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My Best and Worst of 2013

Another year, another yearly awards blog post! It was a very eventful, strange year in games, what with two console launches (Or three, I guess, if you really want to count the Ouya) and a variety of high quality games that made the Game of the Year awards from professional outlets more unpredictable than in recent memory. But this isn't about talking about other awards. These are my awards, and I'm handing them out right now!

Biggest Disappointment: Microsoft, WTF?

Nothing about the Xbox One launch went as Microsoft had originally envisioned, and they have only themselves to blame.
Nothing about the Xbox One launch went as Microsoft had originally envisioned, and they have only themselves to blame.

This was a hard one to decide on this year. And though I'm not an Xbox 360 owner, nor particularly a fan of Microsoft in general, even I was taken aback by just how they screwed up the Xbox One reveal and the PR disaster that followed. If there's anything truly disappointing about the fiasco, it's that it happened in the first place. Insistence on an always-online connection and DRM scheme and murky details regarding the simple act of borrowing games are just examples of things that made people annoyed with the direction Microsoft was taking their new console. And while some of the complaints veered into the realm of paranoia, justified or not (the NSA spying revelations didn't exactly help Microsoft's plan to make Kinect a mandatory component of the console), the fact remains that they had grossly misread the market and spent the following six months putting the Xbox One on an emergency course correction. A course correction that, to no surprise, has left the console with some very strange quirks. Quirks that could be ironed out in time, given enough firmware updates, but the fact remains that the console wouldn't have been in the state it launched if Microsoft wasn't compelled to spend half a year undoing a large portion of their business plan for the console.

I work at a company that employs a few former Microsoft employees, and to hear them tell it, this is a situation that unfortunately could have been seen coming a mile away. Microsoft has a history of launching products designed with features that they think consumers should want, rather than what consumers actually want. It bit them before and it bit them again. And they wouldn't have learned their lesson this time had the audience the depended on not made it loud and clear that what they were intending to serve up was a huge mistake in the making. I can only imagine what they would have done had the uproar not occurred until after the console launched.

Best New Hardware: PlayStation 4

As for the games? Well, I'll get back to you on that next year.
As for the games? Well, I'll get back to you on that next year.

This award comes with the caveat that I honestly don't have much to say about the PlayStation 4 at the moment, other than it's a very well-designed console. I preordered a console for launch, but it's mostly been collecting dust for the time being; none of the retail games are appealing to me at the moment (shooters, sports, and, uh...Knack), but Resogun is a legitimately fun title, and the PS4 version of Flower shows off the capabilities of the DualShock 4's motion sensing. It's a solid piece of hardware, I'll give it that.

Now I just need more to actually play on it.

Worst Game: Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is unfocused, not fun to play, and feels like it's constantly giving the player the finger.
Grand Theft Auto V is unfocused, not fun to play, and feels like it's constantly giving the player the finger.

I know that some of you are thinking I'm crazy right now, but hear me out. For one thing, I did not play that many bad games this year. I certainly played some games that were more underwhelming than others, but I've managed to avoid touching straight-up garbage like Ride to Hell: Retribution, so here we are.

There's a lot to do in Grand Theft Auto V, with a variety of missions and side activities spread across the storylines of three characters, and that's about all the praise I can muster for it. I wrote in a previous blog that prior to Grand Theft Auto V, I hadn't touched a GTA game since Vice City. And yeah, it's still GTA all right, but in the long interim between my days of ramping cars in Not Miami of the 1980s and now, it's apparent that Rockstar's priorities have shifted into the realm of self-indulgence and excess. Los Santos and the surrounding wilderness are comprised of a ludicrously vast amount of space, but much of it is wasted. The writing is consistently and continuously undone by terrible attempts at satire that wouldn't make the cut of a weak episode of South Park. It's not funny. It's horribly written and presented. It's legitimately embarrassing at points. And it's made all the worse for the fact that when the game isn't trying to be satirical, it's actually pretty entertaining. The characters, while not great, are interesting in their own ways, and the storyline is one that could have been amazing had it not been drowned in a septic tank of horrible, cliche, offensive, straight-up moronic attempts at satire and comedy.

