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Havard Professor's arrest and Obama beats a cop down

Since this is the only forum to where I really post, I thought I would start a topic and just vent here.  I have been listening to the radio and with people's opinions being shot off, it is really surprising how dense and how much lack of thought some people have.
So here is the story that I have as far as I know.
This Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, was trying to break into his own house because he forgot his keys after a trip to China.  Some woman, who didn't live in the neighborhood, called the cops on him and reported that two black men were trying to break into someone's house.  The cops came over and found one black man already inside the home.  The cop who is at the center of this is James Crowley.  Crowley asked for ID.  Gates got irate and started saying stuff to the cop, most quoted as you dont know who you're messing with and the such.  They stepped outside but after a bit, both parties agree that he did show ID, two.  His driver's license and his harvard ID, both with photos.  But the cops arrested him for being a jerk basically, being uncooperative and saying stuff.  The charges were then dropped.
The discussion centers around the issue of whether or not this was a racist act and whether an arrest should have been made in the first place.  For the racism, i can't really tell, but it feels like yes, there was a touch of racism.  I mean, really it just feels like a white person would not be arrested in the same situation.
And the situation is this.  Crowley's biggest point for the arrest was Gates behavior and saying things about Crowley's mother.  On the radio I heard hosts talking about how cops should not stand there and take abuse or that the police department is great and the President's comment that the actions of the cops were stupid.  Well, I am sorry, but yes, cops should be respected but that doesn't mean I can't act like an asshole in my own home, on my own property.
Here is the question to all of you, how would you feel if that is the reason you got arrested in your own house.  After the cops did know it was your house, you got arrest for yelling at them?  Why did they drop the charges?  Because he clearly did nothing wrong and with another harvard lawyer representing him, the cops knew they would get their asses handed to them.
As for what the president said, he called out the actions of the cops.  Clearly stupid since those charges would not stick.  Sorry but just because you have a good police department, it doesnt mean the president cant call your ass out for something you did.  Also, Obama went to harvard, he knows this professor.  If your friend got treated this way, you would say something, would'nt you?
Lots of people like to say it was just a cop trying to do his job, but his job does not included letting someone get to you and arrest them for it.  He didn't get arrested for breaking into his own house, he got arrested for telling the cops to fuck off after they knew it was his house and all the neighbors wondering why the fuck the cops were there in the first place if this guy owns the house!
I think we should all be outraged that this happened, that this could happen.  Is it racist?  I can't say for sure.  Did the cops fuck up anyway?  You bet they did.  This cop is gonna face some consequences if Gates does sue, because if I got arrested at my own house, just for speaking my mind, i would be pissed too.  Just cause you're a cop doesnt mean I can't do and say what I want at my own house just because you are there.



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Edited By TheHBK

Since this is the only forum to where I really post, I thought I would start a topic and just vent here.  I have been listening to the radio and with people's opinions being shot off, it is really surprising how dense and how much lack of thought some people have.
So here is the story that I have as far as I know.
This Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, was trying to break into his own house because he forgot his keys after a trip to China.  Some woman, who didn't live in the neighborhood, called the cops on him and reported that two black men were trying to break into someone's house.  The cops came over and found one black man already inside the home.  The cop who is at the center of this is James Crowley.  Crowley asked for ID.  Gates got irate and started saying stuff to the cop, most quoted as you dont know who you're messing with and the such.  They stepped outside but after a bit, both parties agree that he did show ID, two.  His driver's license and his harvard ID, both with photos.  But the cops arrested him for being a jerk basically, being uncooperative and saying stuff.  The charges were then dropped.
The discussion centers around the issue of whether or not this was a racist act and whether an arrest should have been made in the first place.  For the racism, i can't really tell, but it feels like yes, there was a touch of racism.  I mean, really it just feels like a white person would not be arrested in the same situation.
And the situation is this.  Crowley's biggest point for the arrest was Gates behavior and saying things about Crowley's mother.  On the radio I heard hosts talking about how cops should not stand there and take abuse or that the police department is great and the President's comment that the actions of the cops were stupid.  Well, I am sorry, but yes, cops should be respected but that doesn't mean I can't act like an asshole in my own home, on my own property.
Here is the question to all of you, how would you feel if that is the reason you got arrested in your own house.  After the cops did know it was your house, you got arrest for yelling at them?  Why did they drop the charges?  Because he clearly did nothing wrong and with another harvard lawyer representing him, the cops knew they would get their asses handed to them.
As for what the president said, he called out the actions of the cops.  Clearly stupid since those charges would not stick.  Sorry but just because you have a good police department, it doesnt mean the president cant call your ass out for something you did.  Also, Obama went to harvard, he knows this professor.  If your friend got treated this way, you would say something, would'nt you?
Lots of people like to say it was just a cop trying to do his job, but his job does not included letting someone get to you and arrest them for it.  He didn't get arrested for breaking into his own house, he got arrested for telling the cops to fuck off after they knew it was his house and all the neighbors wondering why the fuck the cops were there in the first place if this guy owns the house!
I think we should all be outraged that this happened, that this could happen.  Is it racist?  I can't say for sure.  Did the cops fuck up anyway?  You bet they did.  This cop is gonna face some consequences if Gates does sue, because if I got arrested at my own house, just for speaking my mind, i would be pissed too.  Just cause you're a cop doesnt mean I can't do and say what I want at my own house just because you are there.

