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  • Flash games can't have their own wikis on Giant Bomb so if any arise in my thread I will add them to this section.


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    There was a game I remember playing at my grandparents house once that I can't remember the name of.

    It was a 2D sidescroller for the PC.

    This was in the mid to late nineties.

    It was horror themed.

    Pretty sure some of the first enemies were hands like thing from the Adam's Family.

    You had a slingshot that you could shoot and the stone would bounce around the screen.

    You started in a outdoor level which might have been a graveyard.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> ESREVER </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    Hurm. The stone thing makes me think of the ricocheting powerup from Castlevania. Other than that, I can't really help you. Sorry.

    I do have one I need a hand with.

    When I was a kid (I'm thinking 1995, maybe, is when we bought it. Maybe a couple years later.), we had an arcade cabinet that had no title on the marquee at the top, just some picture of guys in the army.

    In this game, you drove a jeep. Co-op was possible, adding another jeep to the screen. You had two buttons: One for machine gun, and one for explosives, which started out as a blue grenade. It was a vertical scroller, with you driving upwards (what I call "Gunsmoke-style"). On the way, there were several military bases. You could use your explosives to blow up certain buildings in the base, and you would see that the buildings housed guys. If you stopped your jeep next to the building, the guys would file into your car. Shortly after these military bases, there would be a helipad, where you would park and let the guys get off. As you let them off, you would be upgrading your explosives. First to missiles, then to missiles that exploded in a horizontal line, then to missiles that exploded in an "X" pattern.

    You could put in as many credits as you wanted (obviously, because we owned the machine). But, in the final military base, you were not allowed to continue if you lost all your lives in co-op. In single player, there was never an option to continue. If you lost, it would show a map that displays how far you got, and then end. If you were playing co-op and your partner was still alive, you could use another credit to get 3 more lives. But, again, you could not do this in the final military base.




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    I'm thinking of an N64 game, and I have no idea what the exact year was. I remember the art on the cartridge was some different-coloured lizards and the name had something to do with chameleons or a play-on-words involving lizards. I can't actually remember very much of the actual gameplay, but colour was a main theme so it might have been some sort of puzzle-platformer involving colourful chameleons. This is a pretty bad description for what I'm sure is a game no one has heard of, but I'd really like to remember the name.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> Errordotocx </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    It was on the PC around 1995-97

    You played as a futuristic spaceship in a 3D world on a planets surface somewhere in space.

    The first cutscene was of your ship being raised on a platform from underground to the surface, I remember flashing red siren lights on the sides of the platform.

    You were then in game and had to take off from a runway and take out futuristic mini cities like their radar towers etc.

    Thats all I can remember.




    <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> X19 </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    Hi ladies and gents. Another lost game.

    Here we go!

    PC game. Around the time of Age of Empires and AoE: Rise of Rome and Microsoft Return of Arcade. I played a demo edition. Probably released by Microsoft or Microsoft game studios. The basis of the game was a sort of flight simulator. Flying something that may or may not have resembled a stealth fighter, I remember being in Egypt, shooting aliens ( I think) and trying to fly either through a trap door through the pyramids or the sphinx. I never made it very far. It was in 3D and had 3rd person perspective (I think)




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    Yo, I've got a game for this thread.

    It was a racing game that I played on the PC, and it was probably only for the PC. Felt like it might have been from a foreign developer. I remember playing it around the same time as 1NSANE, so maybe 2004-05. You could race as anything from real fast go-karts to tour buses, and all types of vehicles could be in the same race. Some real locations like Corsica, but just fake road courses, not real tracks.

    I know there were no pickups or powerups, but there may have been some mechanism for dropping spikes or oil slicks. Could be confusing that with another game though. Don't think there was much of a campaign.

    The only other thing I remember is that at the end of the opening cinematic, the black sports car loses it's license plate and when the camera zooms in on it, it says '2FAST4U'. Thanks for any help!




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    All right, here we go. I remember playing a game on pc around 1995-96. It was a on-rail shooter using the mouse to shoot. It was in full motion video and I remember that the mouse cursor would change depending on what gun you were using. As far as I can remember it was maybe a bit futuristic but still realistic (think Robocop) and I'm pretty sure you could get real weapons (M-16, Chainguns, etc). I think you were playing some kind of cops who had to stop (aka kill lol) a bunch of street gangs. I think it was on 2 or more cd-roms back then.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> Ignor</a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    So there's this one game I remember playing back in the late 90s - a PC game that was basically a golf game, except your gold balls were explosive and you had to shoot objects in the background like cows and shit and watch them explode as you racked up points. Anyone remember that one? </div>



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    I have a faint memory of an old PC adventure game. The only thing I remember about it is that in one of the first puzzles you had to make a fake body out of dynamite.




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    Ok, I got one.

    A C64 game- sidescroll shooter. If I remember correctly, it was futuristic and I think you were an alien riding some kind of animal resembling a blue ostrich. You shoot from his back with a gun. It looked like you were defending your land from an invasion. Thanks in advance.




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    Asked this in my own thread with no answer. Genesis game, probably around 93. Think a first person shooting game where the screen is static but you move a crosshair around the screen. Each level was basically a boss battle. You would fight one monster/alien, they could hide behind cover and shoot back at you. Those are the basics, and even those could be wrong, I have been trying to figure this one out for years.




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    Ok, I have a game: It was a PS1 game and polygonal, to a certain degree open world. You play as a female cop(I think), helping citizens with side quests, one side quest I remember in particular was about rescuing a dude on the top of a building ready to jump. The game started with various tutorials showing how to drive(you could drive), effectively using a P.I.T maneuver, you know, cop stuff. I think there were cars on the game case. That's about all I remember.




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    Trying to recall teh name of a PC game I owned in the 90's. It was a third person open world (about 4 city blocks big) where you played as a female futuristic cop or her tank of a partner. You could drive around in an SUV, climb buildings and slide down wires to get from building to building. The objective was to catch criminals, handcuff them and take them back to the station.&nbsp; It was set in a gritty future city full of crime. It was like a cross between GTA3 and Hitman before they were GTA3 and Hitman.<br /><br />Although I cant think of the developer something wanted me to say naughty dog so maybe the logo was similar to that of Naughty Dogs logo.




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    Yo, There was a game I played (PC) and you were a tank and to upgrade yourself you needed to use a magnet like thing and put more layers on your tank. It had an isometric view and yeah. That's all I remember. It was >2000 as well.

    Also, a game where you had a flock of sheep and had to do...something. Thats all I remember. I have no hope. Was around the same time as the tank one.

    EDIT: The Sheep one was called "Sheep" funnily enough. Scratch that.




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    Platform : PC

    Year: Mid to late 90s

    Genre: Sci-Fi Strategy

    When I was younger there was a game that had you building space fleets on what I recall was a map of space with planets. You would also have cities on said planets which could be invaded and when that happened you would be sent down to what was more of an RTS game style. I've been looking for years just to have some nostalgia about the game. Good luck!




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    This is a PS1 game that I've actually been trying to remember for years. The only thing I remember about it is that there is a certain part at the beginning of the game where a girl asks you to kiss her and you can do so by pressing forward or decline by pressing back. If you kiss her, her boyfriend will show up and kick your ass and it's game over. I believe it's an adventure game and had a futuristic setting Any ideas what this game might be?

    Oh, and thanks for posting this great thread X19.




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    I remember Playing a PS1 game at a friend's house in 2000. the game was like a platformer, with the character, a young boy, running forward towards a tower in the distance, running in a thick jungle, with robots around it. the way the boy was running in that level was like a Mode 7 style runnning forwards (but on PS, obviously). one thing was he had some sort of boomerang thing that was thrown that let him absorb a robot's ability (like a machine gun arm) by tapping a button very quickly. when he gets to the tower, he has to climb it (which is another level i cant fully remember, and has to ring a bell at the top. i cant remember anything else. then again, i havent played the game since (10 years ago), and i dont know how to get hold of my friend to see if she still has it.




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    It's a 2D side scroller on the PS1, but some levels were from a top-down perspective. It's an adventure game where the protagonist had long dark blue hair which makes a zig-zag shape. On the first level (world) you fight a big boss. Throughout the game, every time you kill a mob you get his power. It was later made into a 3D game on the PS2.

    That's all I remember about it. Sorry for being vague%3B I used to play it some 7 years ago.




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    There was this game on the Genesis. It was a Shmup (is that even how you spell it?). I remember you were a bi-plane and a zepplin and one of the levels was in a cave or something. Any help?




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    Anyways, I'm pretty sure it was for the NES, but not 100% so it might have been on the SNES. It was a top-down game and you controlled a tank and you were shooting at other tanks. You could power-up your tank so it became bigger and could shoot more bullets. It wasn't a SHMUP though, since the stages weren't scrolling. Also I may be wrong, but I think it had a 2-player mode.

