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Best of 2010

Mento: Best of 2010

List items

  • For vastly improving on an already fantastic game. Even the stuff that misses (mining mining mining) is proof that Bioware is at least eager to try new things. It makes me hopeful for both ME3 and Dragon Age 2 (though a new IP wouldn't be amiss either, if they even have time in 2011 to squeeze one in).

  • Though its detractors might simply refer to Brotherhood as an add-on pack for AC2, it never feels superfluous in that way. Combat's been tightened and improved, the minions are a handy "get out of jail free" card that allows more variation with your approach, the full sync bonuses are a (not always well-integrated, to be honest) challenge and Rome looks fantastic. If this game is Assassin's Creed "2.5", I can't wait for 3.

  • Really, you couldn't beat Super Mario Galaxy for platforming, so all Nintendo could do was make another one.

  • I kid about its status as "the Bioshock 2 that could've been" but Singularity was a pretty decent game, all told. It had a fairly clever gimmick, some neat set-pieces and would occasionally throw you in the deep end of shit creek if things got too ponderous.

  • While I hated Bayonetta (yeah, sorry), I kind of dug Vanquish for pretty much the same reason. I can be quite the fickle asshole. I think that it's because this is the right level of goofy (say, 90s Bruce Willis action movie goofy) rather than Bayonetta's over-the-top goofy, which skewed closer to stupid.

  • I liked Fallout 3 and I'll agree with the pundits that this was improved in several ways over the original, most overtly in the end-game by having less constant Super-Mutant encounters and an actual ending (five of them, even). Overall, though, it still had its many faults both technical and otherwise.

  • A very clever puzzle/action game, and one that really went all out when designing the co-op. I don't imagine many people will vote for this at all, being either loners (hey, that's usually the case for me too) and/or dismissing any Lara Croft product on principle (normally rightfully so), so here's a generous placing from me.

  • Tough choice between this and Costume Quest for #8. Both were cute, niche Indie games but I think I dug the atmosphere of this game a little more. It also had more surprises than Costume Quest and actually had some challenge.

  • I wish Double Fine all the best. Even lightweight fare like Costume Quest's pathetically basic RPG gameplay has enough charm and smart writing to win over anyone. As soon as they manage to knock out an objectively great game to go along with their inimitable style, they'll be ruling the world.

  • For my "What? I hated this game and so did everyone else" slot, I'll give Nier some love. Cavia are insane and I love that they're still allowed to continue making their disturbingly dark fairy tales without anyone thinking to check their water supply for the spores of Yog-Sothoth.


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Edited By Siphillis

Definitely a refreshing perspective, even if I only agree with a couple of choices. 
And yeah, did not care much for Bayonetta either.

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Edited By Mento  Moderator

Nier's gameplay isn't anything special, just the usual kind of action RPG gameplay you'd find in Kingdom Hearts or most MMOs, complete with an inordinate amount of optional fetch quests. Like Killer7 or Psychonauts, if you were going to play it you'd play it for the story. If you play the new game+ (which is nice enough to bump you ahead to the halfway point) it gets even weirder/darker.

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I ordered Singularity off Play the other day with Alpha Protocol, so maybe I'll get to check it out before I finalize my list. 
Is the gameplay in Nier any good or is it just your standard fare JRPG? It's like £9,99 on Play.

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Edited By Mento  Moderator

For the record, both Recettear: An Item's Shop Tale and Picross 3D would be on here if I was 100% sure if they counted or not (both came out in Japan before 2010, but were localized this year).