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Giant Bomb Review


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands Review

  • PS4

If you're the sort of person who just wants to mindlessly shoot through co-op games with a chatty group of friends, Wildlands is fine for that. Anyone else should probably look elsewhere.

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands is probably only worth caring about if you're willing to play through the game with three friends, with voice chat enabled. You should know that up front. You can, of course, enter into public matchmaking. In fact, the game constantly encourages you to do so. But in my experience, playing with strangers, without voice chat, is probably the worst way to play Ubi's new cocaine mountain simulator. Single-player's also an option, and can be fun for a time, but the three AI-controlled squadmates they give you are intensely overpowered and a little boring to use. Leaning into the multiplayer aspect is probably the only way players will feel like they're getting their money's worth here.

It's a shame, because there are elements around the edges of Wildlands that, if fleshed out more effectively, could have made for a better game. Take the story, for example. A Mexican drug cartel decides to leave home and set up shop closer to the source of its product: Bolivia. There, it creeps into multiple elements of society, turning the nation into a full-on, brazen narco-state. Your role is that of a set of four "operators," in country to work for the CIA on... a revenge mission? An undercover CIA guy is dead, and that's your flimsy entry into the story. Early on, the characters remark that they just need to get that revenge and get out before getting wrapped up in the politics of the coca trade. And then you proceed to get wrapped up in the politics of the coca trade, working with rebels to slowly dismantle the drug cartel's Bolivian branch.

The "revenge" thing more or less vanishes and there's very little story progression to speak of. You simply go into a new territory, get a video-based info dump on that region's boss, then start completing objectives and missions that put you closer to killing or capturing said boss. The ending--though I should note that there's apparently a different ending if you dismantle 100% of the cartel's operation before heading into the big confrontation with the big boss--falls flat, pre-loaded with a twist that you see coming a mile away but also one that isn't worth caring about to begin with. Wildlands is full of characters that look like they'd be interesting, but you're too busy shooting them in the face to give them time to be fleshed out. Top all that off with some very half-hearted hand-wringing over America's role in the War on Drugs and you've got a story that goes nowhere and says nothing. It puts all these pieces on the board and does absolutely nothing with them. It's a shame. It feels like something that could've been so much more.

So instead you're left with a pretty standard open-world action game with some very light tactical elements to help remind you that it still says "Tom Clancy's" somewhere on the box. It's packed with real-world guns and attachments for said guns. You have a drone that you can use to mark targets. Your character isn't particularly resilient, so stealth is a smart way to proceed. But it's also an open-world where you're driving cars from point A to point B, filling the map full of the same small set of side quests as you go, and the whole thing feels more like a plain, multiplayer-focused take on the Far Cry formula. The open world doesn't feel fun to navigate, since huge mountains lead to a lot of slow roads that swerve and bend around to let you slowly make your way up to the top. This also means that driving over the edge might set you back quite a bit, inspiring safe driving... always a thrill in an open-world game. You're usually better off stealing a chopper and parachuting onto your destination.

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The act of clearing out a region is more or less the same from start to finish. You get to a region, get a quick video about what role that region plays in the cartel's operation, then your map gets a few "major intel" folders on it. Each folder unlocks one of the area's first few missions, though once you've completed a couple of those and start getting closer to drawing out the boss of an area, the missions start chaining together. You'll also find minor intel along the way, and this fills up the map with side activities. The catch is that each region has the same set of side activities, so you'll be offered way too many opportunities to defend a radio transmitter, hack a computer, tag supplies, and so on. By the second region, the game already feels overly repetitive. Again, this is something that the story could have helped with, since there's a colorful cast of characters hinted at along the way. But few of the region boss missions pay off.

So that leaves us with, again, a pretty standard open-world game. It's not bad. The shooting feels fine and there's a decent variety of weapons, though considering how easily players are dropped by enemy fire, short range weapons like shotguns and SMGs feel like more risk than reward. Alone, this leads to a slow-moving game where you might just use the drone to mark targets and let your AI crew quietly gun down one base after another. It gets a little monotonous, but at the same time there's something neat about the "tactical" approach to enemy management feeling so, so overpowered against a bunch of ragtag cartel idiots. The catch is that the game doesn't ever get more difficult, so you can trudge through the vast majority of the game this way. I decided to play a lot of the game this way, which is a good way to have a low amount of fun while checking off missions and stacking up skill points and levels. Some of those skills made the multiplayer more enjoyable in turn.