    Last thing I can remember is that there were silver/gray squares you couldn't shoot through.




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    I guess I have one that stuck in my head for years. Mostly the music. I don't think it was posted but my bad if it was. I remember the game like I've been playing it yesterday:

    I was very young, it was probably a NES game tho I'm not 100% sure.

    It was an horror game, you start at the entrance of a house and you go from right to left (entering the house)

    It has mix of 2d side-scrolling and "first person" when you enter room to search I-dont-remember-what in it

    When you're in first person mode in the room you have a point and click system. You can open drawer, door, etc.

    Sometime when opening door in first person you discover a monster that charge toward you, it bring you back to the 2d scrolling portion of the house and you must fight it.

    I mostly remember the game for it's catchy tune it has when you walk in the house (well, maybe more traumatizing for a kid I guess...). The music change when you find a monster I think.

    That's mostly to hear that song again, I never finished the game and probably played 5-10 minutes each time.... it was too scary for me I guess :D




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    I need to know which game this is:

    It was one of the games that came on those demo discs the Playstation had in their magazine

    It was for the PS1

    You were like a chicken or something

    The game was centered around platforming or something, maybe puzzles




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    Ok I have another one

    PS1 game

    Sci Fi FPS Shooter

    The level was dark corridor with yellow/green lights

    You only had one gun which could transform in to different types of weapons, laser machine gun to rocket laucher etc. I think it told you on the top of the gun how much ammo you had in red numbers.

    The main thing I remember was how cool I thought the animations were when the gun transformed.

    I remember turret things I had to shoot but not much else

    I think it was a demo from UK Playstation magazine

    Thats all I got.




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    It's a game I would like to know the name of, I saw it when I was very young so I don't remember much.

    Anyway, it was for the NES I think, and a platformer.

    It was this boss who I think was a helicopter and the background was completely black, the bosses sent out some weird jumping red stuff.

    I also think GAME OVER screen was showing a grave on a graveyard, maybe in the sunset.

    Somebody got any idea?




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    It's a game I would like to know the name of, I saw it when I was very young so I don't remember much.

    Anyway, it was for the NES I think, and a platformer.

    It was this boss who I think was a helicopter and the background was completely black, the bosses sent out some weird jumping red stuff.

    I also think GAME OVER screen was showing a grave on a graveyard, maybe in the sunset.

    Somebody got any idea?




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    I can't remember the name of that survival horror game set on a ship or something.

    That's all the info I got.




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    I can't remember the name of the game but i remember it being on Sega Genesis. it's a two player game where two huge guys one wearing a blue shirt while the other has a red short with lots of muscles run around kicking guys and dogs and having their exposed thighs munched on by dogs. they restore health by smashing soda machines and drinking the cans that drop from them. it was easily the best Co-Op game on it and i can't remember it's name what so ever.




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    A few days ago I was trying to remember the name of this old PC edutainment game I played when I was young. This would have been released in the early 90's. I think the setup was that you were an inventor collecting parts to a car and the game ends in a race against the rival inventor. You collect the parts by working your way through through these Elevator Action style areas where you eventually get to puzzles where you're doing things like wiring up a circuit to turn on a light bulb or moving around weights to even out a balance.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just figured it out. It was a game called Gizmos and Gadgets.




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    Prepare for a very out there one: There was a freeware game I had years ago that was...kind of a space sim and kind of a simulation of the Milky Way as we know it.

    You were and alien that was tasked with exploring the stars as you saw fit, you could land on any solid planet and walk around freely on it. You were limited only by a fuel that could either be replenished by mining off of white dwarfs or waiting in real time (even if the program was closed).

    The graphics were primitive (I can't remember if it even had proper colour) though the game was rather recent (2004 or 2005 ish? At least that was around the time I had first found it). It was offered both as an offline or an online client.

    Edit: Never mind, I got lucky using Wikipedia. The game was Noctis




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    There was this arcade game me and my friend would play the shit out of each time we'd go to the theaters. It was an on-rails shooter, and you were underwater. The booth had like these giant underwater guns you used in the game. You'd fight sharks, krakens, and other sea creatures.




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    Hey. Saw you know a little about the PS Underground discs. This reminds me of this game I was looking for.

    It's a 3d isometric viewed cartoonish strategy-esque game.

    You use your small team of blue guys and try to build a quick base to destroy the other team's base.

    I think the enemy team was green. Not sure if colors were automatically chosen, but yeah that's not important.

    The demo was 2 player.

    I think it was on one of the discs back when they PSU demo disc menu was a bunch of selectable big-screen TVs on top of skyscrapers.

    VERY ROUGHLY between 1999-2003

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I always wanted to try the full game.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> ESREVER </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    There was a series of educational games where I think you played as a Frog, and I think they were each based on subjects (IE English, Math, Science). I know one was set in a castle, one was a treehouse or something like that. Very distant memory.

    Oh, and another one which I think was part of the same series%3B you're going from place to place as the frog, such as Atlantis and Machu Pichu. You're collecting artifacts of some sort (possibly to help ghosts?) and every time you collect one you have to play a game of scrabble against the villain I think.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> MoggyGetro </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    Ok I have a game I've been looking for a while now.

    My memories are kind of vague, but I've tried to piece together as much as I can:

    It was a 2D platform game and I played it on an arcade cabinet. I think it was before 96. If I had to guess, somewhere between 1990-1992. Possibly from Taito. I only remember the gameplay vaguely, but it involved water somehow. You played as a dude with flowing water powers or shoot water blobs or something. The graphics were cartoonish, think Rainbow Island with lots of colors and fruit and shit.

    I know it sounds like just about every platformer, which is why I can't find this specific one. But it's an arcade game from the late 80's or early 90's and reminds me of Rainbow Island, Bubble Bobble. Just need help to pin down a few possible games. I'll probably recognize it as soon as I see it though. Since it was an arcade game, it was pretty frantic as well.




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    Here's a game I've been trying to find the title of for quite some time.

    As a kid I had a few PC games that were more educational. Anyway, this one I'm thinking of, dealt with being underwater.

    You would swim through various screens looking for clues, and had a gun that shot bubbles, I believe. Anyway, the clues would be something along the lines of, "Three Blue Crabs" or "Four Red Anemones" and then you'd have to find them once you got all the clues. Once you were done with all that, it would show a screen with a rainbow coming out of the water leading to an island and showing how many total points you had.

    This was more cartoonish, and I'm talking mid 90's here most likely.




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    Here is one I can't seem to find.

    1. Late 90's to early 2000's.

    2. PC

    3. Vehicle Shooter (I'm positive there were tanks, but I think there were planes as well, but i'm not sure). Turret gameplay as well.

    4. Sci-Fi. The enemies were aliens and it took place on distant worlds with lots of hills.

    5. Gameplay consisted of fighting enemies and defending bases/structures.

    6. Green and black theme. It was on the disk, the box, the menus, everywhere. The game itself might have been green and black as well.




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    Can somebody help me determine which Dragon Ball Z game I'm thinking of? I know it had a couple new characters including a little chubby girl that looked like Dora the Explorer, that red guy with a sword that appears in the intro video to the raging blast 2 QL, and super 17. It was on PS2. It was before the 360 and PS3 were released. If anyone can help me out on this one that would be awesome, because this is the best Dragon Ball Z game, in my opinion, and the new ones are terrible. Thanks!




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> hejklyscha </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    I'm looking for a sandbox-y Amiga game, which I loved playing around with and help me learning english. It was lost when my dad decided to format the disk and put something else in it. I'm pretty sure the title screen said the game was from "Sierra On-Line" but whenever I check their games list I can't find it. So it may have been some kind of a unfinished demo.

    The game, IIRC, was a very simple Sierra adventure game done in their CLI engine at the time. The graphics are similar to the era of the early Kings Quest and Police Quest games. It only had two screens, the title screen and the other was of a cross-section of a house. The house was about 4-5 storeys high, with 1-2 rooms in each. I remember the bottom floor had the kitchen and the living room, and the top floor was an attic. The stair well was next to the center of the screen.

    You controlled a bobbing-headed dude (that ominously stared at the player almost all the time) that walked around by himself and interacted with the objects in the house. You could only control the dude by writing commands like "go to kitchen", "go to attic" and so on where he would walk over there. If you could figure out what the objects were you could interact with them as well such as "sit on couch" (I remember the attic had one of those old style vinyl record player). The game however, would crash if the character exited the mansion or went inside the closet (which leads me to believe it was an unfinished demo).

    Still if anyone else has it or knows where to find it, I'd be in nostalgia heaven.




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    It's a PC game where you control a submarine. I believe it was yellow. You shoot torpedoes, and one of the enemies I remember are piranhas. It was very colorful and cartoony. Not sure about the year, but I'd guess 1990-1998 or something. It was when I was young, and I am 23 now.




