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my 2017 list done and so are video games

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Games I Played in 2016

List of games that I put my time into in this year of 2016.

List items

  • Rocky Simulator 2016

    Dropped after I realized it is essentially a boring clicker

  • every year

  • I like this game. But it's a huge undertaking and massively overwhelming. There is so much to do, so much to understand, so much to learn. It's very beautiful, and appealing. I want to play it all, but it's so big I know it will take over a hundred hours. The combat is the same as Xenoblade Chronicles (with guns), but for some reason it doesn't feel as good. There are some MMO feature to this game that come off as half-baked.

  • Fun puzzle game

  • Very much enjoy the feel of the sword in this game. Guns feel like toys. The humor is horrid. Level design is good.

  • what the hell, man

  • 10/1/16 - FINISHED, but got the normal ending. Working on the real one. Scared.

    100%d at a later date. Probably my #1 game of 2016. Am writing a few essays about it.



  • Totally dropped this before even reaching level 15.

  • Replayed this game in a long prep for KH3. Haven't played through it since it came out when I was 6 years old.

  • Started but not continuing until I finish the first.

  • Revisiting this for the PC version.

  • Really need to finish. Kinda hate this game except for the visuals. Writing is boring, combat is incredibly easy.

  • Finished! (7/xx/16)


    Heart of Stone, FINISHED (7/xx/16)

    Blood and Wine, FINISHED (11/6/16)

    Took around 90 hours total. I got all the "Best" endings, which I supposed are the True Endings. Very much enjoyed the main story of this game. Great moments, good characters. Although there is a long slog where you do a series of quests to "Find Dandelion." This section was way too long and boring. When the main story picks back up, it is very entertaining. I cared about the decisions I made so that I would create the best conclusion for Geralt and Ciri. Somehow, thankfully, I got the true ending of the main story. Looking back on when the key decisions are made I learned that if I got the bad ending I would have had to go hours back into the story to fix that. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I bet I would have been very annoyed had I messed up these key moments. Overall, the main story is good. With a very satisfying ending for the entire Witcher series. (The conclusion to the tale of Geralt of Rivia is expanded slightly in the expansion pack, Blood and Wine.)

    As for the side quests, some are quite good. But the ratio of good to bad side quests is very uneven. I don't have the notes to say what that ratio is. But what I can say is that it is very frustrating knowing that there is some good content mixed and buried under the bad. This game is great but held down by how much boring content there is packaged in with all the good content. As someone who has now done nearly everything there is to be done in The Witcher 3, I wish they had cut a good amount of content out. Hearts of Stone proves you don't need a million side quests or points of interest to hold the players attention. Just good story telling and interesting characters.

    Hearts of Stone is better than both the main story and the expansion. It helps greatly that HoS is only around 10 hours. The main story is very long, and as I mentioned, very boring at times. Because of this, HoS is a very concise and concentrated experience with an overall great story, and excellent characters. I seriously recommend everyone, Witcher fan or not, to play through Hearts of Stone. (The game allows you to play just the DLC if you wish). Also there is a quest named after an Oingo Boingo song.

    Another thing I would like to touch on before getting on to my discussion on Blood and Wine is the combat. The combat in this game is horrible. I played this entire game on Death March, and I probably shouldn't have even bothered. A good amount of enemies can be instantly killed by using Aard (force push) to knock them down, walking up to them and merely left clicking to instakill. Unless it just doesn't let you stab them for some reason. Occasionally the enemy would get knocked over, and for no understandable reason this instakill move was not usable. This was usually fixed by allowing them to get up and then pushing them over again, whereupon the enemy was then instakill-able. So it was not a matter of that enemy type being immune to a quick kill. Enemies with sledgehammers or lances, any two-handed weapon, were immune to falling over. So to kill them easily you could stun them with Axii and hope the random chance to slice them in two would occur. In every combat encounter I did anything and everything to kill them as fast as possible because I loathed the combat that much. I should also mention that this game was janky as hell for me most of the time. At times it felt like an unfinished game. One encounter had me fighting a large group in an enclosed space, where I could not continue until I defeated them all. One enemy somehow worked his way out of the area, where I could not kill him. So I could not proceed until a friendly NPC slowly killed him. I should also mention that there were times where Roach (the horse) would run around in the middle of a fight, getting in the way by pushing me and my enemies away from each other.

