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Games I have completed

Here's a list of games I have beaten. If the game can not be won, then games I otherwise consider myself to have beaten. Maybe I can make it to half a thousand.

List items

  • 8/10. Story loses interest as it goes along. For a mini-game heavy game, a lot of the minigames are not fun. Combat system is outdated and needs work. Some of the requirements or challenges in the minigames are tedious and just plain not fun instead of interesting or challenging. Since Yakuza 4, the introduction of new characters are interesting in the story, but their gameplay is getting progressively worse.

  • 3/10

  • 8/10. Would have been higher but I lost random progress due to saving issues and had to beat the entire game in one session out of a fear that my trophies would not track properly.

  • 8.5/10. There were a lot of trophy issues, missing collectibles etc.

    Controls were not very reliable in combat and took away the dramatic feeling the game worked to create.

    The game did however, tell the story well and create a connection to the characters which drove my desire to play it.

    The add on DLC content for survival detracted from my enjoyment of the game due to the whole "collect treasure" part.

  • 8/10. Only this high because of the good south Park writing. The game was ultra framey and had some pretty poorly designed menus. It was so framey that it caused some button inputs to be missed as well.

    Also seems like a lot of content was cut and then things were capped quickly to finish it.

  • 9/10. Pretty Great manga/anime -> game adaptation.


  • 8/10

  • 6/10

  • 8/10

  • 5/10

  • 8/10

  • 9/10. Great game. QTE events took a lot of the experience out though. I missed a majority of the timing on everything by either being too quick or not quick enough despite what I felt was an in-time push.

    Some random bugs - the camera stopped being able to move, the instinct vision or w/e stopped working 100%. Another problem is that sometimes the vision would come off and then just disappear. Other times it felt like forever until it finally disappeared.

  • 8/10. Some things sort of fall apart near the end and seem to be put in place to lengthen the episode. Also, the end result didn't really reflect the choices I made.

  • 6/10. Curves always go to the center. The score going up so much during rallies sucks sometimes. Aiming seems a bit off. Curves can suck and are not the easiest to pull off. Perfect returns seem a bit off too. Rolling doubles from the prize machine sucks. Getting hit in the back of the head sucks. Controls are doubled up which leads to a lot of wrong intended actions.

  • 10/10. Amazing design, music. Good characters, wish Hifumi was main cast.

  • 6/10. Limited enemy types. Aiming can suck. Skills are not interesting. Level and reward seems slow. Crafting and other features are too slow at unlocking or not for free players to ever care about.

    All around, not very interesting. Only 2 boss types.

  • 6/10. Short, no bugs. Decent humour.

  • 100% ps4

  • Great experience. Really unexpected. 10/10.

  • 7/10. I really want to rate it higher but the sour taste after many of the minigames and combat never doing what I want it to prevents it from ever being a truely good game. At this point, I can get better value out of a novel and a game designed around only weird minigames, as then both would have the proper quality and not just shit around in the middle.

    Fuck outrun. What a stupid game. Why the fuck does my car automatically turn around corners and get me destroyed. Controls get locked the wrong sometimes. Fuck blackjack. Fuck catfights. Fuck mahjong. Fuck the timing in disco.

    Camera auto rotates with the character which makes any tight corner a nightmare.

    weapons hit a lot of invisible walls and make the character recoil for no reason.

    Accurate combat inputs at a high level is a nightmare. The game is enjoyable because you have enough health items and things thrown into it that it can be overlooked. However, actually examining the controls leads to a lot of problems, many of which are brought out in the climax battles. Inability to properly target enemies, slow turning, auto target targeting nothing, the inability to just turn around like a normal human being can, weapons not aiming correctly, heat action prompts appearing and not working 80% of the time, a 3 second delay on starting most heat actions after a combat command has already been used, and so on. It is the same crappy combat from 10 years ago and with so many other games doing combat better the only saving grace of this game is the niche void it fills.

    Side stories are enjoyable. Very Yakuza-esque.

  • 7/10

  • 8/10. Drinkbox makes really nice looking games. Also VITA love.

  • 8/10

  • The game doesn't take itself too seriously and is simple to run through and see a few endings. However, quickly going through to all the endings and speed reading most of it I got to the final ending which to say the least is why I'm rating this game so highly. I didn't realize I became attached to these birds until it already happened. Interesting, and not at all what I expected when I started.

  • 2/10. The game has a lot of sections where you can lock yourself out from progressing. There's a lot of walls the player can walk through and trap themselves out forcing them to restart the level.

    Coop was removed on the vita.

