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Super Street Fighter IV Images, Info Leaks

Well, maybe something interesting happened in Japan, after all...

Capcom Japan is running a teaser site with "newwarrior" in the URL, and it's little more than a quick Flash animation that lets you know its related to Street Fighter and an invitation to return at 5PM on the 29th (Japan time) to see what's up.

But thanks to a persistent series of very legit-looking leaks, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that the teaser site is counting down to the announcement of something called Super Street Fighter IV, which is a new version of Capcom's fighting game that, if the available info is accurate, will add new characters and moves to the mix. Here's a shot of one of the new characters, Juri:

No Caption Provided
Eight shots have been posted by French site JV247... because when things leak out ahead of schedule, it's either going to be France or Germany. OK, fine, I'm generalizing, I've certainly seen leaks out of Norway... but it's almost always Europe. I swear, it's like they're totally lawless over there when it comes to this stuff.

But enough about that. The game will also feature T.Hawk as a playable character. Additionally, these screenshots match up with a list of supposed features compiled by EventHubs last week, which specifically mentions both of these new characters, along with other existing characters like Dee Jay, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody, and Guy. Another new character named Hakan is also listed in the EventHubs article. Assuming this release will find its way back into arcades, this would also be a good time for Capcom to put the console-only characters from SFIV into the arcade release, giving that version Dan, Fei Long, Cammy, Sakura, and so on. But there's no real platform information out there yet, so we'll have to hold tight to see what the release plans are.

Gameplay changes are said to include two Ultras per character, the return of bonus stages, and more. Of course, this is all totally unverified, but with the images coming out and sort of backing up the list, I guess I'm willing to put a little stock in it.

Combine all this with a picture of someone posing with Capcom's Yoshinori Ono that shows bits of Super Street Fighter IV in the background and also sports a GamePro Germany watermark, and my guess is that Capcom held an event to show SSFIV to international press under embargo during the Tokyo Game Show last week and that official details will be hitting all over the place once that Capcom teaser site launches. Again, that's just a guess.
Or hey, maybe all of this info is fake and the screenshots are doctored! Stranger things have happened, right?
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Edited By Metric_Outlaw

As long as I dont have to unlock Gouken and Seth again then I'm cool with it.

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Edited By PolyesterPimp

I don't know if this has been posted but why does it say vega for m. bison?
EDIT:: NVM I just recalled Japanese call him Vega

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Edited By RsistncE
@Dan_CiTi said:

" @RsistncE: If the event hubs article is true, than the game is a pretty hefty upgrade. That being said this update is probably for arcades too, so who knows what else they will add for the console release that we probably won't see for probably a year from now.   What western games make Japanese games look like shit exactly? They seem to have a pretty equal standing as far I as can tell, its more equal now rather than Japan having the majority. I'm not a big fan of SFIV, but it's not a bad game, but at least it shows effort and dedication where as most fighting games these days just look like an upgrade in polygons(Tekken 6, Samurai Shodown:EoD) and has a pretty good feature set too. It's definitley not as good as SFIII or Alpha 2/3 but it's a pretty damn good for the first iteration.  "

We'll see if that article holds to be true but I'm not holding my breath.
Western games are better as is determined by the market. Kotaku posted a few good articles based around this years TGS. Attendance was down by a fair margin and even an famed Japanese developer from Capcom said that the Japanese gaming industry is done after having looked at what there was to offer. Of course he had to retract that in regards to Capcom but I digress. Regardless I would have to agree; the Japanese gaming industry has become stagnant and stuck in the past. I feel terrible saying it because MGS is what I believe to be one of the all time greatest game series but at this point falling sales of Japanese games, massive job loss in their industry etc. is all pointing at one thing: Japanese game development can't compete with Western development (at least not in it's current state). Who determines this? The consumer. They are choosing western gaming products over eastern ones because they think they are superior (a sentiment I would be inclined to agree with, though I wouldn't make a broad sweeping generalization as there are still several Japanese games out there I'm looking forward to).
As far as SF4's only great if you wanted a 90's comeback of the fighting genre. The game is SF2 in it's best iteration brought forward by a decade and a half and thrown into a soup of pretty visuals. The fighting genre needs revitilization because it too has become stagnant. This isn't surprising considering it seems to be the Japanese again at the forefront of this genre. Either way I stand by what I said, especially with Capcom continuing to make their sketchy products but becoming overly zealous with western style DLC (locking out costumes that are already on the disc AND in the arcades so you can penny and dime us Capcom? Really?) yet didn't learn the actual valuable lessons of game development and evolution from western developers.
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Edited By Dan_CiTi
@RsistncE: I dont think western games are better really. The Japanese continue to do mostly every genre better than the west with the exception of Valve. RPG? The World Ends With You, Sakura Wars, Persona 4 blow the over hyped, ultimately sub par games like Mass Effect on their faces. Strategy? Valkyria Chronicles is the most innovative in the genre since StarCraft or Final Fantasy Tactics to the point where it blends both real time and turn based elements. Action? Devil May Cry, God Hand, Viewtiful Joe again are modern examples of Japanese developed games that push a genre forward with sigficantly new ideas. 
 Games like Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2 are great examples of a mix of western style games and Japanese craftsmanship. 
Really? I don't enjoy SF2 at all(yet I was compelled to buy HD Remix, but everytime I play I get bored & dissapointed) and I can still enjoy SF4, the entire feel of the game itself is totally different from any other SF. There is no sense of nostalgia for me with any fighting game aside from Marvel Vs Capcom(because I liked Spiderman as a kid). What you say about the fighting game genre can be said about FPSs too. Things that were "new and innovative" with more recent FPSs were all done before by games like Tribes or System Shock. I think the last FPS I've played in along time that offered something new was Team Fortress 2, something that was more than just a logical step forward and/or just a culmination of past game's features. 
Also, from the sound of it, fighting games aren't your thing. I don't want DLC really anyway. I want SF4 and SSF4 to stand on their own. For example, there are things about SFIII:2nd Impact that are flat out DIFFERENT from 3rd Strike that make me go back and play it even though 3rd Strike is technically superior. Ono has gone on record saying all of the additions planned so far are too sigificant to just be tacted to the existing game anyway.
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Edited By BD_Mr_Bubbles
@CL60 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "