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Edited By Colonel_Cool

I think it is just a cop trying to do his job.

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Edited By tippinator

Sure the cop was just doing his job but there are so many videos on youtube that suggest you can't talk back to a cop regardless of how cooperative you are. I've seen so many people get cuffed or tazed because the cop can't take a little verbal abuse. I can't hit you or detain you because you called me an asshole. What gives an officer the right?

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Edited By Cube

Don't trust no piggies, naw'm sayin'

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Edited By Keyser_Soze

Did he shout, "Don't taze me bro?"

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Edited By Colonel_Cool

Is there anything specific reported about the professor's behavior? While it's a shame he was arrested, I don't think he is completely innocent in this, as he was probably very uncooperative in what was clearly a misunderstanding, making matters worse and provoking the arrest. The media seems too intent in turning this into a race issue.

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Edited By Turtlemayor333

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Obama was specifically asked about the arrest at his healthcare conference. He didn't comment just for the heck of it.

Something tells me this kind of thing happens all the time. This cop just picked the wrong guy to bully, whether it was racist or not.

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Edited By lukeissxc

Wow... its not that big of a deal. A mistake was made and its been admitted. I would have arrested the guy too if i saw him acting suspicious and then not cooperating with me.

There had already been reports of someone trying to break into that house before so the cop had every right to suspect something. This had nothing to do with race, especially since the cop teaches a racial profiling class at the police acadamey.  If you ask me its just a way for someone to play off the race card to try and benefit from a misunderstanding. If it was a white person then theere wouldn't be all this media attention surrounding the case.

I also think Obama shouldn't have said anything at all. He basically called the department stupid even if he was just beating around the bush to do it. He should be worrying more about how he will fix the mess of our economy that he has created than worthless racial feuds.

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Edited By PercyChuggs

White cop arrests black man, must be automatic racism, Jesse Jackson meets with the officer, yawn.

@lukeissxc said:

He basically called the department stupid even if he was just beating around the bush to do it. He should be worrying more about how he will fix the mess of our economy that he has created than worthless racial feuds. "
I always love when people say stuff like this. "Why is Obama sleeping 5 hours a night, he should be fixing our economy!" "Did you see Obama on the news walking his dog? He should be spending his time fixing our economy!" As if the guy should be locked in an office 24 hours a day until the world is perfect.

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Edited By TheHBK
Well we cannot assume it wasn't racism either.  We might like to believe that this cop was not racist but maybe he is not to the degree that he uses the n-word, but some predisposition to consider a black man guilty or that he doesnt belong in the home is something that is still racist.  Who knows.  But we also want to believe racism is gone, but not too long ago, I read about a town in the south that still holds segregated Proms.  The white prom is for whites only, while at the black prom anyone can go.  LINK
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Edited By Hamz

