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Video Games Played

  • Heavy Rain; excellent cinematic experience with a brilliant atmosphere and tension that had me on the edge of my seat for fear of missing an on screen prompt for almost my entire time spent with the game. Definitely a fine example of how a game doesn't need to involve a tremendous amount of violence or complexity in order for it to be a deep and enjoyable experience.
  • God of War 3; over the topic set pieces and visceral action makes a God of War game and this didn't disappoint one bit. From that opening cinematic to the fight against Cronos the game didn't hold back on taking my breathe away with its epic proportions. And definitely one of the most satisfying examples of how amazing a game can look visually without suffering from poor performance.
  • The Saboteur; plagued with technical issues that refused to let me continue playing but a fine game none the less. Even though I didn't finish it through to the end exactly I feel I pumped in enough time literally exploring, seducing and sabotaging my way through Paris to safely say I hold a soft spot for it.
  •   Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing; a quirky and charming kart racer that had me sold the moment I found out I could play as Alex Kidd. However upon actually playing it I was pretty shocked to see how much depth there was to the game. Between all the unlockable music, levels and characters to the various modes in the single player. Not to mention a somewhat stellar online experience as well.
  • Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time; if there is one thing I can appreciate being done well in a game then it's humour. Something this game is full of which, coupled with the entertaining adventure / puzzle / platformer it is, made the experience all the more enjoyable. And I don't think any game has hit my OCDness for collecting things quite like this did with the various bolts and collectibles dotted around levels and planets.
  • Blur; the sophisticated kart racer that just so happens to be one of the most challenging and difficult games I've played in recent years. Once you break past the sweet and enjoyable outer layer the game has a bit of a sour twist too it. But with the bevy of real-world cars, enjoyable tracks and intuitive power-ups I'm willing to overlook the darn right daftness that creeps up in certain areas.

Currently Playing

Valkyria Chronicles; again I'm a little late to the party on this one but that isn't stopping me from enjoying what I've played of it so far. I've just finished up my first desert mission and come across a ragnite temple. Something tells me I've still got many, many more hours of playtime left before I'm even close to finishing it. However what I've experienced so far has been great. Gameplay is far more tactical and fun than I thought it would be after viewing the Quick Look on the site. The art style, dialogue and cutscenes in between missions have been great as well. I'm not much of a Anime / JRPG fan myself but I'm really enjoying the quirky nature the characters all have, so far the highlight of the game has been picking squad members that have good synergy with each other. An example being Jann & Largo who have become my go-to-guys when I need Lancers on the field.
Like I said though, I feel I've only just breached the surface on this game and still have the juicy centre to play through and enjoy until it's finished!

Steam Sale Extravaganza

The only thing I bought was Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West and that is definitely a game I am glad I paid £3.40 for. It's got issues, primarily the fact it seemed adamant on disconnecting me every time a server or game migrated to the next map. Still I won't knock it too hard, it's enjoyable when you get into a game with little lag and plenty of players. I look forward to seeing what else Fatshark produce in the future.

E3 2010

So much to talk about. So little enthusiasm to do so!
As each E3 comes and goes I find myself less and less enthusiastic about it. Out of all the statistical analysis, dick swinging between companies and coverage to catch up on by my favourite video game websites. I find myself exhausted and getting close to my apathetic cut-off point. So for the sake of brevity I'll bullet point what I considered to be the highlights of E3 2010...
We'll end things there I think. As per usual feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below!

Love Hamz, XOXO


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Edited By Seedofpower

A friend gifted me Lead & Gold, too bad I don't have any internet for my pc to play it =(. I was kinda disappointed by this e3. I felt like there wasn't enough talk about 3rd party developers or at least for THQ.
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Edited By amlabella

Valkyria Chronicles was my surprise game of 08. Just kinda came out of nowhere and ended up being one of my favorites of the year.