The gameplay also has its issues. Trying to decide whether auto or manual aim on guns is a continuous puzzle in and of itself, as the game doesn't seem particularly suited to either. Flying aircraft is both terribly introduced and needlessly complex. The police still react like psychopathic lunatics and prefer throwing as many police cars in your path as they possibly can over anything resembling an intelligent tactic. In a genre that's seen more and more quality entries in recent years, from the Saints Row series to Sleeping Dogs to Lego City Undercover, games that were once "GTA clones" are outshining GTA in just about every way possible save for map size. And that map is just way too damn big.

Grand Theft Auto V is a bloated, god-forsaken mess of triple-A excess. And I haven't even mentioned the broken state that the online component launched in.

Best New Character: Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)

I didn't see this coming.

Isabelle is only one reason why Animal Crossing: New Leaf is such a good game, but she's a prominent one.
Isabelle is only one reason why Animal Crossing: New Leaf is such a good game, but she's a prominent one.

Animal Crossing is a series that does not have characters that are particularly deep or complex. You're never going to find the dramatic pathos of The Last of Us while swapping T-shirts with that hyperactive cat that is your neighbor. That being said, Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the most fun I've had with the series since the original GameCube game. And while there is a plethora of reasons why this is the case, one of those reasons is a brand-new character: Isabelle.

New Leaf switches things up by making the player the town mayor, and Isabelle, the secretary at the mayor's office, is always there to assist you. She's the character that greets the player each time the game is booted up and the town is loaded. She helps pick out locations for new construction projects. She's a fluff-headed dog that is always doing her best to help the player keep the town in top shape, no matter the time of day. In a town where the residents move in and out and the shops open and close at various times of day, Isabelle is one of the true constants. She helps give Animal Crossing new life in New Leaf, and for all of this and more, she's my best new character of the year.

Also, she wears bells that jingle when she walks. Trump card deployed.

Best Graphics: Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World is just a beautiful game to look at.
Super Mario 3D World is just a beautiful game to look at.

It's about time Mario was in HD blah blah. Whatever your feelings on Nintendo's late arrival to the HD party, one thing's for certain. Super Mario 3D World is a beautiful game. Filled with bright, brilliant color and artistic touches, it's a beautiful game to simply behold, whether it's in the early stages of green grass and blue skies or the final ascent of Bowser's tower. It's yet more proof that when it comes to graphics, horsepower isn't everything.

Best Music (Licensed): Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F

Rhythm games live and die by their music. The Project Diva series, which had seen a number of installments on the PSP before making the jump to the Vita and PS3, is no exception, and the franchise's western debut in Project Diva F has a track list that is wonderful, top to bottom. The game is loaded with an assortment of songs from the silly to the sincere, the light and fluffy to the bizarre and demented. Hopefully, Project DIva F 2nd continues that trend next year.

Best Music (Original): Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire Emblem: Awakening's soundtrack is my favorite of the year for the simple reason that it compliments the game so perfectly. Whether it be in the barracks or in battle, the soundtrack always has something to fit the mood. Even the DLC battles, which largely thrive on the nostalgia of the legacy characters, have music that fits them perfectly. In a Fire Emblem game that practically has the best parts of every game that came before it, this is the perfect soundtrack for it.

Best Christmas Present: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

This game is fantastic and you should probably expect this to receive some sort of proper award in my blog next year.
This game is fantastic and you should probably expect this to receive some sort of proper award in my blog next year.

This award could also be called "The Best Game I Started Playing Too Late to Award Properly This Year." I normally wouldn't give out an award like this, but A Link Between Worlds is deserving of some sort of recognition, even if I only started playing it this morning. The nostalgia of A Link to the Past is there in full force, but the game doesn't depend on it. It's a fun Zelda game that just happens to be set in the same incarnation of Hyrule as an old Zelda game that also happens to be fun. I'd say more about it, except I've just barely gotten started with one Lorule dungeon under my belt. But yeah, in case you haven't heard, hey, this game is really good and you should play it!