  • <div><table class="t-editor with-border full-width"><tbody><tr><td> mylifeforAiur </a></td></tr><tr><td><div <center>


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    Question Deleted




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    Hey all. I am looking for 2 games. The first I last played about 10 years ago. It was a game that started out in a side view of a bunker and you could pick one of 3 vehicles (possibly 4). A jeep that could go out onto water, a tank and a helicopter. Each had their own abilities and unique bonus. Once a vehicle had been selected, it went to the surface and then the game was a sort of open roaming top down shooting game. The graphics were not horrible, but they were not exactly high standard. There was colour and some decent explosions. The second game I am looking for was a little more recent. I played it in 2003 but I am unsure when it was made. It was sort of like Delta Force (open world objective based) but you were in a hover tank. I have hunted online and found HoverTank 3D and various others, but not the one I was looking for. I remember you could have "wing men" and customize your tank. It was a 3rd person game. Much more on the second one, I am unable to remember clearly. Both games were on PC.




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    Hi all, I hope you can help me with this one. It's been killing me for months.

    It was a PS1 game, which was in 1st person, but it wasn't a shooter. It was set on a spaceship and was an adventure game. I remember the most important part of the game was you could change your facial expression before you talk to people. Your facial expression affected how people would respond to you and the wrong expression could make or break a conversation.




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    It was a game on the PC, around 1998 -2000 I'm pretty sure.

    You played as a hunter of dinosaurs.

    When you killed the dinosaur you wanted, a UFO looking thing would fly over it and use what looks like a magnet at a scrap yard that you use to pick up cars, and take it to your trophy room.

    In the trophy room there was a pyramid in the middle of the room, and your dino's were placed around the outside walls.




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    New game: 90's era arcade speedboat action/racing game. You drive your speedboat down a set course and shoot/avoid enemies in the way. Objective is to complete the level with a cargo package that the enemies are trying to steal. Complete the level and get cash to spend on boat upgrades and weapons. Levels have ramps which can be used to jump into fuel-carrying balloons, and pulling back on the arcade yoke let's you glide the boat. It's not Bimini Run and it's not Hydro Thunder.




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    Alright. So it was an N64 game. Sidescroller. You were a female character, and there were robots. I'm pretty sure there was a level involving the Olympics at some point, or at least Gold Silver and Bronze medal competitions. It was 2D but had 3D sprites.




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    Hey, I hope you guys can help me out. This is a game i use to play a lot when i was a kid and its been annoying me for years.

    It was on a PC i owned in 95 i think. Though it didnt have windows. It just ran on MSdos like C:/ then type in name of the game.

    The only game i can remember being on as well as this one is Wolfenstein (the original).

    This game i am thinking of was a 2d platform style thing. pixely. You were some guy and you had to kill the green sludge aliens. I remember there being like mangled corpses of spacemen and stuff lying around a sort of ruined urban landscape. You climb in broken windows and could go into the sewers as well... Think it was keycard finding based but cant be sure.

    Please help.





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    I've got a game that I've been trying to remember the name of for years. I'll try this thread out and see if you guys can help me.

    It's a SNES platformer. You are this guy in a green suit and you shrink to a very small size. About the size of a green army man. The first level is your laboratory I believe. At some point in the game you drive a toy car. The graphics were kinda clayish I think or maybe they were sprites, can't remember.

    That's about all the info I can give. If anyone remembers the name of it that would be awesome and I will give you $775 million.




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    Heres two games i cant not recall the names for at all.

    A PS game where you are a mech the transforms from a police hover car to a walking mech when ever. Had a fun multi player part as well....from what i remember at lest...could really be crap. This one should be easy but its late and it struck me as i was thinking of the next game.

    And a DOS/PC point and click game that had a cardboard wheel you had to use to decode to every time you wanted to play, it had a story setting in a Shadowrun type city, and there is this mini game type thing in in where you have to throw daggers inbetween somones fingers sitting on a table. If you missed it showed the knife slicing into the skin of the finger. That is all i can remember from it other then it seemed very graphic when i played it in early 90s.




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    2D platformer where you played as some sort of musketeer cat. Very frenchman like, wearing boots. Can't remember the colour of the cat, possibly orange or black.

    The game was much in the vain of Jazz Jackrabbit 2

    Must have been around when Blood 2 was out. I think maybe.




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    I need some help. I remember this one computer game that we got to play back in elementary school. It was an educational video game, and it had some sort of tropical, tiki, island setting. The object was to guide these little lemming like guys somewhere. I remember one of the levels had to stone heads and you had to do some sort of game to pass through them or something. Another level had two bridges over a deep chasm and you had to do something to get your little creature guys safely across the bridges. Really vague memories I know...







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    Alright, I've been looking for this one for years. Thanks in advance.

    It was a puzzle game I played on a laptop in the mid 90s. Here's what I remember:

    1) It had a awesome narrator voice... (like little big planet storybook style)

    2) it had a bunch of lemming like creatures, and you had to solve puzzles to help them survive.

    3) there was an overworld map where you went from puzzle to puzzle

    4) very colorful, like a hand drawn type of look

    Like a weird mix of the ideas from Lemmings and the atmosphere and art style of Trine. Any help is, of course, greatly appreciated



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    A PC game, got to be more than a decade old at this point, where you have to guide a group of dudes though some treacherous journey to a paradise or utopia or something. Everything is 2D, drawn sort of like a cartoon. The guys are all little blue/purple balls that the player can customize with a few features like eyes and hair. The journey would consist of a series of puzzle mini-games, each tied to a location that you had to pass through. If you did poorly, you would lose guys from your party until they where all dead and you had to start over. If you got to the end, you would reach a city full of the blue dot dudes, and you could go back and bring more parties of them over. If you hang out at the end, looking at the city you can see all the dudes you finished with running around, and eventually if you spent too much time starting at the screen, the narrator voice (I guess there was a narrator voice) would tell you to go outside and get some fresh air.<br /><br />One of the puzzles involved an antagonistic tree monster, or a monster that looked like a tree to my child brain, and pizzas? I think that's what it was, I just remember that level because I really hated it. One of the last levels had you traversing over a pit. All your dudes where in bubbles in order to float over, but they had to follow a path defined on a grind which you could change arrows on in order guide them through safely. It's probably also worth mentioning that I don't think you ever have direct control over the people in your party, you just act as there guide through abstracted ways. Like a video game.



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    The game I'm thinking of was either on Genesis or SNES, but I imagine it must have started off as an Arcade game somewhere. It was a shooter, set behind your character, who was on some kind of futuristic motorbike. First level was a beach or desert, I think, and the whole game had a weird, bright, pastel-y color scheme. The enemies looked like weird robots, and mostly just tried to drop bombs and things on you from overhead. The powerups were big orbs, kinda like those things from the Sonic %26 Knuckles Bonus Stages.

    The thing that stuck out at me the most were the boss battles. Each level had three stages in it, and the last one was always a boss battle. For those, a big space shuttle/carrier looking thing would float down and attach some stuff to your bike, turning it into an awesome jet, allowing you to fly up and down instead of just moving left and right for the duration of the boss fight.

    I used to play that game constantly with my brother, and I need to know the name to jog his memory. Help us out!</div>



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    Ok, I've been looking for this game for a very long game. It was a racing game on the SNES. The only real details I remember is that you could only advance if you were around 1st-3rd place, and there were pit stops on the later tracks.




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    Hey I can't remember the name of a PC game (I think). It was kind of a in-the-street version of baseball played by kids. It may have even been on the Commodore 64 (but maybe not). And I'm pretty sure there was a football variant as well.

    Dominant memory is the colour orange. That's all I got.




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    Hey, need help with the name of a game. I don't remember much, but it was a PC game (probably released early-90s) that involved racing some sort of ship at high-speed down narrow tracks, and you had to jump from track to track to avoid falling off. I don't think you could turn at all, aside from leaping between the floating tracks. It was pretty abstract, and I think it may have taken place in space.

    It's not much, but hopefully someone can help.




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    My first sojourn into this, driving me crazy.

    Just watched "The Maltese Falcon" on TCM, and like most Bogart pictures in the 40s, it featured Syndey Greenstreet.

    There was a mystery game, for either Commodore generation or early PCs, where lots of the suspects/characters were close take-offs of famous mystery authors/actors/characters. Pretty simplistic, lots of white backgrounds and cartoony headshot photos. One of the characters was a close takeoff of Greenstreet. I'm pretty sure they straight up used "Sidney" but very slightly messed with the last name. He was fat. Wow, I'm being hugely helpful here.

    I remember very little else. Anyone?




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    Here's another one, and it's very vague. It was on PC (probably mid-90s) and was an FPS. I really can't remember much other than I think it had sci-fi type guns, the level I remember was made mostly of stone, and it had very distinctive steps that were composed of individual, floating discs. Not a lot to go on, so hopefully someone remembers those steps.

