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Your Top 10 from E3 2010: A Look Back

An E3 2010 Retrospective

E3 2011 is a month away. I know. Sounds crazy. But I thought that it might be interesting to take a look back at the games we were most anticipating as of eleven months ago. Are you happy with your list? Are there a few games that you didn't end up buying for some reason? Are there a couple you were hyped up about and felt disappointed once you got your hands on it? What games caught you by surprise later on that didn't make your list?

So feel free to reply by inserting your own list from last year's E3. Just click the "Insert" button, and then "My Lists" to import the list you likely made for the quest last year. You may be surprised by what you picked.

Marino's Most Anticipated Games from E3 2010

1. Mortal Kombat
Well, this one held up pretty well. I ended up spending about $200 on it since I got both the Kollector's Edition and the Tournament Edition (fight stick). I sold one of the copies of the game to a friend to make part of the money back. The fight stick is amazingly accurate. I feel pretty good about this being my #1.
2. Nintendo 3DS
My #1 held up but #2 just fell off the radar completely. I know I kinda cheated by putting hardware in the list, but oh well. I was excited at first, but my enthusiasm waned as the year went on. You may have seen my 3DS rant on my blog. I really want to like it, but I still see no reason (games) to buy this thing. I'm sure I'll get one at some point though.
3. Rock Band 3
General consensus is that the rhythm genre is dead, but I still love Rock Band. It's sad that more people didn't buy this game. If you need any proof on how potentially awesome this game can be, just check out this video I shot.

4. Fable III
I love Fable. I really do. But this game...I don't know. I didn't hate it as much as some of the GB guys did. I didn't really have a problem with the way the game was presented after becoming king aside from how they deal with the passage of days randomly. I didn't get burned by the forced ending, but after it was all over and I looked back on the game, it was pretty disappointing. Just way too many weird (bad) design choices after having an almost perfect game in Fable II.
5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
So, obviously this isn't out yet. Still looking forward to it, albeit cautiously. I'm sure it'll be good, but part of me just wants to be done with the Wii for good. As a fan of Zelda from the very beginning, I can't deny a new Zelda game is permanently going to be high on my list of anticipated titles.
6. Portal 2
Just finished it a few days ago. Pretty amazing. Not gonna spoil it. It's place on the list is definitely justified.
7. inFamous 2
Still looking forward to this. Infamous was my favorite PS3 game until Uncharted 2 came along. I got to play it last year at PAX Prime, and from the video GB just put up, it's still looking good.
8. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Wow, this should've been higher on the list for sure. I think at the time of E3 we still didn't really know what all was going to be included with the game aside from multiplayer. Even at PAX they were only showing multiplayer. But that single player campaign was great.
9. Kid Icarus: Uprising
The original Kid Icarus was one of the first games I remember playing on my NES when I was about six years old. I still remember my neighbor coming over and showing me the ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS password and it blew my fucking mind. I can understand why I put this so high (due to nostalgia), but looking back now, it didn't deserve to be on here.
10. Twisted Metal
Still looking forward to this, though probably more cautiously than I had been a year ago. I'm just not sure this type of game works today. The nuclear bomb thing in multiplayer looks kinda cool, but even that is gonna get old pretty quick if it's just that and deathmatch. Probably shouldn't have been in my top 10 in retrospect.

There's a few games that snuck up on me after not really paying much attention to them at E3. Those would be Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Civilization V, and NBA 2K11. Despite not including them on my most anticipated list, I spent a sizable amount of time playing each of those three games.

Anyway, I'm interested to see other people's lists. So, jump on in and post your list.


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Edited By Kyreo

Yer really interested in Skyward Sword?  Even after the horrible stage demo?

