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Games I played 2013.

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  • I had somehow told myself that I had previously tried Saints Row 2 and disliked it. Decided to give it another chance - and turns out I was wrong. On the bright side, it's much better than I thought it would be. It's still a GTA clone, and I disagree with those who think that SR2 is better than SR3. I like the crazy, and SR3 just has a little bit more (and then some) crazy.

    Still, pretty good. Hasn't aged terribly bad, though I had some pretty bad technical issues with low framerate and regular crashes.

  • Without the spoiler that there was more to Little Inferno, it's unlikely I would have played it. Having done so, I'm glad I saw it - it's a rather short game, 4h+, probably, depending on how fast you solve the "puzzles".

    Overall, it's a terrible and heartwarming story that lays it on a bit thick at times. Still, very nice.

  • (and Gravity Bone). Huh. I've been meaning to play these for a long time - and I finally got around to it. Truly a weird experience. Still not entirely sure what was going on, but I think I enjoyed Gravity Bone more - it felt less disjointed. Then again, the platforming wasn't great... so about the same, maybe? :)

  • (on iPad) Fun puzzle game, though felt it kept going too long - felt a lot like the developer ran out of ideas for the last quarter or so of the game, and just pushed out easy content.

    Another negative is that the game relies heavily on randomness, much more than it does on actual matching skill. Best way of progressing is just having luck with creating cascades of combos. But it's fun for quite a while!

  • Very cool puzzle game, though... I do think it's a bit sterile and at least I solved most puzzles by trial and error - there's a lot more reacting and a lot less thinking involved when the rules of the puzzles are changing every time you turn around. So, yeah. Cool - and I hope the non-euclidean geometry inspires future games developers.

  • Such a loaded franchise. I've been watching the development of this game... uh... actually, I haven't, because I stopped caring about the Devil May Cry franchise after...2? So why did I pick it up? Because I watched videos of it post-release and it turned out that it looked amazing.

    In fact, I think that Devil May Cry is one of the most visually impressive "mainstream" games recently. They play a lot with locales and with transformations there of - to great effect. In other words, they are doing some things that "indie games" have been experimenting with recently, and I applaud the effort.

    End of the day, I liked the game (played on "Nephilim" difficulty), and I may return for a second pass on "Son of Sparda". I think that this reboot is the smartest thing they could do with the franchise, as just smacking a "5" on the end of it and contining the way they had been would most likely have resulted in worse sales than what this most likely will get.

    I played it. I probably wouldn't have. I liked it. I probably wouldn't have. *shrug*.

  • Pretty good, though I did find some of the puzzles frustrating because of how "magical" they were - requiring something that didn't really make sense. *shrug* It's still good. Decent story/writing too.

    And I like the voice acting.

  • The Quick Look made me interested! Wound up beating it while watching the Quick Look... but at ~1 Dollar, that's ok.

    Fun and interesting. Looking forward to the "next" one.

  • To be clear, I have no reverence for the Aliens franchise. I haven't watched the movies. I don't want to watch them. I think the franchise is an exercise in displaying human stupidity.

    That said, I've had quite some fun with the Alien (and Predator) franchise games, and combined with being developed by Gearbox, I was sure this couldn't be a failure.


    So... yeah, typical stupidity by the characters besides, the first level is extremely poorly designed. The weapons are bad...

    Sigh... why bother? It's not a great game.

    That said, I do think it's important to highlight something: The reviews going around are spewing a lot of hyperbole about how bad this game is. Yes, it's bad. No, I can't recommend it to anyone. but 20-30 out of 100 scores (and I mention this despite hating review scores...) are kind of blowing things out of proportions.

    Anyway, meh.

  • I really like the Dead Space Franchise. I do feel like Dead Space 3 has lost something from the previous games - but on the other hand, I had so much fun playing through Dead Space 3 with a friend that I'm not sure how much I care.

    That said, I do feel like a lot of the co-op parts are pretty cheaply made, especially in parts where Carver is warping around the world, to allow the game to tell the same story regardless of it being the single- or multi-player campaign.

