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Obligatory list of games I have had and maybe still have or never had

This list is in random order starting from the game I remember first to last plus there are games I don't remember at all which are not on this list, this is probably because they sucked a lot. Reading instructions: Go away.

List items

  • I thought this was a pretty good game. Sure it's not Parasite Eve, but for what it is and considering the system it was made for it's one of the better titles to be released lately.

  • So many people have said what I have to say about this game so here is a list of random integers courtesy of Enjoy:

    15 51 99 14 21

    88 29 89 30 12

    23 90 20 70 93

    85 22 93 70 94

    56 36 20 13 32

    19 19 31 76 76

    81 49 47 37 17

    7 12 3 23 89

    51 33 28 7 68

    96 90 45 16 38

    10 23 42 2 95

    65 65 62 20 34

    11 35 52 15 56

    86 6 27 44 9

    71 43 56 48 91

    68 22 78 17 46

    13 30 99 22 34

    22 18 76 13 91

    34 45 89 66 11

    17 41 75 39 9

  • I have never played this game but I always wanted to so it's probably awesome.

  • Here is my Contra title for this list, please note there is at least one Contra title per list but each list is not obligated to only one and could possibly have multiple Contra titles.

  • See like right now, it's another Contra title.

  • And here have some more!

  • I think the reason I am so messed up (I go to the butcher and watch them chop meat for fun [no I don't]) is because of this game. I was like, 12 maybe?, when this came out and played the shit out of it. Seriously. There was poop coming out of my computer. A great challenge and very original, I don't understand why there aren't more games with this much creativity behind them now-a-days. Well actually I do, it's because most companies don't want to take risks and it's all about money. I understand that, people need money, but the part of me that isn't a business man (note the mohawk) hates this fact and demands more companies do something origianl. I'm looking at you Activision...Fuck you. (not you the reader, just Robert A. Kotick)

  • In an effort to buy all the game titles that will be worthless a month from release, this was my first game for the PSP. I enjoyed it in a sort of Earthworm Jim 64 kind of way. It could have been amazing but was majorly flawed even tho it definitely the originality factor going for it (see Oddworld rant up above) but I felt it was lacking over all. Actually I feel like this would have been a great 3rd person shooter. Equip Fred with a octobarrel shotgun that is like an 8-in-1 pen, shooting different things depending on your setting. Possible ideas for this are not limited to but could include: Squirrels that are on fire, vampires, poisoned life cereal, Robert A. Kotick, clothing, rotten bananas, various pieces of artwork which are critically acclaimed world wide, giant balls of lard, and bullets. This was a cool game that was original but a little dry at the same time, I hope they make a sequel and really lube dat bitch it up!

  • Ooohhhh this game. Again a title where the price went down incredibly after it was released. I always like how strange and adorable this game was. The puzzles were not that hard and the game actually wasn't the most exciting thinking back on it but Ed was just so cute and how could you not wish he was a real person er... well thing I guess is a more accurate way to describe him. The best part of the game was the three ducks you have to jump over at the beginning who have bear traps for heads, I always wished there would be more but those guys were only in the game once. The reminded me of Dr. Gabriel Faustus from Thrill Kill (hey guys lets maybe make Thrill Kill a game now huh? I mean there are worse things out there now than this game so lets see some new production already!) The same style as Rayman only I actually played it.

  • I read up on this game a small child and was terrified of the prospect of it being a real title that I called up my friends over at EA and was all like, "Guys please don't make dis a real game, it's really a bad thing and poopy." Well now I regret that, a 4 way blood battle between a bunch of psychos actually sounds pretty killer (see that? It's a pun). As mentioned early in I think we should see this game get a release, but lets actually make some new skins an not change anything else. I'm pretty sure any game that takes forever to get out to the public doesn't actually have to be good, it's just the satisfaction of actually having been released that is the real victory. Isn't that right Duke? What, you wish your new game had been scrapped completely? Oh...

    ......seriously make this a game already.

