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The Greatest Pile of Shame Ever

The holiday season is a wonderful time to catch up on some gaming during time off from work. Unfortunately, it is also a great time to accumulate titles upon titles of marked-down gems that you feel stupid not owning, but know you probably won't ever get to play them. Ever. Most of these games have never been touched; a select few have been touched only *slightly*. I purchased (most of) them with good intentions.

Here's hoping that I manage to find some time to chip away at this list before the next generation of consoles hits the market. The odds, though, are stacked against me. Apologies in advance for the stream-of-consciousness manner in which these games are listed.

List items

  • I maybe played this for about 30 minutes before I realized how stupid the save system was. I admit the weapon mechanic is fun, but I just didn't get into it. I have heard that Dead Rising 2 is much better, despite the time limit issue.

  • Another Atlus game I haven't gotten into. When this became a PS3 "Greatest Hit," I picked it up based mostly on the praise from the GameSpot guys. I'm all for a challenge as well, but I suppose that's not really the case here, is it?

  • I saw this on a QL and Brad said it was the scariest game he had ever played, I think. Steam put it on sale, and well... haven't played it yet. Why do I bother purchasing horror titles, anyway?

  • Can't wait to try this one! Uh...

  • I just saw this on my Steam list. I'm sure it's nice.

  • Because I promised I would play the first one, right?

  • Jack Black + Double Fine = Super Fun. Right?

  • Podcasts heaped praise on this open-world sandbox so I grabbed it when it hit $20. Too bad other open world games took me away from getting into it. I've played maybe 20 minutes of it. The shooting mechanic kind of bugs me.

  • Ok, I've played a couple of hours of this with a friend of mine. So that means we only have 18 hours left of the tutorial section. I don't know if I'll ever get through this one, but I'd like to.

  • I've played 6 hours of this. I actually like this game a lot. The gambit system is very deep, and aside from my moderate aversion to goofy, androgynous outfits, there's no real reason why I shouldn't jump back into this game. I wish I could play this on the PS3, though.

  • Speaking of PS3... I remember owning a copy of this and then loaning it to a friend of mine, never getting it back. This is a terrific game that I never quite finished. I own the digital copy through PSN now. So, there's hope, right?

  • I was getting into this game quite a bit when I first bought it. I did enjoy the text storytelling moreso than reviewers did, and I put up with those crap kid characters well enough to get about halfway through the story. But my 360 redringed and my save was one of many that got corrupted somehow. I will never finish this game.

  • You know why I haven't finished this one? It's the goddamned platforming. I got absolutely sick of dying because the camera was perched at some weird, isometric angle, forcing me to jump in awkward directions. I didn't have that problem in the first two console games. It is an epic adventure though, so I might finish this one someday.

  • That reminds me, I have this one too. So, it's a PSP game, and it's a triumph for the platform. But that analog nub makes things really frustrating when you are used to moving Kratos around adeptly (except in say, God of War 3).

  • I jumped on the PS3 bandwagon when they released the slim earlier this year. I got this game, knowing that it is a definitive title for the PS3. But, I haven't started it, mostly because...

  • ... I haven't played this one either. I know this is heralded as one of the best in the series, if not THE best. I picked this one up in the MGS collection for PS2...

  • ... and I haven't gotten to this one either. To be entirely honest, I got the collection because I thought that the PS3 was going to always be backwards-compatible. When that went down the drain, I was left with three great PS2 games for a system that I really don't have room for.

  • I know I'm jumping around a lot here, but I was thinking about not having room for things, and I thought of Rock Band instruments. Then I thought about this game, because I bought it thinking that my friends would enjoy playing Green Day when we played Rock Band together. Not so much, apparently. I like the band, though.

  • Scary games tend to get me wound up a bit, so it takes a lot to get engaged with them. This is one that I have every reason to enjoy, but I stopped playing this because of Red Dead Redemption, and I never really looked back. I know this is a worthwhile game, I really do.

  • Another horror-themed title. The closest I got to playing this was watching my wife run Issac Clark into a corner of the first hallway, only to have him mauled/claw-raped by a necromorph while she said, "What's happening? How do I shoot? Am I dying?" I think this one would be great, but I'm not playing it in the evenings. F*ck that.