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heavy rain is tit

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Edited By Hamz
@Gearhead: I definitely see where you're coming from. At times I felt some parts of each character's narrative were unnecessary. That being said I also admit the game isn't for everyone, Fahrenheit aka Indigo Prophecy was very much the same. It's a cult classic now but back then it received mixed opinion and I think Heavy Rain will be very much the same. You either enjoy this style of game or you don't.
@ZombiePie: I didn't get to see the ending of the Saboteur, I probably should check it out on YouTube. Pity that my save games fell prey to the games many technical issues, would of loved to continue enjoying it. That game had charm indeed!
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Edited By ZombiePie  Staff

I should really blog more often...I might borrow you blog structure Hamz.
The only game of yours that I played was The Saboteur, and man does that game have a great ending. I feel like the developer had enough time to make a good beginning and a good end and didn't have enough time to make everything in-between.
Also I watched a friend play Heavy Rain to completion. Man fuck that ending I felt betrayed.

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Edited By gearhead

Heavy Rain seemed kind of pretentious, too me. I have this feeling because it's trying to portray a story that they seem to believe is as gripping as a film or a novel. But when you get into it, it's like a choose your own adventure book where I don't feel satisfied with any of the endings that you get. By having all these different strands, I felt that the story fell apart, and would have been better if it stuck to one narrative. But the fact that you can make all these decisions and change the world around you is the main crock of the game. Also, I didn't like the controls...
Maybe it just wasn't for me.

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator

When it comes to Valkyria Chronicles, it's better late than never. It's such a great game!

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Edited By Joshakazam

Personally i cannot wait for Bulletstorm.

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I bought Thief:  Deadly Shadows during the steam sales, haven't played it yet, but I think I'll enjoy it.

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And only the riddler would hatch such a diabolical plot. To steal the joy of seeing more of Batman Arkham Asylum 2.
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Edited By Jeust
@jim_dandy said:
" @Hamz said:
As per usual feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below! 
 You suck. "
I lol'ed. The best way to start the comments. ^^ 
You have some nice games there. :)
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Edited By Hamz
@Fallen189: I don't think I've lost anyone permanently just yet. I've managed to revive all of my downed squad members, it just so happens the ones that have needed evacuating with the medic have all been engineers. I try to only field an engineer when needed, if possible I avoid them and roll out my Assault / Scout zerg rush.
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Edited By Fallen189
@Hamz said:
" @Fallen189 said:
" Prepare to lose many engineers. "
Already lost a few. Frankly they all annoy me with how useless they are. Herbert is the only one I use with any regularity due to his repair boost potential, but he also just gained a 'moody' potential as well....

I only lost two people EVER, and they were  both engineers. The most useful class ingame in regards to what they do, but they're always in the line of fire too much. Scouts will carry you!
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Edited By Hamz
@Fallen189 said:
" Prepare to lose many engineers. "
Already lost a few. Frankly they all annoy me with how useless they are. Herbert is the only one I use with any regularity due to his repair boost potential, but he also just gained a 'moody' potential as well....
@EvilTwin said:
" Awesome to hear that you're playing Valkyria Chronicles.  I'm a huge fan.  You should update us on your thoughts when you get a little further.  Also, hopefully you're as big a Skies of Arcadia fan as I am and always use Vyse and Aika in your squad. "
I have no clue about Skies of Arcadia but I did recently include Aika & Vyse into Squad 7 so they could pair up. In fact I've been doing it a lot between Hannes & Jane, Largo & Jann etc. Seems to be working out by picking couples that work efficiently together.
" I wonder why Batman Arkham Asylum 2 didn't show up at E3 this year? "
Good question, but I'm sure only the caped crusader himself would be able to solve this riddle!
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I wonder why Batman Arkham Asylum 2 didn't show up at E3 this year?

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Edited By gbrading

I totally hear you getting apathetic towards E3 by the end. It is totally information overload so that sooner or later no matter what they throw at you it ends up just not sinking in. Still, it's only once a year. ;)
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Edited By Red12b
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I need to finish Valkyria Chronicles. Sequel is coming out this summer on PSP--must get.

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Edited By mracoon

I haven't played any of those game but if I had a PS3 I'd be all over Heavy Rain.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Damn it! I can't comment on any of that :(.

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Edited By Fallen189

Prepare to lose many engineers.