  • Here is a list of my favorite things:

    Favorite color: Green

    Favorite animation style: Claymation

    Favorite moral compass: Not as big an asshole as myself

    This is why as a child I loved Gumby. A green polite clay sort of humanoid, Gumby was just the best. But somethings should be left to childhood and remembered simply as great for its time but never revisited as an adult. Gumby, sadly, was one of those things. I remember watching an episode from the 80's show I had seen growing up and boy did it suck so much ass. I was so sad for like five minutes and then decided to eat a sandwich and never thought about this incident again.

    That is until I played Resident Evil this past week. I hadn't bothered with this game in years and remember it as a kick as, slighty hard to control survival horror game which I loved. After a solid 20 minutes of playing I have decided to return the game and buy something not so dated. If someone were to make another remake of this game that would be sick since the story was pretty solid, it's a great series and people would definitely buy it. But that said, just like Gumby, Resident Evil is left never to be played by myself again. probably.

  • As a young child I was always drawn to video games where I got to kill things and use guns. This is what children crave, it's like vitamins and electrolytes. Well my good lovin'-we're-looking-out-for-your-best-interest parents didn't want me playing some ol' bag of shit like DOOM or Quake so a compromise was made. It was suitable for me to play a game with guns in it as long as it was not people who were dying. So I started to play this crappy game and forced myself to love it. Apparently it was ok to kill creatures that only resembled humans. Needless to say as soon as I got an N64 and upgraded to killing little green soldier guys I had totally forgotten about this game and don't even ask how much I had forgotten in once I got a PS3. This game mine as well never existed by that point. ...I guess what I'm getting at is this: Parents, just let your kid play violent video games because they are going to grow up and do it anyway.

  • Oh I fuckin hate this game so much!!! If I want to play a Final Fantasy game with a story that sounds like Disney wrote it then I will get down and finally play Kingdom Heart. Seriously Tidus, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!

  • A vast improvement over that giant piece of shit that is FFX. And that's all I had to say. I just wanted everyone to know that there was a redeeming FF game and this is it.

  • Krampus has joined chatroom.

    C&C: Hey

    Krampus: 'Sup

    C&C: Wanna play a game?

    Krampus: Sure

    C&C: Take your shirt off

    Krampus: OK!

    C&C":Now press your boobs on your computer screen

    Krampus: Roger that!

    Age of Empires has joined chat.

    Age of Empires: Hey guys what's up

    C&C: Dude get out of here this is my little impressionable boy to mess with

    Age of Empires: awwww...

    Age of Empires has left the chat room.

    *Edit: well that did work out so well...


  • Holy fucking shit I totally remember this game from my 'We're your parents and we are looking out for your interest' non-violent-mostly videogame days! I don't remember it being that good, but boy did it pass the time. I could have been running some laps or doing push ups but instead I spent my Saturdays doing this and hating it.

  • Morrowind is obviously better than Oblivion. Why do I think this? So glad I asked that question for you, drum role please *drumroling* It's because of my hipster mentality! Let me recap for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game Morrowind. Morrowind is a super esoteric crime fighting ninja elf warrior side scroller 2.5D PC beta game that was created entirely by Chuck Norris in his spare time that only had 53 copies pressed, released and sold to the public before it mysteriously vanished into thin air. If anyone tells you they have played this game before then you can know for certain that they are a liar and probably a criminal of some kind. But just so you know, I have actually played this game. My characters were the baddest of asses all managing to kill the final boss: Dr. Badguy as well as the even more rare expansion pack where you fight his son: Dr. Babybadguy. Oblivion is a much much much much better known game that every one in the world has played several times over so I obviously I have to love Morrowind more because no one has ever played it ever. The graphics and mechanics are inferior and blah blah blah. Who fucking cares anyway it's a game and I just happen to like it more than Oblivion. Why is anyone still reading this shit anyway. If you are still reading this rant then please proceed to the next rant below which I can only assume will be another poorly written take on a game that is totally void of any interesting content. Seriously...stop reading this. ....Stop. ......Relax! Don't do it, when you wanna go to it! Relax! Don't do it! When you wanna cum! (is it just me or does relaxing make the urge that much more prevalent?)

