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Let's All Take A (Wii Sports) Resort Vacation

How well does MotionPlus work in Nintendo's new tropical minigame collection? Check out this hands-on to find out.

Put some English on it. It's not hard. 
Put some English on it. It's not hard. 
The Wii's precision-enhancement add-on MotionPlus is already on the market via a handful of EA Sports titles, but Nintendo won't release its own first game with MotionPlus support, Wii Sports Resort, till July 26. Lucky for them that the game is likely to be the most popular and bestselling release on the Wii since, well, Wii Sports. With that sales potential in mind, I was eager to get my hands on a MotionPlus and spend some extended hands-on time with the full version of Resort and see what it's all about, cutesy casual minigame collection or not.

Hey, you know what? Wii Sports Resort is fun. I'm not ashamed to admit it! Granted, it's the same sort of brief, lightweight fun the first game was: grab a Wii-mote, ideally in a four-player setting, and flail your way through a few competitive activities starring your silly Mii people. This isn't the kind of game you're going to play daily or for long stretches, but it certainly has the kind of pick-up-and-waggle accessibility that made the first Wii Sports a sublime party game in mixed company.

The good news for those of us who identify ourselves as "hardcore" gamers is that the MotionPlus control doesn't feel gimmicky or tacked-on in Resort's dozen minigame categories. On the contrary, I felt like it genuinely added some actual depth to games like bowling and ping-pong, where you can put spin on the ball using the same wrist movements and muscle memory you might have retained from the real-life activities. This is still bowling and ping-pong we're talking about, of course--you aren't going to play them forever--but it seems like utilizing these sorts of advanced techniques will actually give you an edge in a competitive setting, which is always good for replay value.

Wave Race. Come on, Nintendo, let's see it. 
Wave Race. Come on, Nintendo, let's see it. 
There's also a series of wakeboarding and jet ski challenges that caught my eye. They're quite simplistic; the former has you doing basic jump tricks by steering and flicking the Wii-mote, and the latter is just a time-trial race to slalom through a series of gates. But since the MotionPlus gives you one-to-one control over the tilt and orientation of your board, you get a strong, satisfying tactile feeling of interacting with the water as you lean and dig into waves to maneuver around. What I'm really saying is, these levels totally made me want a new, MotionPlus-based Wave Race game.

The controls work better in some games than others. There's a cycling game that has you pumping both the Wii-mote and Nunchuk to simulate a pedaling motion while also tilting both of them to steer. That one felt a little unwieldy and tough to control without any prior experience. But the three-point contest didn't require any experience at all; I just started acting like I was shooting actual hoops and got a better than 50 percent accuracy rate my first try, which I think speaks to the intuitiveness of the controls in the right circumstances. I felt that way about more of the minigames than not.

Nintendo says it's trying to make all the content in Resort more obvious and accessible than in the first Wii Sports, which had some of its minigames obscured by the interface. So now you simply get every minigame category presented to you upfront in a grid format, and the company says you'll unlock all the different categories and variations of games with less effort than it took in the first game. 

See, they're having fun.
See, they're having fun.
The game world has a decent feeling of connectedness, since all the minigames take place in a single resort environment called Wuhu Island (don't ask me). So while you're cycling a race around the island's perimeter, you'll pass by the basketball court. When you're buzzing around in the two-player dogfight mode, you can fly straight down into the volcano that acts as the last level of the archery game. There will be some secrets scattered around that diehard Wii Sports players (if there are such people) can scour the island for. Each area of the archery challenge, for instance, will have a hidden bonus object that will be damn near impossible to hit, in my brief experience.

MotionPlus is going to be 20 bucks at retail by itself, so if nothing else, Wii Sports Resort seems like the best way so far to get your hands on the device (especially if you're not all that interested in golf or tennis). It's a nice gesture that the majority of the multiplayer games in Resort are pass-and-play, meaning you can get four players involved with only one MotionPlus. Everybody will need their own if you're going to play all the minigames in here--but if MotionPlus adds as much to the Wii experience as I'd like to hope it will, having spent a good bit of time with Resort, I think everyone will want to have their own, anyway.