    I've checked out Hexen and Heretic and I'm pretty sure it's neither of those.




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    Now, I guess I'll describe my old old game. Okay, I remember playing a demo disc I somehow got on my dad's computer at work when I was little, and I can't remember much of what was on it, besides Wacky Wheels. There might have been Jazz Jackrabbit and Hocus Pocus on it, or those could have been different demos, I just don't know. The game that I am trying to remember, though, was a 2d sprite-based fighting game. I think the logo for the developer was a bunch of weapons stuck into the ground, that seems to ring a bell. I believe all the characters had weapons, and there was a fighter that reminds me a lot of E. Honda looking back on it. There is just not a lot that I can think of for this one (I think characters could jump off the sides of the screen?) but it bugs me to this day.




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    A game for the SNES in which you play as a blue blob that has bobbly eyes sat on top of its head, its a side scrolling platformer, you can press the bumpers to make the blob punch (a fist molds out the side of its body) I seem to remember getting sucked up into some kind of flying machine at some point aswell.

    Oh and its not Smart Ball.

    Any help would be appreciated.





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    Ok this is going to be a real long shot because i cant remember much about it but hey heres what i can remember.

    Its a 1990s PC space shooter, It was first person and i think you were in a space ship. I remember there were enemies of different colour green ones a purple ones, i remember the purple ones being REAL bitches.

    My one vivid memory of it is a demo i had on there where my brother had recorded the run of one of the late levels. It started off with him going through a circular door which slides open like the action of a camera shutter if you know what i mean. Through the door is a huge RED room full of enemies and the door is like really high up at the top of this open space and the rest of the room is below with loads of enemies.

    I remember this contrasted with what i could remember because all the levels i'd played were corridor crawlers.

    I know its not much but i hope someone will be able to help, i know its not very likely.

    Oh and if you were wondering, this is what i meant but the door opening mechanism:

    (Image on page)




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    All right, so there's a game which may have come out mid-to-late 90s.

    It's kinda like Monkey Ball. Basically, you're some dude inside a sphere and have to navigate through an alley (or a street, I don't remember) while avoiding pits.

    There may have been AI opponents. Or not. It was in 3D, 3rd-person perspective and I only played the demo. Thanks!




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    Alright, one last one for now. It was a PC game (probably early to mid-90s) about pirates. The game could be played with two players, and one player was Red Beard and the other was Black Beard. I think you navigated your way around a map (like a nautical map) in turns, and used dice rolls for combat. I would think with those details google would turn something up, but no luck.




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    Ok heres another game i forget.

    Again its from the 90s or like 2000, but probably late 90s. Its a racing game set on either other planets or post apocalypse earth. I think its probably other planets because i remember one of the tracks being in a futuristic city, an other was in a desert and another was in some green hills area but thats all i can remember track wise.

    I remember the cars were all kind of beaten up and bolted together dusty metal. I also remember them quite often having the wheels on like arms out at the front. The fastest car i think was a bulky red thing.

    I think i remember the drivers of each vehicle having an identity and more often than not they were very steam punk esc. But all of them were grimy seedy looking characters.

    Thats all i can remember for now but i'll try and think of more and update this.

    oh yeah this is a PC game on windows 98 i think. I remember it came with a Tiny computer i bought back then.

    Hope you can help




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    Now the game I'm lookin' for is a bit hard to describe. It's an educational game that I used to play when I was a kid in the mid 90's. I remember the "Main menu" of it, if it was, was basically the interior of your room and the most memorable thing about that game is the parrot on the left side of the room I believe. Every time you click on him he makes the exact same catchy tone that I used to listen to over and over again.

    I miss that game!




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    Got a game in my head that I can't recall the title of. I played it probably 12 to 15 years ago for PC. DOS. I'm pretty sure it was a vertical shooter.

    What I remember the most is that there was an intro sequence that had anime-styled artwork in it. The protagonist - kinda looked like Speed Racer - was running with a determined look on his face and was having visions or flashbacks of various spots in his life. One of them was his wife breastfeeding their newborn. Then he gets up to a hill top and a bomb goes off.

    At least, that's what I recall. Again, 12 or 15 years ago.

    Anyone able to pinpoint that intro sequence? :D




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    There was a game, I believe on the Nintendo 64, that was a cartoony demolition derby type game. It featured themed characters (a devil, ect) themed levels, and different power ups for the cars (one had a shredder on the front, and I remember shredding sheep with it). There where also triggers on the maps to set off traps for other players. I can't remember the name, because I was very young when I played it and it wasn't my game.




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    right, heres what I can renember from the game im trying to figure out:

    - It is a FPS

    - Its plot is something about being set in a world where the Nazis had won world war 2

    -It was on a episode of 'Playr' where at the time the game was still in development

    -I can renember the snippit of the level they played: they were in a construction site, walking across a half built building (all it was was metal girdles, y'know, the bar things?) there was things blowinbg up around them, and I think a nazi blimp appeared and crashed into a building, or atleast made something blow up when it appeared.

    -they made it into an alleyway at some point, they met up with a few guys, I think they said something about a resistance, and handed the player a rifle.

    -Im not sure what year this was now, it mightve been early nextgen console era (360, PS3 etc), or it might have been a nicely graphiced second gen (pS2 etc) game, I know its definitely on the mainstream consoles, I just dont know which generation

    - I have reason to believe it may be named somewhere along the lines of 'Last stand' or 'last' something, but im not sure.

    I hope you can find my game, even if its discontinued or something, I'll be happy to know what it is :)




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    And a DOS/PC point and click game that had a cardboard wheel you had to use to decode to every time you wanted to play, it had a story setting in a Shadowrun type city, and there is this mini game type thing in in where you have to throw daggers inbetween somones fingers sitting on a table. If you missed it showed the knife slicing into the skin of the finger. That is all i can remember from it other then it seemed very graphic when i played it in early 90s.




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    Can't remember the name of a PSone game. It was a game where you played as either Hercules, or this kid (with I think a slingshot?? Or maybe it was a club?), or a woman who used a bow and arrow. The game had a very strong cartoony look. Each time you would die, you would have to climb your way out of hell, each time from greater depths... Also, you had to spend coins in order to save the game. Can't seem to find the name of the game anywhere, no matter how hard I look. Anyone know what I'm talking about?




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    Ok, this has been bugging me for to long now.

    I remember the game was kinda comic book like.

    You have to kill a bunch of people who are numbered

    The was a mission where you kill a bunch of KKK guys (maybe in some burning house can't recall)




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    This game has been on my mind for a while now. Glad I found this thread, hopefully you guys can help.

    It's a side scroller that was a mix of fighting and some shooting if you picked up a gun or ammo (don't remember which).

    I don't remember system, and I played it a few years ago, so not sure on year of release.

    It's 1-2 players, the guys you could use were the same, looked kinda like ninjas, but were red and blue.

    It was in a setting of a city (or at least levels I remember), there was a section where you could drive on a highway, or walk if you lose car.

    I don't recall the enemies, but I think perhaps you were a bad guy or maybe a anti-hero or vigilante or something, fighting bad guys.




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    <a href="">The following question is from the old thread so please reply to X19 if you have an answer.</a><div>

    I can't remember the name of this PC game that had you play as a Roly Poly, and you took on other insects like bees and ants. There was only around 6-9 levels, one where you ride the back of a dragonfly and it's like a flight sim. This was a game our school owned, so it may not have been well known.




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    It was a PS2 game I played on some kind of demo disc (I don't know if it was an official disc or just from a magazine) so I'm not entirely sure it was even made into a full game. Anyway, it was basically a 3D arena-based fighting game very early in the PS2 life cycle, you could play as a bunch of different characters but I can only remember 2 of them - one was a dinosaur and I think the other character was in a wheel chair or spaceship type thing (he was sitting down anyway). The wheel chair character could use a special kamikaze attack where he flew up into the air and then you had to guide him back down to earth and into your opponent. If you missed you would die. There were a bunch of different stages, in the demo I think you only had a desert stage though. Thanks.




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    The first is a top down PC game, which must have been from the mid 90s. The graphical quality would have been similar to Jagged Alliance. I remember it being like a cross between an rpg and action/adventure. You were a savage of some kind in Jungle environments, and the opening sections involved defending a village from rampaging instectoid monsters with a spear: possibly giant mosquitos. I remember the big theme of the game being codependency with the insects and a jungle savage aesthetic. I remember being able to drink insect nectar that would mutate your character and give you the appearance and abilities of the insects. However I think the effects were permanent and would make people adverse to you. I believe the game to be shareware. The controls were like Diablo, with the clicking to attack and so on. I think the name had something to do with arachnid in it, arachnoid, aracnox something like that.




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    Its a pc game though it may be out for other platforms. It was released around 1998-2000 (maybe).