    Also, I felt it was a bit of a shame that only Carver gets the "Co-op asynchronous nightmares", as I, playing as Isaac, kind of felt like I missed out on something there - but it's a cool feature.

    I did not mind the microtransactions much, though I am really, really worried about the future of microtransactions in "proper games"... and no, I do not trust major publishers (or other economical entities) not to balance games to push it's players towards paying for something that the game should be balanced against.

    But yeah, Dead Space 3, great game, even if it is more of an Action game than the previous - but that somehow feels fine, because of the evolution of Isaac's character.

  • *sigh* After some 30-40 hours, my 2 cities are now in shambles. The first city appears to have broken in the cloud, as I can no longer even load into it.

    The second city, has become a gridlocked nightmare OUTSIDE OF TOWN, as people line up in a enormous queue to get into town, not to mention that most of the city is also gridlocked.

    For a long time, this wasn't a big issue. My first tower was providing my second city with Power, without requiring deliveries to the local power plant.

    However. Now that the first city is gone, there's no power coming there, and the oil delivery trucks are desperately trying to reach the power plant.

    Of course, the lack of power has resulted in a cascade of bad things

    - My industry has shut down, as there is now power. I am now losing more than 30k/hour, from gaining 100k/hour.

    - My sewage plant is pumping sewage into the ground.

    - My Water treatment plant is pumping the barely treated sewage into peoples' homes.

    And I'm at a loss how to fix it, as I don't have room (or money) to build a massive wind or solar farm. And I don't have the education to run a nuclear power plant.

    And all other cities in the region are occupied by people who have already given up on the game.

    Maxis, I wanted to love your game. But I'm really frustrated with it instead. :(

  • You probably know this, but Platinum makes some really awesome action games, and Revengeance is not an exception.

    It's not quite a "real" "Metal Gear" game, as we've seen them in recent years - there's a different flavor to the insanity here.

    But, man, that insanity sure is tasty. And the combat sure is rewarding.

    Unfortunately, the game suffers a lot from having a combat system that seems really shallow and simple until you NEED to have mastered it's depth... and once you do master it... the game is over.

    But I suppose the idea is that you play the game again?

    I may go back and play the DLC, but I felt I got what I wanted out of the story, the first way through. But maybe the additional characters are fun to play with?

  • Tomb Raider has never been a franchise I've gotten very deep into. I have some friends who sing praises for the old games, but... besides a few vague memories of playing through one of them (No idea which that would be), Tomb Raider is a series I've watched from afar.

    The new one changes things up a bit, and borrows quite freely from the design of Uncharted. The good parts - the climbing and traversing, the strong characters.

    Also, importantly, it doesn't roll out it's super natural themes at the 11th hour to be a deus ex machina.

    I thought Lara felt like a genuine person. She's forced through some messsed up things in the game, but comes out stronger for it. Despite some pre-release footage looking very extreme, I never really got a feeling that she was taking more damage than a human would be able to sustain and keep going - no doubt she'll be a mess of bruises as soon as she stops, but for the duration of the game, it seemed pretty believable.

    I liked it, from start to finish - though... I do worry about where it leaves the next game(, which I'm sure is inevitable - not really a spoiler).

  • It's weird. On the one hand, the gameplay left me pretty cold - and the "necessities" of games kind of clash with the story... but meanwhile, it's an extremely engaging story, and Elizabeth is so, so well done.

    Didn't quite live up to Bioshock (1), but then again, nothing could.

    Update: now also played Burial at Sea, Episode 1. Wow. Combat is still a chore, though.

  • F. Yeah. This is an amazing game. I love everything about it.

  • Metro: Last Light is beautiful. It's moody and interesting. It's amazing what 4A have produced.

    However, it has problems.

    First problem is the hamfisted way the story is written. The outline of the story is very interesting, but the details are just not there. Especially Anna is dreadfully written - the events that transpire make sense, but it's not earned - which makes it feel gratuitous and cheap.

    Gameplay is fairly average first person shooter - it's pretty good, but it also contains several sequences where I simply got lost, running around looking for the one door that would allow me to progress.

    Also, some sequences are just... bad. Especially those taking place on ice were almost bad enough for me to rage quit the game entirely.