    A lot of controls are never really clearly explained. The tutorial that is in-game is so basic and slow I almost fell asleep. Aiming seems to be on an 8 gate but seems to fluctuate between the gates for no reason.

    There's a few weapon choices but ultimately the default weapon/skills is the best for both characters.

    There's a limited amount of voice lines that continuously play over and over again which makes me want to turn off the sound.

    You can bring a vehicle into an elevator, and it won't go up with you... if you're in the vehicle you can say goodbye to the elevator to and you'll be stuck.. if you take the elevator the position is locked on screen. So if you press the capture button anywhere near where the vehicle would have been you'll just ruin your level progress and need to restart.

    You can expect the AI to watch you get wasted and not help.

    They removed checkpoints from the VITA version to try to make it harder so you'll have to retry the mission from scratch if you ever die.

    Vita touchscreen is not reliably responsive to what you want and may lead you to just dying because it's supposed to be your bullet shield.

    Overall a terrible game. IMO, anyone who rates it positively either hasn't played into the game past it's surface or needs to find some other games to play.

  • 3/10/

    It's a pretty terrible game with a lot of flaws. I'm finding trouble to say anything good about it.

    There's a lot of bugs, poor controls and the lag is so bad that the race ends 1.5 seconds after you cross the finish line. So if you cross at 1:30, your final result will be 1:32.

    There's also a lot of extreme zoom on the car for some reason, so you have zero idea what's coming ahead of you unless you run the track earlier.

    Spinning out and running off the track seems RNG based and not skill based...Which is unfortunate because that means there's a chance to spin out just boosting on a straightaway...

  • 5/10

  • 7/10. Almost every story ends up with the same ending. You can tell what the ending is going to be like about 15 minutes into the game and not much is left to be captivating enough to draw one in.

  • 5/10. Terrible camera and platforming controls that left a lot to be desired. Combat itself was really easy and can be cheesed entirely by just running in circles and power attacking everything. Movement and poor platforming controls led to many frustrating deaths.

  • 8/10

  • 4/10. You need to be near pixel and frame perfect for some of the later levels and challenges. Unfortunately, the controls leave a lot to be desired. This isn't the cheerful simple game I thought it was going to be. I think they missed their target audience.

    There isn't anything really difficult or challenging along the way, it's that you know what you need to do and you have to fight the controls and the lack of leniency the game allows to accomplish it.

  • 10/10. Ya there are some problems. Ya some things could be better. But I don't care. I'm hunting monsters.

  • 8/10. Gameplay and minigames are fun until you try to go for completion and realize how little quality of life things are in the game. Combat gameplay still seems like garbage at times but it's still on par for most Yakuza games. Original ideas for substories are running low which makes sense. Overall though it's a good version of the original Yakuza though.

  • 8.5/10. Slow to start and the game is built on the premise that the player finishes the game. It's less than 10 hours and by the time you finish the game all that's left is a sudden understanding of what the game is and a ton of feels. There's a lot more feels in this game than I've felt in other things.

  • 10/10. An exceptional story. Probably the best visual novel and the best time travel story. How it's gamified and the pacing of interaction could do better, but in the end that's sort of just a personal preference and didn't detract from my experience.

  • 10/10. The combat felt a bit lacking in terms of how much it expands and how much I upgraded or changed around runic attacks. The combat sometimes felt unresponsive and sometimes I couldn't interact with objects until doing a few circles.

    Those flaws aside, this game has phenomenal character development and is the current defining argument to get a PS4 pro and 4k TV. The music is suitable and everything happens for a reason. The ending is great and ties everything together for me nicely. All I'm left with after the ending is some curiosity when I can play the next one.

    There's a million collectibles but nothing is missable and most are easy to find along your path anyway. The world is huge and accessible and you can play through so much of it without realizing it and it ever feeling padded out. Also, not all collectibles are required for trophies which is a nice change. That said I actually got 100% completion from just solving everything I came across naturally, which rarely happens.

    There's not as much blood and guts and mindless killing of Gods but I somehow felt more attuned to this grizzled Kratos of few words and how he interacts with his son. Also, the flavor text and mindful hints the boy provides is well done.

  • 8/10. Tank controls suck. The new engine is cool but I can't really enjoy it as well as I want with such poor movement controls. The fighting is a bit slow to turn around and the targeting often doesn't work. A lot of the fighting is kind of buggy when you're near a wall or throwing people near walls. Still a fun game and the redone mini-games are in the right direction. Although they're still hit and miss. I feel like the karaoke isn't responsive enough and is not as enjoyable as before.