    In the intro of the game your character is a sniper on a rooftop and is overlooking a hostage situation. He takes the shot despite being told not to, something goes wrong and he retires and becomes a private detective.

    The game is a third person shooter, similar to fallout 2 point of view. After each mission you would go to this town where your office is, you could put weapons in some lockers there and in town you could go to a shooting range as well as buy weapons. You have a secretary, the first missions was on some dock and the last mission was in a jungle.

    I ,,think'' it had like zero hour or hour zero in the title but i searched for it and nothing, so its obviously wrong.

    Any help is apreciated i just wanna remember the f-ing title, cuz i liked the game when i played it,i was around 6-7.




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    Platform: PS1

    Really trying to remember the name of this game. I think I played it on a PS1 demo disc. Dont know if it was official or a magazine. The graphics were very simple. Wireframe I think. You run down a rectangle with a grid on it (in black space) and there is a big cube that moves doesn behind you as you move from square to square, and you eliminate blocks in the cube chasing you by moving in certain ways. Really vague description but this has been bothering me for years. Any help?




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    Theres this game from the 80's which i played.

    I remember you're in a airplane and shoot enemies, its set in World War 2 and you're supposed to kill japanese guys. There were alot of stages i think.





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    I saw this game on the IPhone a while back, but I can't remember the name. It's a game where you guide this shape (or something, might've been a ball) through a maze as fast as you can. There's a timer of sort sort too. It's either counting down or timing you, I forget which, but in any case you get graded on how fast you finished the level. There's also a few levels where they add these blinking red squares in your path that you can't pass until they go away. The name is killing me!


    Second, there's this fucking astronaut game or something that came out the Xbox or in that general era. I saw a preview or review on Xplay. If I remember right, it's like some adventure game or something. Might even be a horror game. All I know is you're all alone, it's in first-person, and I can't remember the damn name.




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    I'm trying to remember a 2d sidescroller game. I played it around 1997 or 1998. I played it on a computer that had either Windows 98 or 95 on it.

    The game started with you driving up to a mansion/house in a red truck/car and you came out and had a shotgun and a cap, possibly red as well. The main character looked like a stereotypical hunter dude.

    The rest I remember was that you had to jump over the a big gate and around a tree. Once over the gate you could go inside the mansion. Then you started shooting mummies or zombies and went around the room until you found a key that took you to another room, etc.

    The game seemed 16bit, anyone have any idea what game it was?




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    The game I'm looking for was a racing game that I played some time around the early to mid 2000s, somewhere around 03 to maybe 05 or 06 , I played it on the PC.

    The only real thing from the game I remember was that it was in third person, but that could have just been how I drove, and that there was a track that went around a road it what seemed like the countryside.

    That's all I got.




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    I am looking for a 2D sidescroller for Sega Megadrive. It had a co-op mode and boss fights. Also I think it had a horse riding/train sequence.

    For a long time I remembered/though it was Gunstar Heroes but it is not.




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    Hi, so glad I found this site!

    Here's my question: around 1990-1995 I played a DOS game that I can't find anywhere! I don't remember the name, but it was about a rescue mission near Saturn's moons (Titan comes to mind). It was in first person perspective, but most of the graphics were pre-rendered movies. I remember the first level leading you through a maze of circular shaped tunnels. About 10 meters in front of you it would go completely black, so whenever you moved forward you had no idea what you would encounter. Sometimes crawly things (trilobite-like) would come at you via floor, wall or ceiling, other times there could be this gigantic squid-like alien creature that you had to dissect by shooting it in the right places. I remember finding it very scary as it was very claustrophobic and way too difficult.

    Other things I remember was this woman (maybe it was your avatar, maybe the person you needed to rescue), she had a tight blue suit with short dark hair, she also had pretty huge breasts. There also was a guy in a grey suit, but I believe this dude had a visor as well (yellow glass(?)). Now that I'm trying to recall more about it, I actually think you were that guy and you had to save the girl. I vaguely remember a cutscene where you find her, but she has been taken over by an alien or something (I remember her eyes becoming a solid color).

    I also believe the intro was about the woman before she disappeared, done in classic logbook style.

    That's really all I can remember about it, thanks in advance if you know the answer!




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    I remember playing a game on the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis which was a top-down scrolling shooter where you would control an army guy and had to shoot your way through a load of other guys. Every so often you would find a tent which you could go into to recruit another army guy to your team and he would have a different weapon (Eg one had a flamethrower, one had a gun which spread out bullets, one had a machine gun, etc). Then when you die you would swap to one of the other guys. Every so often you would have to fight a boss like a tank or a jet or a helicopter. I remember there being a level in a swamp, and one level where you had to shoot through a load of barbed wire fences. I also remember it being pretty brutal on lives but I guess back in the day that was standard for almost all games. I played the game at least 12 years ago so I guess it was released before that, don't know if that helps? It was a pretty generic top-down shooter but I was obsessed with it when I was a kid so any help finding it would be great.





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    One of the first games I ever remember playing. It was a side-scroller but it went from right to left. The main character was an Indiana Jones type of character, and the game was very Indiana-Jones-ish, but it had nothing at all to do with that trademark. The level I remember most clearly had you using vines to swing across rivers with alligators in them, then running up a hill while huge boulders came down at you. This is all I really remember. I think this was back on Atari, but not sure.




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    hello.i cant remember this old pc game..FPS its set in ww2 but jumps to the future during the game,i think your sent back to find a german time machine .The first mission you start in a church ,or something like it armed with a knife ,theres a german officer at the other end so you kill him from behind and take his gun,as you do two german soldiers come in and shoot at you,when you kill them you go up a stair case and battle your way out,thats all i can remember .its not return to castle wolfsteain but its alot like it.i also remember in the game in some rooms would have pictures of the developers on the walls in frames like actual pictures of them.another part in this game had hitler ranting and shouting in this room but you cant shoot or interact with him but u can see him and hear his loud voice all through the level .hope someone can help..thanks




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    There was a last-gen military shooter that ended with the player killing Osama Bin Ladin. It wasn't an especially good game, it all took place in the desert, and it was considered offensive by some for its VERY pro-war attitude. I was like 14 when I saw the review, so my memory is a little faded, but I'm pretty sure this is all accurate.

    Thanks in advance




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    This should be an easy one. I remember playing a Medal of Honor game at my friends house a couple years back on his Gamecube. Me, him and his brother stayed up pretty damn late a couple times just playing splitscreen. I can't remember what the subtitle on the specific one was called but I wanted to try to find it cheap at EB or something. I never played the SP on this one but I remember one of the MP maps was a mansion with a single truck outside, a kitchen area, a courtyard area with curtains you could walk through and hide behind, and a theater area with a balcony for sniping. Used to love this game, love to paly it again.




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    It was a side scrolling platformer kendo game for the NES. In single player you fought monsters in the world. In multiplayer two players faced off in a kendo ring. You used the arrow buttons to do different attacks (high, low etc.) I'm not sure if it was ever released in NA. I played it on one of those NES carts that had a bunch of games on it.




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    I'm searching for two games which I can't remember the name of.. It's an RTS and a RPG. The RTS is really old, but I'm not sure how old, since at the time I was playing it, I wasn't fairly aged myself.. I remember the word Dracula.. for some strange reason, I'm convinced it has something to do with the game.. Anyway, gameplay was based, at start at a overview, where you could see all the lands of the game, then you could invade different countries/lands that were bordering your already occupied zones.. As I remember, there were actually only 3 types of units, and you had to get the resources of different lands, in order to build them. It was sword soldiers, archers and canons.. (I remember the canons could just move by themself, no persons were attached - looked slightly funky). Again.. Something about dracula rings a bell, not sure why.. The RPG game was an old amiga game.. I was even younger when I played that, especially because it seemed to be made by some in Finland, the language was strange at least %3B).. The name I recall had something about Legion in it? You had an overview map, where you could travel from place to place, and you'd get random encounters, or you could sack towns etc, buy from shops in 'em.. I remember there were these troll like creatures, Kobolds or something like that they were called.. Which were extremely hard hitting, but also died quite easily.. When you attacked a city/village/fortress, you would have to throw rocks/stuff at walls in order to get in and kill the defenders to win.. Hope somebody has any clue what I'm talking about :D




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    I don't know if I can just jump in but I need help. There is one game I played 25 years ago that I can't remember the name. I'm thinking it may have been something my brain made up. It is driving me crazy. Details: Platform: Arcade Time period: mid 80s. It could have been an early 80s game that I didn't play till the mid 80s. Theme: Pirates. This is where it gets a little hazy. I don't remember if you are a pirate or if one of the enemy types are pirates. Levels: 1. You are on a deck of a ship. The graphics are a bit goofy. It is a single over head view but all the characters are animated from the side. You can go up down left and right. You have to avoid pirates and canon balls. The canon balls fire at regular intervals and are easy to avoid. The pirates wander around in a random pattern, you can either avoid or you can fight. Your only weapon is a sword at swings out one block away on the left and right. 2. You are in a jungle running away from a tiger. The whole screen is scrolling to the right while tigers are coming out to your left. The best and only stratgey is to run below the tiger as it passes you, trying to not run into the trees. 3. I can't really remember the third level but I believe there is one. 4. Levels one through three repeat and eventually you and your girlfriend fly way in a hot air ballon. Then the game starts over at a higher difficulty level. Any ideas?




