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Games off the top of my head that I really like - not an ordered list or anything. I'll add more as they come to me.

List items

  • Had a huge impact on how stories can be transmitted through games. Unlike season 2 though, season 1 retained enough game parts to not just feel like an interactive movie.

  • The BEST Mario Game ever, no exceptions!

  • This is the best game in the Wright series.

  • Thrilling - anyone with a DS should play this. I came out of it feeling a lot smarter!

  • This game is the poster-child for overlooked and under-appreciated games.

  • Genre-defining!

  • This game seemingly defied the odds and became awesome.

  • Nothing in the genre can touch Civ V!

  • My favourite Bethesda game - I completed every quest and every DLC and reached level 30. I haven't ever completed another Bethesda game...

  • Say what you want about Dark Souls, it's had a huge impact on gaming. One of my all time favourites.

  • Great game, great characters, great world, still looks amazing.

  • The fact that it's fairly self contained helps it and the depth of character is still striking.

    2017 EDIT: It's not my favourite metal gear game.

  • This game and I have a weird connection - I've played around 150 hours of it including Golden on the Vita and yet I feel like I could boot it up and play through it again tomorrow.

  • Love it! Fun characters, great music, cool world.

  • I liked this more than GTA V...

    It's still impressive to think that Rockstar created this world in 2008.

  • My favourite Zelda game.

  • A fantastically told story considering the hardware it is on. The scale and ambition of VI is impressive to this day.

  • I'm shoving this in as S3&K. Best Sonic game ever, one of the best 2D platformers ever.

  • Awesome. A very important game.

  • Some people love it, some people hate it. I really enjoyed it.

  • I liked this more VII... I know that the story is pretty dumb! TRIPLE TRIAD!

    Albeit I think that does the game a disservice. The mechanics whilst utterly flawed are very interesting. The characters are a bit mopey but considering it's a PS1 game, Square does a good job of making them (especially Squall) feel real. The music and art direction are incredible.

    It's almost too ambitious for it's own good and I just admire it for that. I find it hard to explain why I love this game.

    2017 EDIT: I think my original explanation does this game a real disservice - the ambition it had especially coming off the back of VII is admirable and the characters of both Squall but especially Seifer are two of the best developed in the entire series. Possessed Edea is probably the best villain in the entire series as well and the mechanics which I called "utterly flawed" are interesting and not really flawed, just very different.

  • Incredibly unique.

  • Irrational created one of the most interesting universes ever in this game along with some of the best characters.

  • Artistically this game can stand alongside Shadow of the Colossus and its ilk. The implementation of online play is as good as the Souls series.

  • I haven't seen a game that used one specific mechanic as well as Braid does. Wonderful.

  • Insane in the best way!

  • The amount of personality the developers put into the multitude of characters you recruit in this game is admirable. The actual gameplay is fun as well.

  • Addictive with arguably the best OST ever.

  • Absolutely gorgeous with some of the best music in gaming history. Plays well too!

  • They got it completely right with this game, brilliant.

  • Whilst I don't agree with people who think this game is perfect and the best game ever, I agree that it deserves a spot on this list.

  • I played a lot of this game back in the day... a lot.

  • In terms of how much I've gotten out of it - the best bundle ever. Half Life 2 is still the perennial fps, Portal is revolutionary and has great writing, TF2 is just fun.

  • Just lovely - aesthetically pleasing, aurally pleasing. The game is fun as well!

  • The depth of options and the amount packed into this game is incredible. For someone like me who loves football these games are at the very least 200 hours of content.

  • Probably the most fun I've had in a co-op game.

  • It's hard to argue against this being on any list of good games - still plays well and the amount of levels and secrets is still staggering.

  • It's not the best Sonic game! It does have the best soundtrack though (the EU/JPN version at least) and its wackiness is really endearing.

  • I'm gonna take you for a ride!

  • As far as I'm aware this is the first game I ever played - it still holds up.

  • A really involved retro horror game with a great story to back it up. Gameplay's a bit hit or miss though.

  • Really frantic and fun. This game also provided me an entry into the fighting game genre which is seemingly notorious for being terrible to beginners.

  • Amazing soundtrack, fantastic (fan) translation. I don't understand why Nintendo don't collaborate with the fan translators and get this out in the west.

  • A mix of all the good elements of a JRPG whilst also shedding all the not-so-good elements. Final Fantasy VII may have defined the genre but Chrono Trigger still sits at the top of the pyramid.

    2017 EDIT: There are (IMO) better JRPGs than Chrono Trigger but it really does everything well, I can't see any glaring flaws.

  • Some people seem to like Melee more for the competitive aspect or something but I always liked Brawl more - it's just good fun alone and especially with friends.

  • Objection! Wright's first adventure definitely deserves to be on this list - Edgeworth is still the pinnacle of Wright's Rivals and the final DS exclusive case is brilliant.

  • Incredibly responsive controls, it's a really good game. Nintendo know how to make platformers, man!

  • I know this game gets a bad rap from a lot of people but I found it thrilling when I played through it. It's probably due to how much I adore solving mysteries.

  • Seems simple at first but the depth that this game has puts most other games to shame.

  • Kind of the same game as Arena but with a bigger roster and a better story, both content and structuring. It kind of has to be on here since it's better than the prequel that's here I guess. PURSEOWNER!