First of all to the OP, use some better formatting when posting a topic, the current format makes it difficult to read.
I very much doubt this was a racially motivated issue. But I wouldn't deny the fact the police officer in question fudged up this particular incident. If you get a report of someone breaking into a house and find the person on the scene provides you ID and pretty much proves they live in that house and own it. Then what reason is there to demand they step outside, what reason is there to arrest them for refusing?
Why not simply explain that you feel the person may be in danger as a report of a break-in was made? Why not explain to the person you aren't trying to pressure them but rather protect them from possible harm? If this police officer was as good at his job as everyone says he is, then why didn't he explain the situation fully? Why did he jump to the easiest solution which is to pop some cuffs on the guy's wrists and take him back to the station?
It doesn't matter if the police officer teaches a racial profiling class or not. That doesn't provide any evidence that he isn't a racist or isn't a bad police officer. Personally I'd say yes if this happened to a white person we wouldn't see such a racial slant on the story, rather an injustice by the police, but it doesn't subtract from the fact the police officer fudged the situation.
As for Obama's comment on the issue, I say he was perfectly correct in stating his opinion on it. At the end of the day the guy is head honcho, leader of the country. He has a right to say what he feels on issues going on in that country however small or large they may be. And in this case obviously the victim in question was his friend and he felt like highlighting that and I don't see the issue. There is no denying the police forces in the USA are to a certain extent bad at their job and bad at resolving situations without resorting to brute force or simply booking someone with an offense.
And in this case the police officer quite clearly didn't resolve the situation like he should of. And now he is paying the price, sucks for him but who cares. Should of done his job better.

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What do I think?  I think it sounds like the professor needs to grow the fuck up and act like an adult the next time something like this happens.  There was a call about a break-in, the cop went over there, and someone was inside.  Sure, the guy had photo IDs that matched what he looked like, but regardless, I still would've cuffed the guy and took him down to the station just as both a precautionary measure as well as knowing that the incident was documented for any future problems that might occur.

Was the situation HANDLED properly?  Fuck either side.  The cop just jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a badge.  The professor jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a fucking Harvard job and he's buddies with the President.  Both of them need to be deep-fried in a vat of MANNERS and RESPECT!!!

So who gives a fuck if this is racial profiling?  Put 'em both in front of a firing squad and we don't have to worry with their idiocy infecting our news stations again.  =  D  Problem solved.
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Edited By sarahsdad
My wife used to work in Harvard business school publishing, placing orders for students and professors. She says that the times she dealt with Prof Gates, he was almost always argumentative and combative.
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Edited By PercyChuggs
@TheHBK said:
" @PercyChuggs:
Well we cannot assume it wasn't racism either.  We might like to believe that this cop was not racist but maybe he is not to the degree that he uses the n-word, but some predisposition to consider a black man guilty or that he doesnt belong in the home is something that is still racist.  Who knows.  But we also want to believe racism is gone, but not too long ago, I read about a town in the south that still holds segregated Proms.  The white prom is for whites only, while at the black prom anyone can go.  LINK
Then let's just assume everything is racism. Black guy doesn't get the right order at Taco Bell, it's the drive thru guy being racist.

Man I wish I was any color but white, so I can blame all of my problems on everyone else being racist.
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Edited By Claude

If a uniformed policeman showed up at my door, I would be all like. "Yes sir, no sir" That's how you do it.

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Edited By CommodoreGroovy
@jakob187 said:
" What do I think?  I think it sounds like the professor needs to grow the fuck up and act like an adult the next time something like this happens.  There was a call about a break-in, the cop went over there, and someone was inside.  Sure, the guy had photo IDs that matched what he looked like, but regardless, I still would've cuffed the guy and took him down to the station just as both a precautionary measure as well as knowing that the incident was documented for any future problems that might occur.

Was the situation HANDLED properly?  Fuck either side.  The cop just jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a badge.  The professor jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a fucking Harvard job and he's buddies with the President.  Both of them need to be deep-fried in a vat of MANNERS and RESPECT!!!

So who gives a fuck if this is racial profiling?  Put 'em both in front of a firing squad and we don't have to worry with their idiocy infecting our news stations again.  =  D  Problem solved.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Edited By Death_Unicorn
@CommodoreGroovy said:
" @jakob187 said:
" What do I think?  I think it sounds like the professor needs to grow the fuck up and act like an adult the next time something like this happens.  There was a call about a break-in, the cop went over there, and someone was inside.  Sure, the guy had photo IDs that matched what he looked like, but regardless, I still would've cuffed the guy and took him down to the station just as both a precautionary measure as well as knowing that the incident was documented for any future problems that might occur.