The multiplayer feels rough because your character isn't resilient at all, so having three way-too-murderous AI companions with you almost feels like cheating. Multiplayer takes those companions away from you and replaces them with human players. Though the game gives you some ways to direct players to the same objective, like fast travel and map marking, the in-game communication tools aren't especially effective. Jumping into random games felt like four players off doing their own things at times, though without the benefit of having your AI crew along as backup. Bring together an agreeable bunch of players that you might like to communicate with, and the game ends up being more enjoyable... though some of that is almost certainly due to the idea that playing anything with friends leads to a better time. The game itself still feels a little flat, but since you're going to be shooting enemies and shooting the shit with your friends, you'll probably just skip the boring cutscenes and get on with it. Rolling around the map, plowing through missions together is actually a pretty decent time. The stakes feel a little higher, since you can't fall back on your invincible crew of murderers whenever things go wrong. And unlike your AI friends, your real-life friends can mess up and break stealth. The game feels little short on weird, open-world hijinks, but if you like taking over Far Cry-like outposts with a team of friends... well, that's pretty much this entire game.

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Wildlands looks fine, though in reviewing the game on a PlayStation 4 Pro, there seem to be a few too many instances of textures, foliage, and other world details just popping back and forth between different levels of quality, which is distracting. The character models don't look great, but the game does generate some nice-looking vistas and it has good lighting to back that up. The audio is a real low point. The radio is repetitive and lame and the chatter from your four-person team sounds like someone forgot to replace it with the "real" voicework. A bunch of weak reads on ridiculous lines is funny at first, but the millionth time your shooter just calmly utters "shitballs" because you're getting shot at might be enough for you to just turn the whole game down. A better script would've gone a long way.

Ultimately, that's Wildlands' main issue. There's a pretty decent core to it, but everything from the monotonous mission design to the way the characters are introduced and immediately discarded to the lame audio to the overpowered AI just chips away at different parts of the game until you're left with a game that's probably only enjoyable if you're playing with friends and ignoring large parts of the world building and lore. If "shoot first, ask nothing later" is your style, you'll probably have a pretty good time. It's a dumb game with decent combat and effective co-op. But the game isn't good enough to recommend to anyone in any other situation. If you like playing alone, I'd recommend you look somewhere else.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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I can see myself trying to talk 3 friends into buying this game once it's like $15.

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I totally agree with this review. I thought you were more negative when I heard you talk about it on the podcast. Playing this with a friend is actually fine.

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I've been playing this game solo for 20 hours now and am loving it. Never touched coop, never intent to do so either. It's fine, folks, totally fine.

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Edited By cikame

"If you're the sort of person who just wants to mindlessly shoot..."
"Your character isn't particularly resilient, so stealth is a smart way to proceed."
So you have to play carefully sometimes? You also can't mindlessly shoot through the missions requiring some stealth?

I don't take issue with the rest of the review :P, it's a "free roam fun" game without much to offer story wise, and what is there is downright dumb and sometimes insulting, but with friends it gives you the tools and structure to have a hell of a time.

3/5 alone, 5/5 with company.

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@ssully: How's this?

"Tom Clancy as a Ghost Recon? More like Ghost RETcon, amirite?"

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Seems generous.

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So...when does Vivendi take over?

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Missed opportunity. I was really looking forward to it when the E3 trailer came out, then the Beta just killed anything I felt for it. Generic trash.

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I don't get the hate for this game. It has problems but I am having a lot of fun with it. I guess , in the end, that is all that matters.

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Wasn't this two stars yesterday?

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I would have expected two stars, from all the talk about about that game on podcasts and junk. Honestly, I'm surprised it was given a review at all.

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This game is fine solo. speaking as a person who dont like playing with other people. im having a blast soloing this game.

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I've been having fun with this, it is pretty easy though. Looks spectacular.

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I think this sound about right. I'll pick it up eventually. Once it comes down a bit in price.

I think people forget that "3/5" doesn't mean a 50% (or close to it). I've always taken their 3 to mean "if you're interested in this, and you know what its like going in, you will probably have fun with." There's room for improvement, its not perfect but people can still enjoy it.

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Definitely one that's going to be something for the sales.

I'll enjoy taking photos of the impressive scenery and maybe not much else. Sounds like the core is solid, if uninspired (and that vehicle handling was real bad in the betas), so this is another case of an Ubi open world where you either enjoy just being in the world and picking various quests as a diversion from sightseeing or you're probably in the wrong game.

I wonder if they'll ever get out from the shadow of Assassin's Creed and really do something different, because all these massive worlds (up to Weird-USA) to incredibly detailed small ones (just a slice of Manhattan) seem to do ok but never quite court the critical response you'd want. While the gameplay changes, the uninspiring filler that pads out the worlds has become incredibly stale.

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What do you think are the best games for "I just want to get online with my dudes and shoot stuff in Co-op"? Is it Gears still? I was way into Rainbow Six 3 Terrorist Hunt mode on the original Xbox and RB6 Vegas on the 360.