    Also, found a sequence where it seemed like you had to stay in a very small box or the game punished you by instantly killing you.

    Overall, I think that 2033 was the more interesting game, this felt much more like a standard call of duty inspired shooter. The gas mask mechanic still works, though - and that is one of the mechanics that really changes the way you perceive the game and lift it to feel better than it probably should.

  • What a game.

    Really, I feel like there are 3 significant portions of the game - Story, Memory Remixes, Combat and "Exploration".

    I really liked the Story. It relies heavily on memory-based manipulation and what might happen to a society where memory is a commodity - something that is traded. And something that can make you violently ill. If you've enjoyed the Ghost in the Shell movies/series - you are likely to recognize a few themes here. But fair warning: It's not a light story - it's a bit convoluted, and very dark.

    I do think that there are things they could have done that would've been super-clever in terms of memory - more playing with the player's memory.

    I understand that a lot of people who have played the game has been disappointed that the The Memory Remixes are not more prevalent - Personally, I didn't expect there to be more than a handful of those, and for them to be meaningful - I feel like I was spot on.

    The main reason why I don't feel like there needed to be more of them (even though they are interesting) - is because their interface is a bit clunky, and including more would most likely have meant that they would have overstayed their welcome.

    Combat is... Batman: Arkham Asylum-esque, but you get to customize your combos to work more the way you want them to (ie: Which parts of your combos do you want to be: high damage, healing, combo-recover?) - this gives you a lot of flexibility to customize the combat system to work with what you are struggling with.

    But it's not as good as Batman. There are less potential combos (4 preset combos in the game), and there is specifically something funky going on when you swap targets. It works sometimes, but most of the time, swapping targets or dodging will reset the combo - which can be very frustrating as it discourages you from dodging and slows down combat significantly.

    Worth noting is also that the better you do in Combat, the more the (awesome) music swells. Getting hit repeatedly eventually stops the music entirely for the duration of the fight (until you do better again).

    For what it's worth , there might be a little bit too much combat in the game, but I didn't feel like it outstayed it's welcome. And while the limitation of 4 fixed combos might be considered a bit disappointing, I spent most of the game experimenting with the system, making it suit my play style.

    "Exploration" - is a bit of a misnomer, as the game is entirely linear. Basically, I'm talking about scaling ledges, climbing ladders, etc. You'll get to see parts of Neo-paris, but not a whole lot. You'll glimpse the Eiffel Tower on occasion, but don't expect too much.

    Overall - I really hope this isn't Dontnod's last game. I'd love to see what else they can produce.

  • Funny, charming and interesting. Screams "Indie title". Had a bunch of fun with it. Yes, I went for the redhead. Dur.

  • I don't think Last of us is a very good game. From a mechanics perspective, Naughty Dog has never done shooting very good, and this is just another example of that. Making it worse, they. just. keep. throwing. combat. at. you.

    I reached a point where I'd long for the human opponents fighting the zombies, only to get a rude awakening how terrible that combat was when the game eventually got around to the human-combat part.

    To make matters worse, on a few occasions, the game spawned enemies behind me in the middle of a silent takedown, resulting in the enemies being made aware.

    And... also, the AI is bad. In some sequences, after being made active, the AI keeps gravitating towards you, as if it knows where you are, but it doesn't want to make it apparent.

    As for the story. I was sure I'd love the story, especially after the super-strong opening, which I think writes checks they can't deliver.

    I understand the difference between a linear game following someone's story and a branching story that lets you make the big decisions... but the Last of Us is an exercise in bad decisions and feel bad situations, and ends on a really rotten note.

    On the bright side, the game is really pretty.

    And despite Naughty Dog claiming she's modeled after Ashley Johnson, she looks a whole lot more like Ellen Page. Which reminds me of Beyond: Two Souls. Which is one of the highlights of The Last of Us for me.

    Meh. After Uncharted and now this, I'm going to have to do a whole lot of thinking about the next Naughty Dog game.

  • Wow, I didn't expect to get such an experience from an indie game. This may be the darkest game of the year, yet keeping it compelling by the power of mechanics.

    Also, the opening music is all kinds of amazing.

    Glory to Arstotzka!