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    Hey guys! I'm looking for an arcade game which I played in the early nineties (Don't know if it was released earlier). It was an action-adventure type of game with three (maybe four) player co-op. Playable characters included a guy with a spear, someone with a sword (might be guy or girl), and one with a whip I think. I also remember that from time to time you had to fight some kind of golems which appeared from the ground. I know this is all terribly vague, but that's all I can remember. Please help meeee!!!




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    The first game i can remember playing as a kid. It was on the NES.

    -You started out under water. You had to like hop on bubbles to float to the top

    -There was something where you sprayed a plant to get by it

    -And there was like a mine cart riding thing were if you chose the wrong path you fell into a hole and died

    trying to rack my brain to find some more info.




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    SUPER ULTRA HARD MODE: PC point and click adventure game Early-mid 90s (I think I was running Windows 95 at the time) The first area was set in a zoo You played as a monkey I remember a banana in my inventory... I think the graphics were too much for my system to handle and whenever I tried playing it everything seemed garbled and static-y Not sure what else I can say...uh, it wasn't Monkey Island




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    Game where you control a mars rover in third-person. After a ridiculously monotonous tutorial, you're tasked with collecting minerals, while - I think - destroying others (possibly robots) who are trying to do the same. Think it was for PC, but it also could have been for PlayStation 1. The most unique thing about it was its incorporation of music from the very little-known band Liars. I assume it was rated E or Teen. That's all I know about it. Well... there may have been aliens... but... maybe not.




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    Does anyone know the name of a game where you controlled characters like the sims, but it was set in olden times. You could trade, rob, craft and even get into politics and become mayor or king. I remember it being called 'Settlers' or maybe I'm way off, obviously that is not exactly it. It's not too too old now, 3d graphics etc.




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    OK so I've been trying to find this game for ages, i'm pretty sure it was on the sega megadrive (genesis) and you played as this red guy (looked kind alike a kidney bean if i remember correctly). I was pretty young so everything I remember is vague - used a raygun sometimes, they were enemy raccoons (think they stole your spaceship?), and I think there was a boss fight with soem bird on a pirate ship. There was also a level where you did stuff with potions I think. I distinctly remember a bonus round where you shot rabbits with your raygun, or maybe I'm going crazy. If anyone remembers the name I'll be eternally grateful, It's been bugging me for years!




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    Ok, I've got another one, probably a bit easier this time around.

    It was a game for the original Playstation and you played as a anthromorphic tiger. You fought similar looking anthromorphic lepards and probably other cats as well. The tiger wore only pants and fought using martial arts, I'm pretty sure there was a Yin Yang symbol in there somewhere as well. I guess it must have been a beat-em-up because I seem to remember the camera being in a fixed perspective (It was a 3D game).

    The environments were jungle-y.




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    Game came out on PC (possible came to PSN aswell, I know for sure didn't come to XBLA) I can confidently say it came out in 2010. You control 3 players, you can switch back and forth on the fly. Dude with a sheild, woman(?) with a whip? and a mage? maybe. Side scrolling puzzle platforming game.

    Can remember the game name.

    The environments were jungle-y.




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    This one's hard. I remember a platformer, arcade Mario Bros.-style, for Amiga in which you play as a dude wearing pajamas and it's all about fighting other dudes with kung fu.

    It's not The Running Man, I can say that much.

    My memory of how it looks is kinda vauge, but I do know for sure the style of the game is cartoony.

    Can't say much about the backdrops, sorry.

    As for the setting, it's fantasy I think. The level design is a mix of Mario Bros. and Bubble Bobble, kinda (you jump to platforms).

    The one I bought the Amiga from, which came with a lot of copied games btw, had labeled the disk as "Kung Fu Pajamas" though that's not the title of the game, but it does look like the character you're playing as are wearing pajamas.

    I don't think it's a sidescroller.

    Maybe it was homebrew and therefore not that known.




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    i dont really know when the game was released but i played it in 2005/2006 but i think its arround those years

    it was a pc game ( id dont know what do you mean whith generation, sorry)

    the game was a mix of RPG and Strategy ( you controled a hero in which you could put itens, armor, wepons,etc but you also had the possebility to build buildings, train units, collect resourses. much like warcraft 3)

    the game was good whith graphics like the ones on gothic 2 but alittle more detailed, but the view was like the one on a strategy game,

    viewed from above , slightly tilted

    thats all i can remenber for now,

    PS: sorry for my bas english




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    There was a game boy colour game that was an RTS set in a fantasy setting. I think it had a really generic sounding name, but I loved the hell out of it. I can't remember much else about it.




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    Going through my old crap in the loft last week I found my old Sega Saturn. I was thinking of all the games I had for it%3B Fighting Vipers, Golden Axe The Duel, Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter 2, Panzer Dragoon 2 and The Legend of Oasis. All classics i'm sure you'll agree. I can vaguely remember one game but for the life of me I can't recall it's name.

    You controlled a spaceship it was an aerial combat game similar to the boss sections of starfox 64.

    Fully 3D

    You collected different combinations of gems to get different weapons. Air to Surface missiles, Air to Air missles are the only ones I can remember but i think there was a laser as well.

    I remember it being devilishly difficult but that could have just been the mad skills of my younger self.




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    This is a Sega-CD game. It was an FMV game that took place in a mansion, I believe. It took place in the first-person and had an emphasis on puzzles. It had a super-natural storyline and I believe there were ghosts. It took place at night. I played it as a child so I don't remember much about it. I rented it and beat it which means it had to have been pretty short.




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    Alright, I played this one game demo back on the PS1 era and it was a 2D sidescroller/puzzler about a pair of builders with hammers and You could pull out a vaccum cleaner as well. You could whack one of the builders to make him short and be able to crawl through spaces, and throw each other to other heights. I'm sorry I can't think of any more hints! Anyone got any idea?





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If those games have no wiki, why not make the wiki?

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@Video_Game_King: Not really my thing. If you want some easy points go for it. Oh and tell me if you do a wiki for one of those games so I can put it in the actual list.    
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Edited By Video_Game_King
Wait, why can't you do it? It takes three seconds, and Chicken George Washington or Marino or ZombiePie will probably fill it out for you :P.
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@Video_Game_King: I finally made wiki pages for those games :p
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Edited By niklah9

I got one, it was a PS1 game from sometime between 90-95, it was a futuristic bumbling super hero voiced by a semi-popular comedian. The character was funny enough and was recognized by a few as one of the first humorous ps1 games. It was over the shoulder 3rd person and the main guy was in a red suit (i think). You know this one?

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Edited By mepawnz

I'm searching for a game on pc , played in 2000 i think or around those years , a game like gta 2 open world you choose betwen a man or a woman and at the start of the game you get separated from the other one , you're chased by cops . You can hijack flying cars or can enter robots that are on the street and you can do missions for different factions like mafia or police ( i was little back then so don't think my details are as accurate as others are )

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Edited By Guestuse1111

I look for a dos/win3.11/win95 game.

It was a colorful point and click adventure, where aliens crashlanded on a farm. You could go around the farm as alien and click on things, it was very bloody since you killed chickens etc because the actions of the alien was very random. it was a shareware game.


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Edited By NinjaAmal

Okay, there was this one I played a long time ago. I think it was PS2, it was like a sci-fi, horror type game. It had a lot of puzzles. The two characters were women and one had short brunette hair i think and the other blonde? It was like a blue tint. They were in some kind of lab with insects and they were trying to sneak into a party? I remember them changing in an elevator.

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There is this game that I have been searching everywhere for. So far, I have only found one person who has knows what I'm talking about, but does not know the name.

Anyways, the game is an old PC game, like windows 95-98, and it involves a guy in a white t-shirt. I'm not sure, but I think the game was side scrolling. In the game, there were colored keys that were used to unlock doors. The main character could throw things at enemies to kill them. if you find this game for me, my life will be complete. Email me at if you do find it.

Thank :D

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Hey guys,

So I played this computer flash game a few years back and REALLY want to give it a try again.

You start as a small space ship and the goal is to kill enemies and drag the parts of their destroyed ship to yours to make yourself bigger and stronger. There were a lot of waves, different parts, a few different weapons (like single straight shot lasers and cone 3 shot lasers)

But the thing that really made this game cool was you could make a URL link to your ship and other people could play it and see how far they could get using your design.