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Edited By JJWeatherman
@Kyreo said:
" Yer really interested in Skyward Sword?  Even after the horrible stage demo? "
That was pretty bad, but it's technology. When does it ever go right on stage?
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Edited By Hizang

I tottaly can't remember last years E3
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Edited By wefwefasdf
@JJWeatherman said:
" @Kyreo said:
" Yer really interested in Skyward Sword?  Even after the horrible stage demo? "
That was pretty bad, but it's technology. When does it ever go right on stage? "
I honestly felt bad for them. It was also painful to watch.
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Edited By Kyreo
@SpikeSpiegel said:
" @JJWeatherman said:
" @Kyreo said:
" Yer really interested in Skyward Sword?  Even after the horrible stage demo? "
That was pretty bad, but it's technology. When does it ever go right on stage? "
I honestly felt bad for them. It was also painful to watch. "
I mean, I felt bad too but I felt embarrassed to be a Zelda fan.  I hope they show something that makes me proud again.
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Edited By Hailinel

E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

Hailinel: E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

1. Samurai Warriors Chronicles

I picked this one up at launch, and I was not disappointed at all.  One of the best games in the 3DS launch line-up by my estimation.

2. Kid Icarus: Uprising

Not out yet, of course.  I'm still looking forward to playing it.

3. Persona 3DS

Also not out yet, and not much to go on aside from, dude, it's Persona, in THREE DEEEEE!!!!

4. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Once again, not out yet, but, press conference glitches aside, it sounds like the new controls will put an interesting new spin on the gameplay.

5. Donkey Kong Country Returns

After trying the game at PAX last year, I figured it really wasn't for me.  A shame, given how awesome it turned out.  I'm glad that people found it enjoyable.

6. Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D - The NAKED Sample

3DS games that still have yet to be released are a running theme of my E3 2010 list, it seems.

7. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Like I said...

8. Shin Megami Tensei 3DS

...a lot of 3DS games...

9. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

...that have yet to see release.

10. Metroid: Other M

Heavenly joy in video game form.  It is everything I ever desired from Metroid.

11. Valkyria Chronicles II

Still need to pick this up, actually.  I've just had too many other games on my plate as of late.

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Edited By Marino  Staff  Online
@KillyDarko: It helps if you add comments to each one. ;)

@Kyreo: I have at least a little faith that the game will perform better than a live stage demo from at least a year and a half before it comes out.

@Hailinel: As you said, that sure is a lot of 3DS games. I hope they end up being good as well so that I'll have a reason to buy the system finally.
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Edited By Brake

E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

ChineseTea: E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

1. Batman: Arkham City

This should be one of the best games of the year. 
2. Agent

One year later we stil don't know jack. 
3. inFamous 2

Still looking forward to this. The first game was awesome and everything I've heard about this makes me think it won't dissapoint. 
4. The Last Guardian

I don't think we've learned anything new in a year. Except that it's delayed again. 
5. Fable III

I was interested in checking this out when it came to PC. All of that interest is now dead. 
6. Metal Gear Solid: Rising

This is coming out in July? The only thing I know is that it has accurate melon slicing. 
7. Dead Space 2

One of the best of the year so far. Really enjoyed it. 
8. Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

I like it. I will propably never get good at it, but I do like it. 
9. Red Faction: Armageddon

I except to get the same enjoyment out of this that I got out of Guerilla. The enjoyment of blowing shit up. 
10. L.A. Noire

I guess we'll know in about two weeks. Really looking forward to it, should be super awesome. 
11. Vanquish

This might be kinda overlooked. I remember the GB crew saying good things about it. Maybe I'll buy it at some point. Accidentaly. 
12. LittleBigPlanet 2

Turns out I don't wanna play more LPB. 
13. Mafia II
A dead open world? No thanks.

Edit: Made mine to look all perdy as well.
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Edited By AdventFalls

I'm not really sure you can make a judgment call on the 3DS this soon to the launch. Yeah, it's not got a great launch lineup, but not every console has a killer game that every gamer with the system should have at start (Mario 64, for example).

Other than that, it looks like a solid list.

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Edited By RelentlessKnight

E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

RelentlessKnight: E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

1. Spec Ops: The Line

I'm still pumped for this game. Hopefully more will come in E3!