  • I got this on Black Friday for five bucks. This is the first of many Ratchet titles on my list. I think I will play this eventually. Really, I do.

  • I think I'm halfway though this one. The platforming and weapon mechanics are great. That's one of the reasons why I bought...

  • ... this one, although I've read it's not as good, and...

  • ... this one, because it's supposed to be pretty good as well. Sorry, Ratchet and Clank, I have failed you both.

  • I was really excited to get this, and not because of the demo for FF12. I just thought it would be an excellent addition to my collection of JRPGs. Which of course, are mostly on this list, because I am a terrible gamer.

  • I liked Suikoden and its sequel. So I have this now. I'm sure it's good.

  • I honestly have no idea why I picked this one up. The voice acting is pretty awful. The story is pretty mediocre. I am one-third of the way though this one.

  • I've read this is "classic JRPG," so that means I've read many reviews that says it's awful, and many that say it's compelling. I do know that Ken Levine thinks highly of it, so perhaps I will get to it someday.

  • I have this because it is one of many JRPGs on the PS2 with a loyal fanbase. Also, it was super cheap--new, no less--at a WalMart, so I figured, what the hell.

  • My first Tales game was actually Tales of Symphonia, so I figured I would work backwards. I saw this title online for ten bucks and thought, "Hmm, I will play that!" Nope.

  • This one was harder to find, and apparently a little more valuable than some of the games on my list. But nonetheless, I have it, so there you go.

  • The only thing I can say about this game is that it is still in the wrapper, and I got it from a friend who worked at a Best Buy years ago. Maybe it's... good?

  • Oh yeah, I got the FES edition, because I'm a superfan, right? The guys at 1UP couldn't stop talking about this one so I bit. Japanese games are weird. I've played 5 hours of this. Only 100 more to go.

  • This was marked down so ridiculously at Best Buy that I had to get it--even though I put in more than a few hours of Endurance Run time with Jeff and Vinny last summer. I feel like I've already played a good chunk of it already because of that.

  • I played through and beat the (surprisingly enjoyable) Road Rage game, and as someone who enjoys the Simpsons (for the most part), I thought this would be a game to enjoy. My nephew played through this game from start to finish. He is 7. I should really get around to beating it.

  • I have the PSP version. I remember playing through the PSX version very late into the game, but then not being able to progress any further in the story. I would read many years later on the "Internet" that this was something that was somewhat common with FFT. It's probably the reason why I am a third of the way through this game, but I'm terrified that the same thing will happen to me again.

  • Can't figure out how to get past that fire level. I also think that grinding through the same 2 levels for 5 hours does not make for good gameplay. I would get Patapon 2, but it would end up on this list.

  • I have this one too, because it was a gift. At least it's not the card game title. That would be awful.

  • I got this PSP title when it had the original title. I didn't really make much sense of it back then, but in fairness to the game, I was trying to figure out how to play it while in the passenger seat of a car driving through South Dakota. My mind was not sharp.

  • Yeah! This game looks totally cool and innovative! Never played it.

  • I have the PSP version, not the PS3 version. I've played this game a little bit, and gone through more than a handful of stages. Very cute. The analog nub, though, sucks. My wife plays this game more than I do, but that's ok with me.

  • Back to an Xbox title for a moment. Okay, so technically I have been playing this game off and on the past month, but considering how long it took before I actually played it, it still belongs on the list. Yes, I beat Assassin's Creed 2. No, this game isn't even close to that level of polish. But I'd still like to beat it, and get it off this list.

  • I'm jumping to the PC for a bit. This is on the list because I've put very little time into it, in comparison to the first game. This game is better overall, although I do think it is more difficult. Maybe that's why I've only gone through each of the stages once or twice. Love the wind/rain effects. The Source Engine is so versatile.

  • Another PC title with limited playtime. The current version of this game is mostly unrecognizable to me, because when I started playing it, there weren't guys running around with crazy hats, axes, or sandwiches. At least, not that I can remember, anyway.

  • I bought this game and rarely played it, mostly because of Civ IV. But I no longer play that game either, because of Civ V. That game, I do play.