Best Vita Game: Dragon's Crown

Jason Schreier can kiss my ass.
Jason Schreier can kiss my ass.

This one is sort of a winner by default. I own a Vita, and I own several games for it, but I hardly ever actually use it. I honestly forget I have it sometimes. But Dragon's Crown makes owning one worth it. An RPG beat'em up with beautiful, exaggerated character designs, it feels well-designed as a portable title, and it can be fun to pick up and grind away at. Well, when I remember that I own a Vita, anyway. Maybe I should have gotten the PS3 version? Speaking of which...

Best PS3 Game: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F


Hell yes. Despite the fact that the game is a port of a Vita game that retains some of the side content that made more sense on the Vita, the core rhythm gameplay and the Vocaloid presentation more than make up for that. It's a game that starts off inviting on the lowest difficulty setting and consistently ramps the challenge up with each notch on the scale. Pair that with the aforementioned soundtrack, and you've got the best game on the PS3 all year.

Best Wii U Game: Super Mario 3D World

Forget Cat Mario. This game has Fire Peach. FIRE PEACH.
Forget Cat Mario. This game has Fire Peach. FIRE PEACH.

Simply put, Super Mario 3D World is the best platformer of the year. Whether you're playing alone or with friends, it's a fun time. A gloriously fun time, and it puts every ounce of itself into being as fun as possible. I honestly haven't had this much fun with a Mario title since Super Mario World. This game is basically everything I've ever loved about the Mario series as a whole in one package, plus more.

Best 3DS Game/Game of the Year: Fire Emblem: Awakening

Obligatory image of mai waifu. (Please don't kill me, Tharja.)
Obligatory image of mai waifu. (Please don't kill me, Tharja.)

Speaking of games that are everything I've ever loved about a franchise, plus more, Fire Emblem: Awakening is exactly that. It has just about any and everything I could have asked for in a Fire Emblem game. Intelligent interface improvements, new twists on old gameplay concepts, the return of rarely seen mechanics like marriage and the world map, a fantastic cast of characters, and a fun, engrossing story. That the game has been made more accommodating for newcomers and those scared by the staple of permanent character death with Casual Mode just makes it all the better, even if it is something I'd never use myself.

Like A Link Between Worlds, Awakening makes good use of nostalgia, harkening back to the earlier games without leaning on them. Not just in the DLC, which specifically brings back past characters, but in the main game as well. The story and dialogue both are entertaining and well written, with the large cast of characters able to stand out from each other with their diverse personalities. It's easy to become attached to particular favorites and to have specific pairings in mind, not out of any desire to minmax the second generation cast but because certain characters just seem so right for one another. And the story itself, a tale of multiple wars, battles against evil kings and encroaching Armageddon, is made all the better because of the characters involved.

The strategy at the heart of Fire Emblem is there, and it's as challenging and engrossing as ever. I strove to make it through each battle with all of may units alive, and though the difficulty is on the easier side thanks to the world map and DLC that make leveling and promoting units less of a worry, that isn't to say that the game is a cakewalk. One wrong move can still spell early doom, or at the very least, trigger the desire to reset and try the battle again from the top. It's something I've always enjoyed about the challenge of Fire Emblem, and it's good to see that for all of the modernizing that the series has gone through, old truths still remain the same.



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I do think your crazy for saying GTA V is the worst thing you played but hey... its all cool man.

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Edited By EquitasInvictus

@demoskinos said:

I do think your crazy for saying GTA V is the worst thing you played but hey... its all cool man.

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Maybe... he's played nothing but really good games this year and GTA V was the "least" best?

Also, I just got a copy of Project DIVA F delivered and am really excited to play it. (I'm a bad kid and pirated the ISO for the Japanese PSP version for my Vita so I'm a pretty big fan)

EDIT: Oh... I totally forgot Fire Emblem: Awakening came out this year and now I feel obligated to play it. Especially since I've been itching for a good tactical RPG since I finally got to play Valkyria Chronicles this year.