  • 5/10. Super short. Poor aiming, sub-par cover system. A collection of some of the worst QTEs.

  • 8/10. Game is pretty fun and intense. I wish the ending held up as well as the beginning in terms of story concept. The ending was also somewhat sudden and I felt like I missed something. Sometimes the controls were not the greatest, but overall it accomplished what it needed to. I was attached to the characters and feared for their lives as I would my own.

  • 8.5/10. Great until I felt the game had the same get quest do quest loop for too long. Animation looks really nice though. Don't feel like I needed 3 weapons to switch between though when their raw stats are so different.

    Lots of cool things in this game, but the flow of forced to do side missions to do the main story and the difficulties changing on some things seems to break some of the magic. I'm also not the biggest fan of the soundtrack. A lot of the music doesn't seem to fit the places it's used. Some quests you receive can't be completed until after you beat the game but you have no idea of this until you actually beat the game...

  • ps4, 8/10. Great game. Kinda framey on the ps4. Has this weird balance where I have no desire to go home and play it but don't want to turn it off when I start.

    Very good roguelike game especially with all the competition in the genre recently it still finds its place near if not at the top.

    In the higher difficulties it's kind of clear that there is a bit left to be desired in the balance between weapons and loadouts as well as the expected results when platforming and in combat.

  • last boss is pretty bullshit when he casts undodgeable magic. Just quit the game if you get there without enough hp because you're just gonna die. Feels like a quarter eating arcade game.

  • 5/10

  • 7/10

  • 7/10. 1. The game doesn't really have a story driving force like P4D did and feels a bit lacking because of it.

    2. Ultimately though, the lack of rating comes from performance issues. Playing on a PS4 Pro and I still get framerate issues on some parts of specific songs regardless of difficulty and ramping up to the hard difficulties the game starts to chunk when too much is going on.

    3. From a design perspective, it doesn't carry over to a large tv as well as a vita. There's notes on interchanging beats that I have no idea what the timing is because they're staggered. On a smaller vita screen I have no issue, but suddenly it's such a hassle to play on a ps4. Using remote play to play it on a vita seems like a better choice which is unfortunate considering the ps4 version costs more...

    It's a simple game that I enjoyed but I can't tell if I enjoyed it because it is in the Persona universe. Strip out the Persona and I would not be interested in the game anymore.

    Knowing the size of the game, and getting this on PS4, both games could have been released on one disc in one game with a storyline to actually tie them together. Unfortunately they were broken into two less fulfilling games with the business knowledge that fans will buy the games regardless.

  • 5/10. The controls leave me a lot to be desired. The getups don't respond well. The changing 3d plane doesn't respond sometimes at all and causes me to eat kicks to the face. Up diagonal attacks don't always work as expected. Controls are the most important thing in a fighting game in my opinion and that's what this game is lacking.

  • 9/10. I really enjoyed this game, especially in the later half. It was a bit of a slow start for me and I fell off a few times but it was easy to get back to with the way it recaps the story. I enjoyed the monsters, music, story and my overall time with it.

    Some of the mini games were not very fun and detracted from the overall experience.

    The party members were all useful and had their own strengths. None of them felt useless and they can be changed around at will in-combat. Something I didn't realize until near the end of the game unfortunately...

    The translation of this game is really phenomenal.

  • 9/10. Very well written. Each story is told differently and with a different feel than the others. Yet they all come together in the end. The game starts off fairly light and gets pretty into it by the end. There is good character development and a lot of backstory about every person you meet hidden away in side-scenarios and the like. The menu it a little bit clunky and annoying to control, but overall the game can really drag you in. Maybe this is what it's like to read.

  • 4/10. Bad and lazy animations, lack of facial animations, lip snycing.

    Poor underwhelming story. Poor use of the Jump Cast as a whole. HUB is pointless, monotonous and contributes nothing other than being a giant waste of time. Connecting to matches online and loading - even in story mode can take a long time. You spend more time in loading screens and menus than actual fighting.

    The fighting itself is about what you would expect. It's subpar to a true fighting game and leads itself to a lot of ability spam and not very well balanced characters.

    There's a lot of systems in place with skills, abilities, upgrades, levels, elements, a rock paper sciccors mechanic and none of it is ever really explained and it's all walled behind an optional mission line which doesn't update to you difficulty setting unless you clear them on every difficulty prior.

    Should you beat the game and want to experience the lackluster story, if you create a new character, that character cannot go through the story again. They're just a new avatar for your roster select.