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Edited By Media_Master

Looks like fun

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Edited By Meowayne

It's already shortened to the max. :D

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Edited By Al3xand3r

Now you shorten it to a single paragraph's length in order to cater to the average user's attention span. Then you post it, making sure you link it to the game's forum so that it shows up in that page and in the general discussion forum. Then you go play some more.

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Edited By Meowayne

So I wrote my blog post, and it is 6 pages long. What now?

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Edited By Kyle

I am so done caring about anything Nintendo does.

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Edited By TheePeaceFrog
@Meowayne: You should write up what you think of Wii Sports Resort and Wii Motion Plus. How is the sword fighting, is it really one to one motion?
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Edited By Dyergram

playted the jap versh i like it alot sword fighting is awesome especially the fruit chopping most satisfying wii contriolls yet.

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Edited By killdave

Damn .. .. the more Wii bullshit I see the more I now both Natal and shiney ball of a stick will suck ass too

That video was LIES ALL LIES

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Edited By Al3xand3r

...Why do you even need an opening paragraph, just get to the point. I got Wii Sports Resort and here's what I think.

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Edited By Meowayne

Write me a good opening paragraph and I'll do the blog post.

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Edited By Al3xand3r

I told you you should write a blog post or a new thread :P

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Edited By Meowayne

Yeah, that's all very cool. Let's talk about the game. This morning, I clubbed a Mii that looked like Reggie in the face. Yeah. Where's your Haloz now?

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Edited By Al3xand3r

You can change it, yes. But you can't do certain things like set reload to a motion, because holding down the reload button does a different function, and you can't hold a thrust or a swing. I imagine it's similar for the crouch button, you need to hold it down and therefor it can't be a motion (they should have added a toggle on/off setting for that but I guess it slipped their minds). Perhaps you tried to switch functions in a way that made reload fall in a motion and that is why it didn't let you. You could set the grenade throw to the remote thrust and the melee to a button (somewhere on the d-pad) to have it playable like that.

But like it has been said about 10 times before, a cheap plastic shell isn't comparable to an add-on that actually enhances the function of the remote without compromising access to buttons or doing anything else that requires a specialised way of holding it, so I don't see what you keep going on about, and why, and why you feel the need to put people down by bringing up their spelling in a worldwide forum, just because they told you hey, you don't know everything so stop acting as if you do.

The balance board isn't like the motion plus and has been used quite a bit in games it makes sense, there simply aren't that many. The gun shells aren't like the motion plus and the wheel isn't like the motion plus, because they fall in certain genres, restrict access to certain things, or require a special way of holding them which may cause issues if developers want more functions, but they also tend to be used in the games it makes sense to. The motion plus has that one thing in common with them, as it will also be used in games it makes sense to, and given its nature, it makes sense to use it in a much larger variety of titles than those particular accessories can be.

It's all so simple I just don't see how this discussion can go on for more than one page...

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Edited By damnboyadvance
@TheePeaceFrog said:


Sorry, I'll try and be more accurate with my facts because "Not even half" is so much more precise than what I said.
My point is that a nice few do support it, like all the light-gun style shooters are zapper compatible.
Also The Conduit does support the Zapper, one of the most mentioned things about the game is that it has fully customizable controls.

Prehaps you should check your facts?

Really? I though you had to use the Nunchuck to throw grenades and you couldn't change that. And yes, I did check that and it wouldn't change.

And yes, a few nice shooters do support the Wii Zapper, but not all do.

"Prehaps" you should check your spelling too.
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Edited By TheePeaceFrog


Sorry, I'll try and be more accurate with my facts because "Not even half" is so much more precise than what I said.
My point is that a nice few do support it, like all the light-gun style shooters are zapper compatible.
Also The Conduit does support the Zapper, one of the most mentioned things about the game is that it has fully customizable controls.

Prehaps you should check your facts?

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Edited By FalcomAdol

But does it have a gravure mode?

Nintendo should have handed this one to Tokyo Vikings.

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Edited By Meowayne

So far, I've gotten 5½ hours out of that game, single player alone.

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Edited By Al3xand3r

It's just a cheap piece of plastic, why do you even want to use it, it restricts the position you can have and compromises the all important comfort factor no-motion-controls advocates keep talking about... Works in lightgun games (but also stuff like World at War I think, it's not like there are many good FPS titles on the Wii, yet) if you wanted it for a "gun" though there are better shells.

