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Gen Hard Trial #5

This is a little late since I did this a week ago or whatever, but here's the footage I recorded for SFIV Gen Hard Trial #5. It literally took me about 10 minutes to do, not so bad in comparison to the other hard trials that gave me a tough time (C. Viper 5 and Abel 5 come to mind). Not much lulz because of that, but I didn't have to edit anything out really, so that's coo.

Kick -- Kick Kick -- Kick Kick Kick Kick Kick!

Stay Alpha - Week 2

*I know I said I wouldn't bore you guys with these updates, but it'll give you an idea of what it is I've been doing other than Street Fighter playing. This has nothing to do with video games, it's about working out. Don't read any further if you're somehow offended by working out.
Stay Alpha is the code word for getting into shape, I've been throwing it around ever since Brucie in Grand Theft Auto 4. But of course I'm doing it without the aid of "juicing up," so bare with me here. Week 1 has come and gone, and so has week 2. This is the part where I summarize what fitness-stuff I did this week.


Bodyweight 100

  • Prisoner Squats (20 reps)
  • Push-ups (20 reps)
  • Jumps (20 reps)
  • Neg. Chin-ups (5 reps, I know I'm that weak..)
  • Forward Lunges (20 reps)
  • Close-grip Push-ups (15 reps)


  • 30/30 x6 (30 second sprint, 30 second walk = 6 times)

Tuesday (9/29/09)


  • 60/60 x6

Wednesday (9/30/09)

Bodyweight 100


  • 30/30 x6

Thursday (10/1/09)


  • 60/60 x6, 120/60 x1

Friday (10/2/09)

Bodyweight 100


  • 30/30 x6

Saturday (10/3/09)

Endurance Run

  • 1.5 Mile Run
  • 0.5 Mile Walk
  • 1.0 Mile Run

Sunday (10/4/09)

Endurance Run

  • 2.0 Mile Run
  • 1.0 Mile Walk
  • 1.0 Mile Run


The endurance runs were sort of a spontaneous thing, I just wanted to see where I stood stamina-wise, so Saturday morning (around 1 am) I took my ass out in the 45 degree weather and seen if I could run a mile. I ended up running 1 1/2, and then 1 mile back to my house. Sunday is supposed to be my complete rest day, but since I technically did that run in the Saturday sleep-cycle, it’s not a problem (I’m still up as we speak, about to go to bed at 5 or 5:30 am).

I enjoy the long-style run so much that I’m going to reserve Saturday and possibly Sunday for them. I may not have lost any “weight” from week 1 to week 2, but my body is definitely reaping the rewards of my training, I couldn’t run for more than 4 minutes without feeling like I was going to drop dead a month ago.

I find that the most important thing for these runs is a steady pace, and controlling your breathing. Steady pace is simple, you run/jog at a tempo that you feel you can keep up the entire run, I might slow down like 10-15% by the end of the run, and then speed up 20% in the final stretch, but the keeping the pace as flat as possible is important. For breathing I used to think that inhaling through nose, and exhaling through mouth was the best way to go (that’s what my elementary gym teacher taught me). But I find that that’s silly, if I need more air, I breathe through my mouth, that’s the logical way to go. The beginning of the run I make sure I inhale for five or six steps, and exhale for two (this also helps me keep the same running tempo the whole way). Then at a third of a mile in or so, I start to breathe four in, two out. By the end of the first mile I struggle to keep it 4/2, but I do my best. By the end of the 2nd mile (that’s all I can do in a stretch at the moment) my breathing falls to like 3/2, and sometimes 2/2 if I have to swallow spit (gross) or drink some water. I carry a 26 oz. bottle of water with me, my house key, and nothing else. No ipod, it weighs me down and is otherwise cumbersome.

I imagine by the time the Fall is ending, I’ll have to get a gym membership, because running in sub-freezing weather and in harsh conditions like snow will probably be too much for my lungs. I am going to miss point a to point b running though, I imagine running in place on a treadmill must get pretty annoying as there’s no way to see what progress you’ve made other than a stupid digital read-out, I also like seeing the “end” of the run, when you see that stop sign at 10 mile rd. I know the run is already complete...there’s no stopping when you see the end.