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Any blog with Tharja images is okay in my book. I hadn't noticed how nice the soundtrack was to Fire Emblem, but now that you mention it, it is pretty solid!

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Edited By Milkman

I'm beginning to suspect you like Japanese things!

For real, though, I'm going to buy a 3DS soon. As someone has loved all the previous Fire Emblems, I've waited way too long to play Awakening.

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Stalker Waifu aside, I'm totally okay with your thoughts. I feel like I should've bought Dragon's Crown during one of its many sale periods, but I was never sure which version to get. I loooooove me some quality handheld gaming, but I feel like the ps3 version would be a better investment.

Man, why couldn't it have been X-Buy like Divekick? Whatever! Nice blog, homie.

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Edited By BeachThunder

I could have guessed whose list this was without looking at your name... ...

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I'll be blunt: Even as someone who hasn't played GTA V and probably won't for a while, if ever... If that's the worst game you played this year, you've had a pretty great year in video games, friend. I played Devil May Cry 2 in this year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Thirteen, and it's not so great.

Still, as you might expect, I cannot argue with your Game of the Year, and while I will never understand what the heck is up with the Hatsune Miku besides something I can use to baffle my friends this is both the awards blog I would expect from you and an awards blog I can endorse. But let's be real: Anna is the greatest Waifu since this is a thing we talk about I guess.

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Edited By crithon

muy bien :)

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Edited By ShadyPingu

Back off, pal, Tharja is mai waifu.

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@demoskinos said:

I do think your crazy for saying GTA V is the worst thing you played but hey... its all cool man.

No Caption Provided

Maybe... he's played nothing but really good games this year and GTA V was the "least" best?

Also, I just got a copy of Project DIVA F delivered and am really excited to play it. (I'm a bad kid and pirated the ISO for the Japanese PSP version for my Vita so I'm a pretty big fan)

EDIT: Oh... I totally forgot Fire Emblem: Awakening came out this year and now I feel obligated to play it. Especially since I've been itching for a good tactical RPG since I finally got to play Valkyria Chronicles this year.

Yeah, I seriously had great luck with my game selections this year. In past years, I've gone out of my way to at least try some games that got poor reviews just to see what the deal was, which led to my giving Dream Trigger the Worst Game award last year. Good lord, that game is horrible at any price.

Project Diva F, on the other hand, is fantastic, and considering I played both on the PS3, I'd say it more than evens out there!

Any blog with Tharja images is okay in my book. I hadn't noticed how nice the soundtrack was to Fire Emblem, but now that you mention it, it is pretty solid!

Indeed it is. It's definitely a big part of why the presentation works so well.

@milkman said:

I'm beginning to suspect you like Japanese things!

For real, though, I'm going to buy a 3DS soon. As someone has loved all the previous Fire Emblems, I've waited way too long to play Awakening.

And there's the yearly quota for that joke!

But seriously, I hope you enjoy. It's the best Fire Emblem in quite some time.

@flappy said:

Stalker Waifu aside, I'm totally okay with your thoughts. I feel like I should've bought Dragon's Crown during one of its many sale periods, but I was never sure which version to get. I loooooove me some quality handheld gaming, but I feel like the ps3 version would be a better investment.

Man, why couldn't it have been X-Buy like Divekick? Whatever! Nice blog, homie.

Thanks! And it really is a tough call. I don't regret getting the Vita version, but at the same time, seeing the game's gorgeous visuals on a TV is definitely an appealing option.

I know I shouldn't have to apologize for an opinion, but I continue to feel guilty about never finishing Fire Emblem. I made half a dozen runs at that game, and it never clicked with me. It's obviously well-made, but I didn't like the story or characterizations (at least in terms of depth), and it was too grindy and open-ended for my tastes.

I just can't spend $60 on Project Diva F, but whenever it gets down below $30 or so on Amazon or PSN, I'm going to give it a shot. I find the music and general sense of earnestness oddly appealing, and I've never really played a controller-based rhythm game aside from the Rhythm Heaven games.