  • I remember not really being impressed by this game, maybe that's because I played it 4 years after it was relased. I always figured Half-Life had covered all the interesting aspects of this game and done it better so why both. Kind of suck tho, this is a game I really wanted to enjoy but it just felt like a chore going through, beating it just to say I had.

  • Sometimes the simple games are the most fun.

  • So I'm eating a bagel right now, I think I would give it a 2 out of 10. It's old and unpleasant, past date and if I wasn't poor as shit I would definitely go out and buy something better to eat. I'm sure it use to be great, but I was never there in the day it peaked so I'm sure I don't understand the appeal. This is a metaphor.

    That said I really like the original, but Doom 3 had so much potential but I hated how the guns felt and the controls were to...heavy? Clunky? Something like that. Fuck this bagel.

  • This game was hard as hell! I don't even know if I ever beat the 2nd level. Hats off to anyone who played this through to the end.

  • This is a great game. That is the short and sweet of it. I have no smart ass things to say about it, no sarcasm this time. This game is fucking awesome.

  • And here is another game that is just absolutely incredible. I love me a good sandbox game and I also have a thing for the mythology of the old west (I mean come on, the real old west was nothing like the movies). Waiting for this game to be released was one of the most painful video game related experiences of my life. Damn if that isn't fucking horrible that I think of something like being patient for something as being a painful thing. But seriously, this was absolutely worth the wait. If there is one thing Rockstar does well it's a sandbox that is worth the money you pay for it.

  • Boosh! Clayfigher 2 was the shiiiiiiittt!!!

  • Ever have one of those games that you're really excited about getting and playing but once you get it you become sidetrack with something else and never end up playing it but hang onto it thinking, 'Some day I will play that game that I still have not yet played yet' knowing you will probably never play that game?

  • I love this game, it's so fucking sick. Sure I can't get it to run on my computer for some raisin and that really pisses me off and sure it's hard as fuck but it's so cute. I wish Sony hadn't bitched out on these boys and that it had been released for PSP. Oh well.

  • Kind of disappointing.

  • I remember when this came out and I wanted to play it more than anything. I never had an Xbox tho, it was super sad. Then Steam released it! I downloaded this biotch faster than a flargnox wringing a bamblesler in a fraklorg. BUT IT DOESN"T FUCKING WORK ON MY COMPUTERS GODFUCKINGDAMNIT!!!!

  • I remember when this came out I fucking loved it. Dash Rendar is still way cooler than any other Star Wars hero, to bad he dies in the end (late Spoiler alert). Fighting the giant dianoga in level 7 or 8 and blowing the shit out of some robots with the coveted disruptor ammo was way satisfying back in the day. I even had a comic that was written when the release of this in nintendo power, hell I even wrote a two page story in 4th grade about this for a writing project, and in case you're reading this George Lucas, no I didn't plagiarize, I wrote a spin off. Speaking of plagiarism, ever one who is a fan of Star Wars needs to find a copy and read Valerian. It's a French comic that Lucas and his team basically stole most of their visual ideas from. Not kind of borrowed or something like that but actually 100% stole from and didn't even give credit to the creators of Valerian (by the way, Valerian is way better than Star Wars).

  • As a young impressionable child who never showed any hint of holding back a violent and tyrannical temper I was never allowed to play games where you killed real people (with a few exceptions). The best I could do for a while was Sarge's Heroes. This game was reallllyyyyyy not that good. Cool idea sure, I played through it a few times but I never had anything more interesting so I had to stick with what I had. My upbringing was very sad.

  • I totally bought this for like $5. You play a construction worker who gets himself stuck on all sorts of tiny islands with bombs and spikes all over them. the point was you have to blow everything up...I think. I don't remember. It was really not that great. That's why the main picture for this game on this website isn't even the front cover, it's the back...because no one cares.

  • Good times from before I was even alive. We've come so far but was is really worth it? ...Yes. Yes it was.

  • YAAAYY!!! I can rain meteors down on my foes!!!

  • I have never played this game, but I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force so I assume this game was a masterpiece that only a select few people will ever understand as being such while the rest of the world casually forgets this timeless classic. At least that's what I assume.