    Playing local multiplayer, it's not easy for the players to see who is doing what when as the camera angles are not kind. In fact, playing as larger characters at any time can block out the opponent from sight because the camera is locked behind your giant body...

    At full price, it's hard to recommend this game to anyone but the hardest core of Jump Fans.

  • 2016, 4/10. Very short. Controls not great. Art style and writing is probably the best part. Can beat the game in 10-20 minutes with low effort and minimal feedback or development of any kind.

  • 9/10. Great game. Very easy to sit down and playthrough. The characters are predictable but enjoyable. The game is not challenging but it's fun to go through. There's some parts where the controls or camera breaks but it's rare and mainly occurs outside of the main time with Ratchet.

  • 6/10. Puzzles were bland. Story was boring. The way the story is built you resee the same thing over and over again and it becomes tiresome. I want to make progress with new scenes, but add time by having the same scenes over and over again. After completing most of the game, for the most part a lot of what's left is just hours of cutscene cleanup which is kind of boring at a certain point. Feels like the weakest of the series by far. The ending does not summarize anything and there's so many open questions including the reason of all the characters existence in Zero's games'.

  • 5/10. unbalanced. combos are unreliable. you can stun someone in the middle of your super which causes them to become invincible and dodge the whole thing. Super bars barely charge fast enough to do anything.

    Enemies scale at ridiculous rates. I punched someone for 99 seconds straight and couldn't KO them in time. There's a pointless level up system involved in their mission mode and nothing outside of it contributes to levels.

    The AI spends so much running away and hopping around half the battle is spent chasing them around. It's not that fun.

    The opponent can summon their assists at any time, even during your combos. This coupled with ridiculous AI scaling at later levels means you can get one shot while comboing the enemy AI...which is pretty stupid and a waste of time.

    The wall changes are annoying more than anything. You can get stuck in a wall instantly and fail to wall someone after 3 combos. The gravity changes at different amounts of time which can screw up your combos, jumps, movements, etc and cause the enemy to just murder you. You can't fly away either so hopefully you land somewhere afterwards.

    When comboing someone off the stage to try to ring out them, you can ring out yourself in the process. Since every character has 5-6 air jumps and flight powers for some reason, you can spend a long time air battling. The camera zooms in and you won't know if you're out of bounds when you fall back to the stage. You can only get back by jumping since dash only goes at the opponent. If you start jumping back to the stage... you still won't know if you're in bounds. Good luck

    The game is good if you like the series and play through the story for the comic sequences or just want to watch supers done by the heroes and villians but that's about it. Don't expect an actual fighting game out of this.

  • 7/10.

    I can see what MH a great game after playing this. The weapon trees, materials and iconography play a big part. That and having memorable monsters to hunt. Everything blurs together quite a bit in God Eater, as by the end of the game I still have no idea which monsters are which.

    The game is pretty anime though. And a decent game of this monster hunting genre.

    The controls leave something to be desired as well. From times they seem unresponsive to somewhat clunky controls, fidgeting between things that are not intended. There's a lot of things to do in God Eater and I wish they all felt smooth to transition between.

    Using items is somewhat of a hassle as well. Scrolling between items locks you from doing any sort of attacking or dodging. In a hectic fight you don't have that much of a luxury of time to scroll between 12 items trying to find what you want.

  • 7/10

  • 9/10

  • 7/10

  • 7/10

  • 6/10

  • 4/10

  • 8/10

  • 6/10

  • 7/10

  • 6/10. Shitty frame links for everyone. I feel like there's input lag. I hate block buttons and delayed down times. The get up attacks timing feels off. Punishing blocked attacks feels off. Chaining moves together seems like a chore. Feels like most of the work into the Fatalities and not into making a decent fighting game.

  • 4/10

  • 8/10

  • 6/10. Poor quest cadence. Vault hunters in this game are remarkably forgettable. Low gravity feels like a useless gimmick which quickly overstayed its welcome, especially when all the areas I wanted to explore are blocked by invisible walls.

    There's no tracking for areas discovered, and some of the hidden trophies are missable which is dumb. There are some funny quests but they're generally few and far in between. The best part about this was playing multiplayer with a friend. But that's more of our own social dynamic than anything else this game provided.

  • 8/10

  • 5/10. Terrible frame rate drops. Game has some incredible difficulty spikes without mundane grinding. The game is best played with a guide so that you know where to find the materials you need for things you didn't know you wanted. Playing through blindly is such a hassle and detriment it left a foul taste afterwards. The item lists, where to find them, quests given and how/when/ for what purpose all need more work. The game would have been a lot better if they communicating all their systems and item management properly. Pointlessly attaching quest items to rare spawns at low drop rates is a dick move by the devs to increase player playtime. It's a waste of time.