So, as said before, the motion plus is as versatile as the vanilla remote, since it basically enhances its capabilities, therefor can be used in just as many types of games (if not more), unlike specialised hardware like the balance board which was promoted as a "tool" complete with Wii Fit and any game action you may get is a bonus honestly (and there's quite a bit, considering how specialised it is). That alone ensures support, especially with the bundles that almost guarantee a high install base will be reached soon enough, which is what aspiring developers will be looking at when creating their titles that have potential for such motion plus support.

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Edited By damnboyadvance

No, not even HALF the shooters support the Wii Zapper. Not even The Conduit does. You have no idea what you're talking about. Check your facts.
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Edited By TheePeaceFrog
Dude, like ALMOST every shooter on the Wii supports the zapper and for racing games they all support the wheel...

Anyhow, I'm excited about Wii Motion Plus because it's what the Wii remote should have been in the first place.
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Edited By Claude
@Insectecutor said:
" @Sparky_Buzzsaw said:
"My point is that nobobdy should have to state that they "aren't ashamed to admit" they like a Wii game.  Just like them or don't.  A few words like that can show a great deal of disdain for a product that should be approached with the same degree of fairness shown to the other two platforms and PC's. "
And by extension, nobody should state they "aren't ashamed to admit" they like any game? Come on, man, Brad is on your side: he's using this comment to to challenge to the negative perceptions of hardcore gamers. As a Wii fan you may take it the wrong way, but if you were someone who avoided Wii minigame collections or the Wii in general, the fact that Brad is not ashamed to say he likes this game may change your opinion.The negative perceptions of the Wii are not Brad's fault, but they are real, and there's nothing wrong with Brad acknowledging them and challenging them. "
Brad uses these lines in his article.

Granted, it's the same sort of brief, lightweight fun the first game was:

and flail your way through a few competitive activities starring your silly Mii people.

cutesy casual minigame collection or not.

I'm sorry he's not on anybody's side. Did he mention that this "minigame" collection has 18 holes of golf. I used to pay full price for golf games with just 18 holes. There's also a full course for Disc Golf. What about the rumors of online leaderboards? The community has speculated on this, but no mention in Brad's article. He's in the business, would he not have the ability to find out if this rumor is true. Impressionable people see these words and laugh... Flail, lightweight, minigame, casual, silly, brief, cutesy. Those are all key words for keeping the Wii down and telling the "hardcore" to beware.

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Edited By Meowayne

Oh god, I can't believe how much fun the swordfighting duels are. Too little challenge, though. Been playing it for about 2 hours and have already reached Pro level.

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Edited By Insectecutor
@Sparky_Buzzsaw said:
"My point is that nobobdy should have to state that they "aren't ashamed to admit" they like a Wii game.  Just like them or don't.  A few words like that can show a great deal of disdain for a product that should be approached with the same degree of fairness shown to the other two platforms and PC's. "
And by extension, nobody should state they "aren't ashamed to admit" they like any game? Come on, man, Brad is on your side: he's using this comment to to challenge to the negative perceptions of hardcore gamers. As a Wii fan you may take it the wrong way, but if you were someone who avoided Wii minigame collections or the Wii in general, the fact that Brad is not ashamed to say he likes this game may change your opinion.

The negative perceptions of the Wii are not Brad's fault, but they are real, and there's nothing wrong with Brad acknowledging them and challenging them.
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Edited By Aaron_G
@Babylonian: You have to get farther into the trailer, then it is actually Wii Sports Resort.
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Edited By Crono

That ad was ridiculous which I think actually works in Nintendo's favor because it's memorable even though it is quite dumb.

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Edited By Meowayne

Another impressions thread? Huhm. Surely I can't be the only one on the GB forum who's playing the J version.

I have now had time with all the games, btw., and sadly I must revision my thoughts on what MotionPlus can do and what it can't do. I was right all along in our PM conversation about Ball-on-a-stick, Al3x. And I found out why the archery is the way it is.

But maybe it really does deserve a blog post.

