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#1  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Heh I remember hearing about this game like a month ago for a preview.  Sounded like it was quite a ways off. Guess it was.  Sounded pretty cool though.   
Stardock just don't seem to give me much faith as a company.  Their supposed to be a published but they claim that the main problem with their game is that they either released it this week or wait for next year? My calender has a few more months than theirs it seems.  Who knows, if there's a crazy sale and somebody promises me that it's been fixed maybe I'll buy it but I doubt that day will come. 
Sorry Stardock, you can only blame yourselves.

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#2  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Why don't developers just end the game they really want to and then offer the option to just spawn at the biggest city for no good reason without any explanation at all. 
Both parties are happy then.

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#3  Edited By IncredibleBulk92
@kratier said:

" why doesnt this trash game just die out already? they don't even play team FORTress anymore, there are no forts, and its just 24/7 push maps. its an abomination,    

 and valve lovers really need to wake up, steam is DRM and the worst kind of DRM available. Digital purchases are for fools who haven't played games long enough to know that companies go under every other day, and your purchases will not always be hosted online to download.  "

So? How many Stars have you Crafted? How much Mass did you have an Effect on? How many times did you Call "Duty"?  You seem to be missing the point of playing great games here. 
Oh and yea Steam is DRM but it's never stopped me playing my games when I want to so it doesn't bother me.  Nobody cares if you randomly think everyone who uses steam is a fool.  You don't want to buy there then don't.  I'll enjoy my new pair of STALKER games which cost me £6.
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#4  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Well now I'm watching that Shogun 2 footage again.  Cannot wait for that game.

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#5  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

If the special edition is the just a preorder bonus then I'll get that but I think I'll leave the crap limited edition alone.

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#6  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Yea TF2 isn't going to die any time soon.  The community will reign supreme.  The quality of the submissions the community is making is pretty incredible.  In some cases it's even beating Valve's efforts.   
It's a shame that the community keeps making a lot of cool looking but ultimately unbalanced maps.  Valve seems to be spending less time on balancing these days which is a shame but at least they aren't afraid to admit they're wrong and make changes.

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#7  Edited By IncredibleBulk92
@Vorbis said:
" @IncredibleBulk92:  The Chaos Rising expansion pack was still a Space Marine campaign, so this could be the same thing. Ork in campaign facing a new race, who that could be is anyones guess. "
Oh yea.  Idiot me.  I still think I'd be more excited about a tau campaign than an ork campaign.  The ork strategy bores me.
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#8  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

That';s some pretty cool artwork there.  I wouldn't have thought they'd just make an expansion pack for a race that's already in the game.  Honestly I was expecting an tau expansion if anything.  I think they'd fit into DoW2 quite nicely and a campaign style unlock system for them would work quite well with all the variety in their army.

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#9  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Took this last night when I finished Borderlands for the first time since that great Steam sale.  Didn't realise at the time that it wasn't in the original game. 
Btw having just competed Borderlands is it worth me clicking the second playthrough button? Does it do anything besides reset the quests?  I've got the secret armoury to finish first but I'm curious.
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#10  Edited By IncredibleBulk92

What does that last one even mean?  How much do you have to fail at life to be unfit to be a gamer.  Surely there's some sort of story behind this mental rule...