  • 9/10

  • 8/10. Phenomenal in all the worst ways. I love how bad it is. It's such a weird experience. Any other game and I may put down the controller and swear it off but not this beauty.

  • 8/10. Light, easy and fun it's a decent game and makes good use of the Mario and Rabbids cast. Unfortunately, there's some bugs which cause 2 fps drops and in some cases getting stuck out of bounds of soft hanging which required me to restart the game and lose progress.

  • 6/10. Nice dresses, poor balance. Getting 100% in a single run was so meticulous and tedious it also left a sour feeling after. Being locked out of 100% because you talked to the wrong NPCs in the wrong order, didn't reuse the same item to watch every possible animation or other BS is crap.

    FFX-2 Last Mission was also poorly balanced but okay for a rogue-like at the time. The fact that some floors are sealed with no indication on how to break them AND that if you don't figure it out fast enough you get automatically lose is total bullshit though.

  • 5/10. The story reveals itself before it's half over and the rest of the game loses any sense of horror or tension. There's laggy custscenes in multiplayer. Button prompts don't disappear when you look at items so you have giant x's on your screen. There are giant loading disc symbols that pop in over the whole screen when the game is loading. It's too easy to know what choices to make to not kill anyone and the game shoves the plot twist down your throat a third of the way in so you lose any sort of tension the games first quarter built up. The controls are also clunky and very stiff to move the characters around. Feels rigid like an older PS2 game at some points. Also the QTEs are all laggy which may result in you routing differently which also sucks for a game that's so built on your own choice and path. But now you're stuck going one route or with someone dead because the game can't handle its own quick time events.

    The best thing this game has going for it is the new multiplayer system but I didn't get credit for any of the collectibles I picked up at one point which is total bullshit for a game that has 50 of those damn things scattered around.

  • 7/10. The game doesn't deliver the greatest platforming experiences despite being focused around it. Most of the trophies have bugs or glitches. Late game human enemies are bullet sponges. There's a lot of inconsistencies where you can't platform certain things and are greeted with certain doom.

  • 9/10

  • 8/10.

  • 9.5/10. Everything is phenomenally fantastic save for the battle camera.

  • 5/10. Bland characters. No developments from previous seasons matter. The transition from s2 to s3 was incredibly lame. Tons of buggy animations. Many choice dialogues don't feel like they made any significant difference. You're kind of forced into certain scenarios despite trying to avoid them. There's still a lot of frame rate issues and some crashes even after all the patches.

  • 4/10. What a terrible game. Platforming sucks, puzzles suck, I had to play it in Welsh, English audio isn't normalized well, controls suck, game sucks.

  • 3/10. Terrible frame rate issues. The game often eats your first and/or second jump leading to death and having to restart from some random checkpoint a while back. You get stuck on geometry often. You often cannot attack. Heavy attacks don't always work. There's a reason for it, but it's never explained and it's not consistent. Puzzles and Invizimal power usage and controls are not consistent. There's a lot of random holes in the world on the path you walk which will kill you.

    The camera is locked and will swerve around a lot leading to your death. You often need to walk into the camera and will fall to your death if you're not careful, or knowing fall to your death if you are careful and the game doesn't show you the direction you need to jump with the locked camera.

    This would have been more enjoyable as a kids show where I can watch it and never need to interact.

  • 7/10. The story is kind of awkwardly attached to this otherwise fairly lively and fun open world. Unfortunately it's to the point where it interferes with me when I don't want it. I's also not very good. To the point I'd say the story is actually really.. quite poor. I did most of the game with the base weapons because there's a trophy that makes me spend 50,000 in the vehicle shop.. which took up most of my money. Although that wasn't the main factor, the other part was that I couldn't figure out if any of the other guns were any different or even worth investing into. They all seemed like the same gun with the same power to me. Overall kind of useless to have so many guns and so much possibility and use almost the default loadout the whole game.

    A couple of the people you can hire to travel with you are pretty great. And it's pretty satisfying blowing people up. There's never any real insane moments though. Nothing spectacular. They're all pretty short sequences with 2-3 guys or 2 sets of 2-3 guys running or driving in. There's only a couple enemy types as well which is kind of boring.

    There's so many loading screens, it's ridiculous. You fail any quest and you're back to loading 40 seconds with a ps4 pro. I'm not even sure what it's loading sometimes.