  • I got this game but never installed it (I think) because of the DRM issues that came with its original release. Oh well.

  • The original Far Cry was pretty to look at, but the enemy AI was ridiculous. I played the first hour or two of FC2, and actually began to enjoy it. I can't remember when that was, unfortunately.

  • Another darling of the podcasts. I am glad to support small developers, even if I never get around to playing their games.

  • I really wish I could just sit down and give this one a shot.

  • I have this one as well because they came in a collector's edition. Again, I'm sure they are great.

  • I love Bioware, and I'm halfway through this one. That is what I said about a year ago, though. Now there's a sequel coming out soon. Ugh.

  • So I picked this one up, again on the positive hype, thinking that it would go with my fleeting interest in MMA. More than a year later, I'm still interested in MMA, so the interest in UFC 2009 exists. But every time I think about playing this game, I look at Forrest Griffin's mug on the cover, and I'm reminded about how Anderson Silva embarrassed him in the first round of their bout, and well, I just don't feel much like playing anymore. Maybe I'll be more inspired by the Lesnar box art in the sequel? Probably not.

  • I have played two 9 inning games and taken some BP as well. This is a fantastic baseball game, period. Unfortunately, the Blue Jays suck in it as much as they do in real life.

  • I gave up on this one halfway through, once I realized that all of the awesome powers that Alex Mercer has at his disposal really don't compare to tanks and helicopters. When the premise fell apart, so did my interest in finishing the game. The boss battles are totally bullsh*t, as well.

  • Why the hell is this thing on the list? Because it's in the box, untouched. It is super old, and I have it because, well, I should, right? Other people have James Joyce on their bookshelves, and I have stuff like this. Truthfully, I also have James Joyce on my bookshelf, except I had to read Ulysses in college. I should have played this game instead.

  • I got this to put my (then) new video card through its paces. The graphics were stunning, but the gameplay stalled after the first couple of levels. The lighting effects are great, except for the fact that you're playing in goddamned darkness most of the time, so what's the point? Arch Viles are miserable to fight in this game.

  • Vinnie kept talking about this game on the Bombcast, so when it went on sale on Steam, I grabbed it. Played it yet? Of course not.

  • I was a big Diablo II addict, so this seemed to be a good fit for me. I think this game holds up pretty well today, but to be honest, it takes too long to get any interesting abilities. I made it to the shoreline area. Is that far along? I have no idea.

  • I'm sure this is engaging as well, but that would require beating the first game.

  • Ugh. Once Starcraft 2 came out, any thoughts I had about playing this one went out the window.

  • Gifted to me as part of the Battle Chest compilation. Super old, just sitting there. And to think I missed out on the whole DotA craze.

  • As above.

  • I got this one for the PC for $4.99. I have no idea why I thought that was a good idea. Silent Hill 2 was terrifying for me, but I got through it. Not this one, apparently.

  • Sure, there are plenty of games in this compilation, although I don't really consider them classics, per se. I only ever have played World Heroes and Baseball Stars 2. I'd play it more if I traveled more often, I think.

  • This came with my PSP. Having never played the Jak and Daxter games to begin with, I didn't have any context to apply here. What kind of animal is Daxter, anyway?

  • I found this used and picked it up immediately. Admittedly, I missed this one the first time through, but I can see why it carries with it the praise of critics and fans alike. I think this is a great game, but unfortunately, I stopped halfway through. Now I'm hoping they do an HD remake so I can buy it again, I guess.

  • I have the 360 Arcade version of this game. Again, I got quite a bit into this game, and I feel like I was really cruising along, even in the higher levels. But I lost interest after failing countless times in one of the multi-task/timed levels, and that was about it.

  • Everything I said about N applies here, except I know I will get back to this to at least finish the light world levels. I can't wait for someone to post a speedrun (segments or otherwise) for the whole game. It won't be me, of course.

  • I bought this for my wife, so technically this is part of her pile of shame. Except that she has forgotten we have it, so it makes my list by proxy.

  • At some point I got stuck early on and really could not be bothered with fighting the sluggish UI. Don't get me wrong, this game is highly polished and the writing is brilliant. But this one deserves the "Monkey Island: Special Edition" treatment, for sure.

