just really boring. This game is really a surprise, it's not even listed here on GB. The graphics are also super bad, everything is blocky. A clear example of a quick buck being made of a once good cartoon. 

I'm getting lazzy and gotta go. I'll finish this up later.


Nightmare Revisited (Part 2)

Town Meeting Song - The Polyphonic Spree

This song is so great in the movie, probably my favorite. It's really up there with the best I think. BUT this remake just makes it no justice at all. It's barely got any music in it at all. It's god awful. Don't like it. It's gone from my ipod. 0/5

Jack and Sally Montage - Vitamin String Quartet

Don't remember if this is in the soundtrack but all the different tunes used in this montage are from the movie. It's really good musicaly but a little too long. 4/5

Jack's Obsession - Sparklehorse

This one is really awesome in the movie, it's just so cool. It's like a rollar coaster. This version is terrible, it's got the lyrics but damn, what the hell is up with the music? The poor thing sounds like a lulaby. Be careful with this one while driving. The voice is like an annoying wisper. I don't like it. 1/5

Kidnap The Sandy Claws - Korn

Now I know I had said that I don't think this movie goes along with a hardcore approach. But this song is just so good and sounds so much like the original. Another thing is that it's Oogie Boogie's henchmen singing so they needed something like this to really capture the fact that these kids mean business. 5/5

Making Christmas - Rise Against

Once again I think I'm gonna contradict myself. But screw it. I love this one, it's a punk rock approach to this song. The fast paced feeling of this really gives you the picture of what was going on in halloween town: They were beating the crap out of christmas. Very chaotic and good music. 5/5

Nabbed - Yoshida Brothers

Sounds more like a kidnap the sandy claws remix. Has that japanese wind instrument that is every samurai show. Very relaxing without putting you to sleep. It's ok not bad. 3/5

Oogie Boogie's Song - Rodrigo y Gabriela

Acoustic guitars gallore. Sadly missing the words so thats a big negative. Still is very well made and fast paced. 3/5

Sally's Song - Amy Lee

The first soundtrack had a remake of this song and was a very simple upgrade to the original. This one takes things further and gives it more music while keeping the depressing nature of this song. A litte short but thats because I just love it. 5/5

Christmas Eve Montage - RJD2

This one is ok. It's Jet Set Radio meets TNBC. But from the middle to the end it kinda bores me I don't know why. 2/5

Poor Jack - Plain White T's

Now this one sounds almost just like the original. I guess thats the only downside to this one. I rather just listen to the original in that case. 3/5

To The Rescue - Datarock

Freezepop meets TNBC. I really like this one. You can barely get to hear this one in the movie but it is one of the best. 5/5

Final/Reprise - Shiny Toy Guns

It's ok. Don't got much to say about this one. Starts kinda annoying and then it's a robot singing a love song. 3/5

Closing - Danny Elfman

Just in case you want to know what happens after the movie. Sandy Claws tells you all about it. 3/5

End Title - The Album Leaf

Another montage of the tunes of the movie but with updated music. It's cool. 4/5

So that's it, forgive the simplicity of my posts but I do this just for the heck of it. This album is a must for fans of the movie and it's not that much money for it. Just some songs are not if my liking but who knows, you might and thats cool.

Nightmar Revisited (Part 1)

One of my all-time favorite movies is Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Back when if first came out I was a kid and I really couldn't appreciate much of what this movie had to offer. Now that I take a look back at this movie one of the best things about it is the music. Deffinetly some of Danny Elfman's best work. I recently came across a new version of the soundtrack called "Nightmare Revisited". It comes with most of the tracks from the official soundtrack but all remade into all kinds of music. Here are the tracks and what I think about them.