    Multiplayer is pretty fun but that's mainly because it's mp. Sometimes the connecting player seems to have lag issues though. And they can't unlock most of the trophies from campaign unless they are the host.

  • 6/10. I felt like the majority of my time was getting on lying around on the ground getting owned because after 40 hours I couldn't figure out how to get up without 70% of my hp getting destroyed. (I do know the tech skills but half the time I'm not sure if I failed the inputs or I'm getting true comboed which sucks)

    It's also incredibly aggravating to punch someone so they're airborne for 5 seconds flying off but not off the cliff. Then what seems like the slightest breeze sends you off. Okay sure, there's some moves that are designed to send opponent's off whatever, I can live with that. Too bad the directional path they fly when taking damage is not linear. You can combo them all you want and they'll just go around in a circle never going near the edge.

    There's a lot of times my character would reverse at some point and then start going back attack animations which I didn't want. Some of it I equate to me just not knowing ahead of time that the combo isn't going to work and my controls are going to reverse even though the animations haven't. But I feel like this shouldn't have to be a learned experience.

    I enjoyed playing at first when I sucked and everyone I played with sucked. Then trying to fight the strong AI and better players I realized I can't do crap. The moves didn't really chain together the same in my head and playing around in the game wasn't really sufficient to build my own tech to fight other players or the hard AI. I had to go out of my way to watch some SCVI God's combo videos to learn how to play the game. I don't want to invest so many hours just to be average at the stupid game just so I can start playing it.

    The game isn't all bad and I'm sure some people will enjoy it, but it really isn't for me.

  • 9/10. Really beautiful game that runs well even on my slightly older machine. That feeling for just one more turn until the sun is up is still prevalent as ever. I'm not a fan of the religion system as I hate having them walk around my city and not be able to stop them unless I use my own religious zealots. I should have the ability to straight up execute them instead of letting them walk around. There's some bugs with invisible barbarians that I had a few times which was resolved by restarting the game. Conquest was difficult until you unlocked planes. Then suddenly the map was over. Aerial combat has such an advantage and is its own tech portion that every single AI in my game went that route regardless of their win conditions they were chasing. The wall systems take a bit of getting used to but it's not to not get killed by a single barbarian just because I left my base briefly. There's no unit stacking again which I also prefer. Joining troops together in great though.

    The new civics and governments are add a lot to customization. The game isn't perfect but it's still a lot of fun. And time consuming. I don't know what happens to the time when I play this game.

  • 1/10. Edit: Reupdated my score to a 1. They introduced a patch that locks out your controller and/or blue screens you if you go afk. I'm assuming it's to stop afk people from leeching xp, but, if your dog or kid pukes somewhere and you need to clean it up asap expect to come back to a locked controller or blue screen of death. Thanks for punishing innocent people who bought your game EA.

    AI is a bit too good as it can see you even if you're hiding from other players. The majority of my deaths are from AI killing me across the map or turning around because they know I'm there as I flank the enemy team.

    There's a lot of event and NONE of them share the same timer. some of them work on a 24 hour system where if you beat it you need to wait 24 hours from that point. It's not a daily refresh time you can look forward to. There's 3 or 4 OTHER things going on that have their own separate daily or weekly or monthly timers and NONE of them match up. It's a headache just to try to play the game for the events they have. Fire whoever made them and get someone who has played an online game before please.

    Major class imbalance. Some are able to solo large groups and some are meant to die. There's no real way around it, they're just not balanced. I'd go into details but I feel like everyone here already voiced it enough.

    Different controls for the same characters. Some plants and zombies are direct clones of each other but their controls are different. It's like playing COD but depending which side you're on you're either playing southpaw or standard. It's like whenever you play you need to find your grenade button again.

    Running has such a long lag time. Something around 1.5 seconds between sprinting and being able to do ANYTHING. It's like they promote everyone to be walking targets.

    Using skills sometimes doesn't work. I'm not sure why. I'm guessing you can't use them in quick succession with normal firing, running, other skills, and ???.

    The aim assist is atrocious and will cause you to miss live pvp targets. Some of the aiming seems off. It looks like it's hit scan but does not behave that way. I also suggest turning the aim speed up a lot otherwise you'll have trouble hit anything strafing while aiming or trying to shoot.

    Single Player has specific enemy spawns. There's no randomized events or a living map.

    I don't care there's micro transactions. My problem is that the game isn't fun to play. Which is really disappointing because I like the PvZ series and really enjoyed the previous entries. This game is NOT GW1 or GW2.

