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PS2 collection.

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  • The aesthetic is nice and the main character is voiced by David Duchovny which is a plus, but the story and the core gameplay are not that entertaining and the game is way too long and repetitive for what it has to offer.


  • Repetitive gameplay, levels, and objectives, coupled with some terrible graphics and sound design. Yeah, not a good game.

    It was only mildly fun because I played it in co-op mode with a friend. But don't get me wrong, that game was not very good.

  • I watched Octopimp speedrun it on the GameGrumps channel. It was entertaining, and I realized watching it that I would have never had the patience to beat it.


  • You can basically play through the first Godfather movie, it really is an offer you can't refuse.

    The only issues I had with this game were that the city is kind of bland, and there aren't really that many interesting places to see for an open world game, and also that the car controls were a little bit stiff.

    Aside from that the game is great, I got 100% on it and I would play it again anytime just to fuck around the city and brag about being the Don of New York.

  • Entertaining game, the best part about it is that it's an adaptation of the book rather than the movie, so you get to see a different approach to the story, and play through some sections that Peter Jackson left out from the film.

  • Not as good as Return of the King (which I actually played first), but still a fun action game.

  • My favorite LOTR game, although I still have to play Shadow of Mordor which will probably surpass it.

  • This game was way more fun than I actually thought it would be. The RPG mechanics were simple but they got the job done, and getting to play through the entire story of the trilogy in a single game was actually really entertaining.

  • I wasn't invested in this game at all. The gameplay was not that interesting and it was also kind of confusing, most of the game I had to use a walkthrough to find out where I had to go next.

  • This was one was way better. More entertaining and straightforward gameplay, funny dialogue and great graphics for it's time. It was rather short though, and a bug halfway through almost made me have to start all over. Luckily I got it sorted out.

  • I don't remember that much about this, other than game takes a nosedive in quality by the end. Mostly because the difficulty turns super cheap out of nowhere. I started dying so much that I noticed some other issues that game had; like the checkpoints being really far apart and the cutscenes being unskippable.

    So anyway, it started out good, but at some point that I don't remember it became really frustrating.


  • I beat this game, but I did not pay attention to it at all. I actually don't remember almost anything about it lmao.

    It's not that it was bad necessarily, but that I played it just because I wanted to finish it, rather than actually playing, and at the time I was really distracted by other stuff so didn't put that much effort.

    Also, maybe Castlevania Symphony of the Night set the bar too high for Castlevania games, and it was harder to enjoy this one after loving the first one so much... I don't know maybe I'm just making excuses.

  • Give me some noir motherfucker. Give me all the noir you've got.

    Great game, I played it for the first time 15 years after it came out and it was still really good. The graphics were a bit outdated but the gameplay was still fine and the story and the script, of course, were fantastic.


  • I didn't like this one as much as the first one but it still was entertaining. I can't get enough of noir dialogue, I'm a sucker for it.

    The storyline with Mona didn't really gel with me because I didn't find her that interesting to be honest, that's my main problem with the game.


  • Dull single player campaign, but fantastic multiplayer. Goddamn it was so much fun, I played it for hours with my friends and I would play it again at the first chance that I had.

    A good ol' sniper duel in the middle of a desert canyon is always fun.

  • For being the first survial horror to be realeased on the PS2 it was not that bad, but it really wasn't a great game.

    The story, which was a mixture of Resident Evil and The Thing, was maybe fine at the time that it came out but by today's standards it was kind of "Meh".

    And the gameplay wasn't that bad, pretty similar to the first Resident Evil games, but the respawnable enemies that dropped nothing when you killed them was a bad design choice and ultimately it made killing them pointless.

    Also, the last boss was a nightmare. It was one of the worst designed last bosses, and bosses in general, that I have ever seen.

  • Fun racing game with lots and lots of destruction. There are plenty of races, and the minigames that you play by shooting the driver out of your car are very entertatining and add some appreciated variety to the game.

    I beat the campaign mode with all its events, and I only missed getting the three best cars from every category of vehicles. You needed to beat every single cup in first place in order to unlock those, and some cups were already hard enough trying to only get bronze, so I passed on that completion aspect.

    Anyway, good stuff. Fuck Jack Benton though.

  • Really underrated game. Fun gameplay, great graphics, nice atmosphere and level design.

    My only issue with it, was that my copy of the disk was broken and it wouldn't save on my memory card, so in order to finish it I had to beat it in one sitting, which was not fun.

  • Short, dispossable third person shooter. For the sort of repetitive gameplay that it had, it made sense that it was so short, but it still kind of baffled me how fast I beat it.