Overture - DeVotchKa

Really good, has good rythim and captures the feeling of the movie 5/5

Opening - Danny Elfman

If you have the soundtrack it's the same. It's the narration given by Danny Elfman in the beggining of the movie only longer and with more detail. It's meh. 2/5

This is Halloween - Marilyn Manson

WTF. This one is just weird, and thats saying much given the parties involved in the making of this. I don't know, I really don't think this hardcore rock goes well with TNBC. It's a musical about halloween, not emo town. The song isn't even that bad it's just that I don't like the interpretation given my many that think Jack Skelington is a badass. Once again, this one is in the soundtrack so why bother having it again. 2/5

Jack's Lament - The All-American Rejects

This one is ok. It's an upgrade in terms of music and all, and it sounds just like the original. The only thing I don't like is the voice, it's so skweely. The song is suposed to be a complain and all so you add that and it sounds like emo town again. 3/5

Doctor Finkelstein/In the Forest

Not bad. Once again a welcome upgrade. But the track wasn't that memorable to begin with. 3/5

What's This? - Flyleaf

This one is really nice. Fall Out Boy did a good job in making the other remake but this one is very different. It's slow but it just sounds great. You just can't go wrong with this song I guess. 5/5

I'll be right back with the rest


Eder's Game of the week: Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins (PSP)

Damn you Gargoyle!
Damn you Gargoyle!
Where to begin with this game. Somehow for me it was news when the PSN store was available on the PSP and I got some games off of it since I don't have a PS3 yet. Ultimate GnG was one of those games that I just kept saying to myself that I would get it later. Later has now come and I downloaded this one off the PSN store. One thing I gotta say is that this game gets no love at all here on Giant Bomb. No description, no review, nothing. The boxart is very nice and is here though. Sets the tone for what awaits those who buy this game: You are alone and the demon world is out to get you.

The story is a sequel to Super GnG where the demon lord of that game is gone and there is a new ruler that wants to mix his blood with that of the royal family. So he kidnaps Arthur's girl and then the game starts right away. The GnG series is know for many things but most notably is the difficulty. Man these games are hard and they will drive you MAD. That has not changed in this game and I can't really tell if this one is even harder but I do know that: this game is hard.
Thankfuly this game isn't an almost remake of the previous one like Super GnG was to GnG. All of the levels have their own design and brand new enemies to be a pain in the ass as always. Some enemies make a return like the son of a bitch known as the Gargoyle. He is the one thing I can think of that is harder. In the other games he just comes at you really fast and with a very unpredictable pattern. In this one he gets a new attack that just can't be avoided and you WILL DIE.

Dragon shield FTW
Dragon shield FTW
The game is in a 2D plane but has 3D graphics like the Megaman X remake on the PSP. Somehow that doesn't work that well for this game. Which brings me to the only thing I can find bad out this game. The graphics are a little too dark. It's ok for some levels to be dark, they need it to give a kind of mood. But the other games used more color for everything. Maybe this game should have been cel shaded. But those are just small things to complain about. They also added more weapons to the game but took some away just to make them worse. Yeah nevermind the weapons are lame, just go with the knives the whole game and you'll be fine. Capcom really added way too much stuff this time. Theres shields you can use and they all have an ability you can use, theres magic that fires at enemies or slows down time and theres even a bunch of new armors you can get and yes, they all are pretty unique. Some of the upgrades though grant you abilities that actually make the game harder for those who played the other games, since you already have a mindset about how you move around with Arthur. In typical sidescrollers we are used to make a jump that then we can change the direction of. Not in GnG. Here you jump and you gotta keep going in that direction no matter what.

The game isn't that cheap but it's worth the money. It will definetly take any normal person some time to beat. And if you actualy beat this game fast, you are a freak.


Quick Blog: Xbox 360 Demos

At my lunch brake I decided to take a look at some demos that came out for the Xbox 360. I only have about an hour to play some games so what's the point in getting into something that doesn't have a save point right away.

Try the game! NOT!
Try the game! NOT!

Halo Wars

Halo is back. But this time it's in RTS. I can't play this game, I really wanted to give it a try but it just keeps freezing. Fuck this game, it really pissed me off. I spent like 20 minutes trying to get this thing to work but no. I first attempted to get into the tutorial, it froze. Then I tryed again. IT STILL FROZE. Restart 360 now. Now I said well, let's just jump into the action. Guess what? Yes, it just have me the finger. I'll get it on PC if that ever happens. Waste of time was getting this demo.

[EDIT] Ok I downloaded this thing again and played some of it. It's pretty good I hate to admit because of the problems it first game me. The game plays similar to the only thing I can compare it to: Battle for Middle Earth 2. The thing about this one is that it's more console focused, I guess due to the fact that this is not a port from a better controled PC version. Controling your units is very simple and very engaging. Take it from someone who if things get too complicated in a game he just walks away. I thought well thats all good and stuff but what about creating buildings and more units? that's gotta be hard. The game once again proved me wrong, the menus are very simplified and don't take much time to get used to. They are mostly circular and have all options you need right there so you can move quickly and just get stuff done. One last thing, the game uses CG videos to tell the story and that looks WAY better than the other halo's in-game cutscenes. This also makes it so that the story seems way more interesting. And I really can't believe that.