    Updated my score to be lower than before because after playing it some more I've come to hate it, the mechanics, the AI, the functionality, and the fact that it sends my ps4 pro's fan into overdrive to the point it crashes if I just stand around town (not abusing any xp gains. Just. Standing.)

  • 8/10. PS4 version has some frame issues, especially when you overbreed your chickens. The FPS can drop to nearly single digits walking around your farm. Sometimes the menus freeze up and you can't scroll and you need to exit and re-enter. The end-game pacing is a bit off. The chances of getting slime science rare mats was so low I barely used any of them. The game is still really cute, simple, and fun though despite all of this. Nice to play a game and get everything without needing to consult some sort of encyclopedia sometimes.

  • 6/10. The game feels like it suffers from -too- many things to do. The world is overly blown up to do many small meaningless things. Whomever was the UI designer clearly wanted people to go blind by placing white and light gold markers on sand coloured tilesets. Please tell me what the purpose of icons on a map are if you can never see them.

    The combat potential has so many things you can do. In terms of stealth, brawling, luring enemies, traps, fires, etc. Unfortunately, most of it is never made use of. That being said, the previous track record of trying to make use of them was not very fun and felt like using my brain too much compared to any other point in the game where I can turn it off and mindlessly check off completion boxes.

    The story has a couple good parts but the majority is forgettable with characters I still cannot tell who is who. The side quests are somewhat interesting, but generally not so much,. The main character Bayek is someone I felt I grew to understand, whereas I grew apart from Aya, the second PC character. In the end I felt she stole the spotlight from the character I put 60 hours into. Even if her character was more fleshed out and written I don't think that would improve anything since in general she seems to be a bland archetype who keeps playing missions I don't enjoy.

    Then there's the RL story in the game which doesn't make sense. You're about to be killed so you equivocally lay down and sleep and wait for it. What kind of lame assassin does that. Cut to the end game and you are able to leave to somewhere else so what do you do? You just again... lay down and sleep. It doesn't make sense and it's disjointed.

    Those mechanisms in-game where you hear people talking about the future or time travel take eons to finish speaking. It's like their instructions were to speak as humanly possibly and they lock the character to the radius around the mechanism so you can't run away. It's so slow I managed to lose concentration on what they're even talking about.

    Then there's the combat and climbing. The general movement of the game suffers from a noticeable input lag. Causing for a lot of delayed responses. There are a lot of times where I will be standing around on a small step and not want to be. Sometimes I'll randomly jump off to the side when climbing and die. There's times where I will auto target the wrong enemy when attacking because it's based on enemy proximity and not where I'm trying to attack. There's many things that add up to an experience overall feels unclean.

    There are SO. MANY. moments in the game where it feels cringy to watch. Like the internet's anime memelord thought of some of the coolest moments from their favourite anime and decided that assassin's and the main character should be able to do some of these things for no reason or context other than it was cool in their favourite anime. Watching it made me think that the assassin's are lame.

    The entire game seems like a payoff for the last 3 minute cutscene and spoilers, but your character doesn't really matter. There's no sense of validation whatsoever. Kind of related but I feel like there were some major feminists on the writing and quest design teams.

  • 6/10. A lot of good ideas which all mostly fell short. This is a good example of where less would have been more. The requirements for upgrading weapons borderlines offensive. Loading in and out of screens and suicide to harvest the same nodes for 5 hours to gain one of the ingredients to partially upgrade one weapon is no fun.

    Having allies with massive hitboxes around them so you cannot walk into them is one thing. Having that hitbox obstruct and slow down your movement is another. Consistently teleporting the allies in front of you as you're trying to run through a hallway is another thing. It forces me to have to jump everywhere to maintain some speed because otherwise they'll stop in front of me and do crap all and halt me in place.

    The controls do not feel tight. There's driving controls for humans as well as attacking. That means all your attacks will attack in a circle instead of reflecting the angles you push on the stick. The majority of weapons are also useless.

    The game is very short. You can very easily beat it within 15 hours. You can probably run through the game in 8 hours if you stick to the critical path without any speed run tactics.

    The game has multiple endings but unfortunately they don't really add so much for what they ask in return and mostly felt like padding fore more playtime in the end. As does most of this game. I don't need an 80 hour scrawling RPG, but if the game is built to be 15 hours, I'd appreciate the systems respecting that time frame.

    I do like how the teammates are useful in combat and cut-scenes though and can actually kill things. I also like the overall art direction and sound. Except for the shades. The shades are lame. Soundtrack good, shades lame.

    TLDR; Lots of ideas that didn't come together well and then ridiculous RNG based drop rates to pad out the length of the game.