    Blood and Wine overall, was disappointing. B&W does feel like a true expansion pack. Bringing in new features, like the ability to craft mutagens, new types of points of interest, enemies, and passive skills. It also gives you a house that you can upgrade and decorate with your trophies, armors, and weapons. But what was most important to me is a good story. And what we got was alright. Coming off of HoS, this is a letdown. There are no stand-out characters except for Regis, whose significance is mainly due to this being his first appearance since his supposed death in the book series. Regis is a fun character to listen to with well written dialogue, but he isn't used particularly well. The villain, unlike HoS, is uninteresting. I will not name them here, but he is almost impossible to sympathize with because his main motivation in the end is just how pissed off he is. The other antagonist shines a bit brighter with a motive that I can understand. But even in the true ending I achieved their arc does not completely coalesce. I must also mention that, like the main story, B&W suffers from having too much. There are a lot of side quests, and very very few standout. And the worst is examples are the two side quests which are just excuses to get the player to do 25 points of interest, the most boring part of The Witcher 3.

    CD Projekt Red gives Geralt one final send off as a reward for completing Blood and Wine, but I don't know if I am comfortable saying it was a satisfying one. The main story did a better job saying farewell to the White Wolf. When considering the conclusions of both the main story and Blood and Wine, they work together in continuity but not thematically. The main story's ending feels like the definitive conclusion to a long series of books and games. While Blood and Wine's feels like awkwardly running into a friend who just the other day gave you a heartfelt and final farewell.

  • Excellent for teamwork with friends

  • Finished!

  • belhhh

  • Absolutely enjoyed this game. Great story, writing, acting, set-pieces, and conclusion. Best Uncharted game in the series. Will be on my top 10.

  • done, hell yeah.

  • Really into golf now...

  • :)

  • ugh

  • :)

  • Revisiting this game with the PC port.

  • Need to beat this before Persona 5 removes it from relevance.

  • First "pure" visual novel I've played. Big fan of Ace Attorney and Danganronpa, which are visual novels by my definition. But those two series do contain enough gameplay to be more than that.

  • Currently playing through out of obligation to the series. I love DR1 and DR2, so I had to check this out. It's not too great, story wise or gameplay wise. Hopefully the story's significance will increase the further I get through it. As of the four hours I've put into it, it really seems like a quick game they made to sell something in between 2 and 3.

  • FINISHED. Fans of Children of Men, or any dystopian society stories will enjoy this game.

  • Cool space strategy/roguelike

  • 100%d this on 3DS 10/23/16

    Cool-ass game, loved it. Will definitely be on my top 10 of 2016.

  • Played through this in two sittings. Interesting story and structure. It was most interesting when it used jump cuts, but also confusing at times. Lack of dialogue means the game is fully told through non-verbal gestures and occasionally a small amount of text on paper. There was one section where I was incredibly confused about something that puts the game on a temporary tangent and had to resort to googling to figure out what had happened.

  • I am so down with this concept but I am horrible at coding/scripting so I had to stop playing. Couldn't comprehend it at all.


  • I have no idea what to think about this so far. 10 hours in.

  • This VN/bartending sim is pretty damn cool.




    Characters/performances stood out the most in this game. Actual story was very simple. Graphics and design of the world/tech also stand out. Surprising amount of emotional deaths that amount to an effective feeling of the real cost war.

  • Chrono Trigger but the story/world isn't as interesting

  • Playing the Vita version, finished the girl character's story first sometime in November. Really good feel and fun challenge, but by the time I'd finished the first campaign I lost interest in playing another one. Especially when I realized I'd start from level 1 again. Don't want to feel weak again. May not come back to this.

  • Best looking Civ game with some cool changes that make me love it all over again. Biggest issue is with the long time between turns (which isn't a new problem)

  • Beat this for the first time ever, very fun once you learn it. Finished on 12/3/16

  • Beat this in one sitting, overall it's easier than the original. But Dr. Wily's boss phases are harder than the original's. Finished 12/9/16