Resident Evil 5

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I really can't remember playing that much part 4 on the Gamecube but I am pretty far in the Wii version. With that in mind, the aiming is the only real problem with this one. I think the controls are fine, the movement got better and the graphics, that was awesome. The Wii version of part 4 spoiled me big time. The aiming in that one is perfect, it's fast and very accurate. So going back to aiming with the joystick feels very slow in comparison. Hopefuly in the final version there is a way to adjust the sensitivity. I'm gonna try and get this one as soon as it comes out if I've got the dough.

R-Type Dimensions

Brad says it all in his review, it's a great shooter. I would have gotten it if it weren't for the 15$ pricetag on this one.

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Eder's game of the week: id Pack (PC)

So this week i decided to go PC. I'm not really into PC games that much, I've been playing WoW for a while and decided to take a break and look at some games I might have missed. So when the id pack went half price on January I did what any reasonable person with $35 would do. This pack is loaded with a bunch of games and I played mostly the ones I remember being really fun when I was a kid and I would just play the shareware versions of them. Here goes my quick look at the games I played this week all courtesy of Steam's id pack.

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

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This one I played the most becuase I really tried to get to finish it. I kinda did, except it was just the first chapter that I beat. The setting just seems really cool. The game takes place in a demon infested castle and you have to vanquish the monsters that get in your way. It's basicaly a doom clone with staffs and gauntlets instead of shotguns and machineguns. The only problem I seem to have is that sometimes it's really easy to get lost. You go around in a maze, in first person perspective and you gotta find the exit. The map is totaly useless, it's just a bunch of lines that resemble the map. Don't even waste your time with that. Sometimes theres doors that you have to find but are on a wall that has no clear indication that it IS a damn door. I don't want the game to just tell me where to go all the time, but c'mon! How the hell was I suposed to know that wall had a door in the citadel level? Well, the best thing about the game though is the enemies, the weapons and the combat. Just laying waste to a horde of gargoyles and those damn cloaked guys that shoot three purple spheres feels very nice. The crossbow weapon is my favorite is just so effective. One last thing, I wanted Xbox 360 pad support, that would make the game way better. If it would play just like Doom on XBLA I would have kept going. It's not that outdated but still, I'll go back to it some other time.

Commander Keen: Episodes 1-3

Commander Keen 1
Commander Keen 1
Good times. This game I played back in the day every week when we had computer class. First we learned and then we played. I had never gotten past the first episode so now I was all like "I'm back bitch and this time you're mine". The game is a basic platformer much like Super Mario Bros. The story is about this kid that builds a spaceship and gets marooned on mars as the tittle suggests. You go around mars looking for your ship parts and zapping aliens with a gun. Keen is also equiped with a pogo stick that somehow is worshiped by the people of mars. The game is very easy and I have no idea why as a kid I couldn't beat it.

Commander Keen 2
Commander Keen 2
After you get back home in your rebuilt ship, you find out that the Vorticons are right next to earth with a giant ship targeting the mayor cities of the world. Now it's up to keen to go save the earth from exploding. The game is the same thing as the other episode but a little harder. I liked how you can actualy activate any of the death beams targeting a city and actualy make the earth explode! Thats cool! The only downside to that is that the game ends since Keen fails. Like I said it's almost the same game, but the difficulty is turned up a notch. It got me pissed off once in a while but it was just fine.

Commander Keen 3
Commander Keen 3
Now we turn to the black sheep of the games in this trilogy. This game is once again the same game and thats fine because the other two were awesome. BUT once again the difficulty got way outta hand. It's just in the realm of bullshit. After the things that occurred in episode 2, Keen decides to go bust some caps on the brains behind the vorticons: The Great Mind or something I forgot the name really. The Vorticons were actually controled by this kid who is Keen's rival kinda like Dexter and Brain or Ash and Gary. The final boss is kinda cool but MAN it's hard. Shadow of the Colossus eat your heart out. I didn't beat this game without cheats, the last level before the final boss is just crazy. It's a maze that makes to freakin sense. I tryed SO MUCH to beat it until I said screw it. GOD MODE NOW. So the thing to take away from all this is that Commander Keen has a nice story that will make you want to beat it. And the gameplay is really nice, good old 2D sidescrolling action.

