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#1  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Mate you won't find a single person telling you not to try Team Fortress 2.  Right now is exactly the right time too as there probably won't be any class-rush updates where everybody goes Heavy for a fortnight but they're still adding awesome new stuff every month or so.  It's a low pressure, maximum enjoyment shooter.  There are tutorials and bot matches if you want to learn the basics for each class before you jump on a server but you don't need to.  Just learn by playing and reading the tool tips.

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#2  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

If you want something that seems good right up until you realise just how shitty it is try C&C4.  That game is terrible, its so bad you'll actually want to snap your now useless disc in your hands.  But the beauty is that you won't know about it until it hits you.  You'll happily play for about 10 hours before you start to realise you haven't actually been doing anything.  God I hate that game. 
But yes listen to the others.  Elf bowling.  It was bad as a flash game, there's no way he'll enjoy that being on his steam list

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#3  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

If you want something that seems good right up until you realise just how shitty it is try C&C4.  That game is terrible, its so bad you'll actually want to snap your now useless disc in your hands.  But the beauty is that you won't know about it until it hits you.  You'll happily play for about 10 hours before you start to realise you haven't actually been doing anything.  God I hate that game. 
But yes listen to the others.  Elf bowling.  It was bad as a flash game, there's no way he'll enjoy that being on his steam list

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#4  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Glad I decided to leave it 6 months until the game had got some major patches.  Sucks for people who bought it, it should never have been released in that state.

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#5  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

I think I might actually use this.  It might make me realise how much I spend on Steam and possibly make me think twice before I buy literally anything that is on sale.  I know I have a problem but maybe this wallet thing can help.

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#6  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Steam Stream? A streaming games service for steam.  Possibly a subscription service, possibly used for delivering demos. 
 Episode 3 has got to be one of them. 
I'm guessing some new IP too although god knows what that'll be. It won't be out this year anyhow. 
I'm also hoping for more killer TF2 patches but I can see that dying down :'(

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#7  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

That sounds pretty cool actually but not worth £70 or whatever they're trying to charge people this time.

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#8  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

 Price increase? Fuck that.  Guess my PC is paying for itself these days.  Microsoft hasn't given us in the UK any new features, why should I give them any more? guess I'll just subscribe for a month when I get Reach and leave it as a I only pay for it when a good game comes out sort of service.    

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#9  Edited By IncredibleBulk92
@Chandu83: I think the 4850 was actually one of the best selling cards made.  It's up there with the 9800 in terms of performance, but it was a lot cheaper.  I had one at one point.
I posted that thing about anti-virus software and I didn't have any installed with Win7 either.  About an hour later my computer starting popping up with a fake anti-virus program.  Seems like I somehow downloaded a dodgy mod and got a virus from it.  I got rid of it easy enough but I've installed the MS anti-virus program now.  Just in case lol.
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#10  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Lol 100% of the participants in a Steam Survey have Steam installed? Big surprise there. 
It's interesting that more people have fraps installed than an anti-virus program though.  Wonder what that means. 
Also hat the hell is foobar?