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Games I own for the PS3, Wii and PC.

Edit 2014: List is a bit outdated. I got rid of some games for the PS3 but I don't remember which ones they were.

List items

  • Came with my original PS3.

  • The disc for this one is currently stuck in my old 60gig PS3.

  • First game I bought for the PS3.

    After replaying it lately, I think it has it's problems. I still like how you collect guns through out the game and can use them by opening a radial weapon selection. You know, the old fashion way.

    Edit: Might have gotten rid of this one.

  • I liked it. I even have the Platinum trophy for it.

    Edit: Might have gotten rid of this one.

  • Bought because I had the first one... And because it's by Insomniac and I thought it looked cool.

    After replaying it lately, I think it is better than the first one. The guns feels better, works better and you can actually kill the Chimeran with them. In the first game, Chimeran were bullet sponges. The environments are better too. I really like how you can actually explode enemies with a well placed grenade, or with a shotgun. But I like gore. While headshots has a satisfying bloody sound to them, I was a tiny bit disappointed that those headshots didn't actually blew their head off though. Oh and using that Splicer gun on Grims is cool too.

    Edit: Might have gotten rid of this one.

  • Still has it's moments sometimes.

  • I had fun with this one during the first play-trough. Not much replay value though.

  • I like it.

  • Pretty cool and good looking game. I come back to this one from time to time.

    Update: Tried to play this again. Kinda boring now.

  • Terrific racing game.

  • It's fun. But I don't think it's part of the better games. The style really is the main best thing about it.

  • Ratchet and Clank is my favorite franchise. Of course this is here.

  • Love the style. Love the soundtrack. Games itself needs work.

  • I wonder if I have to explain myself?...

  • Bought it before God of War 3 came out. Already had the first one, never played the second one (before buying this).

  • Was on my Wishlist after I found and bought the Sly Cooper games for the PS2. Awesome game.

  • Highly addicting. Made me do some all-nighters. Awesome game. Can't wait for Far Cry 3.

    Still didn't have the chance to play the third game...

  • Amazing and jaw-dropping.

  • After playing the fourth one around 15 times, getting this seemed like a natural step. I liked it.

    Edit: I replayed the 4rth one a while ago. The 4rth one has a certain addicting fun to it, something about it makes it easy to want to keep playing it. I don't know if it's because 4 is better, although that what most people would say cause it's an easier answer, or it might just be because I'm more familiar with 4. One thing I will mention is that I personally like how, most of the time, Resident Evil 4 had you walk everywhere. They almost never had your character travel through cutscenes and drop you in a new environment. 4 felt almost like a journey in a weird way. And that's something I really enjoy in video games.

  • Kinda makes me wish I was more into online games. But at the same time, I feel like there's no reason for me to play this when Bad Company 2 is in the house.

    Edit: I think the servers are down now? if so, I don't know if I can consider this a game I own anymore.

  • The story might not be as good as the first one, but I still think it's a better game.

    Edit: I played the first one and this one again. I actually like everything about this game better than the first one. Including the story.

  • First game I bought after my old PS3 fried and I bought a new PS3 Slim.

    Edit: Might have gotten rid of this one. Maybe not. I just remember that Black Ops is pretty much my favorite Call of Duty based on the ones I played. I might have kept this one for the 4 player offline that isn't in BLOPS.

  • Had a good time with this.

  • One of my favorite game.

  • :3

  • Loved it. Best in the series for me.

  • Awesome game. I don't mind the "RTS" parts. Although I would have preferred normal Boss fights.

  • Again...

  • If I'm playing a multiplayer online FPS, it's probably this.

    Edit: Until I got Battlefield 3 or course.

    Edit: Might have gotten rid of this one.

  • Bought it after buying the other ones. I still prefer Midnight Club 2.

  • Have the rest of the games for the franchise. I just wish the EDF would let me destroy building.

    Edit: Seriously. I tried replaying it from the beginning and was reminded of how fun this game is. Up until the EDF starts actually becoming a competent opposition. I didn't even played it to the end because of it. Another big problem is how I found a great fun mech to run around and destroy things. But after I lost it and died, returning to where I found the mech reveals that they don't respawn ever again. Baffling! I know Volition knows how to make games fun. It makes me wonder who were in charge on what game and who is the person that would decide to restrict things like this.