As for next week, I plan to do pretty much the same thing, but I might do core and leg workout on Tuesday and Thursday, because I’m not doing any core as it stands, and that’s pretty important for running. Just think, maybe this time next year I’ll be lean as hell, and practicing for a marathon. YOU NEVER KNOW. I apologize if I've bored you guys, but this is just me now, deal. See you next week?


SF4 9/27/09 - West (Ak) vs. loltima (Ak)

Had twenty some sets with WestAB's Akuma (he's way too good btw), I put 20 matches up on the youtubes for everyone's enjoyment, or anti-enjoyment -- whatever floats your boat (it is a mirror match after all, bleh). I recorded the TV with my camcorder, seeing as I don't have an HD recording device, and I muted the camera audio because it was just one-sided conversation and me bitching (not the funny kind either). I was still sort of boiling from the Viper trials I guess, so I put random fighting game music over instead. Enjoy!

Other than falling into patterns and making horrible errors in judgment, I'd say they were pretty good matches. West as always is clutch king and always seems to comeback with a sliver of health, maybe do to my inability to "seal the deal." I do play pretty wimpy when I get to the closing end of the matches.

Hard Trials, Hard Lulz

So I decided to man up and finish the C. Viper trials tonight, in my quest for these last few achievements I have left in SFIV. I knew it was going to be tough but, I had no idea the insanity that would ensue. In particular hard trial #3 and #5, gave me quite an annoyance, especially #5 (since the game randomly doesn't register the hard flame kick even though I'm doing it). Many lulz are to be had, at my expense of course -- since I recorded them with my camcorder. Enjoy!

Now all that's left is Gen #5, oooooooh boy. For another time though.

I've been up to stuff?

I'm at a loss of what to do at the moment, so I guess I can write out a little blog-a-doodle-doo. I've been playing some video games lately, not all of them Street Fighter-related, so that's pretty cool.
I realized that Dead Space was almost a year old, and that I hadn't beaten it yet, so I started a new game and beat it twice. I still need to go through on Impossible and get the remaining couple of achievements for that game, but yeah it's totally awesome. I'm not sure what deterred me from finishing it when I bought it last Halloween, but if I would have known how awesome the end-game is for Dead Space it would have been a top contender for 2008 Flavor of the Year. I bought DLC for it to make my Impossible difficulty run easier (had some MS points left over from something else), including the Tank suit which grants 60% armor, and the Steam Punk Force Gun. There's also of course the credit glitch you can do on a couple of chapters which should help me upgrade all my junk all over again.
With my remaining Microsoft Points, I purchased Shadow Complex. I put it on easy since that seems to be what I do nowadays (maybe I'm getting old and feeble), and blew through the game 100% in 5 hours time. I still need to beat the game with less than 13% items, beat the challenge room thingies, and also get to level 50. Those shouldn't be too hard, although since I'm probably not willing to change the difficulty to normal even, it'll take quite a few playthroughs to get to 50. My thoughts on the game, it's actually pretty average. I know I'll probably get lynched for this, but honestly it had way too much unfounded hype, there was no way it could live up to it. It's no Symphony of the Night OR Super Metroid, and the latter of those two games I don't even like. And besides, no music. DEAL BREAKER. I should have got Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Damnit.
I also purchased Left 4 Dead used on the cheap (20 bucks brao!) and I've been having a good time with that, picking up achievements I left behind this past January when I last played it. I played through with my buddy N1COLAS CAGE on various occasions, further cementing that he is better at all video games than most people (including me).
To wrap up the game talk, there's quite a few interesting games coming out in October, including: Brutal Legend, Forza 3, and Borderlands. I'll probably only pick up one of these games next month, and I'm very heavily leaning towards one of try to guess which one that is. The answer may surprise some people who don't know me very well.
I just finished watching Crank 2: High Voltage on Bluray, and I have to say it's as fantastic as I imagined it being. The film crew for these movies continues to amaze, with high shoot quality and amazing shots in general, and of course the movie is absolutely insane. A dude cuts off his own nipples, and then proceeds to have band-aids over them for the rest of the movie. I think I've said enough.
Fitness is going along well, I start on a very strict 8-week plan Monday, so today and tomorrow are big days of rest in preperation for then. I'm absolutely stoked about my workout schedule, and that's what I've been occupying myself with mostly, so if I haven't been on Xbox Live and playing Street Fighter with you guys, I apologize -- more important things are on the life horizon for me. Not that Street Fighter isn't important.
I'm drinking a blue Gatorade at the moment, I can't imagine what it would be like if I was blue/red colorblind, is that even possible? Well if it was, I'd constantly mistake nasty fruit punch flavored Gatorade for delicious "mountain" flavor. I guess this is what mountains are supposed to taste like? I'll leave you on that thought. Peace.