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Edited By Al3xand3r

You don't think so what? It's been at least at two E3s so it's been over a year... As for Lucas Arts, they threw a tantrum because their game sucked (they said it for Lightsaber Duels) and they wanted to blame it on something else. It could and should have been a better game, Motion Plus or not. Any "omg where did it come from" issues are done with a long time now. Besides, Motion Plus is just released, 7 months after Lightsaber Duels. They wouldn't have delayed it this much anyway (why didn't they? 7 months is a long time, they could re-create Resort's sword fighting using their own models and levels and assets in that time, with some force powers and frree movement on top). No matter when they showed it, there could always be some developers that claim they wish they knew sooner, but since it's released over a year after the fact it's a non issue. Heh, many developers only take a little over that to develop a full game, not to mention simply the gameplay mechanics with the assets ready.

Your archery issue sounds weird but it doesn't sound like you're doing the same motion since it doesn't detect it in one case (I know, duh, heh).

You should make a new thread/blog for your impressions so they're not buried under this nonsensical "zomg Brad is paid to promote Nintendo" "zomg the Motion Plus should have been built-in from the beginning" "zomg no gaemz will use it so don't buy it" etc.

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Edited By Meowayne
We've known of Motion Plus for over a year, developers probably knew even earlier.

I don't think so. If I remember, shortly after the announcement LucasArts complained that they'd like to have known earlier.
On topic, I can confirm that Swordfighting is absolutely awesome, that the drawing of the bowstring is 50% Z-Button and 50% Nunchuck tilt (so it doesn't matter whether you actually draw back your arm or not), that there are some desyncing issues (I didn't encounter any in swordfighting, though, as long as you stop flailing your arms about and work strategically with attacking and blocking), that cycling is rather awkward, that bowling and golf are what they should have been from the beginning, and that I don't quite "get" the inner workings of motion plus yet.

Swordfighting isn't completely 1:1, by the way, just as Tiger Woods Disc Golf isn't. Holding the Sword horizontally upwards and then moving it left or right (without changing the tilt) does nothing, even though Archery shows that this motion can be detected. With archery, on the other hand, I did a little experiment whose outcome I cannot explain:  If I hold the wiimote upwards and parallel to the TV and move it left/right/up/down, it changes the aim, just as it should be. If, however, I don't use my arm to do that motion but my entire body, no motion is detected. The controller does the exact(!) same motion, only in one case I initiate it from the shoulder, and in the other case I initiate it from the hip.
No idea why that is.

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Edited By Al3xand3r
@Wolverine said:
" It is really cool that they are adding Wii Motion Plus to the Will but I feel like it is going to create a lot of development problems. If a developer is almost finished with a Wii game and is about to release it they might have to really consider adding Wii Motion Plus support which could take a very long time to add. This could cause another drought of Wii games. "
We've known of Motion Plus for over a year, developers probably knew even earlier. Heck, look @ the simple fact we got third party games that support Motion Plus before first party games. Not all games have/need to use it. Drought? You need to take a look @ the release schedules.
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Edited By leeto

Sounds good, will probably grab this deal when it comes out. 

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Can we expect a quick look

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Edited By Wolverine

It is really cool that they are adding Wii Motion Plus to the Will but I feel like it is going to create a lot of development problems. If a developer is almost finished with a Wii game and is about to release it they might have to really consider adding Wii Motion Plus support which could take a very long time to add. This could cause another drought of Wii games.

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Edited By aaox

Archery dude is SERIOUS.

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Edited By Death_Unicorn

I am not going to get this, until there are serious games that support Wii Motion Plus.
These Wii ______ games are usually only good for 20 minutes.

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Edited By Meowayne

Actually, the technology used in Motion Plus is so small that it wouldn't really be a problem to build it right into future Wiimotes; especially considerung that it most probably renders the old gyroscope obsolete.

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Edited By damnboyadvance
@Claude said:
" @damnboyadvance said:
No, you don't get it. When Nintendo released the controller, it should of had precise motion controls. It WAS released with motion controls. The 360 and PS3 WEREN'T released with motion controls. Their motion controls aren't even out yet. What are you saying? "
Why are you so hung up on a piece of hardware that costs $20/US and can be cheaper if bought bundled? Wii Sports Resort will cost $49/US. As far a I'm concerned, Nintendo did what they had to do. The Dual Shock 3 came without rumble, but they made a new one with rumble. You don't hear people complaining about having to buy another one. This happens all the time, you make something and then you make it better. The first Xbox had a crappy controller, so they made the S Controller. I bought one, but did I say... "Hey, why didn't you make this one in the first place instead of making me buy another one, because I hated the one that came with the machine."The original Playstation came with a regular gamepad, but they developed the Dualshock, I bought one. It made the games I played better.Your arguments are all over the place. Nintendo had some limited motion controls with the vanilla remote, but they worked fine when implemented will. What of it, move on. Jump on the new train and if not, stand aside. "
I wasn't so hung up. The first thing I ever said was I don't think too many people should buy this right now because almost all accessorys are largely unsupported from Nintendo. Then it turned into this.

