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Symphony's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Symphony
@Eckshale said:
" @c1337us said:
" I'd rather a Dead Space movie didn't exist. "
 There is already a Dead Space movie, just because it was animated doesn't exclude it. "
Augh damn, someone beat me by three minutes.
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#2  Edited By Symphony

Interesting sample, though 4000 matches would account for less than 1% of all online games played, so those numbers could charge drastically if there were a way to find a much, much larger data sample. But still it gives a general idea of which characters are played the most/least and that's pretty neat that the eventhub people took the time to do that.

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#3  Edited By Symphony

Err no.... Even at their lowest point in the console market, they still had the handheld market in a stranglehold. 
Should they have gone, "Well, we've lost the console war. Guess we should just focus on software and let someone else take over making portable consoles that print money"?
Bah, others have already mentioned this. Oh well. 

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#4  Edited By Symphony

Has there been a thread asking for a Dwarf Fortress ER yet? If not, I'm calling it now. 
Edit: Calling the fact there will be a thread made asking for it, not calling that there will be an ER of it. That'd be stupid.

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#5  Edited By Symphony
@MethodMan008 said:
" What great games can you guys think of with a part of the game that makes you want to break the disc it is so poor?  My example would have to be Xenogears.  It is my favorite JRPG of all time and overall one of my favorite games of all time period.  However, climbing babel tower is one the worst sections in any game I have ever played.  The platforming in xenogears is wonky and if you make one error you have to climb all the way up again...  Not to mention it doesn't make any damn sense because everyone is in Gears, which can fly!! "
Oh gods, I remember that part. 
Like you, it's one of my favorite games, but actually the part that pissed me off the most was probably.... the entire second CD...? Where it turned into a book rather than a game... and then you no longer can use Elly and it's like "aaaarrrgggh thanks for taking away one of the main staples of my party you damn game! *raaage* But you're still so much better than practically every other game out there, so I forgive you"  
Besides that.... Odin Sphere. Absolutely wonderful, wonderful game... but later boss fights were absolutely atrocious due to insane frame-rate drops when there were too many sprites on the screen. That game had me crying tears of frustration at points, it was so absurd how bad the frame-rate got.  What should have been easy fights were made nearly impossible because of it. 
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#6  Edited By Symphony

Fantastic work as always ^^ That was incredibly well-done!

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#7  Edited By Symphony

That was a cute little game. Nice work! ^^
Oh, one bug I noticed was if you pause the game when one of those mine-dropping things is at the top of the screen, the mine-dropping thing will keep moving till its off the screen even though the game is paused.

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#8  Edited By Symphony
@Koobz said:

" I tried the demo for like 4 hours and it is grindy and unforgiving as hell.  I don't see how any of the Giantbomb guys would have the patience for it. Despite what it seems, it's pretty much just a JRPG dungeon crawler with a pain in the ass SELL A THOUSAND ITEMS OR START OVER mechanic added on.  You go to dungeons and die in like four hits.  If you die, you lose all but one item.  The rest of the time you are basically navigating menus to buy and sell lots of the same items over and over.  Every time someone wants to buy an item from you (which is often) you have to manually set the price (to simulate haggling!).  If the whole game doesn't sound like a chore, I am describing it wrong. "

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. 
I enjoyed the game for the first few in-game weeks. The humor was cute and the mechanics were interesting, but it quickly became apparent that the game was nothing more than a buy low / sell high grind with a piss poor haggling mechanic (ie. the little girl would NEVER take more than 10% markup and wouldn't even take base price when she put in an advanced order, making me ask the obvious question -- "Why can't I just tell her off so she never comes to my shop again?!") and a bland dungeon crawler that felt pointless. By the time I went in and completed the second dungeon, I was already buying and selling things on the market worth ten times the value of the items found in the dungeon...  
But I can see the charm and appeal the game could have for some who enjoy the grind and find the characters endearing, so all the power to them. 
Edit: Whoops, I mean 10% markup not 110%. >.>
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#9  Edited By Symphony
@Smokay said:
" @Symphony said:
" We don't take kindly to them Canadians round there here parts.  Except,of course, British Columbians, cause we rock.  "
I understand you that theres a lot asians over there,why is it called British Columbia?I mean I might get the british part but Columbia? "
Because British and French colonists were messed in the head and when they wanted to lay claim to an area they couldn't have, they did the next best thing -- naming another place after it. French Guinea, British Columbia, etc etc.  
That or they were just really, really terrible at coming up with new names. I mean look at now many "New Something"s popped up in North America -- New Orleans, New York (and that was originally New Amsterdam even), New Brunswick, New Hampshire, etc. Hell, you must really have to suck at coming up with names when you spend months at sea on a boat (with plenty of time to think of names, I'd imagine) and decide to settle on "Newfoundland".  
"At last, we have arrived! What shall we call this place?" 
*None of the crew shows any interest until the captain speaks up unenthusiastically*  

"Bah, I dunno... it's land we just found... let's just go with new found land."  
*Everyone shrugs their approval*
"Yeah, whatever, sounds good to me."
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#10  Edited By Symphony

We don't take kindly to them Canadians round there here parts. 
Except,of course, British Columbians, cause we rock.