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#1  Edited By NTM

@Yummylee: Alright... Ha ha?

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#2  Edited By NTM

Does anyone else here do this? And also, I'm wondering, for you, did it also attract other animals? 'Cause I put peanuts out for Squirrels, and then Steller's Jay's started coming for them as well (not to be confused with Blue Jays). And now, from what I see, there's this tricky crow scoping out the area around the peanuts then quickly grabbing some. I don't really mind it right now, but I'm hoping it doesn't attract too many other animals because then it'd be getting a little too crazy. I was just wondering how many others do this and if it had a negative effect? It's just so cute.

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#3  Edited By NTM

Wow, there are so many of these kinds of topics that pretty much ask "Why aren't games more realistic?"

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#4  Edited By NTM

@eloj: You have to beat it, it's great. I mean, I can count the amount of things I dislike, some of which are stuff they probably couldn't fix since it's technical. You have to beat it.

@AhmadMetallic: Seriously? Huh, do you like the action parts though at least? Like the main mission stuff?

@Pinworm45: Yeah, I thought I was going to do that, and I still am, but just recently I started playing on my third play through and now I'm almost done again (well, I'm doing the Rannoch stuff). I wanted to be fully upgraded and have everything bought by the time any DLC comes out. All the negative stuff about it didn't have a "mass [e]ffect" on my opinion enough for me to not really enjoy my time with it. See what I did there? Ha ha ha, OK, sorry, that was dumb.

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#6  Edited By NTM

What's the "shop" called? Also, everything you've mentioned up there sounds disgusting.

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#7  Edited By NTM

Huh, ironic how someone took down my images. There really was no need for that; it's not necessarily against any rules. If I would have put up a trailer with the same footage inside (which there is such a trailer out there) I'm sure it would have not been taken down. There are many reasons as to why it shouldn't have been taken off this thread. Seems more like it's a personal problem, or just a mistake from one of the modders; a mistake they believed to be actually warranted. It wasn't technically a spoiler as some other threads could have had. Maybe it's because they think I was bringing attention to something unwanted? That shouldn't be it though. Whatever reason it is, which I believe I know, is a terrible one.

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#8  Edited By NTM

Just make something up, it doesn't really matter much. There are probably very little people who will remember it or who'll care (not to sound mean or anything, but it's true). I was with one from another school though. Graduated in 08, and sadly, during the speech, people were laughing, but not because of her (it's always a female for some reason), the poor girl thought it was her though. Anyways, make something up and that's all. In the end, it's not really all that important a speech, again, not to sound negative, just speaking the truth. Anyways, good luck. Also, congratulations, you must have worked hard.

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#9  Edited By NTM

Brown recluses are pretty bad actually. I think it really depends on the look of it, sometimes I don't mind, and other times my heart stops beating (not literally), but I get shocked so bad and I do one deep inhale then get the fuck out. I'm not really scared of a lot, but like Indiana Jones (or that's how I like to think of it to make myself not seem like a woose), I hate spiders as he does snakes.

Spiders, why did it have to be spiders? It doesn't even matter if it's dead or not, one time I had to go under my house, and crawling under there, I have no idea what's under it, so the small crawl space, on top where my back would be, there are dead spiders curled up in a ball in spider webs, and when I went in there last, I could hardly breath. There are just so many spiders that I can't tell if they'd harm me or not.

Ironically, I rarely like to see someone kill them. I mean, if it's outside, I won't want it dead, but if it's something I've never seen before, like a few nights ago, a little brown hairy looking one, I'll want it dead. Even then, just after, I thought "Man, that spider was probably more scared of me than I was of it, and we killed it. I feel bad now." Also, just seeing a spider can make me feel like I have it on my body or hair.

It's one of the worst things to look up on Google, really. It's a good idea to study them actually, which I have done in the past. It's nasty. Fuck, I just looked at some spiders on Google, gosh damn! Spiders are also some of the worst things to imagine, like what if I were to pour something to drink, or leave my room, and come back and not knowing it, I pick the cup up and put the thing close to my face, look down with my eyes and a spider's in it. Or sitting on the toilet, and a spider's under the lid.

I guess I would say I have slight arachnophobia and I don't like deep water. Once, I've been in a lake on a small boat and it was deep, but there were huge trees sticking out of it, that's creepy as hell to me. I'm still very interested in seeing stuff that has to do with deep water though, like viewing images or video of the Titanic, although I don't think I could personally do what James Cameron did recently by going down to the Mariana trench, or go down and see the Titanic.

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#10  Edited By NTM

No, but if it ever turned out that way, and although my internet connection rarely goes out, I'd hope that the game saves the progress right up to the point it goes out. It would suck if you're playing a hard game and you just beat a boss or a tough area and then you take a breath; say "It's over." Then BOOM, it goes out, now once it goes back on, you better try that again.