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2012 purchases (now with stats!)

this is more of a "games i got this year" list, rather than "games i purchased"


Games Purchased: 55 (compared to 72 in 2011)

Money Spent (before taxes): 1607.61

Steam Gifts: 6 (compared to 4 in 2011)

Games Gifted: 1

Games Finished: 13 out of 55

List items

  • Xbox 360 | January 1st | $12.99 | considering there's not much i'm looking forward to until March, i might as well start buying games i missed starting off with Mirror's Edge!

  • Xbox 360 | January 2nd | $29.99 | i may be nearly two years late, but the souring that the PS3 version gave me wore off. here we go!

  • PC | January 7th | Free (Steam Gift) | it's been ages since i've wanted to play this game. big props to my main man TehFedro for the gift.

  • Xbox 360 | January 9th | $19.99 | i'm not sure how i actually came to acquiring an xbox 360 version of The Orange Box, but it's in my hands now, and with a version superior to the PS3 port, i have no excuse to not finish Portal and Episode Two now.

  • PC | January 10th | Free (Steam Gift) | i won this game in the Merry Gertsmas thread by Branthog. thank you!

  • Playstation 3 | January 23rd | 59.99$ (pre-order) | i could not be any more excited for a game right now. i cannot waiiiiit.

  • Playstation 3 | January 23rd | 19.99$ | i finally found an English copy of Mass Effect 2. while i didn't find ME1, i'll just go from here.

  • Playstation 3 | January 28th | 29.99$ | KIRYU

  • Playstation 3 | January 31st | 59.99$ | aww yea all drake'd out

  • Xbox 360 | February 4th | 99.99$ (pre-order) | Collector's Edition | i'm down with ninjas, swords and summoning dragons from my hands

  • Xbox 360 | February 13th | 19.99$ | bought it to co op with some friends. will probably regret it.

  • Playstation 3 | February 20th | 69.99$ (pre-order) | Special Edition | wooooo time to set faces on fire with my fists

  • Playstation 3 | March 2nd | 39.99$ | i bought this to ease the pain of my wisdom teeth removal. ohh yess MGS3

  • Xbox 360 | April 12th | 29.99$ | Game of the Year Edition | i bought this on PS3 back in 2010 to play co-op but all my co-op friends dropped out so i bought it on 360 to co-op it with one or two pretty reliable co-op partners. should be fun!

  • PC | April 12th | Free (Steam Gift) | it was only three bucks but it's the thought that counts. thanks for the gift, Fed~

  • Xbox 360 | April 13th | Xbox Originals version | 9.99$ | in preparation for Max Payne 3, i'm trying to finally play through these after some weird complications on PC. 10$ on the Xbox Live Marketplace is the perfect price ^^

  • Xbox 360 | May 9th | 1600 MS Points (20$) | bought it to play with friends. it's minecraft alright

  • Xbox 360 | May 15th | 59.99$ | FLESH OF FALLEN ANGELS

  • Xbox 360 | May 17th | 19.99$ | playing Max Payne made me want to go back to GTA IV, so i decided to nab those two add-on stories if i'm gonna finish it

  • Playstation 3 + PC | May 19th | 29.99$ | birthday present from my brother. good lookin out, bro.

  • Xbox 360 | May 22nd | 400 MS Points (5$) | bought it because it was 5 bones and heard good things about it. game is depressing as hell

  • Vita | May 31st | 249.99$ | got it as a birthday present! fancy i guess. it's a pretty nifty machine

  • Vita | May 31st | 39.99$ | swords

  • Vita | May 31st | 39.99$ | it sounds like Lumines is the way to go. my gosh this game is so pretty @.@

  • Vita | June 1st | 39.99$ | MAYBE I'LL FINISH IT THIS TIME

  • Xbox 360 | June 6th | 59.99$ (pre-order) | go go suda

  • Vita | June 6th | 39.99$ (pre-order) | whoa floating

  • PSP | July 6th | 9.99$ | bought it because of the Atlus sale on PSN. maybe i'll play more of it on a handheld format as opposed to the PS2 version but i don't know. i figured i'd get it now while it's cheap and play it if i don't bother to boot up my PS2

  • PSP | July 6th | 7.49$ | part of the Atlus sale on PSN. i wanted this gae when it came out but my PSP was out of service. i figured getting it while it was real cheap would be a great chance

  • PC | July 18th | free (steam gift) | fedro is setting the list on fire with steam gifts. thank you, sir. now i need to start returning the favor