Was the situation HANDLED properly?  Fuck either side.  The cop just jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a badge.  The professor jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a fucking Harvard job and he's buddies with the President.  Both of them need to be deep-fried in a vat of MANNERS and RESPECT!!!

So who gives a fuck if this is racial profiling?  Put 'em both in front of a firing squad and we don't have to worry with their idiocy infecting our news stations again.  =  D  Problem solved.
Couldn't have said it better myself. "

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Edited By bubahula
@Claude said:
"If a uniformed policeman showed up at my door, I would be all like. "Yes sir, no sir" That's how you do it."

exactly, dont poke a sleeping bear.
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Edited By TheHBK
@Bubahula said:
" @Claude said:
"If a uniformed policeman showed up at my door, I would be all like. "Yes sir, no sir" That's how you do it."
exactly, dont poke a sleeping bear. "
Yeah, true, but we are talking about rights and if you are in your own home, already shown proof that it is your house, then dont you feel like you should be able to tell the cop to go fuck himself if you want to?  It is your house, it is your property and you have already shown you are not some crook.  Now would everyone act like that?  No, but I feel it is important to point out that you should be able to act like an asshole if you want to in your own home.  Thats it.  Seriously, I dont want to live in a country where you have to suddenly change who you are and silence yourself just because a cop shows up at your door and you have done nothing wrong.
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Edited By LiquidPrince

The world pisses me off. People nowadays are so sensitive that they see racism in places the races in question themselves don't see. I mean there's one thing in being racially cautious, and then another to say anything mildly related to accent or race is instantly racist.

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I just call stupidity on the police officer.  A police officer should learn to ignore mild verbal abuse until a much clearer line is crossed.  If I wish to call a police officer a dickhead for doing his job badly, then I feel entitled to and they should just deal with it.  Police are losing community respect because of crap like this - they have brought it upon themselves.

And for the record, I have never been arrested in my life and have always had friends in the poice force.
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Edited By KaosAngel

I one day hope that cops won't be under fire for doing their jobs, and I hope one day that all white Americans can live their normal life without being labeled as a racist.

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Edited By The_A_Drain

I can't speak for the cop in question, he's the only person who knows if he is racist or not. But shit, if I was that cop and the dude started giving me attitude because I asked him for ID because he was BREAKING INTO A HOUSE, i'd bash his head in not just arrest him, black white or fucking green.

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Edited By Meowayne
@jakob187 said:
 The professor jumped to conclusions and acted like an ass because he's got a fucking Harvard job and he's buddies with the President.  Both of them need to be deep-fried in-
Can't. Not. Think. Of Watchmen. Urgh.
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Edited By Vinchenzo
@NoXious said:
"Well here in Holland the "MY HOUSE BITCH" attitude doesn't go - you can't hit a burglar in your house till he's dead or you'll be arrested. 

But claiming it's racist because it's a white cop is racist to me - the cop is merely doing his job. A worried bypasser saw someone breaking into a house, she can't know it was the owner forgetting his keys... She calls 911 and the cops go out and do their job. The owner could've been understanding to the whole situation (realizing he is indeed a burglar at that time) and explained it in a proper manner, makes me wonder how this guy can even BE a Harvard professor tbfh.

All in all, I wish Holland had police like this - we'd get things done for once."

I completely agree. Now for what I have to say...

I hope you guys watched the Today show this morning. They had an interview playing with the officer and his story was completely different but seemed reasonable enough. I'm tired of people thinking anything negative between a black and white man is due to racism. In fact, the Harvard Professor is the one blowing this out of proportion and make himself look like the good guy in all of this.
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Edited By TheHBK
@The_A_Drain said:
" I can't speak for the cop in question, he's the only person who knows if he is racist or not. But shit, if I was that cop and the dude started giving me attitude because I asked him for ID because he was BREAKING INTO A HOUSE, i'd bash his head in not just arrest him, black white or fucking green. "
Ok but as the story stands, he did hand over ID.  So you would still bash in someone's head because he gave you attitude?  Do cops have a right to use their position just because they got their feelings hurt?