@dbz1995 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "
Duder, read the comments below. They tell you that in Japan, M.Bison is called Vega because he sounded like Mike Tyson, or something like that. "

I'm sorry but that is just stupid.
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Edited By brent_kukost
@destruktive said:
" Most discusting name ever and no-one is going to understand it.  Sneaky.. "
You know you love it ;)
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Edited By Sdoots
As a Claw main, here's a little advice for getting his ultra to work out the best. 
First, the directional input can be done differently than what they last. For this example, you, the claw player, are on the left hand side of the screen. 
Push back/down, charge there, and then sweep the stick along the bottom to the halfway point, then move it back to the starting position, up to the upmost position. So you go charge back/down, to down, and moving the stick back to the start, only continuing the movement past that and to the top. 
When I do it this way, I can get it come out almost every time. It just takes practice to get the movement right under pressure. 
This doesn't fix the fact that Claw is really outmatched against almost every enemy in SF4. Bison can slide-kick you out of your rolling attack, Dhalsim has a ranged attack for pretty much any position you will be at on screen, Ken's shoyruken seems to have priority over almost anything, so even if you backflip away it seems like it will hit half the time, if a Sagat gets you caught in a tiger shot barrage you're pretty fucked because the most reliable way out is an aerial manuever which will ussually get your ass tiger uppercutted, the list goes on. 
My point is, I'm looking forward to this, but I really hope they rebalance things instead of just shovelling in new stuff and leaving it at that.
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Edited By RsistncE
@Dan_CiTi: I don't doubt that any of those games are quite awesome (I've played half of them) but at the same time I can't say that if they really did revolutionize those respective genres those respective companies shouldn't be struggling right now beacuse those sales should be supporting them. For every one of those genres you named I can name the #1 spot and it always belongs to a western developed game (except for maybe RPG's). I'm not saying Japanese games will die out for sure, but it sure looks to be that way right now.
You may be right, maybe fighting games just aren't my thing, but I can't help but feel that genre hasn't moved forward nearly as much as other genres have. Regardless I still stand by the fact that it could be released as DLC that could have a mode switch in the game. Deactive DLC ---> SF4. Activate DLC ----> SSF4.
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Edited By napalm
@BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" @CL60 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "

@dbz1995 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "
Duder, read the comments below. They tell you that in Japan, M.Bison is called Vega because he sounded like Mike Tyson, or something like that. "
I'm sorry but that is just stupid. "
Balrog in Japan was named after Mike Tyson, which is why his name in Japan is M. Bison, but they didn't think Vega as a name for a dictator was threatening enough, so they switched the names of M. Bison, Vega and Balrog.
US name / JPN name
M. Bison - Vega
Balrog - M. Bison
Vega - Balrog 
 I believe that's what it is.
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Edited By BD_Mr_Bubbles
@Napalm said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" @CL60 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "

@dbz1995 said:
" @BD_Mr_Bubbles said:
" I call BS that screenshot is altered that is not Vega its clearly Bison "
Duder, read the comments below. They tell you that in Japan, M.Bison is called Vega because he sounded like Mike Tyson, or something like that. "
I'm sorry but that is just stupid. "
Balrog in Japan was named after Mike Tyson, which is why his name in Japan is M. Bison, but they didn't think Vega as a name for a dictator was threatening enough, so they switched the names of M. Bison, Vega and Balrog.  US name / JPN nameM. Bison - Vega Balrog - M. Bison Vega - Balrog    I believe that's what it is. "