There was a lot of potential to this game and I believe the creator was making another one.

I would really love to find this game again if anyone else ever played it, I've tried to find it for a couple years now with no luck. would REALLY appreciate a hand. THANK YOU!!!!


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Edited By lala

hi!! I ve been trying to find a game I used to play maybe 10 years ago, but I dont remember much. I think there were no characters, no people, i kind of remember machines, or maybe robots I´m not sure. The main color was red, a little black and also I believe, grey. It could be in space, because i dont remember any walls , neither a landscape on the background.

I have the feeling it was kind of a dark/murky game, the music absolutely was.

- pc game

-first person

-3D (not sure about this)

it may be about a thing you have to guide through the screen and avoid it from falling down, but i could be mixing to different games here, so dont take too in consideration this last information

sorry for my english, i actually speak spanish, so i hope someone can understand what I just wrote.

thank you!!!!!

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Hi all,

There's a PC game I'm trying to remember from the mid- to late-90s that was set in space. There were no "people", only vehicles and base defenses. It was single-player, 3rd person perspective (or at least I played it that way), and fully 3d. It was basically free roam, though if I remember right, it was divided into different missions. But I clearly remember flying around in open space, around space stations and such, as well as on the surface of some planets, destroying (alien?) bases and taking them over/taking their resources/minerals. Any help finding it would be much appreciated, as I remember it to be a really fun game.

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i didnt remember that game i played it in 2001-2012 on pc and it was a buissness game

in this game were alien and we had a company and we have to make something ididnt remember bya machine and we can also uprade everything robbers came us to give some time sometime take them police arrest us

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It was a flash game where you play as a blonde school girl who comes home to find aliens and demons in her house. The music is catchy, reminds me of club music. It's formatted like an RPG.

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There was this game that I used to play when I was younger, it came out on the pc.
it was about playing as a little yellow guy that had like red and green and blue guys that looked like that were bad to touch, I also remember that you could build levels and that there was lava under the stage.

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Okay, so I've been trying to figure out what the name is for years to no avail. I used to play this game in the late 90s I feel like, but it could have been a DOS, win95, or win98 game. It was a point and click adventure comedy game. There was two main characters a blond girl in a red outfit and an anthropomorphic lizard. I remember this specific part where you could enter a bathroom in a town and there was a condom dispenser, but when you clicked on it a voice would say 'you have no genitals'. Also the king in the center of the town sends you on a quest to get a roll of toilet paper. I don't remember much besides that. Graphics kind of reminded me of legend of kyrandia, maybe a little different.

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Edited By simplecalla

I played this game around the year of 2000. I can't remember the name, though i remember there is this yellow VAN. The game was a cartoonish and it was a traveling game. You had a car full of friends and you had to travel on a map. There were like big rigs honking and driving past in the background.

There is this part where paparazzi's following you and you should not get caught or else you'll lose.

There was also a diner, where you had to count change and serve people burgers and milkshakes and other food. And, there was this old waitress griping at you. Another place on the map you had to count and you were doing like luggage on a cruise. Also, you had to do rock n roll music or something pressing the spacebar to match the notes..

Thanks! This not only helps me but also others. :)

Our OS before is windows 95.

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Edited By TheRealJAYU

The game I'm looking for I am sure is gonna be a hard one to find. I used to play this game where you could build cars, airplanes, and I believe mousetraps. You had this crazy scientist that would kinda be your helper but just talked all goofy. So when you built the cars they had to be legit, you would put too big of an engine in it it would go down the test track and then blow up, or tires that were too big so on an so on. The same deal was for the airplanes it was tough to get them to fly because you couldn't just put the best of all the parts on it. It was a early 90's game probably os 95 or maybe older?????also the test track was like a big straight away dirt road type I thing where you would reach max speed and either blow up or not.

Thanks hope it can be found

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I'm looking for a very fun childhood game. It was a fantasy 4 player RPG game. As I recall I think it was from japan? The gameplay was zoomed out with all four players visible. The objective was to get through the levels while defeating all the enemies. It was a little cartoony but not too much. It wasn't very colorful either. It was from the early 00's if I recall it correctly. It was playable on the PS2. I don't remember too much but I think it had to do with sort of barbarians but not to be confused with the game barbarian, which is not it.

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This game has been on my mind a while, and I can't place the name of it but I can definitely put a picture in it.

PC Game

Had a frog that would dress in different outfits as you changed worlds (e.g.. farm frog, space frog, safari frog, and scuba frog)

It may of been an Indie game from the mid-later 90's


NOT JumpStart

Point and click on different items to learn them.

Some games

Nothing much to it, but it's bothering me that I can't figure it out!!! Help!!!

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Here I go: This game was one of the first released on playstation, because I played on psx around 1995 / 1996.

It's a 3D Polygonal game. The graphics reminds very much of Tigershark (Also from psx) I remember it was a ship similar to tigershark but it only moved on the ground (no wheels). But also it Jumps. And each stage you had to solve some simple puzzles like activating doors, jumping fences, or something. As you activate some switches, portals, lights, you could move/ jump and reach other areas of the stage.

I don't remember if the ship could shoot. It was only about solving puzzles and moving around on the ground.

If anyone knows, please, tell me! I'm so curious for playing this one again! xD

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Edited By Seth88

I also remember this one.

Psx game around 1995 / 1996 release

It was a futuristic sport similar to football (american football) but somehow more violent.

The ball was a green fluorescent plasma-like(futuristic). And the players had to hit the ball on round targets on the wall to score.

They wear some kind of futuristic uniform armour too.

That's all I remember

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Edited By vigorousjammer

Ugh, okay, I can't remember this game for the life of me.

  • It was either for the Atari 2600 or the C64.
  • It was an endless runner.
  • You would run from left to right, and you had to either jump or duck under boulders.
  • I remember the character sprite and the boulders being kind of big. In my memory, I remember the character taking up almost half of the screen, but I could also be mis-remembering.
  • I think you were a caveman, but I could be wrong.
  • It's definitely not Jungle Hunt

That's all I can remember.

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Edited By vigorousjammer

@seth88 said:

Here I go: This game was one of the first released on playstation, because I played on psx around 1995 / 1996.

It's a 3D Polygonal game. The graphics reminds very much of Tigershark (Also from psx) I remember it was a ship similar to tigershark but it only moved on the ground (no wheels). But also it Jumps. And each stage you had to solve some simple puzzles like activating doors, jumping fences, or something. As you activate some switches, portals, lights, you could move/ jump and reach other areas of the stage.

I don't remember if the ship could shoot. It was only about solving puzzles and moving around on the ground.

If anyone knows, please, tell me! I'm so curious for playing this one again! xD

Maybe you're thinking of Cybersled?

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Perhaps Viewpoint?

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This didn't feature a ship, but there was a lot of jumping in Jumping Flash

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All of these games came out in 1995, so they would fit in with your timeline. Hope this helped!

@yoloswagbro2014 said:

I'm looking for a very fun childhood game. It was a fantasy 4 player RPG game. As I recall I think it was from japan? The gameplay was zoomed out with all four players visible. The objective was to get through the levels while defeating all the enemies. It was a little cartoony but not too much. It wasn't very colorful either. It was from the early 00's if I recall it correctly. It was playable on the PS2. I don't remember too much but I think it had to do with sort of barbarians but not to be confused with the game barbarian, which is not it.

Hmmm... this isn't from Japan, but something tells me you're thinking of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

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Hey!! So I played this standalone RPG game when I was younger. It followed the adventures of this womanizer half-fish like dude who had fins instead of ears, his daughter and a friend of his. It was like a party quest - fighting monsters kind of game. Sounds familiar to anyone?

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I have a game I can't remember and have been looking everywhere. It was like a simulator of a guy. I don't think they where human people. But you started in a small down and in one part there was like a kids birthday and if you punched him you got thrown outside and his older brother and friends beat the shit out of you in a line. It was from the 90s for the computer

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Edited By Alanboz0
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Look please help me out in this one i have been looking everywhere for this game !
This is an image for it they say its Syberia but it's not!!! i want the real name pleaseee

I don't actually know when this game was released but i played it in the early 2000s (between 2003-2007)

-Played it on PC

-I play as a girl that goes to some kind of castle shaped school in search for her friend (girl with blond hair)

-The game contains magic and puzzles

-The first part of the game when i reach the school I have to solve a puzzle of ringing bells

-The girl in the end turns out to be dead

-The game is filled with puzzles

-it's in third person point of view

-The girl I played as have black hair wore red jacket and sometimes i think there is a wolf with me

-It is kind of a long game

-It contains nice graphics based on its year

-Please please please help me outt !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Edited By nelsoncoelho7

I have a guy I'd like to ask if anyone knows, the aspects are:

  • PS1 Game
  • Platform game
  • The character is a Bird with a yellow beak
  • Uses 3D models
  • It was included in one Demo on that time
  • The maps were really colorful

Thanks in advance, hope someone can help me because I was a kid when I played it and I loved the game, unfortunately I had borrowed it, so I never knew the name of it :(

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Okay im looking for a game, that i played a long time ago.