Any position of power has to be watched over and you cannot just trust someone blindly, thats stupid...Iraq War?  We all need to be questioning peoples actions and asking for the best, otherwise every cop could arrest someone that pissed them off and say they were doing their job.

Is this cop a racist?  I would say not but did he go too far?  Yes, no one should get arrested for mouthing off in their own home.  He didn't assault the cop, thats clear, so why arrest him?  The other question is that if he did do something wrong, why were the charges dropped?  If there are no charges then he should not have been arrested and the police admitted to that.  So when the president calls their actions stupid (here is calling the actions stupid, possibly only extending to this cop, not the whole department, dont you know someone at work who is retarded?  Does that make the whole office retarded?) which would not be if there was a reason to arrest.  THis police department cant have it both ways.

President Obama admitted that if he were doing the same thing in Chicago, to his house, he would expect any cop to ask for ID.  Just not to get arrested him if he called the cop an asswipe afterward.  Sure gates started before ID was shown but after, the cop should have dropped it.  
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Edited By ThomasP
@Turtlemayor333 said:
" Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Obama was specifically asked about the arrest at his healthcare conference. He didn't comment just for the heck of it.Something tells me this kind of thing happens all the time. This cop just picked the wrong guy to bully, whether it was racist or not. "
I agree. The police are going to say whatever they can to defuse the situation, but the fact is the cop was in the professor's house and should have respected that. He had the right to be upset in his own home. I just think the cop couldn't swallow his pride.
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Edited By The_A_Drain
@TheHBK said:
"@The_A_Drain said:
" I can't speak for the cop in question, he's the only person who knows if he is racist or not. But shit, if I was that cop and the dude started giving me attitude because I asked him for ID because he was BREAKING INTO A HOUSE, i'd bash his head in not just arrest him, black white or fucking green. "
Ok but as the story stands, he did hand over ID.  So you would still bash in someone's head because he gave you attitude?  Do cops have a right to use their position just because they got their feelings hurt?

Any position of power has to be watched over and you cannot just trust someone blindly, thats stupid...Iraq War?  We all need to be questioning peoples actions and asking for the best, otherwise every cop could arrest someone that pissed them off and say they were doing their job.

Is this cop a racist?  I would say not but did he go too far?  Yes, no one should get arrested for mouthing off in their own home.  He didn't assault the cop, thats clear, so why arrest him?  The other question is that if he did do something wrong, why were the charges dropped?  If there are no charges then he should not have been arrested and the police admitted to that.  So when the president calls their actions stupid (here is calling the actions stupid, possibly only extending to this cop, not the whole department, dont you know someone at work who is retarded?  Does that make the whole office retarded?) which would not be if there was a reason to arrest.  THis police department cant have it both ways.

President Obama admitted that if he were doing the same thing in Chicago, to his house, he would expect any cop to ask for ID.  Just not to get arrested him if he called the cop an asswipe afterward.  Sure gates started before ID was shown but after, the cop should have dropped it.  

Ok firstly, it was half joke, half serious comment on the lack of rights police officers have these days in regards to what they can and cannot do. No, I would not condone bashing someones head in because he gave me attitude. However, you spot a guy breaking into a house (who's house it is makes no fucking difference at this point, how was the cop supposed to know who's house it was?) you ask him for ID (at the very least, imo he should have been arrested, then sorted out and apologized to later) and he responds in a vile and offensive manner, he shouldn't have to put up with that he's just doing his job. If the guy had simply handed over ID right away, i'd imagine the cop would not have even arrested him in the first place. But no, you don't get to act like you are above the law just because you have a high ranking job and are breaking into your own house.