  • Think indie-Megaman. Except not as good. Was expecting more, but... probably shouldn't have?

    Main issues:

    * Enemies respawn when their spawn point leaves the screen. Makes it very easy to farm drops. (and very frustrating when trying to progress).

    * A.R.E.S.'s navigation isn't very good - would've liked him to be more agile. More Megaman X, less Megaman 1...

    * Many weapons, all do the same thing. "SMG is better for combos"...uh, no, the weapon that fires only slightly slower, deals more damage and covers a third of the screen is better for combos.

    Has potential, though.

  • Having put an unreasonable amount of hours into Warframe, I was extremely curious as to what Dark Sector was - especially considering how it is often brought up as the origins of Warfame, some going so far as to say that Warframe was the game they wanted to make in Dark Sector (but their publisher refused, making significant changes).

    Either way, Dark Sector is a flawed game, the game mechanics are pretty loose, and most situations in the game could use a little bit more guidance. But which has a lot of interesting things going for it. For one, considering that it is 5 years since it was released - it still looks very good, despite the models and animations often leaving something to be desired.

    I'm glad I checked it out.

  • This is a great game. Great platforming mechanics. And gives you a lot of possibility for customization.

  • DLC Quest acts like it is biting commentary on how DLC is treated by some developers/publishers. Unfortunately, there's one big flaw with DLC Quest - it is not a good game, and the further through it you get, the less fun the "DLC commenatary" becomes, and more grueling the poor gameplay is.


  • Shadowrun Returns suffers the same issues pretty much all other games in this genre suffers. You can either make an interesting character and fail. Or you can make your character a god of war, and succeed. I've never felt like there's a middle-ground there. Which always ends up pissing me off, forcing me to play uninteresting meat-heads, rather than the charismatic, intelligent characters I want to play in these games.

    Further, I'm not a big fan of the combat systems in these games - they're slow, plodding, and they tend to cheat. Breaking the rules in the games' favor. And Shadowrun Returns appears to do all of these things.

    That said, I liked the story. While it was obvious that the story was as linear as can be, it's trappings as a murder investigation worked very well, and was very compelling for me.

    Not sure if I'll return for future campaigns... We'll see?

  • Even if this is "just" a flash game, I feel it's something unexpected and really awesome. Only disappointing thing is how it punctuation didn't work with my (international) keyboard.

    Of course, considering the size of the game, and the disclaimer presented at the start of the game - that's an acceptable problem, even if it could've been handled better than a button you had to press in the options menu for every text to type.

    And it's still awesome.

  • Very interesting point-and-click adventure game. Well recommended. Does some interesting things with storytelling.

  • Hm. Well, I started looking into Gone Home after seeing all the hype about it. I watched the Quick Look. I saw the dozens of threads on the forums (but didn't read them).

    I feel like I came into Gone Home with both the wrong mindset (half-expecting a jump scare near the end) and with too high expectations (from all the hype).

    It's certainly a nice and touching piece of software that will most likely be held up as something that is pushing the medium forward.

    I like what they've done with Gone Home, but there's... just... something that doesn't quite click with me.

  • Finally got around to playing and finishing this after it dropped on Steam. Loved the vast majority of the game (though, the sheer QUANTITY of references to various games, websites and memes left me a bit cold - gee, guys. Have SOME restraint).

    Beyond that, I really enjoyed the color palette, I felt it used colors in combinations (that work) that we normally don't see in games of this (high) quality (because they are difficult to pull off) - very nice.

    That said, I struggled a lot with the combat in the late game on specific bosses, where the game felt oddly punishing for minor mistakes.

  • Wellp. Been putting this off for some time, as I've heard things. Overall, it's a another CoD: Modern Warfare through and through. The set pieces are enjoyable enough when you think of it more as a roller coaster... but at some point it just feels like the story was penned by a 5 year old going "AND THEN THE BAD GUYS EXPLOOODED, AND THEN THE GOOD GUYS JUMPED OUT OF THE AIRPLANE, AND LANDED ON THE BAD GUY, AND THEN...". Also, man, does it look like garbage.

    I'm glad that Treyarch actually did somethign new with the Franchise last year, because this is not a good game.