Thanks for claring that up, I don't know if any of you have everseen the Angry Video Game Nerd but he should do an episode on how confusing the devs made the names he already did one on the endless updates of SF in is chronologically confused episode.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@Dan_CiTi said:
" @RsistncE: Also, from the sound of it, fighting games aren't your thing. I don't want DLC really anyway. I want SF4 and SSF4 to stand on their own. For example, there are things about SFIII:2nd Impact that are flat out DIFFERENT from 3rd Strike that make me go back and play it even though 3rd Strike is technically superior. Ono has gone on record saying all of the additions planned so far are too sigificant to just be tacted to the existing game anyway. "
I agree with most of what you said, but I think you're in the minority for this opinion.  I doubt many people will go back and play SF IV if they own SSF IV.
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Edited By paulietheboss

 More Super Street Fighter IV videos, and another Ono interview -

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Edited By Snej

SF Needs a Canadian Fighter. A French Canadian syrup farmer named Louie Pelltier with a taste for bar fighting.    

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Edited By MaSteRMaSteR

poutine projectile

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Edited By Spc5hill

Just a little.
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Edited By SeiryuRenkin

Ok I don't know why people keep saying they hope it's a DLC update patch thingy...its not, that's old news stop asking that, it's already been said by Capcom and mr. Ono that it will be a completely stand alone title because of it's size and compatibaility with the current title but for a reduced prize, and that people who purchased the SF4 title will get some sort of special "prize" for buying it all over again.    
I could care less if they add old characters, I'm more excited about the new ones. Some one said that this will ruin the balance of things...uhh the hell? I don't get how since more characters simply means more depth and new strategies to deal with, if you think that's an inbalance, it just means you're not very good with your favorite top tier character and you're worried some crazy new moves will mess your usual rythm :p   
The thing I'm most excited about is that they were taking fan feedback and using it as a base to tweak and balance things in the game, such as the reason why Vega (Im typing in English so I expect everyone to know who I'm talking about) does not have the tools to have a good fight.  Wouldn't highjump be fun? Would certainly exterminate the scrubs who resolve to the strategy of spamming fire balls and running away, it's funny watching Sagat and Akuma do that.
Anyway, they are adding Ultras, but I hope they tweak some of the current ones, like Ken's. The timing on that Shinryuken is garbage. I was under the impression that it has always been, traditionally, a good anti air counter-like super. It's a leap of hope in Sf4.  Did I hear some one say improved online experience?! Yah if they can some how make a rage quitter lag online for an extra 30 seconds like they do in MMORPGs.  Capcom fuc*ed the arcades in the ass because Ono himself said they don't plan on doing anything for the arcade version, it is simply a deserted incomplete version of SF4. So stop assuming it will be released in the araced months before consoles.

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Edited By Stang
@SeiryuRenkin: Nice first post man. I agree, especially with your last observation. I main Ken, and just earlier I was explaining how gimped Ken's ultra is. I don't even bother using it as an anti air, that requires psychic ability. If I hit somebody with a fierce srk, I can guarantee I am going to fadc ultra (or ex srk at times...stupid shortcuts). It is only good for 300 damage that way, but I guess I have to take what I can get.
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Edited By banzairyusan

AT least change some costumes.. a full retail release to add some characters and some new features?!?! no customization like Tekken 6... (if u don't like modern outfits) then bring back traditional ones respective to their culture instead of different colored gi and hair. also akuma's moves are like missing his super fireball and air super fireball and other things.

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Edited By zero147

hey i really really want super street fighte iv but i dont hav any money and i owe some one 58 dollars wat do i do please help me


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Edited By LordAndrew
@zero147: Pay the $58.
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Edited By dbz1995

Gill proclaims that this thread needs to be resurrected.

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Edited By Soap
@zero147: and quit necroposting.
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I totally condone this necro. Mainly for the defense of Ken's ultra.

That shit needs buffs... even if he is top 5.
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Edited By Giacomito

if anything needs a buff it's Cody's Ultra 2. Make that shit comboable after FADC.

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Edited By Stefanten
@Giacomito: That would make Ultra 1 completely useless. If you got your frametraps down, comboing U2 shouldn't be a problem.
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Edited By FourWude

Jeff has 777 posts on the day when the apocalypse or something is gonna happen?!?!?!?

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Edited By Giacomito
@Stefanten: give U2 FADC and lower the damage, while giving U1 more damage that way U1 stays viable. 
and even if I manage to get a counterhit into ultra 2, it's so unreliable online because of the strict timing that it's not worth even trying because if the Ultra gets blocked, he has like 1000 frames of recovery during which he can be punished by aaaaanything.
FADC would just be way easier. Or just at least make the sand have a little sucking effect, there's nothign worse than loosing a match because you tried punishing a fire-ball with the ultra but was a liiiitlle bit too far away so just the sand hits and not the first wrench hit...

I know this will never happen, and I don't mind playing Cody the way he is, makes it a lot more fun than playing Ryu (which was so much auto-pilot). Just some fun "what ifs"