How far did you get, out of curiosity? And I understand if Fire Emblem isn't your thing, though I'm also curious if you've played any of the previous entries.

As for Project DIva F, I'm not sure when a discount can be expected. The physical release was apparently very limited in its print size and the digital version is, last I heard, is still selling at full price. It seems like a game that Sega knew would have a very niche audience in the west and they handled the release accordingly.

I'll be blunt: Even as someone who hasn't played GTA V and probably won't for a while, if ever... If that's the worst game you played this year, you've had a pretty great year in video games, friend. I played Devil May Cry 2 in this year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Thirteen, and it's not so great.

Still, as you might expect, I cannot argue with your Game of the Year, and while I will never understand what the heck is up with the Hatsune Miku besides something I can use to baffle my friends this is both the awards blog I would expect from you and an awards blog I can endorse. But let's be real: Anna is the greatest Waifu since this is a thing we talk about I guess.

To be honest, when I started playing, I intended to hold off on the Avatar marrying until I found Anna, but then I came across Tharja and oh man.

As rough as Devil May Cry 2 was at release, I can't imagine that it's aged well in any sense. Though as I now own the HD Collection, I also have the opportunity to feel that pain both fresh and first-hand.

Back off, pal, Tharja is mai waifu.

He who withstands the most hexes wins. I think.

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My greatest shame this year is never picking up Dragon's Crown. As someone who only really became a full blown Fire Emblem fan with Awakening, I'm always happy to see other people who enjoyed it... even if I did commit a minor sacrilege by playing on the 'no one dies' difficulty. For all the good it did... I still reset the game every time someone was knocked out. Damn my perfectionism!

...I also ended up with a word document wherein I planned out the various marriages between units. I had planned to have my Avatar remain chaste until I realized that one of the Paralogues would let me recruit Aversa. Evil wife is best wife.

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@hailinel said:

@grantheaslip said:

I know I shouldn't have to apologize for an opinion, but I continue to feel guilty about never finishing Fire Emblem. I made half a dozen runs at that game, and it never clicked with me. It's obviously well-made, but I didn't like the story or characterizations (at least in terms of depth), and it was too grindy and open-ended for my tastes.

I just can't spend $60 on Project Diva F, but whenever it gets down below $30 or so on Amazon or PSN, I'm going to give it a shot. I find the music and general sense of earnestness oddly appealing, and I've never really played a controller-based rhythm game aside from the Rhythm Heaven games.

How far did you get, out of curiosity? And I understand if Fire Emblem isn't your thing, though I'm also curious if you've played any of the previous entries.

As for Project DIva F, I'm not sure when a discount can be expected. The physical release was apparently very limited in its print size and the digital version is, last I heard, is still selling at full price. It seems like a game that Sega knew would have a very niche audience in the west and they handled the release accordingly.

19, I believe. A bunch of paralogues opened up, and I just didn't have it in me to keep going. I'd started playing Persona 3 around that time and it grabbed me way more. I got far enough in that I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what Fire Emblem's about, and it's not for me. I remember playing some of the GBA game a long time ago, but I couldn't have gotten more than 1/4 through.

I remember liking Final Fantasy Tactics on the GBA, but I don't remember enough about it to articulate what the difference was. I plan on playing the PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics or Valkyria Chronicles sometime to try a different take on the genre.

Yeah, the digital version's still full price. I'm in no hurry, and it's really hard to justify spending $60 on what sort of amounts to a curiosity when I have a ridiculous backlog of games I know I want to play.

To be fair, you actually got pretty far. The main story (not counting any of the paralogues) is twenty-five chapters long.

The FFT series is vastly different in terms of structure and basic gameplay; the easiest way to articulate the differences is probably that while Fire Emblem and FFT are both strategy RPGs, the details of what makes both franchises tick diverge in significant ways.

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My greatest shame this year is never picking up Dragon's Crown. As someone who only really became a full blown Fire Emblem fan with Awakening, I'm always happy to see other people who enjoyed it... even if I did commit a minor sacrilege by playing on the 'no one dies' difficulty. For all the good it did... I still reset the game every time someone was knocked out. Damn my perfectionism!

