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February/March Vita lineup and upcoming titles

...and I'm back. Sadly, I missed February, so it's a two-month double bill this time. Also a big change this month, in that I've axed the European and Japanese sections. It's been a good while since there was a Europe exclusive release, and most of the new releases in Japan are visual novels that are unlikely to ever be brought over. But with those caveats, here it is again, my list of current and upcoming games for the PlayStation Vita.

So the big new release these months was undoubtedly Fate/Extella Link, a second entry in Marvelous' hack 'n' slash take on the wildly popular Fate franchise. Also notable would be Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~, a collection of side-stories for the steampunk otome visual novel. And Night Trap, the infamous FMV game that led to the establishment of the ESRB in the 90s. Beyond that Kemco keeps putting out retro JRPGs, and you have the usual smattering of indie platformers and puzzle games.

For new game announcements, surprisingly NISA is bringing over Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen, which is a remake of the original Utawarerumono game, originally released on PC in the 2000s. Degica is also releasing Nurse Love Syndrome, a sequel to the previously released yuri visual novel Nurse Love Addiction.

And I think we're done. Since I missed my chance to post it last month, here's a trailer for Fate/Extella Link:





  • Orc Attack - Console version released Oct 2013. No news of the Vita version.
  • Starbound - PC version is having development problems, making the Vita port unlikely to happen.
  • C-Wars - Retro RTS thing (abandoned in early access since Mar 2016)
  • SilverQuest: Gaiden - Previously MiniFlake (abandoned in early access since Mar 2016)
  • Smash Derby - Indie vehicle combat arena (no updates, removed from developers page)
  • A Clumsy Adventure - Indie platformer (dev website down, no twitter updates since Dec 2015)
  • Action Henk - Physics puzzle runner? (Vita not listed on homepage, PS4 came out in Mar 2016)
  • Ascension: Chronicle of the God Slayer - Card game (no updates since original annoucement Aug 2014)
  • Rain World - Survival (Out on other platforms, Vita version not mentioned any more)
  • Cloudberry Kingdom - Platformer (No news since 2013, no mention of Vita since, studio moved on)
  • Enter the Gungeon - Procedural dual-joystick shooter (Not cancelled but port low priority for the time being)
  • Snapshot - No news for several years, dev seems to have moved on.
  • James Pond 2: Robocod - Remake by System 3 (no news since 2013)
  • DiscStorm - Top-down arena combat (no news since 2015)
  • The Next Death Ray Manta - New version of the indie dual stick shooter (dev seemingly shut down)
  • The Chaos Engine - Port of the Amiga classic (no news since 2013)
  • Legend of Raven - 2D fighting game from former King of Fighters devs (no news since 2013)
  • Samurai Gunn - 2D deathmatch thing (dev seemingly moved on)
  • Road Not Taken - Procedurally generated puzzle game (held up by middleware problems, fix presumably never coming)
  • AfterZoom - Upgraded version of DSi AR game (came out "exclusively" on iOS in 2015, dev seems to have moved on)
  • Red Goddess: Inner World - Fantasy metroidvania (No updates since 2015, seemingly bailed on Kickstarter backers)
  • One Way Trip - Surreal adventure (No updates since 2016, dev seems to have gone radio silent)
  • Gunship X - Top down airstrike simulator (No updates since 2014, developers seem to have moved on)
  • Phoenix Force - Fantasy shoot 'em up (Launched on mobile instead. Developer moved on.)
  • Last Inua – An Arctic Adventure - Indie platformer (PC in 2014, no news on the console ports. Developer appears inactive.)
  • Unmechanical - Indie puzzle adventure (Came to PS3/4 in 2015, no news since.)
  • Klaus - Puzzle platformers (No news for years. No mention of Vita on game page.)
  • Wild Season - Harvest Moon-ish Kickstarter thing (Project abandoned on Kickstarter since 2016. Dev appears defunct.)
  • Fenix Rage - Challenging indie platformer (Came to PS4 in 2016. Dev appears to have moved on.)


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Edited By eccentrix

Night Trap on Vita!

Edit: Not in the UK :(

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@eccentrix: Yeah, the dev said it was coming, but I took quite a while. There was talk that it had a nasty bug at launch that impacted your ability to complete it, but hopefully they've fixed it by now.

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Soul Saga is not coming to PS Vita.

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@Coreus: Do you have a source for that? Because while I wouldn't exactly be surprised if the Vita eventually port gets dropped, the developer did take money from people who wanted it during the Kickstarter and his official stance seems still to be that he's not making any decisions about release platforms until the game is done.