11 Seconds Until Ignition.

  1. lolumad?
  2. I found out while playing star ocean that crafting a fairy requires a lezard flask.
  3. Mortal Kombat II IS one of the greatest arcade games of all time.
  4. Physical mediums are for babies.
  5. Demondemondemondemon.
  6. LL Cool J has the best DMX music videos ever.
  7. This just in, opinions don't make sense.
  8. I'm gonna bake you in a pie.
  9. Uhn un uhhh uUUUUHHHHH!
  10. Pepsi is delicious.
  11. I'd rather play AIDS.
  12. mb brao

Five Games I'm Stoked For

This blog will be completely free of Street Fighter talk starting now, since you's already out and awesome. Five games I'm stoked for, that are coming out in the near to later future. Here you go.

5. Borderlands

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I love Diablo-style loot, I fully support these types of role-playing elements being added to other genres of game. That said, Borderlands looks completely sick...AHH CAN'T WAIT.

4. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

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Castlevania is one of the few video game franchises that I'm absolutely loyal to. I fully admit to liking Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness, maybe I'm crazy but I don't think 3D Castlevania is such a bad idea, it just hasn't really been given a fair shake. That said, I'm excited about this game for all the wrong reasons...The talent involved with the game, and the sick ass trailer!

3. Final Fantasy XIII

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There's nothing more to say here really. Going back to active-time battle is the best decision they've ever made as a company (Square). I am of course stoked for afro man with a baby chocobo in it. Yes.

2. Alan Wake

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I've been onboard since this game was announced back in 1955 or whenever, and actually seeing the idea come to fruition in videos and demos on stages recently has me all magical and full of rainbows inside. Anything Remedy does has my full support, and the premise of Alan Wake is rad.

1. Diablo III

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I just shit my pants while adding this screenshot to my blog post here. This should let you gauge my excitement for Diablo III pretty easily. I love Diablo so much that I'd sell my grandmother to hobos for a 24 pack of miller high-life light...and of course you know, the game. Diablo III. Yeah.

I'm on EventHubs?

Woah, totally unexpected, but as a couple people pointed out to me my Akuma video tutorials are on the front page of If you don't know the name, it's a website with a lot of information dedicated to Street Fighter. It's where I look for frame data and information on jumps and dashes, it's where I got the inspiration for my own Akuma guide as well. It's definitely an honor, and this also explains the sudden influx of youtube comments on my stuff. Good shit indeed.
So yeah since I'm already blogging I'll talk about a few other things here. SummerSlam was awesome, the Orton vs. Cena match was full of turmoil and completely sweet, and the main event a.k.a. Punk vs. Hardy was just phenomenal. Lots of "Holy Shit!" moments including Hardy plumitting from the biggest ladder in the history of existence onto CM Punk below. Oh yeah, and a special appearance by The Undertaker round off the best slam in years.
Got my Xbox back friday, and have been playing some Street Fighter son. I've been working a lot on zoning and spacing, and need a lot of help with match-ups outside of the Akuma mirror, so feel free to send me a game invite or whatever dudes, like I said I need tons of match-up experience that I just don't have so I can take it to the next level. That's about it I guess, laters!


Akuma: Warm Up

I recorded several aspects of my training mode "warm-up." These are things I tend to do when I'm shaking off the rust when booting up SFIV. Song is "Speed Dry Manglehead" by Ian Masterson & Thomas Beach -- it is off the Jump Britain OST.


Balrog Session #1

I put #1 as if it's going to be something sequential, but it's really just a nifty title. It's just  me practicing some Balrog combos -- abridged version. Come for the EX loop, stay for the lulz. This is not my first time playing Balrog or anything, just shaking off some rust! 
edit: This might be the best coincidental thumbnail of any video I've ever created. Thank you, YOUTUBE!