...I also ended up with a word document wherein I planned out the various marriages between units. I had planned to have my Avatar remain chaste until I realized that one of the Paralogues would let me recruit Aversa. Evil wife is best wife.

Hey, there's no shame in playing on Casual. I have a friend who has been scared of playing Fire Emblem for years because of the permadeath, but so I think Awakening is really the best entry point for her.

Also, I admire your taste in wives. The fact that they let you recruit/marry the villains in the post-game is hilarious.

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I feel immature, because I thought GTA V was hilarious....and I am 30 years old.

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games that were once "GTA clones" are outshining GTA in just about every way possible save for map size.

Haha, made me laugh. Sorry you suck at GTA.

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Saying GTA is the worst seems a bit hyperbolic, but the 3 or 4 hours I saw of it being played seemed completely unappealing. Just driving from place to place, which might make it long and seem beefy.... but eh. To quote Brad at 1:58 in the last podcast , "It's boring, man. The mission design in that game is fucking boring." May have been worth putting up with 10 years ago, but the competition's stepped it up so much since then.

Good list, I just preferred Muramasa over Dragon's Crown. But both are pretty damn awesome.

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@hailinel: Let me just say that I will fully support your bad decision to play Devil May Cry 2. It's... uhhh... something else. I'm legitimately surprised it didn't kill the franchise then and there.

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I was really bummed out by GTAV. It felt like a game that was trying to be "THE BEST" but came up short at almost every turn. And yeah, that online component is unbelievable. They are actually making it worse by nerfing money gains and taking things out.

It ended up being a game I tried to like but ended up walking away with a bad taste in my mouth. And let's not even mention the "heists" that were supposed to launch with the online that ended up being delayed until next year. Boy that was fun.

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When GTAV was at its best I really fucking loved it (specific character/story moments, the heists, Trevor) but the overall writing and attempts at humor, which is mainly the radio station, just followed the same GTA template so it didn't have the impact on me and I pretty much ignored it. Also, after SRIV gave me the ability to get from Point A to Point B in a split second made all that driving in GTA a chore, especially when having to go like 5-10 fucking miles to get to a story mission. I really liked the game, but man did it not have anywhere near the same effect on me like the other GTA's did.

BTW I did start X-COM: Enemy Unknown today and the way that Patrick compared it to Fire Emblem, especially how it makes the characters much more personable and their deaths having a much great impact, makes me really wish I had a god damn 3DS :(.

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Edited By Jaktajj

Couldn't agree more about Isabelle and I'm glad Dragon's Crown and Fire Emblem hasn't been forgotten by everyone! \o/

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Edited By musubi

Oh, and while vocaloids are being discussed I need to take this time to say that Rin-Chan is secretly the best vocaloid. I didn't like her at first and Miku gets most of the attention but goddamn if Melancholic isn't the best song on Project Diva! And she is goddamn adorable too boot.

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@demoskinos: Rin is absolutely adorable, and Melancholic is one of my favorite songs in the game. Though for me, it's really hard to compete with God-Tier Tune and World's End Umbrella.

@csl316 said:

Saying GTA is the worst seems a bit hyperbolic, but the 3 or 4 hours I saw of it being played seemed completely unappealing. Just driving from place to place, which might make it long and seem beefy.... but eh. To quote Brad at 1:58 in the last podcast , "It's boring, man. The mission design in that game is fucking boring." May have been worth putting up with 10 years ago, but the competition's stepped it up so much since then.

Good list, I just preferred Muramasa over Dragon's Crown. But both are pretty damn awesome.

Yeah it's just not fun, nor entertaining enough in a world where other games in the genre are much more of both.

@hailinel: Let me just say that I will fully support your bad decision to play Devil May Cry 2. It's... uhhh... something else. I'm legitimately surprised it didn't kill the franchise then and there.

Well, I'm sure I'll experience, uh, something when I do play it. What that something will be, I have no idea.