Somewhere 1995 to 2000 i guess. The Game was a cartoony styled 2d puzzle(i think) game. There was a big estate in the woods and there was a dining hall (the only room i can really remember :( )

and i think there where monsters, but not scary ones.

it was definately a kids game.

sorry for the very loose information here :/ hope someone can help me

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Hello there, first time asking :)

I can't remember the name of a game I read about arround 2006. All I can remember is that in this game you can travel in time and play with yourself. Even in one level you had to be in the same room 4 times, at the same time (from different times in the future).

Thank you!

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@m3n3ill0s: You need to be more specifc: What kind of game it is? (platformer, shooter, etc)
2D, 3D, what?
How is the main character?

I searched and found these games:
Cursor*10 (to reach the last floor you need 4 cursors plus the one you are controlling at the moment)
Chronotron (didnt play)
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom (didnt play)

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Hello :D

I want to know a name of a game, i believe it is some 90s game

It's a plataform game FOR PC

and i remember the intro is this


"It is a GUY on a restaurant a bar something like that

and he drinks coffe or juice, something

and it is infected with some kind of virus, alien virus something like that

and on the firts stages you have like the cops chasing you

its a plataform game, like Oddworld or Another world

when you go passing trough the game, the virus becomes stronger

and the guy starts to get deformed and more like an alien

Thats all i remeber. :D

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In the late 90s early 2000s I had a PC game made for girls that I loved.

The whole thing started in this clubhouse which later became your base of operations. You read a special book about something and then you went on a series of adventures as different characters (all girls involved in this group).

while on these adventures you were asked to solve puzzles: make music (simon says style) on a stone staircase, pick out matching sea life out of two different tide pools, find the magpie in the grass while avoiding the skunk. You write on a quest to collect all the charms on this charm bracelet. After each charm was collected the player got to see a story (usually the story matched the charm) which was part of the book. Each story taught a value like honesty, charity, etc...

One of the stories was about a magic box and a woman-seal. (Based on the old Gaelic legends)

Its driving me nuts trying to remember this Game. It wasn't super mainstream so Idk of anyone else even played it let alone remember it. Couldn't hurt eh?

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Hi there. I remember a PC game I played a demo for sometime between 94-97. It was on one of those cds you get with a gaming mag. It was a sci-fi flight sim kind of like Decent or Fury3, and in the demo you could only play a level called "nightmare" where you were supposed to protect this city from attacking fighters at night, and your craft pulled power from these glowing streetlight-like spheres, so if you got too far away from one you would start falling and crash. i think the enemy fighters just kept coming in increasingly large waves until you either crashed, or enough of the city, or maybe key locations were destroyed.

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Hi everyone. I have been trying to find this game i played between 2004 and 2007. It was a square and a rectangular platform. The floors were colorful. Sometimes it was like a green lawn. Sometimes it was checkered in multi colors. The game was 3d. The ball entered like a helicopter landing. There were question mark buttons (yellow in color)... when the ball rolls towards it and selects it the ball slows, or goes fast, or gives an extra life. Time buttons (like a blue clock ) were also given. Th ball comes in many colors. I remember the game starting in the letter A or X. I played this game in my computer. The game had no background images. Only a board like it floated in black space. If the ball rolls of the platform the game is over. That's all i can remember. Will appreciate the help.

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Okay so i've been looking for a game i played for some years ago.

It was on either gameboy color (or advance i dont remeber) or the ds (ds or 3ds)

It was realeased BEFORE 2011 (really helpfull right?)

If i rember correct, it was kinda like pokemon, you had monsters you fought with and (I think?) you could get new monsters. I think you started with a blue one?

I do remeber you saw it from third person perspective (again cant remeber)

I played as a male, so its either a male or both male and female characters.

I aslo remeber i was in some ruin of sorts, or an old temple.

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Hi guys. There was this really cool educational game from my childhood that I cant remember the name of. Its a point and click adventure where you are in a haunted house with this big skeleton and all of these monsters. When you solve their challenge they put you in a maze where you have to find a colored gem stone that acts as a puzzle piece for that last bit of the game. I might not be remembering correctly but the monsters were scattered around this one room and you had to run your mouse over it to find them. Like this blue guy who was underneath the stairs who asked you stuff about english or something like that.

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I am looking for an old game, but can't remember its name. Please help me find it.

It was a game with top camera view and we played as tanks. We used to get medals by destroying objects in the field. From those medals, we could purchase upgrades. I played it on PC some 10 years back.

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Hey guys,

Not sure if this is still monitored, anyway though...I am trying to find a game i played when I was quite young, early 2000's was a children's game that involved you going back to important parts of history to change it because of something you accidentally did which changed the course of history. At least I think that was the premise, but i'm not 100% sure. I remember you had to find certain important historical artifacts, the only one I can remember is going back to the 70s (?) with Jacques had to find a scuba tank or something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

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I'm not 100% sure because it's been so long ago (around 23 years I'd wager) since I've played the game, but I think you just answered a question I've been asking for about 10-15 years, and I want to thank you so much. It's like an itch in my brain I've never been able to scratch. I believe my parents rented Harley's Humongous Adventure when I was around 7 or 8, and I played it for maybe a day or 2, and I was never able to find it at that store again. It went out of business not too long after that, and when I was young my parents had a thing against permanently purchasing video games that you'd "just beat after a few days anyway." I never got to finish it and I never found it again. It had been so long that my memories of the game had pretty well faded away to where the only thing I remembered about the game was that you shrunk and at one point you were in some pipes. Randomly searching tonight, I just so happened to come across this website, and lo and behold, there was my answer. So again, thank you so much.

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Edited By TheBeast77

hello guys im looking for a computer game from the 90s or early 2000s.

-It was a medieval kind of game where you could do joust(impossible to win if i remember correctly)

-i remember the first person view sometimes (during battle?) or when moving around towns with only the weapon showing

-There was that big red dragon that you could fight as well , couldnt ever win

i know its pretty vague but thats all i got.

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Edited By WightKnight


There's this game I remember playing when I was about 11 years old in an arcade at Gold Reef City in Joburg. It was a standard scrolling beat 'em up, but with kind of an anime-fantasy-ish setting. The thing that stuck in my memory the most was that the enemies were kind of weird and alien looking and you could pick up different kinds of swords, like dual blades or a greatsword. One thing I do remember distinctly is that the character would breathe heavily after a long combo, and the animation on his chest heaving is something I still remember. I think co-op is possible because I think I played it with my sister.

Just a list of games I know it's not: Knights of the Round, any of those Dungeons and Dragons games.

I've watched countless beat 'em up top tens and such on YouTube hoping someone will list it - but it doesn't seem like anyone knows this damn game exists.

Anyone else ever played it?


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Does anyone know the name of the game where you you can see the inside of a guy's apartment and then you go inside and your goal is to mess with him. How? You play all sorts of pranks on the guy like leaving pigs on his living room, exchanging his toothpaste with hot sauce and more. And you always have to be sneaky because the guy is always walking from room to room and so you have to do the same and hide. I used to play it in a neighbor's computer like 10 years ago... Can anyone help?

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Ok, im looking for a 2D game I played I long time ago I only remember very little bits and pieces.

-I know its 2D and I think it was played on the browser and I remember it might have had a loading screen that was Shockwave player or Flash.

-I dont remember the year but I remember it was back just before we upgraded from dial-up to broadband.

-You control a little space ship, I think it was shaped kinda like a triangle.

-I think it had low gravity or none at all and you couldn't touch the walls

-You could turn your ship left or right and thrust forward in the direction your ship faces, but i think there was no reverse, and there might have been friction so your ships speed slowed over time.

-You had to fly your ship through the level and it had some obstacles that blew you around which made it had to pass through

-I think on some walls there were saw blades spinning

-I remember at some stage in the level you had to pick up this block/cube thing and place it on a button or something to open a gate i think

-I also remember a website but im not sure if thats where I played or got the game from. It had a bunch of free windows pc games, mostly demos, that which you could download filtered as a list, on the end of each game title there was a gold coin and it was spinning. (I know I downloaded "Star Wars Episode 1 Racer" demo from that website, good times...)

I really want to find this game again and play it because its been on my mind a lot lately and its bugging me lol

If theres any other details you need just let me know. Thanks alot!!!!!!!

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So there's this game that came out around the time that Myst was released, but I can't remember the title of it. The cover art was red and black and it had a train on it I think. I'm pretty positive it was a point and click game with ghosts. Any ideas as to what it could be?

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Edited By Donnny5

@jonhy77: Neighbours from Hell (there is couple of them) :)