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Games I've Finished '14: I don't have a stupid secondary title yet.

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  • Upon further reflection, all adventure games are really just simulations in sociopathy.

  • Can't say I was a fan of it, but I think I was treating it more as an academic exercise. Not to say there isn't a cool idea for a game in there somewhere, I mean, psychic spies! That could be fucking rad. The parts where this was a game were kinda bad. Here's a guy who's red for no reason, so I guess you can choke him. Can't do that to the other guy though, no sir. He's a blue guy, force choke totally doesn't work on blue guys.

  • I've dumped like 60 hours into this game and my item encyclopedia is still only like 60% complete. Needing like a billion rare drops for fusion items is kind of lame, but the main selling and adventuring mechanics are pretty simple and fun.

  • I think it was all right. I think the setting was probably the strongest part of the game, but I do love a good dystopia. Combat was kind of basic though.

  • It was pretty short, so I went back through and listened to the commentary. It was more interesting to listen to someone critique one of their first games than I would have thought. Poor Dave was down in the info dumps.

  • I apparently use my 3ds xl to catch up on all the ds games I never got around to. Pretty fun, but the difficulty gets wicked at the end.

  • What a weird fucking game. Kinda sucks progress is gated by rare drops though.

  • Got the good ending, pretty enjoyable. Gas masks off to the masochistic fucks that actually managed to get that shadow ranger achievement.

  • That was ridiculous. I needed that.

  • I thought it was pretty cool. Fuck trying to find all those concept arts though.

  • Chapter 1-4 and the final are pretty great, but the repetition during 5-8 is a major bummer. I really loved the job system and the brave mechanic is interesting.

  • I actually kinda liked it. The time thing wasn't much of a problem since I finished every main and side quest by day 9. Wondering if this is how 15 is going to play minus the dress up part. Also, 2 trophies left to platinum, so I might as well do it.

  • That new patch is pretty rad, you guys.

  • Played through the Dragonfall campaign. It gets pretty rugged near the end. Played as a troll adept, which was okay, but there's not enough karma to go around to take advantage of the ridiculous skill caps trolls get for body and strength. Took me about 3 tries to take out that orc bastard at the end too, and that was only because the mage's didn't put that damage deflect shit up on him.

  • It was all right, no shanties while sailing though is a major bummer.

  • Neat little puzzle rpg hybrid. End boss was a bitch though.

  • Trying to work the Steam unfinished list down some. Short, but entertaining. I smoked 36 cigarettes.

  • If there's a point in your life where you are less amused by giant anime titties, I have yet to find it. Honestly, there's always giant swinging tits in most Banpresto games, this one just seems like the most honest. The end boss wasn't even as ridiculously hard as their usual fare, though being able to inflict status effects like poison and paralyze went a long way.

  • Keeping the Blackwell train a-rolling. Seems real weird not being able to combine notes.

  • After having finished it as evil and good, I'd say it's pretty good. Troy Baker voicing Delsin was kind of off-putting, if only because I played with him voicing my character in Saints Row IV and I liked that game better. One day I'll get to play an evil character that's just a self-serving prick instead of a genocidal maniac. Also surprised how well the frame rate held up with all the effects going on.

  • Sucks that I had to turn the difficulty way down in order to beat Maltheal, but the battles were lasting so long, lag always seemed to kill me in the end. Adventure mode is a pretty rad way to grind for paragon and legendaries. The nephelim rifts also get pretty intense.

  • And we're all caught up and ready for the finale. After that ending, I'm curious as to where Epiphany will go.

  • Think I just played ping-pong with an elder god and won. Ys 2 seems like baby mode compared to this one, yeesh.

  • Not being bound by broadcast standards really let them cut loose and I couldn't possibly be any happier for it. I finished it a second time because I missed 1 friend, and it was still pretty funny. Jew seemed kinda weak compared to mage though.

  • Fun, but frustrating. Seems like it leaned a little heavy on throwing multiple enemies and occasionally bosses at you in order to make it more difficult. Dual wielding was fun, I didn't even bother using a shield, opting instead for dual caestus and dragonrider's bow.

  • I played a lot of story mode today. Granted, a few of the parts only had ~3 chapters due to only having a few characters. It's not a great fighting game, but it's a decent vehicle for fan service, and I just had to witness how they integrated Steel Ball Run characters for myself, which was somewhere between magical and madness. I'm still missing a few trophies for the platinum, so I might as well get them since they're not online or anything.

  • It was okay. The quests could stand to be a little less grindy. I mean, if you have to search an entire floor for one item or enemy, but not have it drop it's kinda shitty.

  • Pretty rad. Story seemed straight forward enough for me, so I'm not entirely sure whatever the hell everyone else is talking about. Skill system is by far the best part though.