@n7 said:

I was really bummed out by GTAV. It felt like a game that was trying to be "THE BEST" but came up short at almost every turn. And yeah, that online component is unbelievable. They are actually making it worse by nerfing money gains and taking things out.

It ended up being a game I tried to like but ended up walking away with a bad taste in my mouth. And let's not even mention the "heists" that were supposed to launch with the online that ended up being delayed until next year. Boy that was fun.

I feel the same way, at least somewhat. I remember having a lot of fun with Vice City (at least until horrible mission design led me to give up on the story), just screwing around driving cars and fighting off police, inevitably getting wasted after achieving a maxed wanted level. GTAV is so dull and devoid of any incentive along those lines that I can't even muster the desire for self-made chaos. If I want that, Saints Row is better able to provide it, among other things those games are more adept at.

When GTAV was at its best I really fucking loved it (specific character/story moments, the heists, Trevor) but the overall writing and attempts at humor, which is mainly the radio station, just followed the same GTA template so it didn't have the impact on me and I pretty much ignored it. Also, after SRIV gave me the ability to get from Point A to Point B in a split second made all that driving in GTA a chore, especially when having to go like 5-10 fucking miles to get to a story mission. I really liked the game, but man did it not have anywhere near the same effect on me like the other GTA's did.

BTW I did start X-COM: Enemy Unknown today and the way that Patrick compared it to Fire Emblem, especially how it makes the characters much more personable and their deaths having a much great impact, makes me really wish I had a god damn 3DS :(.

I noticed that, too. Saints Row IV is kind of a special case in some ways because of the superpowers; once you get super speed and jumping, there's little reason to even bother with vehicles. But even where driving cars are concerned, the act of driving cars (and shooting from them) isn't that fun in GTAV. Sleeping Dogs even allows for more fun driving missions with the way it handles hijacking vehicles during chases. There are elements there that make the game more fun while GTA is content with more realistic driving physics and handling and no so much in finding new and interesting vehicular mission designs.

And if you ever get a 3DS, Fire Emblem is definitely a game you should try. But hopefully you find XCOM fun! I haven't played it myself, but it's something I've been meaning to try out.

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Edited By donchipotle

I'm disappointed in you, Hailinel. Sully is the one true waifu in Awakening.

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Edited By Hailinel

I'm disappointed in you, Hailinel. Sully is the one true waifu in Awakening.

Sully? Pfft. She married that pompous goofball Virion.

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I am starting to think that almost everyone (including myself) married themselves to Tharja. This pleases me.

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@hailinel: Even in Sleeping Dogs I just started taking cabs in the latter portions of the game to not have to deal with driving. I think I'm a little worn on the open world format in that regard. I wish R* would shrink their scope in terms of world building but with their resources I doubt that's going to happen. They have great ideas with the 3 protagonist system, but a little focus could do them some good.

I played X-COM for 7 hours today. Feels streamline and accessible, but then it bashes you over the head repeatedly with no mercy....I love it lol.

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You're crazy for putting GTAV as worst game! That clearly has to be The Last of Us, duh!

You really liked Project Diva F huh, at least we have someone on here into that stuff. Keep at it! I wonder if that game would've been better on the Vita...

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I am starting to think that almost everyone (including myself) married themselves to Tharja. This pleases me.

Good taste is widespread!

@hailinel: Even in Sleeping Dogs I just started taking cabs in the latter portions of the game to not have to deal with driving. I think I'm a little worn on the open world format in that regard. I wish R* would shrink their scope in terms of world building but with their resources I doubt that's going to happen. They have great ideas with the 3 protagonist system, but a little focus could do them some good.

I played X-COM for 7 hours today. Feels streamline and accessible, but then it bashes you over the head repeatedly with no mercy....I love it lol.

Maybe it's my relative lack of time with the genre, having skipped out on a lot of GTA games, but I never really got tired of driving in Sleeping Dogs or Saints Row. The cities felt well designed enough that I wasn't struggling to get where I wanted to go and could deal with the pacing of the drive. But GTA? Just too much.