  • This game had terrible reviews, and I played it with really low spectations. Surprisingly, for the first couple of levels it was pretty fun, the gameplay was actually pretty entertaining.

    However, the game is really long. Absurdly long, for the kind of repetitive game that it is, and it got so painfully dull. I couldn't believe how monotonous it was and how little variety there was in the gameplay.

    The concept was cool, templar knights were always really interesting to me, but man couldn't the game just be better...

    Also, the last boss was a nightmare...


  • I actually watched this game on YouTube because the gameplay didn't appeal to me, but I was really interested in the story after having played the first game years ago.

    And goddamn, watching it was the first time that I realized how great the story of this series is, and how well written it is.

    I'm planning on watching Defiance now, and I will read about the rest of the lore of the Blood Omen games.

    It's a shame I couldn't get into the gameplay, because the story is fantastic, but at least I can watch them on YouTube and read about it online.


  • I watched the cutscenes on YouTube, it was not as engaging as the last game for some reason, but it still was nice to see the apparent conclusion to the story.


  • You know the drill, a World War II first person shooter game. You run around, shoot some nazis, throw a couple of grenades, blow up a couple of tanks and bang. You did it. You saved the world.

    Great job son, your country is proud of you.

  • Same old same old, now with better graphics.

    I actually enjoyed Frontline more than this though.

  • This game is fantastic. It has a really fun single player campaign, but what shines the most in my opinion is the muliplayer. It's so much fun. Lots of characters, weapons, stages and gamemodes. It's a complete game in every way.

    Along with Darkwatch, it was one of those games that I used to play all the time with my friends. Specially the "Virus" mode, or whatever it was called, where you had to escape from the rest of the players of the match from infecting you, and manage to be the last man standing. It was so entertaining and nerve-wracking.

  • Fun survival horror, similar to Resident Evil 4, but on a boat.

    The storm was really well realized, you can almost feel the waves crushing down against you as you try to navigate the ship.

    However the map, or lack thereof actually, made finding out where you had to go get really confusing.


  • One of my favorite games of all time. I don't think I've ever been so addicted to a single player game like I was to this one. I would mostly play it on weekends at the time, because my PS2 was at my grandpa's house, and I would be the whole week expecting to get there and play it.

    It's so good, the story is fantastic, the characters are interesting and well realized, the soundtrack is addicting, and the combination of turn based RPG with social life simulator was way more engaging that I could've ever imagined.

    I beat it twice, and completed every single aspect of it. My savefile has around 178 hours on it. Not even Skyrim I played for that long, and I completed that game too.

  • Generic movie movie licensed action game. It wasn't bad, nor great, it was just alright.


  • Fun action game and a pretty good adaptation of the movie. A little bit too short, but it had great graphics though.

  • Really entertaining and extremely violent third person shooter. Way better than I thought it would be.

    It turned Frank Castle into one of my favorite Marvel characters.

    I beat all the challenges, which were absurdly difficult, and I wanted to get the best score on every level too but I got too lazy to do it.

  • This game was alright. Even though I love me some western movies, I'm not a fan of western games, I really don't know why, but I mostly enjoyed this game either way. It got a little bit repetitive though.

  • A movie that didn't feel like it had to be adapted into a videogame, but that turned out pretty decent.

    It's a very short and stupid third person shooter, with some Tarantino inspired dialogue that wasn't in the movie.

    Some of the characters look like their actors, others look like terrible made clones of them. I don't know why they couldn't use all their original faces.

    At least Mr. Blonde had Michael Maddsen's face. Also his stages were the best, you had to fight through hordes of police man on each one, living up to the character's psychopathic personality.

  • Game with interesting and original gameplay, but that's also extremely repetitive and gets old after two hours.

    Also, playing it during the night is impossible because moving the analog sticks around so much makes a surprising amount of noise and you will be probably thrown out of your house.

  • I got 100% on this game twice, one on PC and one on the PS2, that's how much fun it is. It's full of timed missions which I admit gets old after a while, but the rest of the game is really entertaining.

  • Generic, boring movie licensed game, based on a movie that wasn't that successful to begin with. It's bland and repetitive and doesn't have that much going for it.


  • This game was... relaxing? I think that's the best way to describe it, or at least the way I approached it. I didn't care about getting the best time on each stage, I only played it to drive around for a while, since the controls were pretty tight and responsive, and that was it.

    I finished the closest thing to a story mode the game had, and I wouldn't play it again, but while I did it was alright.

  • The only game of this genre that I've played, and I wouldn't play any other to be honest, even though the game was not bad. It just wasn't that interesting to me, and the fishing sections were really fucking dull.

