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Games I played in 2014

This is in general order of preference.

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  • This may be my game of the year. I absolutely love this. There's very little like it story-wise in gaming, and pretty much nothing except Bioshock in the shooter space.

  • There are games you get from Kickstarter like Space Command that seem to just warp into something you never asked for. There are games like Broken Age and The Banner Saga which are what you asked for, but then you feel a little underwhelmed. And then there are games like FTL, Shadowrun, and Wasteland 2, which are so good you couldn't have asked for more. This is a contender for my game of the year, no doubt. It's simply an amazing piece of classic gaming in a modern package, showing that streamlining, a coat of paint, and excellent writing are all great systems need to punch in a heavy weight class in the modern gaming world.

  • Played this on the Xbox One, and absolutely loved it. It's my favorite since Brotherhood, but I guess that's not saying much.

  • This game is very good, but I don't think that it deserves quite the hyperbolic praise that it's gotten. Movement is stilted, the combat is not nearly as smooth as its progenitor (Arkham), and things can get quite repetitive. However, as I say, it is VERY good, and it is only the second game I've 100%ed on Steam (the first being Arkham Asylum).

  • Popped this in early in the year, need to get back to it to finish it up. I love these games. The fact that Sega will not localize them anymore is the reason why I won't be buying Sega games until they do.

  • Played on 360, and even though I'm not a fan of the show, I found this to be surprisingly engaging. I really enjoyed my time with it.

  • Finally got around to playing this this year, and really, really, really liked it. Looking forward to giving it a go on New Year's Day.

  • A lot of people didn't like Watch Dogs, I am not one of those people. It didn't blow me away, but I really enjoyed most of my time with it. Although I didn't think the online aspects were particularly great.

  • I put this back in in January to mess around with it some more. This was my game of the year last year, and I put over 40 hours into it. I can't wait to see what they do next.

  • I played through this twice this year, and perfected the game in achievements for Steam. I go back to this at least once a year, but this is the first time the cracks really showed in the combat, especially once I picked up...

  • Went through this twice this year too. I have now officially 100%'ed the Riddler trophies in this game three times, and beaten the game four times. I didn't 100% the achievements since they require a lot of playing as Robin, Nightwing, and Catwoman, none of whom have the "destroy weapon" combat maneuver, which is essential to getting amazing combos as Batman. However, I did get the perfect freeflow achievement, which took me a few days of concerted training to get. I love this game, and despite popular opinion, I think it is better than the first game.

  • There were a lot of open world games this year. inFamous: Second Son was one of them, that's for sure...yeah. This game felt short, not really sure why. But I enjoyed it enough.

  • Played through this with a group of friends who gets together twice a month to play old video games. It's still great.

  • I've only played a little over an hour of this so far. I need to get back to it. Not sure that it's a game, but it is beautiful.

  • I played through this again this year, and it still stands up.

  • Saw this played on Unprofessional Fridays and checked it out. On my second playthough I specialized a lot, and got a really great ending. That was that.

  • So 7 hours in I got stuck. Didn't bother to look up a FAQ. Probably should. Also, as a programmer, I found this incredibly frustrating since it's like looking at someone's uncommented code.

  • Played through this for a 2nd time (to my shame I finished it the first time in a hotel room in the wee hours of the morning in Waikiki on my Honeymoon since my jet-lag never caught up), and took advantage of Cheat Engine to make me the baddest Witcher I could be this time. Then imported that into...

  • for my 2nd playthough of this. Still need to get back to this, kind of lost my steam at the King's camp. But I need to have that save ready for when The Witcher 3 comes out next year.

  • This game is great! This game is broken! This game needs to be finished so I can go back and play it for real! Thanks for the suggestion Brad!

  • Went back to finish this game a second time and start the DLC. I've played the whole thing alone both times, so it didn't quite have the legs it would if I was playing multiplayer.

  • 6 hours of the beta tells me that I want to see the final version when it finally comes out.

  • I need to get back to this and finish the first episode. I enjoyed the game, but I also had some kind of save glitch, and I need to go back and start the game from the beginning.