Man, it's always good to get immersed in a game like that. I wish I had more time for those sorts of gaming marathons these days, but it's sadly not the case.

You're crazy for putting GTAV as worst game! That clearly has to be The Last of Us, duh!

You really liked Project Diva F huh, at least we have someone on here into that stuff. Keep at it! I wonder if that game would've been better on the Vita...

I really wonder why Sega decided to only localize the PS3 version and not the Vita version. Maybe they just weren't as confident in the Vita install base?

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Sleeping Dogs did have the benefit of guiding you without making you check your map and being able to switch between guiding you to main or side-story missions. I had to pause the game so many times to check where to go in GTAV and it got pretty damn annoying. The discussion about how GTA is designed in a bubble is good in how it makes GTA but it's getting to the point where it's a negative because of how it makes GTA.

I'm getting Demon Souls & No More Heroes next week-ish (thank you best buy gift cards) so the jigga gaming marathons don't stop, won't stop cuz we get down baby, we get down.

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@hailinel: there are hotter girls in fire emblem awakening. The french dragon ridding girl, corrdila, anna, lucia.

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Everyone knows the proper waifu for avatar is Lucina because it is both kind of hilarious and also turns Morgan into a fucking beast.

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Edited By Hailinel

@jz said:

@hailinel: there are hotter girls in fire emblem awakening. The french dragon ridding girl, corrdila, anna, lucia.

I beg to differ.

@turambar said:

Everyone knows the proper waifu for avatar is Lucina because it is both kind of hilarious and also turns Morgan into a fucking beast.

I'm very tempted to do just that on a future playthrough, no doubt about it!

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@jz said:

@hailinel: what about tiki?

It honestly didn't seem right to court Tiki. I don't think the Avatar has what it takes.

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You're crazy for putting GTA V as worst game!

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Edited By Tom_omb

Isabelle is the true ruler of my Animal Crossing town. As mayor I'm just a figurehead of her puppet government.

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Edited By Slag

The thing about GTA V vs and Ashes Cricket etc. is that no one expected Road to Retribution and their ilk to be any good. GTA V of course had hyperbolic expectations.

Maybe biggest disappointment is a better way to put it?

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Edited By Hailinel

@slag said:

The thing about GTA V vs and Ashes Cricket etc. is that no one expected Road to Retribution and their ilk to be any good. GTA V of course had hyperbolic expectations.

Maybe biggest disappointment is a better way to put it?

I was never invested enough in the GTAV hype to really call what I feel disappointment.

@tom_omb said:

Isabelle is the true ruler of my Animal Crossing town. As mayor I'm just a figurehead of her puppet government.

Considering the amount of mayoring I actually do as mayor,that's not a bad way to put it.

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@hailinel: How else do you explain how easily you get the job? Some mug off the train, a stranger in town, an easy mark for a patsy. She's got old mayor Tortimer spooked and hiding in exile on his island. And I don't want to know what she's done with that no show replacement mayor.

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I generally don't share your taste in games, but at least we can agree that Fire Emblem is great and Awakening is also pretty amazing. I've been thinking as to where it stands on my favorite Fire Emblems, and while I think I prefer the overarching story of The Blazing Sword and the characters and maps from Sacred Sword, the new gameplay systems, improved interface, and expanded support systems of Awakening go quite a long way in pushing it in my favor. I've really wanted to play through it again, but I have a lot of other games I should probably play before I do so, and I really wish there was a difficulty harder than the Expert mode but without getting into the well, insanity of Insanity mode.

As for the waifu debate, I too selected Tharja but kind of regretted my choice, especially after seeing how twisted our future child turned out to be because of her abuse. She has some great moments and is deep down a good person--I think--but is a little strong on the anime stereotypes for me. The children are actually some of my favorite characters--Lucina and Cynthia are especially great--but their late-coming in the game and the child-rearing troubles they present made it difficult to support with them. Were I to play through again, I think I would be torn between Lissa and Cordelia.

Also, I must mention the glory of Owain and Donnel as a father-son team. I feel as though they made the game a whole lot easier than the ability to grind did.