Doom 3

Played like 20 minutes of this game. I liked the graphics, good stuff. Just the flash light thing is such a pain. That's about it. Will go back to is someday.


5 minutes of playtime. What the hell, I don't know about this one it's like heretic without the good weapons.

Hexen 2

2 minutes if playtime. Quake 3 without the cool weapons.

Wolfenstein 3D

1 hour of playtime. Really good, feels outdated but fun somehow.

Final Thought

There is so much in this pack it's really something that will have me comming back for more. Some of the games I'm not so sure about them, times have changed and some games just don't stand the test of time like others. A controler option would make me play every single one of these games. If you love FPS games you gotta get this pack because it's got the very roots of the games we play today like Halo and Call of Duty. You might not play them all though. 

Eder's game of the week: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (NDS)

Back to the SOTN art thank god
Back to the SOTN art thank god

This week we'll take a look at the latest Castlevania game for the Nintendo DS. The game plays very similar to the other ones on the DS but it makes a number of changes that don't really change things that much but are pretty sweet. The other two games before this one had a very different art style that although it was at it's core, castlevania, it was way more anime themed and gone was the Symphony of the Night style that was more serious in tone. Something I really like about this game is the intro. The music is good as always but the way they kinda animate the art it just works well and is awesome. It's so good I keep watching it every time I load the game. It's crazy. So aside from all the art and look of the game, the game is like the other castleoids or whatever they call them. You have a stage select where you pick where you wanna go, from there you enter a stage that has a map that you explore like SOTN.
The other big change is the way you fight, you collect glyphs in the game that are spells that let you attack enemies. These spells are basically weapons sometimes or just flat out spells that you throw like fireballs and light beams. The thing that kinda sucks or rocks about this is that every time you attack you use MP and you can run out of it.
The main character in the game is a girl called Shinoa who can't remember what the heck happened to her. She's an adept in the order of Ecclesia and has the mission to collect the most power glyph of all, the Dominus glyph. Shes a little too emo for my taste but she looks very cool and moves very slick. The story so far is moving along just fine but it's ok.


Eder's game of the week: Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)

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Welcome to the first edition of my game of the week. I don't have that many games but I got a few I wanna play or beat sometimes. So I decided to just random on my collection and write about it every week. This week, is well, Jet Set Radio Future for the original Xbox. The game is a sequel to Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast were the implementation of Cel Shading was brand new and now seems very common in anime themed games. The game is set in the future (duh) city of Tokyo were there are gangs of roller bladders that want to fill the streets with their own graffiti. You get to pick several
characters from the GG's and you unlock others through out the game.
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I'm a big SEGA fan and this is a game that reminds me of how they used to make games like this. The game is fun and you can do all this over-the-top stuff. The focus on games these days are realism and physics. This game has none of these two. Well technicaly it does have physics but it's like you float and that helps you do so many insane tricks in the air and then grind just forever. Oh yeah, you don't need to balance yourself when you grind. You just grind.
The only game recently that comes close to the insanity of the setting is No more heroes. So why are there so little of these games nowadays? The answer is money. These games just don't sell. I think the reason why Sega makes such bad games today is that they make cheap games and they want to make money. Sadly for us the consumer we get bad games that are just rushed out.
I hope that in the future we get our share of bizzare and creative games that are more than just a guy in space armor killing aliens. There is a place for that kind of game, but now it seems like that is the way games have to be in order to be successful. So what do all videogame developers do? They go for the money, and that's not a bad thing, they need money to make games. So the blame goes to us I guess.

Art from the first game
Art from the first game

Ok I got kinda off topic. The game is great and I hope they release it for download on the 360 so that more people will get to play it. I had to get it twice since my first copy was used and the guy who turned it in got it from blockbuster. After looking at several bargain bins I found the one that came with Sega GT 02 for .99 bucks. I don't like using ebay so it's kinda hard to find old games. There is a rumor that a sequel is in the making for the Wii. If klonoa got a remake, why can't JSR get a sequel?

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