  • The Lost and Damned was pretty cool, but I preferred the Ballad of Gay Tony.

  • I still haven't finished it yet. :( But I still like it. And some of the OST are really good.

    Edit: Finished. I like it even with it's problems.

  • Wanted to buy it at launch but I didn't because I thought it would have been way better in co-op and I have no one to play it with. Also I didn't want to play with random people. I kinda wish I did buy it at launch.

  • Very awesome game. Must play.

  • I actually bought this a while back for $20, but I only had the 1,3 and 4 at that point. I wanted to play the second one before I play the third one and this one, but the second one is actually one of those game where I've never actually seen before. I ended up just watching a play-through on Youtube for the second one.

  • Not epic, but it's still Kirby. Which is good.

  • It is better than World at War. Might be my favorite Call of Duty right now. But I like Bad Company 2 more.

  • Great game, even if I'm not big with racers. Looks good too.

  • Very Disappointing. At first it was great but the gameplay became repetitive, most music were forgettable, most things they asked you to do are things you don't want to do. Random unsatisfying ending. Not something I imagine coming from Nintendo.

  • This game is AWESOME! I really feel like this is the game they meant to do with galaxy 1.(Update: until I found out why this actually exist) The levels always showed me something new, the music was good and had some new versions of old music, and even the annoying things that the first had that they decided to bring back were implemented way better. The Yoshi levels are some of the best parts of the games. It's just a better game and I'd be completely fine never to play the first one again.

  • Bought this for 2 reasons. I heard a bunch of people claiming that it's the best game on the Wii(or ever) and I did buy the first one on the N64 and thought it was great. This one is good too, but not the best on the Wii and even less of all time. While getting use to controlling it with the Wii-mote was an obstacle, it's after getting use to it that I could really enjoy this one. But I'm still looking for getting a classic controller or a Gamecube controller, assuming it works with it. I also think it might be better if I could play it with other people. Not online.

  • This includes Wii sports, since I bought the Wii and both game came with it. But I wouldn't mind not only getting rid of Wii Sports, but pretending I've never owned it. Resort on the other hand is great. The Wii motion plus really makes it better and not a pain to play pretend sports. Plus, the island theme they have going on is a touch I really enjoy.

  • This was actually my number one reason to get a Wii. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. That doesn't mean it's not good though. I'm glad I got to try it and own it, but I'd also would appreciate it if they would make a game like that on the PS3. More space to put more stuff to freak you out further on how well the games get to "know' you, and since the PS3 has the Move now, I can only imagine it would be better. And maybe as good as I thought this one would be...

  • I haven't finished this game yet. It's not the game itself, but more because of the Wii-mote. That really short wire that connects the Wii-mote to the nun-chuck makes it really awkward to make big swings. Either stopping my swings or whipping the wire in my face. And since the Wii-Motion plus can only know the orientation of the Wii-mote, I often made swings where my arm would find itself behind me, pointing left, and the game would thinking I was holding the "sword" on the left in front of me resulting in 2 mini-swing that the game tried to accommodate with the sudden different direction of the Wii-mote. I haven't given up on it yet though, I plan on finishing it one day.

    Update: Still have not been compelled to play it again. I probably did give up on it.

  • This is the first game I bought for the Wii. Great game. I think it's a completely competent Zelda game, but I'm also not one of those people who thinks that Ocarina of Time is the best game ever. Which I think is the reason why some people didn't like this one. Since the best game ever is suppose to be the best, comparing TP to the best might not make it look as good. But for me, it was a Zelda game and it felt like a Zelda game. It's good like a Zelda game. The more temples they revealed I had to go trough, the happier I was. Although I'll admit that it does start slow. The first temple did make me think that it might not be as good as I would expect a Zelda game to be. But I kept playing and it not only made me glad to play it, but I'm also glad I bought a Wii. Twilight Princess will join Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in the list of games I keep going back to.

  • Not a big fighting game fan. I only played the story and some/most of the tower thingy that I don't remember the name of.

  • I barely played that one.

  • My current PS3 has a really hard time reading this disc.