In addition, the Wii MotionPlus doesn't come with the Wii Remote, does it?

And bundling hardware doesn't mean it's cheaper. Sometimes its just bundled with cheap games, like bundling Wii Play with a Wii Remote.

I won't argue that improvement can be made and sold, but the imporvements should be in the package. You shouldn't have to buy a Wii Remote then a Wii MotionPlus separately. All it does is add motion. Why can't it be bundled with the Wii Remote?
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Edited By Claude
@damnboyadvance said:
No, you don't get it. When Nintendo released the controller, it should of had precise motion controls. It WAS released with motion controls. The 360 and PS3 WEREN'T released with motion controls. Their motion controls aren't even out yet. What are you saying? "
Why are you so hung up on a piece of hardware that costs $20/US and can be cheaper if bought bundled? Wii Sports Resort will cost $49/US. As far a I'm concerned, Nintendo did what they had to do. The Dual Shock 3 came without rumble, but they made a new one with rumble. You don't hear people complaining about having to buy another one.

This happens all the time, you make something and then you make it better. The first Xbox had a crappy controller, so they made the S Controller. I bought one, but did I say... "Hey, why didn't you make this one in the first place instead of making me buy another one, because I hated the one that came with the machine."

The original Playstation came with a regular gamepad, but they developed the Dualshock, I bought one. It made the games I played better.

Your arguments are all over the place. Nintendo had some limited motion controls with the vanilla remote, but they worked fine when implemented well. What of it, move on. Jump on the new train and if not, stand aside.
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Edited By damnboyadvance
@bdouble said:
" @damnboyadvance: Might as well say the 360 should have came with Natal or the Ps3 with Swaggle.  
" @Meowayne said:
" @AgentJ said:
" @damnboyadvance said:
" I recommend you don't buy it though. Like almost every other Nintendo accessory, it will eventually become largely unsupported, like the Wii Wheel and Wii Zapper, as well as the Wii Balance Board. "
The Wheel and Zapper were just pieces of plastic, but the Balance Board has been used a bunch, though typically with games i have little interest in. However, Punch Out utilized it, Shawn White, Tony Hawk, Rabbids, even Tetris, you name it. 
Equilibrio, Wii Music, EA Sports Active, We Ski&Snowboard... For a $80 accessory, the balance board has quite impressive support so far. "
Wow, is that it? The most support it has is no more than 10 games. That's not major support. "
No, you don't get it. When Nintendo released the controller, it should of had precise motion controls. It WAS released with motion controls. The 360 and PS3 WEREN'T released with motion controls. Their motion controls aren't even out yet. What are you saying?
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Edited By bdouble
@damnboyadvance: Might as well say the 360 should have came with Natal or the Ps3 with Swaggle.  
" @Meowayne said:
" @AgentJ said:
" @damnboyadvance said:
" I recommend you don't buy it though. Like almost every other Nintendo accessory, it will eventually become largely unsupported, like the Wii Wheel and Wii Zapper, as well as the Wii Balance Board. "
The Wheel and Zapper were just pieces of plastic, but the Balance Board has been used a bunch, though typically with games i have little interest in. However, Punch Out utilized it, Shawn White, Tony Hawk, Rabbids, even Tetris, you name it. 
Equilibrio, Wii Music, EA Sports Active, We Ski&Snowboard... For a $80 accessory, the balance board has quite impressive support so far. "
Wow, is that it? The most support it has is no more than 10 games. That's not major support. "
Umm pretty major for an accessory.  What compares RB and GH?  The same game a dozen or so times over?  
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw
@Insectecutor:  Uhhh, 27 year old here who doesn't feel that way.  The fact that the Wii is accessible to soccer moms, gamers, kids, grandparents, girlfriends, dingos, llamas, fruit yogurt, and just about everything else under the sun is a positive, not a negative.  While I'm not a fan of most of the third-party shovelware mini-games, the fact of the matter is that for social gatherings, quick gaming sessions, and great drinking games, mini-games are actually sort of awesome.  Do they lack a certain amount of depth?  Sure.  But that's not necessarily a bad thing. 