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Edited By EvilTwin

Awesome to hear that you're playing Valkyria Chronicles.  I'm a huge fan.  You should update us on your thoughts when you get a little further.  Also, hopefully you're as big a Skies of Arcadia fan as I am and always use Vyse and Aika in your squad.

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Edited By JackiJinx
@jim_dandy said:
" @Hamz said:
As per usual feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below! 
 You suck in the most lovable manner possible"
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Edited By KaosAngel

This is a good post Hamz, I noticed it when you coughed.   
Only three of those games were worth playing my eyes though, but we can all take a stab at which ones those are.  >.>

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Edited By jim_dandy
@Hamz said:
As per usual feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below! 
 You suck.
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Edited By Hamz

Video Games Played

  • Heavy Rain; excellent cinematic experience with a brilliant atmosphere and tension that had me on the edge of my seat for fear of missing an on screen prompt for almost my entire time spent with the game. Definitely a fine example of how a game doesn't need to involve a tremendous amount of violence or complexity in order for it to be a deep and enjoyable experience.
  • God of War 3; over the topic set pieces and visceral action makes a God of War game and this didn't disappoint one bit. From that opening cinematic to the fight against Cronos the game didn't hold back on taking my breathe away with its epic proportions. And definitely one of the most satisfying examples of how amazing a game can look visually without suffering from poor performance.
  • The Saboteur; plagued with technical issues that refused to let me continue playing but a fine game none the less. Even though I didn't finish it through to the end exactly I feel I pumped in enough time literally exploring, seducing and sabotaging my way through Paris to safely say I hold a soft spot for it.
  •   Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing; a quirky and charming kart racer that had me sold the moment I found out I could play as Alex Kidd. However upon actually playing it I was pretty shocked to see how much depth there was to the game. Between all the unlockable music, levels and characters to the various modes in the single player. Not to mention a somewhat stellar online experience as well.
  • Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time; if there is one thing I can appreciate being done well in a game then it's humour. Something this game is full of which, coupled with the entertaining adventure / puzzle / platformer it is, made the experience all the more enjoyable. And I don't think any game has hit my OCDness for collecting things quite like this did with the various bolts and collectibles dotted around levels and planets.
  • Blur; the sophisticated kart racer that just so happens to be one of the most challenging and difficult games I've played in recent years. Once you break past the sweet and enjoyable outer layer the game has a bit of a sour twist too it. But with the bevy of real-world cars, enjoyable tracks and intuitive power-ups I'm willing to overlook the darn right daftness that creeps up in certain areas.

Currently Playing

Valkyria Chronicles; again I'm a little late to the party on this one but that isn't stopping me from enjoying what I've played of it so far. I've just finished up my first desert mission and come across a ragnite temple. Something tells me I've still got many, many more hours of playtime left before I'm even close to finishing it. However what I've experienced so far has been great. Gameplay is far more tactical and fun than I thought it would be after viewing the Quick Look on the site. The art style, dialogue and cutscenes in between missions have been great as well. I'm not much of a Anime / JRPG fan myself but I'm really enjoying the quirky nature the characters all have, so far the highlight of the game has been picking squad members that have good synergy with each other. An example being Jann & Largo who have become my go-to-guys when I need Lancers on the field.
Like I said though, I feel I've only just breached the surface on this game and still have the juicy centre to play through and enjoy until it's finished!

Steam Sale Extravaganza

The only thing I bought was Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West and that is definitely a game I am glad I paid £3.40 for. It's got issues, primarily the fact it seemed adamant on disconnecting me every time a server or game migrated to the next map. Still I won't knock it too hard, it's enjoyable when you get into a game with little lag and plenty of players. I look forward to seeing what else Fatshark produce in the future.

E3 2010

So much to talk about. So little enthusiasm to do so!
As each E3 comes and goes I find myself less and less enthusiastic about it. Out of all the statistical analysis, dick swinging between companies and coverage to catch up on by my favourite video game websites. I find myself exhausted and getting close to my apathetic cut-off point. So for the sake of brevity I'll bullet point what I considered to be the highlights of E3 2010...
We'll end things there I think. As per usual feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below!

Love Hamz, XOXO