  • We played this for our "Let's Play Old Video Games Together" group. It was surprisingly awesome.

  • Went back to this for a while. This really is an inferior Batman entry.

  • After about 5 hours of playing Godus in beta, I've decided that I can't wait to see what the game is when it's totally done.

  • I then immediately went to play this. Still need to get back into it, it seems well done.

  • I finally build a PC badass enough to play this, and all of a sudden it just bugs out so that my guns shoot all the time and I can't do anything about it (and no, my flight stick is not plugged in). Not cool.

  • Played this at a friend's house for her going away party. I defeated every person in the room. And no, I'm not a pro "Outlaw" player. I've never played before. And the "hard" switch was on on my side and not on everyone else's (this makes your bullet disappear after you've been hit). Also, my stick was broken. Come at my Outlaw skills!

  • Disappointing, but I did play all the way through it and go for some extra trophies, so not worthless by any means. But, $6.99 for the Black Suit? You bastards.

  • I don't know why I bought the Sims 4. I don't think I played the Sims 3, but I have some relatively ok memories of Sims 1 and 2. I messed around with this for a few days, gave my sim a bunch of money, a huge house, hacked some servers and kept her at her age with magic potions. And then all of her friends got old and started dying, and it was a dark, terrible reminder of what a bastard time is. And then I got bored. Maybe I'll be back for the Sims 6.

  • In my quest to play literally every Batman Game, I put this in. It's good, but after 3 hours, I realized it's just not for me (real shocker).

  • Finally gave this a shot. It was interesting, but it just didn't hold my attention for very long. The narrator, of course, was very very good.

  • Still need to get back to this...only played about a half hour.

  • This is my one purchase regret this year. $60 was just too much for the brief period of entertainment that I got out of Titanfall. This game just didn't grab me in any way.

  • The same night we played Outlaw, we played River Raid. My River Raid skills were not the worst in the room, but in a group of about 9 people, I'd say I fell right in the middle, skill wise. I'm okay with that...really.

  • Finally got around to playing this...and it's bugged out on my PC. The Camera keeps sticking to the top of the screen. Real bummer.

  • Thought the dog-fighting component would be great...tried to play it with my new was terrible. I'm told that a controller is the way to go. I have a way that this game can go if it doesn't have better flight stick controls when it's a space combat sim...

  • After Patrick had recommended this a couple of years ago on the podcast, it finally became free with PS+. So I checked it out. I don't think it held my attention nearly as much as it held his.

  • This is my nominee for most disappointing game of the year. Now, it's not a bad game, in fact it's quite good. But it just didn't grab me the way that Bastion did. I wish it had. But where Bastion had me playing from beginning to end without pause, I put this down after two hours or so and never picked it back up again.

  • Downloaded this on my PS4...enjoyed it for a while, but other, bigger things pushed it aside.

  • I put about an hour into wasn't my cup of tea.

  • I put an hour into this in January and just was not feeling it.

  • Played the first 3 hours and it just didn't grab me the way that the previous games had. Not going back to this one. Thanks Game-Fly!

  • I played about two hours of this and found it incredibly boring. I was hoping that the Akihabara setting would be as interesting to me as Kamurocho is in the Yakuza series, but it didn't even come close. NB: this game is about as tame as they come with "adult themes."

  • Played the Steam Version of this, and it is officially the only "Arkham" game that I've started and never finished. While there are some neat 2D ideas here, the boss fights are incredibly bad.

  • After sinking 15 hours into this game, I have decided that I like this a lot less than the original CoH. I never felt like the game just opened up, and I was instead ushered though a number of "go do this, now do that, now do that" missions that involved very small numbers of soldiers.

  • When I first started playing this on Steam (after a big price-cut) I thought people had overreacted when they said how middling it was. Then, 4 hours later, I totally agreed and uninstalled it.

  • Played a few hours of this at the very beginning of the year...I was underwhelmed.

  • This was given to me as a gift by my buddy Ian, and I wanted to like it. But I couldn't get more than a half hour into it. Camera angles and unclear combat objectives just turned me away immediately.