    Getting a good shot on your pray could be slightly satisfying, but for me that was all the game had going for it.

  • This game was great. Fun gameplay, interesting story full of twists and turns, interesting characters. It was really fun.

  • World War II game, you know the drill.

  • Like an interactive episode of the Simpsons. Although the gameplay wasn't that great and the camera was all wonky, the script plus the original actors voicing the characters made up for it.

  • Interesting story, some nice characters, some not so nice characters, some characters that started out good but turned out super annoying (Wakka I'm looking at you).

    It's a fun game, that would've probably been more memorable if it had a more interesting main character, 'cause I have to admit that even though I don't hate Tidus as much as other people do, he wasn't the best written character and he had his annoying moments.

  • I really really enjoyed this game. It's one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, and sometimes I even think it's my favorite.

    I really enjoyed the gameplay and some of the characters (Balthier you slick motherfucker), and even though a lot of people didn't like the whole gambit system, I actually had fun with it. It was a breeze of fresh air from the turn-based gameplay that the rest of the games had.

    If only the main character was more interesting, and the story was more engaging, this without a doubt would've been my favorite game of the franchise and one of my favorite RPGs in general.

    I read that the original idea was to make Basch the protagonist, which would've been amazing.

  • Entertaining enough gameplay, didn't care for the story though.

  • I didn't care about this game at all, but I watched it on YouTube because I wanted to see what all the fuzz was about it.

    I was really uninterested in it though, having partially to do with the fact that I watched the Xenosaga games not too long before that, and I was pretty tired of mechs by the time I got to this.


  • If this game had better controls and more interesting gameplay, it would've been fantastic, because the story is REALLY good and creepy.

    You play as this twenty year old girl, who is travelling in a bus on a remote road in the middle of the woods, when the bus driver suddenly stops and tells you to get down since the bus doesn't go any further. You get down in front of a small road leading to an orphanage ruled by only children. You have no other choice but to go and stay there, and the story just gets weirder and weirder and more fucked up from that point onwards.

    It really is a shame. When I beat it I and I found what the story was about, I thought about going back and playing it again to get all the details that I missed, but then I remembered all the times when I screamed at the TV because of the clunky ass controls and I abandoned that plan.

    I still would recommend the game because I really liked the story, but considering the controls you might choose to watch it on YouTube and it probably would be a better idea.

    Another game that could be a massive hit if they only improved one aspect of it. Sigh...

  • I got to the conclussion after playing this that stealth games do not age well. Or at least this one sure as hell didn't.

    The game is sooo slow, clunky and frustrating... I had every bit of my patience tested while finishing it. Not only is the gameplay tedious and requires you to wait a lot, but also every time you fuck up and die or you get discovered, the loading times are eternal. Losing is way more frustrating than it should be.

    The best part of the game was whenever a mission said There's no time for stealth, you need to get out of there!, and I would start shooting the shit out of everybody. I mean I still did it when I was supossed to be stealthy, no one can discover you if they are all dead you know, but it was way easier when the game actually allowed me to do it.

    Usually when I play an old game I can get in the mindset of the people from the time it came out, and understand why they liked it, but I could not do that with this.

    Maybe the stealth genre has improved more drastically than other types of games, and it was easier to notice its weak points, who knows... Also I played Metal Gear Solid V a couple of months before this. That may have affected my judgement.

  • Generic third person shooter, nothing too fancy. It's a PSP port so the graphics do not shine too much, and the characters all look really short and compact, it's pretty funny.

    Syphon Filter 2 on the PS1 was great, and it was nice to play with the same characters again even though the game was pretty average.

  • I could never get into this game for some reason. I love movies, so the theme fits right in with me, but something about it never gelled with me.

    I think the things that bug me the most are the artstyle (which even though I realy like cel-shaded games, for me here it didn't really work) and the unnecesarily complicated controls.

    I did finish it though, but it was mostly to be able to say that I played it.

  • I don't know why but I enjoyed this one way more than the first game. It was way easier, I could tell right away, and that probably had a lot to do with it.

  • A carbon copy of the PS1 games, with improved graphics and easier difficulty. It even has the same camera and depth perception issues of the older games. I wasn't expecting anything else so I wasn't really dissapointed.

    I got around 50% of the game and then abandoned it, and it was pretty fun. I even thought about getting at least all the colored gems but the camera was driving me insane.

  • This is one of those games that even though I didn't love, I can totally see why it gets so much praise.

    It's just straight up fun, the story is pretty stupid and pointless because it's just an excuse to make use of the really entertaining gameplay.