  • I played this a few times at my cousin's house. I always remember what my cousin would say. He say, 'Hey Krampus, stop following me around and trying to spend quality time with me and instead play this video game so I don't have to be around you because you annoy me and I just want to go masturbate in peace.' Sometimes I think about suicide...

  • This game would have been a lot more fun if you had unlimited money and could actually ride on the coasters you build instead of just being able to watch them like a poor homeless starving child watching a rich kid eat 10 hamburgers, throw them all up all over his Abercrombie polo and do it again just for kicks.

  • Who wants to play Grand Theft Auto except with everything being way shittier? Anyone? Anyone at all?

  • Cool game, the best gun is at the very end and you have to almost die in order to get it but it shoots out a giant cannonball the likes of which there is no possible way it could fit into that barrel. This game misses points for that little bit of exaggeration but that aside the whole game is totally plausible.

  • I dig me some Hitman. Sneaking into a building to assassinate someone would be a cool job I feel like, but I have tried and can't pull it off so I will have to stick with the game. Excited for the next installment, I get the feeling it's going to be tits. Actually if instead of the game I just got to play with some tits (not mine) that too would be cool.

  • I get the feeling this game was really terrible.

  • Bring back Serious Sam! If you want to. edit: wow this is actually happening. Probably because of this post on the internet too. You're welcome world.

  • Ahh Turok, it's the classic game of Indian vs Dinosaurs and humans and some machines, and it captured the heart's of Americans nationwide. The thrilling tale of Wimmiwam, the lost Indian boy who is attacked by Velocirapters and manages to kill them all with a knife only to be attacked again and again by plant eating Triceratops, Giant (probably scavengers) t-Rexs and even humans. Obviously this game was making a bold statement about the predicament of the environment and the devastation mankind is causing to it all.

  • Hey kids! Ever wonder what our boys in blue are doing on the other side of the world? Well let me tell you, when they aren't hanging out with the boys, they're out busting their butts to make sure you're safe and sound, isn't that right little Timmy? Well now you don't have to wonder anymore! Thanks to the hard work of fine men like Robert A. Kotick you can now see what our boys see! Isn't that just grand? Well kids, that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to tune in next week when we release Modern Warfare 47: The quest for more money.

  • Regardless of what I've heard from some people, I really liked this game (because obviously people told you I hated this game). The Special Ops was especially gratifying. The perfect blend of sneaking and action to make even the most loserly person feel like a badass. I was unstoppable with a bit of practice and wish this game was released on PS3 more than a number of other titles that only 360 and PC got.

  • This game was pretty sweet, in fact I think there should be more games like this. It was simple yet compelling and with enough length to it where you felt you got your moneys worth. I just wish I had this in handheld form

  • Man this game was hard!

  • When this game came out on N64 it was soooo the shit. In fact if I still had this and a 64 I would still play this game for nostalgic reasons. Like this one time at band camp I blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah








  • I don't know anything about this game, but I'm curious and would like to play it now so please send me money so I can do that.

  • CONTRA!!!

  • Ugh, a crappy game that had some good ideas (fruit guns) which never really worked.

  • I loved this game, I played it so much I could start throwing really good guns off cliffs just for kicks. The graphics were sick, the insane amount of loot was incredible. I wish I had a tsunami for myself.

  • What a piece of shit!

  • Heyhey there buckarroo! Where you wanna go today? The museum of natural history? Alrightydighty then, let me just drive over top of this building and almost run some people over and I'll have you there in a jiff! HAHA Wow what a wacky wild ride this is turning out to be! Almost hit a pregnant lady, good thing she ran out of the way just before the rubber on my wheels got her prematurely kid popping! What's that? You never want to ride in a taxi again? I don't blame you.

  • I remember really liking this game at first and then the realizing how shitty it really was and hating it. The Matrix was really cool for a good while, but once the sequels and games started coming out the appeal of the original died for me. Agent Smith is still cool in my book though.