2. Fallout: New Vegas
Even though I didn't clock enough hours than Fallout 3, I still enjoyed it but hated the fact there isn't much customizations of armor and even the weapons aren't that impressive as you are forced to use mods that I barely even touch.
3. Sid Meier's Civilization V

Still haven't played it unfortunately... I was unable to purchase a better computer

4. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Hopefully this game won't be like Dark Sector and have the many conventions that I love in the original/first one and the number of conspiracy surrounding the plot.
5. Gray Matter

I really didn't know that this game was released a couple of months ago due to it flying under my radar. I should give this a try.

6. Homefront

Not even worth playing/watching it again. Disappointing that those viral videos go to waste.

7. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

The first GRAW was an awesome game because of its team-oriented game-play and amazing graphics. This game takes a whole new level - set in the future where gadgets looks more awesomer and the team AI might be better. Also set in a post-apocalyptic world..... The demo in the Ubi conference though, just had to copy, MW - having said ''tango'' a couple of times. 

8. Batman: Arkham City

The return of Joker and though I haven't beaten the first game, I might consider this one. 

9. Medal of Honor

Like Homefront, being of a generic shooter. 

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Edited By evildeadron

so here is my list from last year



E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

evildeadron: E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

1. Fallout: New Vegas

as number 1 on my list the game lived up to what i expected, more Fallout and thats always a good thing

2. Dead Rising 2

also living up to expectations was Dead Rising 2, the original Dead Rising was one of the reasons i went and bought a 360 as i was waiting for the PS3 to be released, this was a decision i have no regrets whatsoever about, so nostalgia won me over again

3. Medal of Honor

i was really hyped for this game when the early trailers and gameplay were shown, but for some reason i completely lost interest and never even played it

4. Sid Meier's Civilization V

me and Civ go way back to the first first one, so i was looking forward to this a bunch, while it didn't dissapoint, i did not spend as much time playing it as i did Civ 2,3 or 4...but i am getting the itch to go back soon

5. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Oh Starcraft 2, what a pleasant surprise you were. I knew the multiplayer aspect of the game would be rock solid, but i was completely blown away by how much fun the single player story mode was...i scoffed at the decision to break this into 3 games, but knowing now exactly what your getting single player wise, im fine with it. Starcraft 2 also was the reason i created this  thread about a ridiculous standoff i had with a Terran player, that generated OVER 110,000 VIEWS. these days i watch more matches than i actually play, and im cool with that.

6. Fable III

Love / Hate, thats me and Fable 3, nothing more needs to be said

7. Madden NFL 11

Solid, but a step backwards in many ways...i think the game needs a complete overhaul at this point

8. Nintendo 3DS

Jury is still out, waiting for a possible price drop and games that actually interest me

9. Star Wars: The Old Republic

as the delays get longer, my interest level is getting smaller

10. Crackdown 2

one of the single most dissapointing games that i was ever hyped for...completely soured on this franchise now



some games that snuck up and surprised me are Need 4 Speed: Hot Pursuit (played a bunch online with Ryan, Jeff, Alex, Will and G Witta) running Ryan off the road NEVER got old. and Assasins Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer. i thought it would be a gimmick, but man is that game fun online.

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Edited By Icemael

E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

In no particular order.