  • 6/10. Game can be laggy, even offline. It's caused me to drop combos or input wrong commands but it even lags in cutscenes and loot box open animations.

    The cooldowns and stuff feel like a nice concept but I really didn't enjoy it in the end because I didn't have a good enough sense of when things were on cooldown.

    I do really like the character designs, and I thought the background on the stages were very nice and thematic but liking character designs doesn't go far enough when I don't like the playstyle of the characters. The feel somewhat sluggish at times or can't connect combos off a hit at all times unless they're within closer ranges which happens very often.

    RPG mode was okay for what it was and the AI was incredibly useful, but there's no one playing online anymore. They would have had to had a better drop in drop out system I guess. It's also probable people don't want to re-watch all the story elements every time they rerun a map. The raid bosses were usually pretty fun to play. Except the last boss. That felt aligned with fighting game last boss BS.

  • 7/10. Cons: I can't play the Krypt. It feels like whomever signed off on the Krypt has not made a game since the PSP era. The motion blur implemented is straight from the last century and makes me nauseous to the point I feel like throwing up and need to lie down and sleep it off. It last -ten- hours. Part of it was my fault for ignoring it but I didn't think it would be so bad since it's you know, 2020 and technology has advanced. Also the camera is so zoomed in on the fighter. Who cares about the fighter, let me enjoy the MK environment. Why is this random traveler such a main focus point of the Krypt. Why is it not the lore and atmosphere? Why does the camera change all the time to zoom in on the chest I'm opening? I don't care. All it makes me do is re-adjust my stupid camera after every chest. It's so tedious I don't even want to open chests anymore. That and force moving the camera disorients me because it causes more motion blur and makes me sick. This Krypt is possibly one of the worst things this entire generation.

    Sometimes I feel like the game is missing inputs from my controller when I use commands involving multiple buttons at once. Not just x and square but also things like diagonal jumping. Sometimes I only jump straight up into the air.

    This could be from me not being good enough or using the wrong character but I couldn't convert anything from ducking low attacks which made me feel useless punishing people who keep rolling at me.

    Of the online games I played none of them had a perfect connection and there was some modicum amount of lag involved despite me having a fast internet connection.

    The DLC characters are somewhat hit and miss with some of them being far less interesting compared to others. Spawn is rad though.

    Pros: Base story mode is great. It's akin to watching a movie. There's so much time between fights and time spent building out everything. It's easily one of the best story modes of any fighting game. The fighters in the story are all explained and have reason to be where they are.

    One of the greatest fighting game tutorials that goes into incredible depth. It goes above and beyond the basic intro on how to play this specific fighting game but also introduces high level fighting game strategies and tech.

    The amount of available frame data is fantastic and the hourglasses to display the timing for combos in the training is greatly appreciated.

    The roster selection is more than almost any other fighting game and although I had no connection to some fighters I felt others very easy to pickup and play.

    The combos are fairly simple to do once you get a hang of the timing the game is expecting and the special attack gauges this game employs are interesting since they separated the gauge to defense and offensive specific ones.

  • 7/10. Controls are clunky but the game is very atmospheric and pretty to walk through. A lot of the story telling is actually done with the audio. Without the soundtrack I would have interpreted the story of the game in entirely the opposite direction. Playing this gave me a specific takeaway about Iceland which is more than I can say for some other games. I wasn't a fan of what felt like optional collecting becoming required for progression near the end. I understand why from the story perspective, but it could have been designed to be integrated without hindering the player better.

  • 7/10

  • 6/10. A bunch of different mechanics but overall quite boring to play. I didn't mind the simple combat but there was something else missing. Yet what bothered me the most was each level being 3 stages where I couldn't select a particular one to replay. Missing one collectible in one of the stages means I needed to replay all three and gather each collectible for all 3 all over again. There's also no idea which of the three you missed the collectible and there are a lot of point of no returns on the map which are a pain when trying to explore. It feels more like a chore at that point.

  • 6/10. The later mechanics are not the most gripping and fairly boring after a while. The ending and general mid cutscenes are... well, kind of irrelevant. I am glad that the collectibles are displayed on screen though, it's refreshing to play a simple and short game sometimes.

  • 7/10. Design for being able to trap required objectives for winning infinitely to stall out a game forever is questionable. The rest of the game is perfectly serviceable for a board game and I enjoyed my time with it.

  • 7/10. Started strong but the gameplay went downhill through the episodes to eventually turning into a puzzle game instead of an adventure game. I did enjoy the writing and attachment to the characters however, which most saved the rating from being lower.