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@nasher27 said:

I'm not sure about the message but I would definitely agree that a lot the dialogue is actually more realistic than most people probably realize. Nobody in the military actually sounds like Kiefer Sutherland from MGSV or Troy Baker or some professional voice actor trying to do a super gritty or deep voice. I have plenty of friends who are enlisted and I could definitely see them saying some of the shit they say in this game (aside from the really cringey stuff, there's just no excusing some of it).

Sure, though I'd guess when your friends call someone a fuckstick they put a bit more feeling into it. :) Unlike bob from accounting or whoever did the VO in this one.

The thing is, it's not very fun to inhabit the character of a dumb meathead even if it is realistic. Or at least not in this case -- meathead protagonists need to be the straight man to work. I doubt this game spends much time pulling "look at this dumb meathead" jokes on the player.

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Couldn't you say the same thing about Destiny (or a LOT of multi-player games)? Fun with friends, otherwise don't waste your time.

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Edited By gutterboy44

Having loads of fun in Wildllands with a group of three friends, but 3 stars is fair if not generous for this game. I think there is at least a 4 star game in there with some additional polish and gameplay tweaks, but as it is now, it is find your own fun and try to ignore the bugs and wonky systems. My friends are willing to try new tactics to keep things fresh and take it seriously when we want to try to do a proper stealth mission. However, without our own direction of making the game interesting encounter to encounter, it can quickly become rote.

The world design is beautiful and can be stunning in some lighting conditions. I love flying around despite the wonky controls. It just looks like a real world environment with an interesting variety of biomes. It would have been ideal for the mission types to be more biome appropriate and unique. The dialog though, holy shit. There needs to be a specific award in the 2017 GOTY to call out just how horrendous the voice acting and script is in this game. Take that hot mess and have the same lines repeat over and over again and you will quickly find yourself changing the language audio to a different language just to spare your sanity.

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this game has a good political message about soldiers and mercenaries being terrible people and it flew over everyone's heads. the dialogue is actually pretty close to what ive seen in some documentaries. remember the american soldiers in the iraq war torture videos? they talked about dicks all day

And OF COURSE this is what all army people are like - sigh. I mean look I know this is a terrible liberal site but seriously. The people who defend our borders are largely great people and certainly are necessary.

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Good review. I really can't disagree even though I've enjoyed the 30 or so hours I've spent with it so far. I've been playing this with just 1 friend and we've actually been having a blast playing as a squad of 2. But, I almost feel like we're enjoying the game in spite of itself. The core systems seem solid, the environments are interestingly varied, and even though the tasks are essentially recycled, the new locales change them enough for them to be consistently interesting and challenging to us. It really does depend on playing with friends though. The fun for us has been cranking up the difficulty, limiting the HUD and tackling missions with only 2 when the squad size is supposed to be 4 (If you've got a group to play with, try no mini-map...things get real interesting). But those are imposed limitations that we've added to make it fun. The game itself didn't provide that, we did. I like the game and am enjoying it, but I admit that comes with a big asterisk.

OMG the VO though! I agree with everyone that hates it. Not only is it cringe-y A LOT, there's also no way to turn it off. We're rolling around with a squad of 2 and we have our own conversations going, but we're constantly interrupted by four disembodied voices sounding off on geo-politics and dicks. I wish there was an option to turn off that squad chatter. The "story" of the game is strained enough without the wannabe Bad Company "witty banter."

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Not sure I'll ever stop laughing about And Baby Makes 3.

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The writing in this game is so off the wall, I can't believe Tom Clancy put his name on it.

I don't think he even realizes they've been making these games the whole time.

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The writing in this game is so off the wall, I can't believe Tom Clancy put his name on it.

he is dead.

not that it would have stopped him if he wasn't.

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Thanks Jeff

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I wish whomever is telling game publishers to dumb down their games woudl STOP giving that advice. Gamers enjoy nuanced plots and stories. Gamers enjoy charcters with depth and realistic emotional states. Gamers can handle stories that are not just simple "seen a mile away" double crosses.

The dialogue doesn't have to be the best of playwright David Mamet's works, but maybe more "“The Spanish Prisoner", "Glengarry Glen Ross”, and “The Untouchables” rather than "Porky's 2", "Jaws 3" and "Ghost Dad".

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who would have thought zelda would become the open world game to beat this year, huh?

You shush with your non-Horizon promotion! Haha. I love Zelda actually, and I bet I'll play it for longer than Horizon, and it's a perfect mobile game that is AAA quality. I even bought all the stupid amiibos just to get their shite each day.

But Horizon... those graphics. The machine hunting. The story and characters. The take on civilization, culture, and society... it's just so awesome. I give it 5 cocaine mountains out of 5 crack stems!

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I agree with the AI being a little overpowered but I'm still having fun with the game even though it's not a game I enjoy playing for more than a couple hours at a time. Thanks world is huge but it just feels way too repetitive. The fact that it came out around the same time as BOTW also has not been helping this game.