  • Pretty obvious, this game belongs on every list. The multiplayer was just great, I spent hours playing this game with my cousins trying to destroy each other. I always lost on anything that wasn't throwing knives though since they had more experience and owned the game and system. With the knives though you could hold the trigger button down and it would look like you didn't have anything armed when you really hand a knife ready the be thrown. All I had to do was make sure I didn't miss and I got them every time, so satisfying. That said this game doesn't really hold up anymore in my opinion. Gamers expect so much from games now that this game is better left a good memory.

  • EPIC!!! How sick is that, make a world that looks incredible and the only thing you fight is 16 incredibly huge bosses!!! Such a great game.

  • This game was really fucking fun! I mean you get to blow up rockets and jump off of jets and land on motorcycles and drive them into gas stations to make them explode but jump off just before that happens and parachute onto a boat that flies to the moon where you drink tea with a walrus in a tuxedo who gives you a million dollars to record and album with Lil Wayne that breaks all kinds of records and shoots you to stardom world wide and then the aliens come and you kill all of them only to realize they had a cure for cancer that no one will ever know about because of you so the world shuns you and you take up a job as a janitor in a mall only to say fuck this I'm going to go to an island that doesn't even exist and work for the US government again and blow more shit up cause that's my true calling. That's how great this game is. Plus there is a lady who has a British-Indian-Mexican-Jamaican accent in this game, that's a really hard thing to pull off so yeah, best voice acting ever.

  • How was this not a fun game? Also I think there was a giant squid in it somewhere, but I never found it/played this game.

  • Boner.

  • Oooohhhh shhhiiiiii!!! This game was bad ass back in the day. Actually it's still pretty bad ass even though it looks like a 5 year old made it by modern standards. Congratulations 5 year old, you did it.

  • Best internet game of all time. Join my clan: A Clan Call Poop. Yes that is the name of my clan. Yes it is a joke on A Tribe Called Quest.

  • Bleep Blop Bloup Blap!

  • Really fun game. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I ended up, but this game got better and better as it progressed. Sure it's shorter than I would have liked and rather linear by modern standards, but it's a hell of a good time. If you're a fan of pulp and you like a good ridiculous time then this is a good game to own.

  • Am I the only one who felt that this game punished you for everything you did? Playing this game was like a chore. I was so excited at first, the trailers hyped it up, the beginning was sick and the music was perfect. But once I really got into it I felt like I wasn't the bad ass I was told I could be and if I wanted to get there then I would have to spend points to get there, but I'd would also have to spend points on things that I felt should have just be included. You have such a small inventory that you can upgrade, but then again if you upgrade that then you can't upgrade any of your cool moves or skills until later. But if you don't upgrade your inventory then you can't carry much ammo, guns or energy bars. Plus your batteries (in game) die way to quickly and they don't recharge except the one. I was left with a bad taste in my mouth after about 5 hours. I expected better. I'm sure others will love it, but I'm definitely not one of them.

  • CONTRA! IN 3D!

  • Game of the Year. Probably not, but it is going to be really fucking fun. But actually rather unmemorable.

  • Great game! One of the best to come out this year and certainly one of the most addictive.

  • Finally released and given some extra special treatment! I hope the rest of the series gets this nice a job, and how about making the last two Oddworld games already?!! I mean I know you guys are busy and have a lot to do and it's completely unfair of me to demand anything from you really but I'm an asshole so yeah...there's that.


  • I feel like this should be here too.

  • So I'm excited about this. Don't know if you knew that but I am. I feel like it's a third person Call of duty and hopefully immensely more satisfying as I generally hate CoD. Please don't fail me Ubi.

    Edit: Holy shit, major fail. Fuck you Ubisoft!

  • BLAM!

  • You know this game is still my favorite from Bethesda (aside from Morrowind). Even though I have put countless hours into it I still to this day am discovering things in the main story that I didn't know existed. While I wish there were more songs on the radios I still can't help but love how light hearted the music makes the game feel even tho the tone of everything is incredibly grim. Kudos Bethesda, you're ok in my book.


  • Way more addictive than drugs. If I could go back in time I would invent this game in the 80's and go on to being rich.

  • I own this and haven't played it yet. Because my computer sucks that's why!

  • One of the best, if not the best. Lets see Carl in GTA 5!