Charges were dropped because a debacle like this would be yet another "ZOMG the policemans are racists" argument and lord knows nobody needs another one of those, so the police let people like this off (in other cases people have commited actual crimes, and done worse things and still been let off after an accusation of racism)

Honestly, yeah sure, there is always someone at work who is retarded, but you seriously think someone who sees a guy breaking into a home, then starts giving him attitude is in the wrong thinking that guy is commiting a crime? That's just ridiculous. I know the guy is tired and angry having lost his keys in China, but for gods sake, breaking into a house and mouthing off at a cop who is simply trying to determine whether or not you are attempting a robbery is over the line I don't care who you are or what your job is. If you want to call that cop an asswipe for doing his job, that's your prerogative, but you do that afterwards, you don't kick up an attitude before first clearing up the situation otherwise you just give the cop more reason to suspect you are commiting a crime.

Honestly, i'm not in favor of police brutality at all, but I would vote for it as a necessary evil over some of the things the general population get away with these days. Especially in England where police officers are too afraid to even touch people, especially teenagers for fear of ending up in court fo assault charges. When the fact of the matter is, most of those people hiding behind things like that, and wasting the courts time, are people that should have their blocks knocked off for being a waste of life.

Again, I do not condone OTT police brutality or anything like that, but it would do them good for once not to be berated for simply doing their jobs. If this was any other person it would ahve simply run it's course, the dude would have been dragged down to the station, handed over ID, apologized for giving the cop attitude and gone on his way. But no, the only reason we are hearing about this is because the guy is black, and has a high ranking job and thinks he can bully and berate the officer for doing his job. And he is going to get away with it and everyone is going to support him for it, and that's bullshit.
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Edited By TheHBK
Yes I know you were joking about the skull bashing but I was just trying to make the point that a person should be able to mouth off without getting arrested in their own home.

Another thing I notice is that these cops are taking the President's comments too seriously or as an attack on cops everywhere.  Huh?  Is the president supposed to just support any cop anywhere?  I am sick of some cops just banding together and thinking no one is flawed or does anything wrong.  But so many times we read stories about cops who dont come foward with reports of abuse of power or corruption because of how cops like to stick together.  Somehow all cops think they are heroes and that their work is infallible.  What the president cant call out a cop who fucks up?  He sure as hell is expected to yell at Generals who fuck up war strategy, and this cop is no where near giving as much service as these guys.  So come on, get off your high horse and dont just assume your cop is perfect.

Also one more thing Cambridge police, your boss, the guy who appoints who is in charge there, apologized to Gates, tells you something about how cops view themselves.
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Edited By The_A_Drain
@TheHBK said:
"@The_A_Drain: Yes I know you were joking about the skull bashing but I was just trying to make the point that a person should be able to mouth off without getting arrested in their own home.Another thing I notice is that these cops are taking the President's comments too seriously or as an attack on cops everywhere.  Huh?  Is the president supposed to just support any cop anywhere?  I am sick of some cops just banding together and thinking no one is flawed or does anything wrong.  But so many times we read stories about cops who dont come foward with reports of abuse of power or corruption because of how cops like to stick together.  Somehow all cops think they are heroes and that their work is infallible.  What the president cant call out a cop who fucks up?  He sure as hell is expected to yell at Generals who fuck up war strategy, and this cop is no where near giving as much service as these guys.  So come on, get off your high horse and dont just assume your cop is perfect.Also one more thing Cambridge police, your boss, the guy who appoints who is in charge there, apologized to Gates, tells you something about how cops view themselves. "

I've said my part i've no reason to do anymore than re-iterate that i'm equally sick of people berating police for simply doing their jobs, and no, you cannot mouth off in your own home when you are suspected of breaking and entering with god knows what intent and the cop has not established his own safety or the safety of potential occupants yet, you arrest and ask questions later unless the guy responds in a calm and reasonable manner. In this instance I feel the cop did nothing wrong, so yes, the presidents comments are an attack and were actually pretty ignorant to be honest he should not have commented at all, from either side of the debate.

Cops are not infallable, but it's equally bullshit to view them all as corrupt, moronic slackjaws who arrest people for saying "doodlefarts" in their own houses. How about a little balance huh? I'm not on any particular high horse, there are several well known cases where my opinion is that the Police fucked up immeasurably, but someone has to take the opposite side of the argument huh? And in this particular instance I honestly feel the cop did nothing wrong, and that this proffesor guy is acting way over the top simply because he can get away with it due to his position. As I said before, that's bullshit.