    Even though at the time it was one of those games that I was playing "just to finish it", I really had fun with it. I even considered getting 100% on it, but when I found that Ape Escape 3 had a "movie theme" going on, I decided to complete that one instead (which I still have to do).

  • Boy, this game did not age well. It probably was amazing when it came out back in 2001, it's a space simulation game about Star Wars for fuck's sake, it has to be to good. And reading reviews from that time, it seems that it actually was, but I played it fifteen years later and it does not hold up.

    The controls are really clunky, you don't really have any dodging mechanics aside from frantically moving the camera around and hoping the enemy lasers don't hit you. The missions are really repetitive and boring, they basically come down to Destroy X thing or escort missions. LOTS of escort missions. Not only that, but in none of them the thing you have to protect has an HP meter, so you have to just keep going and hope the ship you are defending doesn't explode.

    Every other aspect of the game is not so terrible. The graphics are pretty dated but the story and voice acting are decent and the soundtrack is classic Star Wars goodness.

    A remake of this game would be fantastic. And no I don't mean that remastering they did where they only improved the graphics, I mean a full remake. Set on the original Star Wars films. With a mission where you have to destroy the Death Star; that would be fucking sweet.


  • Probably better than the movie it was adapted from, but still not a good game.

    The acrobatic sections of the gameplay were fine but the combat was really boring, and the framerate kept constantly dropping like crazy.

  • I only watched the cutscenes on YouTube because I was interested in the story. A game with an amount of cutscenes this long, spread across 3 DVDs on the PS2, would get my attention.

    However, after watching 7 hours of video on YouTube (sped up to twice the speed, 'cause ain't nobody got time for that), I ended mostly bored.

    Some sections of the story were fine but it was mostly just convoluted and uninteresting, with a mixbag of characters and a terrible main villain (at least I think it was the main villain) that kept constantly evil laughing for no reason.

    Also Shion, the protagonist, was one of the worst main characters I've ever seen in a videogame. She was so pretentious, selfish and full of herself, and I couldn't possible be interested in her journey.


  • Again, watched the cutscenes, 4 hours turned into 2 after speeding them up.

    And again, it was only mildly interesting, and it still was convoluted.

    Also, Shion was still a bitch. In fact, she was even worse than in the first game. Sigh...


  • And finally, I also watched this. 8 hours and 42 minutes, sped up, of course, and... it was actually a little bit more interesting.

    The writing was better, the story started tying some lose knots and Shion turned into an "alright" character by the end (even though she still was mostly annoying the rest of the game).

    I still would probably not be to tell you what the hell happened in the story of the overall trilogy, but at least there were some nice character moments sprinkled in there.

    And I got out of my system the curiosity of how convoluted could the story of a game told in 9 DVDs on the PS2 possibly be. The answer: very. Very convoluted.


  • What an atrociously dull game, for fuck's sake... It was so unbelievably repetitive I could not believe it.

    You play as a demi god, fighting against hordes of small creatures while commanding a small army. And you have to do this over, and over, and FUCKING over again - for 16 goddamn fucking stages! The objectives are always the same, the stages all look the same, the enemies barely change their designs, and there's absolutely nothing fresh or new that unlocks as the game goes on, that makes playing it more interesting!!


    And the worst part is, that after halfway through the game, finishing each stage took between 30 minutes, to an HOUR, with NO CHECKPOINTS. You could lose at the end, and you would have to start all over again.

    The last boss alone, took around 40 minutes to die, after already playing through a 45 minutes stage. Luckily I didn't die in that fight, so I don't got to find out if the game made you start right there in that fight, or at the beginning of the stage. I wouldn't had been able to deal with it.

    So yeah, terrible, terrible game. The reason why I got it, is because it was marketed as a game where you could fight "One million enemies at the same time". The thing is, that's not even true.

    You can fight a lot of enemies at the same time, yes, but the enemies that are further away from you, are actually rendered on the background, and they don't even spawn until they get closer to you.

    However, even though you can fight quite a few enemies at the same time, it's not even fun! Because they all die in one hit, and they all look exactly the same, so it's not really satisfying at all to blast through them...

    ugh... I felt like I needed to get that out of my system.

  • One of the most fun and original puzzle games I've ever played. You play as a mercury drop for god's sake. A mercury ball!

    It was really entertaining, and also challenging, specially if you were going for full completion. I personally finished the game, but didn't complete it. It was way too long and it got incredibly difficult by the end.

  • I wasn't interested in playing the game, but I had heard good things about the dialogue and story so I watched the cutscenes on YouTube, and people weren't lying: this game's got some solid writing.


  • A game with a nice concept, that maybe worked at the time, but that did not age well.