  • PC | July 23rd | free (steam gift) | the fedro has gotten serious with the gifting. i am serious as well now in the second dimension

  • Xbox 360 | August 6th | 79.99$ (pre-order) | Collector's Edition | i paid it off a lot later than i thought i would, BUT STILL DOA5 LDJASLKDJSAKLDJWAKLEDL;ES' <br>


    Playstation 3 | December 31st | 29.99$ | got it for cheap during a boxing week sale

  • Xbox 360 | August 14th | 59.99$ | this is the closest that i'm going to get to a True Crime game this gen

  • Xbox 360 | August 22nd | 1200 MS points (15$)| i love counter strike, but i don't have a good PC so i'll have to settle with the xbox version for now i guess. it was a ton of fun when i played it with a few friends

  • iOS | August 28th | 1.99$ | it came out on iOS and i bought it because McPixel is a cool ass game

  • Xbox 360 | August 30th | 19.99$ | it was 20$, i like deus ex and i gotta rep virtual montreal

  • Xbox 360 | August 31st | 19.99$ (part of a set) | i saw some assassin's creed box set at future shop. 3 games for 20$. cool. i have not heard great things about this game but i'll give it a shot

  • Xbox 360 | August 31st | 19.99$ (part of a set) | this game is supposed to be awesome so there's that i guess

  • Xbox 360 | August 31st | 19.99$ (part of a set) | templars and blades and eagle things

  • Xbox 360 | September 11th | 59.99$ (pre-order) | AHHHHHH GUNS

  • Playstation 3 | October 6th | 11.99$ | thanks to the free PS+ that msavo gave me (thank you!), i decided to check out this little gem at a discounted price. there's something about this game that really pulls me in for some reason. i hope it's good once it takes 800 hours to download off of PSN

  • Playstation 3 | October 30th | 19.99$ | i never ever found this game in any store so for 20$ and in the highest definition is as good of a time as ever i guess

  • PC + Mac | October 31st | 4.99$ | bought it during the halloween steam sale. now that i have a decent laptop to play stuff on, i can finally check out the horror game that has always been eating away at me inside because i could never play it.

  • PC | November 6th | 7.49$ | + Episodes From Liberty City | i am never going to have a pc that will be able to run these games but fuck you it was 7.49 ok

  • Xbox 360 | November 6th | 59.99$ (pre-order) | time to shoot 2025 GUNS

  • Xbox 360 | i don't remember | free (xbox live offer)| i don't have a kinect so i will never enter THE LANG ZONE but it was free

  • PC | November 21st | free (steam gift) | for 50 cents, fedro gifted me BAD RATS

  • PC | November 27th | 1.99$ | 1.99$ for maniac shooting zombie action (with co-op) seems ok with me

  • PC | December | Free (THQ Offer) | THQ was giving this away for free or something so i got it. i don't have a machine that can run it but at least it's free

  • Playstation 3 | December | 39.99$ | my brother bought this cause it was on sale or something

  • PC | December 7th | 4.99$ | it was on sale and i heard it's good so i bought it

  • Xbox 360 | December 13th | 59.99$ | i waited until i finished my exams to buy this and now it is time to learn the definition of insanity even though school just finished

  • PC + Mac | December 21st | free (steam gift | a nice xmas gift from kpop man extraordinaire onimonkii. thanks dog

  • Playstation 3 | December 31st | 19.99$ | got it for my brother because it was 20$ during boxing week sales. crazy

  • Mass Effect Trilogy | Xbox 360 | December 31st | 59.99$ | i figure this is the best way to get into the Mass Effect games since it's probably the only pack that has all three ME games IN ENGLISH for the 360 (or at least one that i've found)


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Edited By 1337W422102

Hell yeah, Mirror's Edge and Gemini Rue!

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Edited By beargirl1

@1337W422102: i have yet to finish either of them :( i've been meaning to get to Gemini Rue soon though because man that game has pretty awesome atmosphere. should get back to Mirror's Edge too since that game is roughly 5 seconds long and free running never gets old

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Edited By Bigandtasty


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Edited By insouciant

Wow! That's a lot of games for one year. How do you afford them all?

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Edited By beargirl1

@insouciant: i'm a person with a lot of time and with no productive way to spend it all. without any sort of talent (or at least so far that i've discovered) and being a college student living at home, i have the money to spare to buy a lot of video games.

also, i get free games sometimes, both from offers and exceptionally kind giant bombers. there aren't enough words in the world for me to thank them.

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Edited By insouciant

You are a fortunate person. I can't wait to see the 2013 list!