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#1  Edited By quirkwood

Ok, I am pretty drunk right now and listenbg to two hipsters talk about movining house as I ride tram home. For some reason this made me think about how Vinny is "always" getting branded as racist on the podcast. This, in turn made me think of how I am branded as rascist for being Australian.

What I am wondering is that I say a hell of a lot of shit that could be considered racist, sexist. homophobic or any combination of the afore mentioned. I don't consider myself any of those things I pretty much don't give a shit about who you are or where you come from (in a g

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#2  Edited By quirkwood

@MordeaniisChaos: I already have a 10m (~30ft) cable. Unfortunately I live in Australia and the that cable (which was the cheapest I could find) cost me $80.00 shit is expensive here. Thanks though.

@CaLe: Thanks for the info matey I'll have a look into that.

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#3  Edited By quirkwood

@MordeaniisChaos: Unfortunately that would require a cable significantly longer than I have to keep it in the corners.

@Hamst3r: My secondary is garbage that is why it is my secondary, I use it for stuff like hypershade in maya or the generic browser in UDK.

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#4  Edited By quirkwood

I have three monitors, one HDTV in my lounge which is a clone of the main monitor in my study, I also have a second monitor which is an extension of my main monitor. Every time I unplug or plug in the HDTV the extended monitor defaults to being on the left of my main monitor but I need it on the right.

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#5  Edited By quirkwood

Hey folks I am currently running two AMD Radeon 6870s and need to swap between just having two monitors and running three at the same time.

Currently I have two monitors in my study and need to use the TV in the lounge to play when I am "watching" the baby. As I am not the owner of the house I am unable to simply install a couple of HDMI panels into the walls, so I have to run a cable between the two rooms. This isn't really much of a problem except that I can't leave it there all the time because it's a pretty gnarly trip hazard (you don't want to trip when you're holding a baby).

The way my monitors are set up I have my main display cloned onto the TV and the secondary display set to the right of my main display. The issue is every time I unplug/plug in the HDMI to the TV it swaps my secondary display to the left hand side and I can't figure out how to lock it so it can't move. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can stop this from happening?

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#6  Edited By quirkwood

Ahh, the memories. This was the goto game of my youth. My friends and I would play it non-stop for hours and hours. I personally think this is STILL one of the best multiplayer experiences around.

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#7  Edited By quirkwood

Here I am praying for a modern day UO. Which is who I believe MMOs should be.

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#8  Edited By quirkwood

I agree that the combat is certainly much better in this game but you really can't compare what Fable was "supposed" to be with what the KoA:R demo is. Fable was supposed to be a sprawling open world where every choice had its consequence, a game where you could join up with the bandits or fight them, where planting an acorn would would eventually grow into an Oak (or whatever acorns turn into). Fable (as much as I enjoyed it) was never what it was supposed to be, it was a handful of gimmicks cobbled together into some semblance of an RPG. That said I still enjoyed Fable and Fable 2.

What the KoA:R demo seems to be is a better version of what Fable turned out to be. For me it seems to be Fable without any of the gimmicks distracting you from what this game actually appears to be, and that is a well crafted ARPG.

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#9  Edited By quirkwood


I never said it was something that hasn't happened before. I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed it. Also hoping that it's not supposed to be a big reveal later in the game as they are doing a pretty good job of making it blindingly obvious.

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#10  Edited By quirkwood

You're character is a freakin' god in this game. Not just in the sense that you have cool powers as such but more in the way the Norse gods are gods. Where am I drawing this cinclusion from? Well in the intro they talk about the winter court awaiting the birth of a new god secondly the fateweaver guy tells you only gods have the power to control their fate. Therefore it's pretty safe to assume you are a god. Possibly even the the god the winter court are waiting for.