And in a sense, these guys have a very real effect on gaming markets, albeit it limited to Giant Bomb readers.  Gaming journalists in general need to realize that their impressions are often imprinted upon the readers.  I don't care how small the readership is, if it's a local weekly paper, a gaming site, or the mass media - there are people that will form their own opinions based on those of the journalists.  While I think the readership should be made aware of the amount of shovelware on any system, it's unnecessary to point that out in what appears to be a very solid first-party game that has no relevance to the third-party dung piles.

My point is that nobobdy should have to state that they "aren't ashamed to admit" they like a Wii game.  Just like them or don't.  A few words like that can show a great deal of disdain for a product that should be approached with the same degree of fairness shown to the other two platforms and PC's.
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Edited By doonee63

Oh, Nintendo and their retarded ads.

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Edited By SonicFire to be in the NEVER category...right?

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Edited By Meowayne
wasn't a very real feeling among jaded 25 year old gamers that the Wii is a toy for soccer moms and babies

The feeling is very real, but it is not based on reality.

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Edited By natetodamax


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Edited By Insectecutor
@Sparky_Buzzsaw said:
"This looks like a whole hell of a lot of fun.  And I agree completely with Claude - that crack about not being ashamed to admit a Wii game was fun was completely unnecessary and a pretty good example of why gaming journalism still has a hell of a long ways to go.  Hating Wii shovelware is one thing - bringing that dislike to the forefront of otherwise genuinely enjoyable games is quite another."
This would be relevant if there wasn't a very real feeling among jaded 25 year old gamers that the Wii is a toy for soccer moms and babies, and if what Brad Shoemaker has to say had any reach whatsoever to the mainstream Wii market. Mini game collections are, at best, a guilty pleasure. Here's one that isn't. It's significant that nobody is going to be ashamed about liking Wii Sports Resort, because it's fun.

If he'd said he was ashamed to admit it, that would have been a much stronger statement worthy of getting worked up about because that would actually confirm his alleged massive anti Nintendo bias, which I think you're tacitly accusing him (and the rest of the gaming press) of here.
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Edited By damnboyadvance
@Claude said:
" @damnboyadvance said:
" @Claude said:
" @damnboyadvance: People said the same thing about the Expansion Pak for the N64. I really don't care as long as it adds to my gaming experience. "
You're talking about an expansion pack. I'm talking about a whole new game with the same ideas that DOESN'T much add to your gaming experience. "
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Tiger Woods with Motion Plus was a huge leap for me and it was a huge leap for the golf genre. Wii Sports Resort will be a new gaming experience for me. The Golf game itself has 18 holes and will have more fidelity with Motion Plus. I still play Wii Sports and can't wait to get my hands on this beauty. "
No, I was talking about My Sims. I'm not saying that about Wii Sports. That's not what I meant. I didn't say this (Wii Sports Resort/Wii MotionPlus) wouldn't add to the experience. It will. I believe Wii MotionPlus will make games like golfing games better, and it could revolutionize gaming. But what I've been saying is that that was the job of the Wii Remote itself. The sensing power of Wii MotionPlus should've already been in the Wii Remote to start with. And unfortunatly, SOME developers might not support it.
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Edited By Claude
@damnboyadvance said:
" @Claude said:
" @damnboyadvance: People said the same thing about the Expansion Pak for the N64. I really don't care as long as it adds to my gaming experience. "
You're talking about an expansion pack. I'm talking about a whole new game with the same ideas that DOESN'T much add to your gaming experience. "
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Tiger Woods with Motion Plus was a huge leap for me and it was a huge leap for the golf genre. Wii Sports Resort will be a new gaming experience for me. The Golf game itself has 18 holes and will have more fidelity with Motion Plus. I still play Wii Sports and can't wait to get my hands on this beauty.