  • Payday 1 was a problematic game for me - while I don't really have any great dislike for it, nor do I harbor particularly fond feelings towards HEAT and other heist movies. At the same time, I am a big fan of co-operative games - especially ones where the players have asymetric (but balanced) capabilities. But... Payday 1 felt like it had a massive wall in place of it's difficulty curve and I was unwilling or unable (because the people I normally play these games typically only play these games during a few isolated periods every year) to play ball - this left my time with Payday very brief.

    This time around though, Payday 2 was released during one of those windows my friends play these kinds of games intensively, and as a result, I've dropped about 20 hours into Payday 2. Make no mistake, Payday 2 is largely broken and unbalanced... but it's also one of the best coop games released in 2013. It's still brutally difficult, but with more flexibility in allowing missions to be partial failures, the game becomes a lot more interesting. In one part of the mission, you can fail the objective and later accomplish follow-up objectives, allowing the mission to be an overall success.

    And of course, seeing how the players abilities are asymetric, much like DOTA, the game has different phases - there's the casing phase, the stealth phase, the "go loud" phase, the "oh shit, everything is on fire and there is gas pouring in through the air conditioner" and the escape phase (among others) - not all of which are applicable to every mission. I read in preview material how Overkill had taken inspiration from Dark Souls in the design of the game, and it shows. Partial successes and failures really make the game a lot more than it's individual parts suggest it could be.

    We'll see if I get to play any more of it, as I'm not really feeling inspired to search out random people to play it with.

  • The Bureau is a lot of good ideas. Unfortunately, there are probably too many ideas here. It's too fragmented. This thing COULD work. It almost does.

    The combat is for the most part very interesting. It promotes you to be very aggressive; a lot of flanking, a lot of active ability use. But at it's heart, it's a cover-based third person shooter - and the closest comparison I can think of is Mass Effect 2 and 3 - where you also have 2 companions who you can control.

    What makes The Bureau's combat different from Mass Effect's is that you have a lot more control over your partners here - and you are likely to spend a lot more time controlling them. Because that's where a lot of the fun is.

    ... and because your companion's AI is garbage. Left to their own devices, they will often stand on the wrong side of cover or use their abilities at the entirely wrong time. Not to mention that they will not be flanking - which is really important.

    As for the story - without spoiling anything, I do like parts of what they did with the story, the twist is clever and does explain a lot... but ultimately tying the game into the XCOM: Enemy Unknown mythos ultimately holds it back and is one of the biggest problems the game has.

    Technically the game has it's own set of issues. In some sections, I had to lower my settings to "Low" (and still get poor performance), while in other parts, setting the settings to "high" ran fine. I also experienced a few crashes and stuff.

    That said, I love the setting and really wish the game was a lot better than it turned out to be.

  • Saints Row IV is really dumb. REALLY, REALLY DUMB. And I love it for it.

    Technically, the game is a mess. Playing Coop, we encountered more issues than I care keeping track of. Crashing. Disconnections. Difficulty connecting. Some missions aren't "co-op", other missions are - there's no real distinction, and the player selecting a mission doesn't really get any indication if the other player knows what he's doing.

    It's really rough.

    But... the game itself is the sequel to Saints Row: The Third that I wanted. It takes the Third and rolls with it. Never apologizing, the game delivers punch after punch for hours on end.

    I don't know what else to say, this game is amazing despite it's technical issues.

  • While I originally had no intention to play Crysis 2, a friend encouraged me to try it out - and I'm glad I did. It's not amazing, but it does put a nice bow on the Crysis series, and is a much stronger game than the poor 2nd entry.

    Unfortunately, there is a significant amount of Ceph about a third of the game - which remain a lot less interesting to combat than the human opponents you are tasked with defeating the rest of the game.

    Either way, I'm glad I saw the end of the saga.

  • I am not a fan of GTA. I feel that it peaked at Vice City - partially because I feel that was the last game where the janky-ness of open world games was really tolorable.

    For me, GTA4 for a depressing, terrible mess - and I could not force myself past the opening hours.