  • I don't play many of these character-action games but Bayonetta 2... Bayonetta 2 is a real game guys. It'll make you feel awesome whilst kicking your ass but it kicks your ass for a reason - to make you kick its ass. It's got one of the best learning curves ever in any game. The greatest thing I can say about this is that pretty much every medal I have on hard mode is better than the equivalent on normal mode. If I'd played more of this before the end of the year, it would have been my 2014 Game of the Year.

  • Earthbound, like Chrono Trigger, remarkably manages to be more modern and relevant than nearly every JRPG that's came out over the last few years. Truly a gem of a game.

  • An incredible journey full of interesting characters and quests that you actually want to do. Manages to jump over the "tons of boring stuff" chasm that most open-world games fall into - easily the best game that has came out this generation.

    2017 EDIT: It isn't easily the best game to come out this generation now but it still is the best game to come out this generation...

  • An incredibly deep strategy game - probably the deepest game I've ever played.

  • An incredibly deep roster and some unique systems make Capcom vs SNK 2000 the most fun I've had with a Dreamcast Fighter. The added strategy of team building adds a great twist to the Capcom fighter formula and the use of only four buttons is good for someone like me - not exactly Daigo.

  • Backs up its superb aesthetic with great mechanics and good gameplay. I wouldn't hesitate to say that artistically, this is the best game of all time.

    EDIT: The Definitive Edition of this game adds two more fantastic areas, cool new mechanics and even more beautiful art and music. Ori is just a wonderful game and everyone should play it.

  • A really funny game with some fantastic characters - the LucasArts game that actually stuck with me the most, probably due to the amount of time I watched the intro as a four year old.

  • International Zodiac Job System - The IZJS version of FF XII solves the problems I have with it regarding its slow pace and the lack of focus in the character development. Having played through that version I can say that XII is one of the best JRPGs i've played through in recent years and despite the story faltering a bit in the mid-game, the heroes are likeable, the villians are for the most part sufficiently threatening and the world building is fantastic. The combat is a bit hit or miss and perhaps a bit too easy if you keep on top of equipment but I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys JRPGS.

    Specifically the IZJS version though.

  • An absolute gem of a platformer - fully open world with tons of potential exploration, beautiful environments (especially for an early ps2 title), lovely soundtrack as well as fantastic controls and a variety of gameplay styles.

  • Fun combat, great music, engrossing story and very good characters.

  • My favourite Kingdom Hearts game - I also enjoyed 1 and 2 a lot. The other games are pretty terrible. I really like the characters in BBS and the star wars rip-off story was enjoyable.

  • I really like this game for what it is. The four main characters are some of the most likeable in the entire series and the road-trip journey theme really worked for me.

  • The best Yakuza game I've played, Yakuza 0 has cemented itself as one of my all time favourites, definitely top 10. Kiryu is fantastic as always but Majima steals the show, his arc in this game is one of the greatest a game has ever had. Kamurocho and Sotenbori are so vibrant and full of life, you just want to explore. 0 has an incredibly well told story, full of twists and tense moments with one of the most emotional endings ever but also has some of the best side content in any game I've played.

    Truly an exceptional game, I seriously can't emphasise enough how fantastic this game is.

  • It lived up to my expectations. I woke up to watch this game's reveal in September of 2013 and after all this time, it somehow managed to live up to my expectations.

    Thank you Atlus.

  • I didn't give Birthright its due when I originally played it. I probably just wasn't wanting a Fire Emblem game at that point.

    I picked it up again earlier this year (2017) following Fire Emblem Heroes release on mobile and enjoyed it a lot. The gameplay and combat are far superior to Awakening.

    I then picked up Conquest which I absolutely adored, the map design is incredible. I've now picked up Revelations and am working my way through it. I can easily say now that this game is fantastic and better than Awakening in nearly every way besides the characters (maybe) and over-arching story (definitely.)

    Whilst I can't say all I would like about the story until I finish Revelations, both the Birthright and Conquest routes are (probably deliberately) unsatisfying and really don't make use of what is a fantastic set-up. Despite that, I really like all the characters from both sides. The game looks great and the OST is fantastic as expected.

  • I'll just put Rev2 here because it's the latest but Xrd in general is one of my favourite fighting games ever.

  • I've played and watched this game a lot.

  • Automata is very smart - it actually uses the medium in interesting ways through its systems and the way the player's gameplay fits into the story.

  • The ambition and scope of this game and the way it uses the medium (similarly to nier) makes it a real gem.

    I said earlier that MGS3 was my favourite Metal Gear but it really is this one that I keep coming back to when I think about the series - MGS2 is a truly special game and the best thing Hideo Kojima has put out.

  • Very underrated game and a really solid conclusion to Solid Snake's journey. It actually controls very well. It might have a lot of cutscenes but it's a far better Metal Gear game than MGS V for instance.

  • Amazing game.

  • The best Mario game since Galaxy and a game that will forever hold a special place in my heart for digging up feelings that I haven't felt since I was three years old, playing Super Mario 64.

  • The best "pure" JRPG in the last 10 or so years and a reminder of why this genre, despite all its flaws, continues to survive.

  • A game that succeeds in creating a tense atmosphere without limiting playability in any way. RE2's encounter design, in terms of enemy placement and response to your actions, is fantastic and Mr. X straddles that line of frightening without ever being frustrating.