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I'll just assume all the people posting about how great this game is solo are just trying to convince themselves they didn't waste 60 bucks...because this game is hot garbage solo. It's playable co-op and I've even had a touch of fun with it, but if I hadn't gotten it free with a graphics card I'd feel ripped off. Especially in a game release season where Zelda and Horizon are both fresh and GOTY contenders. This game can't even begin to stack up to those as an open world experience.

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Love ya Jeff, but I don't understand you.

(this game looks heart-stoppingly boring)

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Edited By GaspoweR

You really have to resort to saying that real soldiers in the documentaries actually talk like that as the excuse for really terrible writing? This game isn't about celebrating our armed forces, and if you really want that type of stuff, you don't go looking for that in this video game nonetheless, there are better ways to do that or rather better examples.

And then you really just have to follow it up with this...come on now.

And OF COURSE this is what all army people are like - sigh. I mean look I know this is a terrible liberal site but seriously.

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Eyes on a small group of tangos....

Looking at a small group of tangos....

Eyes on a small group of tangos....

Looking at a sm--

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@gaspower said:

This game isn't about celebrating our armed forces, and if you really want that type of stuff, you don't go looking for that in this video game nonetheless, there are better ways to do that or rather better examples.

One could argue that Tom Clancy always has been all about "celebrating the armed forces", his stuff has never been considered high-literature, more like military fan-fiction with a fetish for gore.

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Edited By GaspoweR

@nethlem: Yeah I see your point but as much as this game has his name or brand on it, it's not like the other games had bad writing or dialogue. Sure his novels weren't high literature but they were not that bad or flat. I just felt like the writing team just went with the lowest common denominator when they wanted to go for humor. Plus, I don't think anybody remotely related to Tom Clancy had any input in the writing whatsoever since Ubi pretty much bought his name and brand and can just use it without having to ask permission or input. (On a side note: Tom's son, Thom Clancy, is a pretty good dude)

I'm going to admit perhaps it may have been just tongue in cheek on the writing team's part and that they were really going for that kind of dialogue intentionally like what the guys were thinking during the Bombcast and with that frame of mind, it does seem a bit funnier to think about if that was actually true.

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@nethlem: This game does a extremly poor attempt of celebrating the armed forces.

But I think that Ubisoft has choosen the lowest common denominator here for a grand "both sides are bad" effect. Its also obvious they threw in Tom Clancy's name just because of his attached marketing value. The entire game seems to be catered on a certain group of people who would like a more militarised version of Just Cause 2. Though I don't think Realism and the premise of Just Cause could ever shake hands.

I'm pretty certain that Widelands is the ME:Andromeda of millitary games. It has great potential but is lacking at some rather significant parts.

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@dray2k: I never said the game celebrates them, I only said most of Tom Clancies fiction does so. But Clancy sold the rights to R6 and Ghost Recon to Ubisoft, as such Ubisoft is free to do with them whatever they like.

If you boil it down Wildlands is pretty much a Tom Clancy game in setting, if not always in tone. Some militarized dudes, with cool gadgets, take on the semi-illegal mission of taking down a drug cartel with non-police methods. Throw in a little bit more focus on the details of tech/gadgets and that's pretty much the extent of what could be described as "Tom Clanciness".

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Cocaine mountain simulator, lol

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Edited By RiotControl

I just finished the game and I only did so because of my fixation of finishing games. This game is... so terrible. THE ENTIRE GAME is nothing but a massive, barren open world with outposts, endless outposts dotted around the map. Most of the outposts use the same copy/pasted buildings with the same copy/pasted generic enemies. The story missions? 99% of them just send you to an outpost to grab a file, capture an NPC or kill someone. It's no different from just going into the outpost yourself on a previous side mission or collectible you may have gone after. There's basically no story. Your squad has no characters. It's just generic military NPCs following you around that rarely talk beyond endlessly repeating acknowledgements. The "edginess" of some dialogue/situation is so cringeworthy and even gross at times. You will give up on using the drone/binoculars because it's a huge waste of your time. The amount of times you'd need to spot enemies before an attack would probably be 1,000 times. It got old after 30 times.

This post is long enough, so I'll just close this out by telling you that I was begging this game to be over many, many hours before it ended.

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Edited By TucoRamires

I loved the game,it's been a breath of fresh air.
Flying choppers and shooting stuff while listening army bad jokes.
And the ending didn't disappoint me,working for the Cia,be prepared to see the table spin.
Four stars.This could have been a good John McTiernan game.

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Just finished this after many many months playing purely co-op with my wife and brother. What a blast it was, will be picking up the season pass for the two expansions once it goes on sale. Highly recommend as a co-op game.