    So, I guess it speaks volumes, that despite finding the marketing for the game despicable, and finding the last 2 iterations of the game barely worth the time of day, that I finished GTA5.

    I think that the quote about why there aren't any female leads in GTA5 is one of the poorest excuses ever, and one they would have been better served just not responding to. Claiming to want to make a "masculine story" is such high levels of bullshit that I can't believe they actually thought that statement was a good idea. 95%+ of all games released are "masculine stories", and very few things in GTA5 are in any way progressive.

    That said, I did enjoy playing as Michael - he's not a great person, but he's trying to make things right for himself and his family. He keeps making bad decisions, but bad decisions that seem plausible at the time.

    Franklin, for me, is the character that I identified with least - but beyond being a low-level street thug for most of the game, was an endearing character mostly - and had the only special ability worth mentioning.

    Trevor... *sigh*. He did grow on me by the end, but I still think it's a character made solely for the purpose of riling people up. I don't think he's a very good character. He's that guy who has a (specific) catchphrase that he always says that he thinks is random... but isn't really.

    As for the gameplay... it's another janky-ass open world game. It breaks about as often as the Saints Row games - except here, they've implemented a bunch of (admittedly cool) non-sense like tailpipes igniting trails of gasoline.

    This is especially bad when you consider that one of the absolute core gameplay mechanics are so broken... really, look at shooting and the mechanics surrounding it. If you do free aim, then pressing the aim button (only) raises the aim into the ceiling. HOW COULD THEY RELEASE THE GAME IN THAT STATE?!?! And rather than fix it, they've made auto-aim as ridiculous as I've ever seen it in a game - almost guaranteed headshots are easy as soon as you get down the right flex the aim-down-the-sights button, softly tap the camera directional stick down (to aim up) and shoot one bullet. Release aim. 90% of the time, that's a kill. Then just repeat 'till the room is clear.

    I did enjoy the heists and heist-like missions - they were the lynchpin of the game, and what held the game together for me. In my opinion, they should make that part of the game the true center of the game next time. Add more alternative plans for each heist, and more steps to them - trim out a lot of the nonsense (like... say, Trevor) and you might end up with a pretty decent game.

    I have a friend who keeps bugging me to give GTA Online a whirl... but I just... can't... muster the interest. Especially not after hearing what a mess it's been - not to mention WHAT it is. 16 player instanced worlds where people sometimes play together, but mostly don't... err. great.

  • Let's get this out of the way: I love David Cage and Quantic Dream's games, but I am under no circumstances claiming that they are flawless - quite the opposite.

    Often, their games are tangled messes of story and some kind of quick time events. But they have impact, which is a lot more than I can say for most other games I've played this year (including GTA5).

    Beyond is a deeply personal story, and as such, it's a great success.

    Personally, I'll admit that it doesn't quite live up to the hype I've created for it after Heavy Rain - but I realize it's not realistic to expect ANYTHING to live up the feelings I have for Heavy Rain.

    I will eventually go back to it, if only to google the alternate paths - but for now, I'm content to mull over my choices.

  • I have an unhealthy fascination with swords. For some reason, I just find them so... cool? Either way - as soon as I heard that you could play through most of Shadow Warrior using nothing but a Sword - I was sold.

    In retrospect, I am a bit disappointed in the swordplay in the game - I was hoping it would be more like the advanced melee control in Dead Island, but it was a lot more a case of just "aim at body part you want to chop off - release - done."

    I passed on the original Shadow Warrior - I heard about the... colorful commentary? And didn't feel very good about playing it. As such, I can't really compare it to this game.

    I was glad to notice that they had dialed the commentary back a bit - though keeping the same flavor, just stopping while it's still *kind of* tasteful.

    And overall I found the writing to be largely clever and fairly decent.

    By no means is this a very high-brow game, but I don't think it needs to be. Flying Wild Hog has done a great job bringing us a new Shadow Warrior game - and it's still as dumb as it ever was. And it has swords.

    I like swords.

  • Batman: Arkham Origins is an impressive game for a new studio, and must've been a terrifying prospect for the studio - picking up where Rocksteady left off.