  • I was given this game by a friend who no longer wanted to play it anymore. I understand that it is not half-bad at all. I also understand that MMO's tend to ruin relationships and families. It's one of the reasons why I avoid WoW religiously. Same with this title. So maybe I'm not so "ashamed" to have not played this, although I should give it a shot.

  • I escaped the crashing spaceship at the beginning of the game and then never returned. What the hell is wrong with me?

  • Hey, I bought this in the bargain bin for the PC, went to play it, and it required a patch. So then I patched it, and it won't run. Another gaming casualty due to a 64-bit OS, apparently.

  • I played the hell out of UT 2003 and 2004. I figured that I'd get the same kind of fun from this, but I think that other shooters have managed to perfect game types since the early UT games. The graphics are fantastic (hey, it's great to play as Marcus Fenix in a first-person shooter--seriously, the character models are uncannily alike), but it's not quite the same experience. I played this thing for about 2 hours, tops.

  • Christ, I'm ambitious to a fault. This looked great in the previews, but then after I purchased it, all the reviews said it was buggy as hell. I think it's patched now, but now I'm too intimidated to even install this 12GB mess. Who knows what I was thinking.

  • I guess I own this one too. I had no idea, really. No, wait... I remember the moment in the game when you get surgically and genetically altered to become a Strogg. That was pretty cool. Then Prey ripped off the same cutscene sequence. Speaking of which...

  • Thank you, Steam. I guess. I got a couple hours into this before realizing it was more of a proof of concept instead of a game. Yes, there is some sort of plot weaving Native American mythos with, uh, an alien invasion. Does that count as a story? I liked the anti- and altered-gravity ideas, but not much else.

  • The updated (reboot) was good for about three hours, and then the messed up open-world stuff really started to bother me. I could see what they were trying to do, but it wasn't working for me. The artifact power seemed to be an interesting mechanic, though. This game is akin to Prey in that they are both first person shooters with weird narratives, quirky powers, and goofy enemies. Also, I won't finish either of them.

  • Another lost download. By "lost" I mean, "lost on my 360 hard drive." I downloaded this when it came out, upgraded to the Xbox S over the summer, and I haven't bothered to download it again to the new system (something was amiss in the HD transfer process).

  • "Hey, you should download that. It's a great game."

    "Really? It looks like an average board game."

    "No way, man. Go ahead and download it."

    "Ok, here goes. And... it's done. Ready to play?"

    "Oh hey, I gotta get going. Rain check on this game though, ok?"


  • Recommended highly on the podcasts, but like Puzzle Quest 2, I haven't re-downloaded to the new console.

  • I thought my wife would get a kick out of this one and we could both play it. I was wrong.

  • Seriously, I have no idea.

  • Another "Hey, maybe my wife would play this along with me." Not really. This game would be great in HD.

  • I picked up this game when it became a PS3 "Greatest Hit," mostly on the praise of the GameSpot guys. While I don't think that it really supplants Uncharted 2 as last year's game of the year, I respect their opinion enough to give it a try. I just have to actually give it a try, now.

  • I loved the concept of this game, having played a bunch of flash-based bridge-building games online. This seemed to have a ton of character when I played through the demo, but I haven't actually started the game.

  • Another lost Steam purchase. I have a few more of these, come to think of it.

  • Super cheap. I thought the weapon mechanic was really interesting, but an early corrupted save made it impossible to get back into this one. Maybe I'll give the sequel a try someday.

  • I totally forgot I had this game. It looks like the original except I can run it at a better framerate.

  • I thought the demo was funny, and I had some extra points. Very meta, so far.

  • I thought I enjoyed the Halo-verse enough that I would get a kick out of the RTS. Maybe I'll never know.

  • I heard the story was good in this one. I also heard that they shouldn't have made a sequel. Lightsabers are cool!

  • This one was a gift. My friend thought the commercial looked cool. Never bothered to try it out though. I believe it is in the basement still in the plastic wrap.

  • When I got this on XBLA, I was totally pumped. Then SFIV came out and I never bothered to play this one, for obvious reasons.