  • It's all right, but there wasn't anything memorable about it, but since I blew the 400 bucks on a ps4 I might as well play something on it, right?

  • Okay, ended up finishing it with all 3 characters (Yunica: Normal, Hugo: Hard, and Toal: Very easy). I really like the Ys games, and this is no exception. Bless the folks who stick out nightmare, yeesh. Does seem weird that Toal's story was the most probable canon, but he was the unlockable.

  • This has apparently been on my ps3 for almost 3 years untouched, so I decided to go in and try it. I remember really liking the original, but something about this one felt more like a chore. The music was pretty cool though.

  • Got it for free on Origin, and it's a pretty good getting ready to pass out sort of game. Still working on the challenge mode though.

  • The last 5 or 6 missions were kind of ridiculous and mostly a bunch of people paying you to take out the people above you continuously. I think the enemies were a little bullet spongey for my tastes, but sometimes the chaos you could create was pretty magical.

  • Well, that was bleak. The caravan didn't really seem like it served any purpose other than sucking away resources.

  • They really tired that story together over the course of all the games. I'm kinda impressed.

  • Finished normal as Hawkeye, which I got as a random from when heroes were drops. He started kinda weak, but got cooking around the time he could start dropping turrets. Used the eternity shards I got over the course of the game to unlock Moon Knight, who I like a lot better since his super powers are punching and punching harder and throwing a stick that rebounds and kills everything.

    Ended up getting Moon Knight to 60. Still haven't finished the game with him on super heroic though, since I've mainly been running the dailies for Odin Marks. I've dumped 20 bucks into it so far, which seemed fair for the 80-some hours I've put into it.

  • I don't quite think it lived up to the potential of the first episode, but turning into full big bad wolf was pretty rad.

  • It's kinda like Golden Axe with quests and loot, which I'm pretty into. Finished normal as a Wizard and pretty much just jumped in the air and spammed the lightning attack.

  • Picked up the PS4 version for something to play on that thing, and I rather enjoy it even though I can't say I ever gave a shit about DC characters. The story mode was really good, but maybe I just really like the idea of a fascist Superman. I don't think I'll make it through the S.T.A.R. Labs part with every character though. It just seems kind of bland compared to the challenge tower in Mortal Kombat.

  • Episode 1, at least. I love a good tale of AI going horribly wrong. The stick on the shooting seemed a little too sensitive though.

  • I'm not sure how to exactly put my feelings about Destiny into words, but I imagine it would be something like a wet fart sound for 2 minutes straight.

  • Not bad, pretty standard Tales game.

  • Holy fuck, this game is fun as hell to play. I was having a hell of a time against the last warchief I had to brand to unlock the endgame, so I set him up with 5 of my branded bodyguards and let them beat the fuck out of him. What? He had it coming.

  • Probably my favorite asthmatic walking simulator. The gore probably helps though.

  • It's definitely more Borderlands. Sometimes it's pretty funny and sometimes it's crawl under the earth cringe-worthy. Nisha's showdown skill is crazy powerful and playing as Claptrap is really weird.

  • Finished the Hanzo side so far. Pretty great game to play on the shitter.

  • Pretty unforgiving and some of the quest lines got a little busted on me, especially in Hollywood, but I thought it was a pretty good old school rpg all around. Ammo and item management was a bitch though, I ended up having to dump it down to rookie which gave me a profound sense of shame.

  • I liked it, but it was no Burnout Paradise. Also the frame rate for me in a lot of the fmv stuff was garbage. I did like the cars being real though. I kept going back to my Corvette ZR1 when I couldn't win a most wanted challenge, which kinda felt like a bummer considering that was one of the first cars I found.

  • Didn't like the story as much as the first season, and I feel like making another one with Clementine would really ruin it where I left it. Poor Kenny, always left making sacrifices.

  • Still enjoyable action rpg. I do feel like sometimes you run up against enemies that can do no damage to your whatsoever or can kill you in the blink of an eye. That could be the fault of my build though.

  • Plenty of open-world fuck aroundery to be had. Would also totally hang out with Pagan Min. Sucks my progress meter bugged out on me and is stuck at 99.18%. I'm apparently missing 10 weapons even though I have them all and 1 vehicle. Oh well.

  • Pretty fun 5 dollar thrill ride. To call God of War an influence would be a bit of an understatement though.

  • Pretty weird and interesting, but you really can't say much about it without spoiling the whole thing. It was also very pretty.

  • It's like portable dynasty warriors with more tits. I do wonder if they'll ever do a full blown game where they actually fight yoma instead of just stripping their classmates naked though.

  • Probably would have been wicked salty had I paid 40 bucks for it when it came out, but at 10 it was okay. It plays a lot smoother, but there's a real disconnect with Kiefer Sutherland voicing that character for me. I probably wouldn't have noticed as much if there were some other changes too, but that's just conjecture on my part.