    Unfortunately, it also has more than it's share of bugs... and there appears to have been some combat balancing changes for the worse. I'm convinced that enemies are attacking MUCH faster than they used to, and as a result, I never quite got that "I'M BATMAN" feeling I got in the previous 2 games.

    I am a bit frustrated with the story, as it seemed more original than it was - and the entire premise of the story never really goes anywhere. The 8 assassins are immediately made a huge deal out of, but in the first few hours, you take out half of them, and the remaining half are delegated to being side-mission activities. Which is fine, I guess... but the assassin which waits for Batman to show up in some obscure corner of the city feels a bit... not so eager?

    Also, of course, the change in voice actors in some of the lead characters was quite noticeable. Not so much in Batman, but the other lead actor change was very noticeable - specifically lacking that one magic touch that the previous actor brought out.

    In my opinion, as interesting as that character is, the game would've been better with it's exclusion.

  • See, there's a problem with some games that come around, which some people feel extremely emotionally resonant and as a result start spouting superlatives all over. The problem is that it raises expectation in an unreasonable manner.

    I don't know if it's just that, or if I'm having a bad day (for playing Brothers), but Brothers did not resonate much with me. I get what the mechanics are saying at the end, but... didn't do much for me.

    Not a bad game though, well worth the 3 hours I spent on it.

  • Super snazzy, great sound. Plays well and sounds great... but wasn't able to keep my interest for very long...

  • Blacklist is interesting - it's more Splinter Cell, refined and polished. It's a good game, with good Splinter Cell stealth

    The only really disappointing thing, I felt, was some of the technical issues.

  • I know this is a common comment, but I'll say it as well: Black Flag blindsided me. I didn't even dislike Assassins Creed 3, and I was more than pleasantly surprised what happened with Black Flag - the same old Assassin's Creed - with some of the most solid mechanics in gaming franchises - is still in there, but with the whole sea battle part tacked on... wow what a package.

    Also, the Sea shanties add so much atmosphere. Really well done.

  • Oh Warframe. OH, Warframe.

    Warframe has been my truest companion in 2013 - with Steam claiming almost 500 hours, Warframe suggesting somewhere in the 300's (I assume the difference here is time 'running the executable' vs 'in-mission' - and once you get part a certain part in Warframe, a lot of the game takes place outside of the missions: equipping, un-equipping, moving around, fusing and transmuting mods.

    The flexible difficulty, ranging from missions where you'll fail if you blink to being the perfect companion game for watching a movie or listening to a podcast makes Warframe extremely compelling to me.

    It doesn't hurt that we're talking about Space ninjas with an arsenal consisting of guns, swords and 'magic'.

    My interest in the game does wax and wane (the continual updates really help with the waxing :P), but I would not be surprised if at the end of 2014 I've played again as many hours as I already have.

  • Delightful. Simple in execution, elegantly produced. Only a few hours of entertainment - but hard to argue that is a bad thing, the game doesn't outstay it's welcome.

    I hope there will be more installments in the series down the line.

  • I appear to have a 'problem' with 'isometric' games these days - especially ones playing in the "Diablo"-genre. It takes a lot of effort for me to get interested - and I really only started looking into Path of Exile because a lot of people were talking about it.

    As of writing, I've finished the game once with one character (duelist). It's a decent isometric action RPG - it gets the Diablo-game loop right where Diablo 3 failed to do so - it's interesting to get loot, even if it's only purpose is to get more loot.

  • If you can't not take Deadpool serious, then this game is probably going to be really rough. The fighting mechanics are (like every other third person brawler-ish these days) inspired by Rocksteady's Batman games - but not as elegant. Tacked on are kind of poor shooting mechanics.

    But let's get real. You're not coming to a Deadpool game for mechanics - you are coming to it for Deadpool - and I feel like the game delivers on providing Deadpool, and probably one of my favorite videogame representations of Deadpool to date.

  • Well, the first 2 acts, at least - was disappointed to realize that only the first two acts out of five have still been released. Oh well, I guess I'll revisit next year?

    Beautiful, opaque. Has a way of telling you just enough to keep you interested... though I'm a bit worried that they are going down the super-natural rabbit hole a bit much, for my taste...

    We'll see, though.