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The Community Spotlight - 8/31/2012

Many Thanks to B0nd07 for the Banner!
Many Thanks to B0nd07 for the Banner!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! As you may have noticed from the lack of video content the last two days PAX Prime 2012 is in full effect and Giant Bomb was busy hosting its panel today! The third edition of the Big Live Live Show! Live! is all set for September 13th. Are you excited? Because you should be. Now that Guild Wars 2 has been released there are a slew of Guild Wars 2 community activities you can participate in ranging from joining the community guild to posting your own screencaps. Giant Bomb user SexyToad is creating a Giant Bomb user-map to show off where all of the Giant Bomb Community comes from. Giant Bomb blogging menace Video_Game_King celebrated his birthday this week. Finally if you haven't heard John Davison, the V.P. of GameSpot and the figurehead responsible for the GiantBomb/CBSi merger, has left GameSpot. Despite this Jeff and Patrick want you to know that the site will be fine and Jon's replacement, Ben Howard, is the co-host of the MondoMovie Podcast and the man that brought the world Danny O'Dwyer. Anyways let's get on with the latest edition of the Spotlight!

Community Activities

  • Giant Bomb Guild Wars 2 Community Guild - Join Lincoln Force Over Here!
  • The Luchadeer Manifesto - The Giant Bomb Guild Wars 2 Guild Rules - Read Theme Before Playing Here!
  • Offical Rock Band Blitz Username Thread - Post Your Gamertag to Play with Fellow User Here!

Wonderful Wikis

If you were unable to attend PAX Prime 2012, don't worry, the wiki page for the convention has you covered as to everything in and about the event. If you haven't checked out Guild Wars 2 yet then you can get a good idea of what the game is all about on its amazing wiki page. Rock Band Blitz and Lag Calibration show the community's affinity to everything rhythm related. On the matter for the Yonic and Phallic Imagery pages please keep in mind that any symbolic use of penis and vulva imagery should go on those pages and any depiction of female and male genitals should go on the nudity page.

Best of Blogs

JeanLuc wins the award this week for most creative user with his custom made Skyrim themed Monopoly board. Friend of the site forever, Matthew Rorie has written a blog about his belief of how even though Guild Wars 2 is iterative it's still a lot of fun while TaliciaDragonsong discusses her difficulties with trying to start and play the game. Mento gets to the bottom of trying to figure out how to make sandbox game better. Chalphy describes why he ironically considers Waluigi one of Nintendo's best new characters. The second part to the always heartwarming story of the American and British Giant Bomb users hooking up and exploring Chicago continues this week. AdzPearson's JRPG blog series makes a return as he describes his completion of Wild Arms 3 and his final thoughts on the game. Sarumarine describes why the characters and melee combat are what are drawing him into Sleeping Dogs whereas EpicSteve wrote two blogs about the various shooting games he played and why he highly recommends "The Ultimate History of Videogames" for anyone looking for a good read. The ever creative I_smell gives you a status update on his every creative works in indie games and fan art. Encephalon expands on his efforts to expand his video game horizons and why many gamers revert to narrow comfort zones. Metal_Gear_Sunny finally finished Persona 3 and gives you his spoiler filled thoughts and what he thought about the game as a whole. MajorMitch gives you his perennial weekly gaming blog and Hamst3r continues his Let's Play MADNESS with a Let's Play of To The Moon.

Fantastic Forums

Giant Bomb user FoliorumViridum has accomplish what is truly unbelievable, he's uploaded every episode of Jeff's old Points Report video from the GameSpot days on YouTube. There are plenty of fun and helpful threads for anyone who is playing Guild Wars 2. The year is almost over so do you have a personal pick for 2012's 2011 Game of the Year? If so comment on the official thread and say why. Are you excited for the Big Live Live Show!? Well talk about what you are hoping to see for the first edition of the show post Whiskey Media. If you have been playing Sleeping Dogs talk about all the hilarious and illogical things you have learned about Hong Kong and life. Finally if you are watching the livestreams for the DOTA 2 International Tournament comment on the official thread for the event.

Lovable Lists

A lot of people have been comparing various games to Castelvania so Giant Bomb user Mento has taken it upon himself to break down the main and important traits of Castlevania in order for a comparison for the series to be apt. Video_Game_King translates the various examples of Kanji characters in The Last Story. Finally Elyk247 has created a list of his personal favorite games.

Useful User Reviews

User Created Podcasts