1. Vanquish
Vanquish definitely lived up to my expectations. It's the fastest, most intense, most visually and aurally spectacular third-person shooter I've ever played. It had everything: challenging boss fights, insane set pieces, really cool weapons and a complex, nuanced combat system.
   2. Dead Space 2
Haven't played it yet, but I plan to.
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns
Haven't played it yet, but I plan to.
4. Kirby's Epic Yarn
Haven't played it yet, but I plan to.
5. Gears of War 3
Not out yet, but I'm definitely still excited for it.
6. Fable III
I lost interest after reading reviews and listening to people talk about it on podcasts, and ended up not buying it.
7. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Not out yet, but definitely still looking forward to it.
8. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
This was great. An improvement over II in almost every possible way, and I loved II.
9. Fallout: New Vegas
It was fun for a good 30 hours, but after that I got tired of it. I played well over a hundred hours of Fallout 3, and I feel like I've had my fill of modern Fallout.
10. Bulletstorm
I decided not to buy it after playing a chunk at an Internet café. It seemed really shallow and monotonous -- not at all the first-person shooter Devil May Cry I had hoped for.
11. Medal of Honor
I decided not to buy it after playing the beta, which I found to be god-awful.
12. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Played the demo, didn't like the feel, decided not to buy it.
13. MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Haven't played it yet, but I might in the future.
14. Red Faction: Armageddon
Not out yet, but I'm still looking forward to it.
15. Kid Icarus: Uprising
After seeing more I have to say that it seems to me like part poor Sin & Punishment clone (and I don't like Sin & Punishment to begin with), part could-be-good-could-be-bad action game. I'm not that interested, honestly, but it could turn out okay.
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Edited By LordAndrew

I really only did this for the quest...

E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

LordAndrew: E3 2010 Most Anticipated Games

1. Super Scribblenauts

Improved controls are an improvement. Adjectives are nice too. It should have been a vastly superior game, but something was missing and I don't even know what it was. I couldn't even be bothered to test out and attach every object in Giant Bomb's database this time.

2. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

This was my response to Ubisoft's surprise announcement of Michael Jackson: The Experience. Moonwalker actually showed up on the PEGI website as a Virtual Console game, but nothing ever came of it. Too bad. I'd rather play that than The Experience.

3. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Never got a chance to play the previous Golden Sun games, and never got a chance to play this one. It's supposed to be pretty good, but I still stand by my single-star bet made solely to troll takua108.
4. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Not out yet, but we all know what to expect from another Zelda game.

5. Disney Epic Mickey
Fuck you, Warren Spector.
6. Kirby's Epic Yarn
This is the epic I should have been betting on. Ridiculously cute, but also fun. Funny how that worked out.
7. Metroid: Other M
From the limited time I spent with the game, it was playable. Certainly a different experience than the Prime games. Didn't see much of the story that everyone keeps talking about, so I really can't say anything useful about this game.
8. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
For a series that is apparently the biggest deal in the world (in Japan at least), this flew under the radar. Remind me to finish VIII, then we can talk. Unless you want to talk about Rocket Slime, which I'm prepared to talk about at all times.
9. Donkey Kong Country Returns

Indeed it does. It's a Donkey Kong Country game, and it's pretty good. Thanks, Retro Studios. You certainly know how to revive dead series. Except Mario is still a thing, so who cares about Donkey Kong?

10. Portal 2
Looks like a huge success. But like most games that are worth playing, I haven't played it yet. Make all the potato jokes you want, I have no clue what you're talking about.
11. Paper Mario 3DS
It's a proper Paper Mario RPG. Still looking forward to this one, as well as all those other hot 3DS releases Nintendo has lined up.

I wasn't supposed to limit this to 10, was I?
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Edited By Yanngc33
@KillyDarko: damn totally forgot X COM was still being made, hope they show stuff at E3
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Edited By WinterSnowblind

I agree with you about Fable.  I didn't hate it anywhere near as much as some people seemed to, it's very flawed but still quite enjoyable..  However, once I finished the main story, I had no motive to go back and play it more.  Haven't touched it since seeing the ending.


The next Fable needs to be a completely new game.. Or Molyneux should just make a new series completely.

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Edited By Marino  Staff  Online
@AdventFalls said:
" I'm not really sure you can make a judgment call on the 3DS this soon to the launch. Yeah, it's not got a great launch lineup, but not every console has a killer game that every gamer with the system should have at start (Mario 64, for example). Other than that, it looks like a solid list. "
I'm admitting up front that I'll get one eventually, but right now and for the short term future, there doesn't appear to be any significant reason to buy one.