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Top Games of the Year 2013

Here we go again. Another year is drawing to an end, so a list must be made of the best games. It has been a year where storytelling in video games have been highlighted. Both in the AAA productions and in the indie games have interactive storytelling been a major focus. It has also been a year of new consoles (of which I have none) and broken game launches (I'm looking at you EA). But overall this has been a year with a lot of great games. So here follows my personal list of the TOP GAMES OF 2013!

(Everything after ten are more or less order after preference)

At this point this list is just the 2013 games I played, with the top 10 being the most ranked. I think I remembered most of it.

List items

  • My unrivaled game of the year. I have never been so emotionally engaged in a video game. Fantastic acting, fantastic script. You couldn't ask for a better final hurrah for the PlayStation 3.

    The soundtrack is fantastic as well. Hell the entire sound design for the game is. The enemy design is haunting. The actual gameplay is not wholly unique or groundbreaking, but serves it's purpose well and I enjoyed it.

    Played it through four times. I just couldn't put it down. I didn't want it to be over. I envy everyone who plays this game for the first time.

    The multiplayer is well implemented as well, and can be quite intense.

  • A game that does not sound like it should be as entertaining as it is. The gameplay loop is just so satisfying. Throw in various different endings and moral choices and add the great visuals and you've got one hell of a game. The game does a fantastic job at testing you as a human being. Do you stay loyal to Arstotzka even it means tearing families apart? Do you give it to your compassion and become corrupt?

    The first ending I got had me panicking in my seat and my heart racing, doing everything in my power to escape with my family before it would be to late.

  • The return of a giant. A noticeable improvement over GTA4 in gameplay, design and story. I was so amazed by how alive the enormous open world felt. People hiking in the mountains, wildlife, bikers, joggers and so on made the world feel lived in.

    Great trio of main characters, very good acting and (for the most part) a well written game. The heist were a nice addition but never really panned out to anything all that great.

    Story dragged on a bit and the ending was somewhat lackluster, but the ride there was very entertaining.

  • I really, really did not like Assassin's Creed 3, so I went in to AC4 with low expectations. But AC4 is a great game. Black Flag gives you a great pirate adventure. Just sailing around the seas with your crew singing shanties is awesome.

    Edward Kenway is a great main character and the out of animus stuff is wonderfully wacky. While there were no noticeable innovations in the gameplay, the boat combat managed to keep me engaged even after dozens of hours.

    Good to see the Assassin's Creed franchise back in form.

  • The Stanley Parable manged to continuously entertain and surprise. Fantastic writing and the brilliant narration from Kevan Brighting ties this truly unique game together. An insane amount of endings and it really seems like the developers have consider every single choice the player might take in every scene.

  • Randomly generated wonderful nonsense. The idea of choosing your heir is great and the endless lists of traits make it a fun choice. Good music, fun gameplay and great visuals.

  • Amazing looking game with that "only in Eastern-Europe" sense of atmosphere. The stealth mechanics in the game were made too easy and the mutant boss encounter felt very similar.

    The Metro world is fascinating and I was eager to jump back in to grim darkness of the tunnels below Moscow.

    While I did not enjoy Last Light as much as 2033, but overall a worthy game for the list.

  • Bioshock Infinte is a hard game for me to place. While I enjoyed my play-through, looking back on the game leaves me somewhat disappointed.

    The visual style is lovely, but the world does not feel as realized as Rapture was. The story is interesting, but filled with inconsistencies. Gameplay is generally good, but you get jaded by the amount of combat. However, the voice acting is fantastic and the Lutec twins are wonderful.

  • A good return of the famous heroine. Some stark disconnections between the character development the developers wanted to portrait and the gameplay. Great visuals and solid gameplay, but the story goes a bit crazy.

  • Mediocre single player campaign backed up by a (when working) refined multiplayer experience filled with great moments. Shooting is solid and the depth of the customization layer is a nice addition.

    The 20 or so hours of multiplayer I did play were a lot of fun, even though none of the maps really stood out.

    I personally did not have a ton of problems with the game, but the state of the game at release was a mess for so many people. But hey they came out and said sorry and gave double XP so everything is forgiven... RIGHT?!.. Jeez.

  • Gone Home is right on the edge of my list. I did enjoy my playthrough of it, and The Fullbright Company have managed to create a really engaging environment. Reading all the notes around the house, seeing the VHS tapes of old movies; all good stuff. But I did not have that much of a reaction to the story as so many others have.

  • While Saints 4 wasn't as good as Saints 3, the over-the-top ridiculousness still manages to entertain.

  • Very interesting way to tell a story and solid shooting. The duel minigame works well. Overall a good game, but not one of my top favorites.

  • Another mostly good iteration on the franchise. AI seems very inconsistent and is either very easy or extreme annoying (maintaining possession and doing nothing with the ball). I usually only play the career mode in FIFA, and my time with it was mostly enjoyable.

  • While the visuals are so done at this point (8bit looking 2d scroller) the gameplay is satisfying and it is fun to play with friends.

  • A good improvement over the first Payday. Can be fun in coop, but ultimately it is just not my kind of game. The games I played usually ending up in shoot outs, which isn't this game strong suit.

  • Did not really get in to GRID2 as I have with other Codemasters racing games. Driving felt okay, but not great. Hugely disappointed by the lack of cockpit view.

  • The little of Gunpoint that I did play seemed enjoyable. I have to return to this at some point, but I just got distracted by other stuff.

  • While the control scheme is unique, it was never used in any meaningful way. The puzzles were extremely basic and I was bored the entire way through.

    I was no way near emotionally invested in the characters so the ending had no impact on me. One of my least favorite games of the year.

  • While it is pretty to look at and relaxing to 'play', I can't help feeling like it would make a better screensaver.

  • Not sure I want to count this as a 2013 game. Still an amazing game. Did not play a ton of it though, so I barely saw anything new.

  • Art style and music seems nice, but most of the humor didn't really do it for me. Did not play very much of it, but I enjoyed what I did play.

  • Never got very deep in to this. Maybe it is just not my kind of game as it never really hooked me.

  • From what I did play (~1 hour) it did not seem like my kind of game. Would have to play more to say whether I like it or not.

  • Not sure I want to count this as a 2013 game. Still an amazing game. Played it through twice, adding to my total of 6 or 7 full playthroughs of the original release. One of my favorite games of the generation.

  • Did not play very much ArmA III. Too intense for me I guess.

  • Did not play that much. Want to like it, but at the same time I can't.

  • Barely played this, but didn't like the couple of matched I did play.

  • Bought this but not played it yet. Not sure I would count it as a full game yet anyway, seeing as it is not fully out.

  • Bought this but not played it yet. Not sure I would count it as a full game yet anyway, seeing as it is not fully out.

  • I really want to play this, but have yet to try it out.

  • Kickstarted, played about an hour of coop. Seemed okay.

  • Bought not played

  • Bought not played

  • Bought it, but I barely played more than what was in the Game jam demo.

  • Bought, not played.

  • PS+'d not played

  • Kickstarted, not played.