    A remake wouldn't be a bad idea, 'cause playing as a news cameraman in a survival horror environment was a really cool concept.

  • This is basically a Prison Break game, but in World War II. You have to escape not one, but FIVE different prison camps. Actually you have to escape three, because you get thrown in two of them twice. It's actually hilarious if you think about it. The guards are terrible at keeping you in the prison, but are great at finding you when you escape, or, your character is great at escaping, but terrible at not getting caught afterwards. Either way, everyone is really inefficient at their jobs.

    As for the game itself, it's actually quite fun. You can't resort to violence at any point, so the gameplay is basically a stealth based graphic adventure. Figuring out what you have to do in order to get out and then putting it to practice is quite entertaining, and avoiding the guards and spotlights by the last stages of the game can be really nerve-wracking and stressful. The music is also very tense and it really helps in that aspect

    The controls are mostly decent but the camera has some problems and the graphics are awful. I can really see a remastering of this game with those aspects improved being succesful, because the main concept is pretty good.

    Oh and also, the main character looks like Patrick Warburton and only speaks in cheesy one-liners. That can be a positive or a negative aspect, depending on how you look at it. I will go with positive.

  • I played this game so many years after it came out, and even though there was so much hype and praise behind it and my expectations were very high, it did not dissapoint me in the slightest. It's one of the most entertaining platformers I've ever played. I never got around to beating the sequels but I'm planning on doing that at some point in the future.

    Oh and fuck the last boss by the way. Considering the type of game that it was, it was insanely hard. If I would've played it when I was a kid there is no way I would've beaten it.

  • Probably the most boring RPG I've ever played.

    I liked the fact that it had some horror elements in it, but that was it. I wasn't invested in the story or the characters (the protagonist was a fucking moron), and when you are not into any of those things in an RPG, you are basically screwed.

    I only finished it, like some others game that I have, because at the time I was obsessed with beating every game that I had.

    It's not one of those games that I think "Oh man, why the hell did I play that", it wasn't that awful, but I still didn't really enjoyed it.

  • This fucking game... jesus christ...

    I played it in co-op mode with a friend, and it took us... I'd say around five months to beat it. We would often stay the night, me and a couple of other friends at one of my friend's house, and play horror games on the PC and co-op games on the PS2.

    During those 5 months, we got together around once or twice every month, and we would play this game for hours. And it still took us that long.

    It was so fucking difficult... we even had to restart the game, because we hadn't leveled up our characters correctly, and they weren't as strong as they could have been. And even though we did it, it was still unforgiving.

    The last boss felt almost impossible. I actually don't know how did we beat it.

    The thing that made the game particularly hard, was that the stages had no checkpoints, and some stages were really long. So dying was actually a big fucking deal.

    But anyway, in the end we beat it, and goddamn if it wasn't satisfying.

  • I was mostly interested in the story of this game so I played it using a walkthrough half the time.

    After finishing it, I realized that I should just had watched it on YouTube, because the character movement is really slow and it would have been faster watching someone who already knew what he was doing.

    As for the story, it was fine, not as good as I expected, but compelling enough. I didn't like Kate Walker as a character though. Her actions were really unreasonable and unjustified, and she would get pissed at how everyone that called her on the phone reacted to them.

    The writing for the rest of characters was fine, but I don't think she was a really good protagonist.

  • My god... I played this game for the first time in 2013, but I didn't finish it. Then I got it on Steam around 2016, and I finally got around to completing it by 2023. I don't know what exactly the fuck made me do the whole thing so slowly, but I'm glad I finally got around to beating it.

    It's a great game, the concept is definitely what shines the most. The idea of psychic warriors being able to get into people's minds and fixing all of their issues, with levels designed specifically for each character, based on their lifes and traumas, is simply genius. The potential is endless, you could literally get into every single character's brain and design a whole level around it. However, I'm glad the game doesn't overstay its welcome, since even though it's very fun, it didn't exactly age gracefully, thus the reason (partially) why it took me so long to beat it.

    It works mostly fine, but the controls can sometimes be kind of clunky, and at first navigating the enviroments can get kind of confusing. Maybe the fact that I kept starting and stopping the game affected that, since I kept forgetting where I was and had to relearn the game, but it still it felt like it was more difficult than it should've been.

    Something positive that surprised me, was the fact that collecting everything was easier than I thought it would be, specially the figments. I thought they were going to be a nightmare, but by being very thorough in exploring every level, and a little bit of help from a walkthrough, I managed to get them all without major issues.

    Anyway, now I have the sequel to tackle. I will wait a bit though, before trying it out, but I will make sure to actually keep on it and finish it in a smaller amount of time.