Your comment about generals and war strategies is a little ignorant as well, for one the president is not expected to 'yell' at them, secondly if something goes wrong when the military are involved people die. Lots. This particular incident has nothing at all to do with the president and the fact he even mentioned it at all is just another example of this asshole using his position to make himself out as the victim.

This will just go in circles now so i've said everything i'm gonna say, cops fuck up just as much as anybody else, but in this instance they did not, this guy is just being an asshole.
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Edited By gearhead

I love how the media though after a 55 minute press conference, ignored completely the 54 minutes and 30 seconds of talking about health care, and instead talked about his 30 second response to one question....

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Edited By TheHBK
Dude, you get on me for thinking that your comment about skull bashing was serious and now you take my comment about obama yelling at general seriously?  Come on...come on.
But you are missing the point.  Yes you should not mouth off if you are suspected of breaking into a house.  Gates messed that up and should not have started yelling at the cop.  But after he showed ID, two of em, that it was his house, I think I would mouth off if the cop didnt leave either.

As for cop criticism being balanced, I agree.  I was involved in a domestic dispute at my Girlfriends house (I was a witness, didn't do anything) once and the cop who arrived to check it out was a total asshole and didnt want to hear anything I had to say when no one else was talking.  That guy was a total bitch.  He must have thought being a cop was some god given right to him and that he was better than me, highly dought that!  But I got into a car accident last week and my beautiful red mustang was messed up by some retard bus driver.  The cop responding was respectful and trying to make sure everything was cool, even asking about my car.  He made me feel a lot better about the situation and I even shook his hand to thank him for just being there to take a report and make sure everything was handled properly.

Moral of the story, not all cops are assholes, but some are.  And police departments need to realize that there are a lot of asshole cops out there, just like there are a lot of asshole people and not pretend that its not possible for a cop to let his authority get to his head or for comments from people from getting to them.  Gates was an asshole, so was the cop.  But whats wrong with the picture?  The cop used his position to react to gates mouthing off, after showing ID of course.  As for race?  The cop who was a jerk in my situation was Mexican, like me.  The cop in my traffic incident?  White.  I had a better experience with the white cop.  Go figure.
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Edited By borgmaster

just gonna say, first off, that this guy's a Harvard professor so of course he's an asshole, it's what he does. secondly, this guy has the right to be an ass on his own property, if this had happened on public property this would be a different story. and lastly, the cop was from new england, so of course he's racist, it's what he does.

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Edited By Lind_L_Taylor

It's time to start one of these.

The Top 10 Things I learnt from Henry Louis Gates and James Crowley:

1.  Talk about my Momma & you'll be arrested.
2.  Harvard genius can't afford door repair.
3.  Police shouldn't follow-up on 911 calls.
4.  Establish a committee of gangs to determine future proper police etiquette.
5.  Flight back from China make me grouchy.
6.  Obama can take time out of his busy schedule to give speeches about mundane,
trivial affairs that he is ignorant of.
7.  When the cops bother you, call Obama.
8.  It gives the opportunity for Obama to showcase his inexperience.
9.  Teaching how to avoid racial profiling doesn't mean you
know what you're talking about.
10.  Clearly, having a black President means that
racial viewpoints & motivations haven't changed since
the 1960s. Clearly.

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Edited By damnboyadvance

I think the cop was just doing his job. From what I've heard, he got a report of a robbery-in-progress. He saw 2 men that fit the description, that were actually attempting to break into the home. The cop asks for ID, and then the professor just shoots off, accusing the cop of being a racist. While he should of just walked away from the scene, professionally, after seeing the ID, he did his job. The professor was obviously just starting trouble the minute he responded so rudely to being asked for ID. It's a mess, but I'm on the cop's side. And Obama had no right to judge without the facts either.

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Edited By BODDAH

Everyone outraged by this non-story is subconsciously racist.

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Edited By Colonel_Cool

Prof. Gates is apparently going to make a documentary now on racial profiling. How convenient!

Also, here is a cool video I found about the situation:

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Edited By captain_clayman

@Colonel_Cool:  says the guy with a cop avatar.

i think the cop just didn't like taking verbal abuse.  you think he'd get used to the verbal abuse.