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ABC always be writing game of the year lists

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Games I Played in 2016

I've done the Community GOTY list the last three years, and each time I finish, remember/get reminded of games I forgot, and then have to go back and edit. So, I'mma keep this list this year.

List items

  • Completed. Carryover from 2015, but finished in 2016. With the (now-included) DLC, I got 21 hours out of this (and they're still adding more features).

  • Completed. 2016 release. Ehhhh. Really neat concept here, but the actual game itself isn't that fun and wowww does it overstay its welcome.

  • Completed. This was amazing, and I'm sad I missed it in its day. A friend got me Dreamfall: Chapters, and I decided to play the preceding games first, we are.

  • Completed. Carryover from 2015, but finished in 2016. As much as one can complete one of these, anyway... I kinda started down this rabbit hole during the GOTY discussions. I got my fill, got an understanding of what it was and how it worked and all that, and then took Cheat Engine and a save editor and had some more fun. It's out of my system now, so I'll call it 'completed'.

  • Completed. I feel like no one ever talks about AC3, and that's a little unfair. Sure, the gameplay was buggy, broken, and frustrating, but Connor is an amazing character and the setting of AC3 is probably the best of the original trilogy. (I also really loved Aveline in AC3:L, and...have similar feelings about AC3:L; setting and protagonist amazing, gameplay awful.) And wow, the Desmond stuff actually goes places! I'm kind of amazed nobody really talks about this game ever.

  • Completed. Carryover from...years ago. I forgot about this one, but something reminded me of it and I wanted to go back and finish it. It's an excellent little puzzler but sometimes it thinks it's a platformer and it does a really frustrating job at that. Still, some fun to be had here.

  • Completed (EX expansion). Can I just. This game is so wonderful. I'm torn between feeling like I missed things and wanting to replay it...or just taking my memories and, well, leaving them read-only.

  • Completed (as much as one can--I got to ace 3, that seemed like enough). I looooved 10,000,000. YMBAB just seems to have taken that and filled it full of useless time-wasting. At times it turns into a clicker, ffs. Tons of boring, repetitive, unskippable animations. And gameplay changes that really don't add but make it less fun. I should've just played 10,000,000 instead.

  • Completed. Continuing along my Longest Journey adventures. The writing, characterization, and world-building in this is still as solid as the first, but .. wow, this is definitely the Middle Chapter. And holy hell the camera controls and combat systems. Still, I played this in 14 hours over two days (!!) so it's obviously got something to it.

  • Completed. Mehhhh. There's a really good idea here, the game is beautiful, the soundtrack lovely, but the controls and mechanics awful, the game buggy, and the pacing way off. Could've Been A Thing, but was instead just kinda ok.

  • Completed. Super clever writing, awesome (Bulgarian trans assassin!) character. Weird story. Gameplay hit and miss but mostly enjoyable. Never did get the other part of my backer reward, heh.

  • Completed. I'm not entirely sure how this thing grabbed me so hard, but then suddenly I had every achievement in it. Huh.

  • Completed. Another that I started a while ago and picked back up. It's a pinball RPG, it's not the best at either...but it's still fun to play.

  • Completed. Played this back when it was new on 360, but ended up with it in some bundle or something on PC, and decided to dust that off and play it again but this time in Extra Good Graphics. This game is still ridiculous silly nonsense fun.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Massive disappointment. Very pretty, although my year-old computer had to run it on low 'cuz what is optimization we don't know. The setting is great, and enough to carry you through half the game. The characters and voice acting, great, too. That's all the nice things I have to say. The story is a jumbled mess that trips over itself, goes nowhere, and falls on its face. And the whole game is the story, so.

  • Completed. What a sweet, beautiful little thing. It's about an hour start to finish, so I played it in one sitting and .. just basked in it. A very nice vignette.

  • Completed. Steam version. Cool little puzzle game, even if it's a bit buggy.

  • 2016 release. Early contender for GOTY, seriously.

  • Completed, including the White March DLCs. 67 hours, according to Steam, wowwww. I regret not playing this last year as it would've made my list for sure; the main game is excellent, although the DLC was maybe a bit lacking. Possibly the best Kickstarter I've backed.


  • Completed. Mostly so good. Occasionally it decides to be a platformer, and the controls aren't anywhere near good enough. And the 'true' ending...wooooof. But otherwise, 20 hours of mostly good puzzling is fine by me.

  • Completed, plus half of NG+ before I got bored. Really really liked it. much style, so well put together, and the game itself feels good.

  • I do want to give this another try at some point down the road, but I bounced off it pretty hard.

  • Played a bit. Not really the sort of game you 'complete'. It's cool for what it is.

  • Completed. A little puzzle game that gets surprisingly complicated. Think of it as the world's best lock-picking mini-game. Quite enjoyed my hour with it (and it's a dollar, so it being only an hour long is totally fine).

  • Completed. I like picross, ok? :3 This was a good picross implementation on Steam, although clearly from mobile. Can see how a touch screen might have been better than mouse but mouse totally worked.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Just fantastic on every level.

  • Completed. Lovely little graphic novel retelling of Cinderella.

  • Completed (well, got all achievements, there is no end). I guess rogue-like dungeon crawlers are a dime a dozen but this one really grabbed me for some reason.

  • Completed. 16 years later, I finally beat this, and I feel like some kind of superhero.

  • Completed. I enjoyed Second Son and this was fun enough, too. Didn't overstay its welcome.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Finished in an act of masochism. Need to make sure to play at least 10 other 2016 releases just to keep this off the top ten list.

  • Completed. Played this back when it was new-ish; got it again on the PS2 emulation thing for PS4. This game...doesn't hold up as well as it did in my memory. Cool ideas, great world, baaaad mechanics.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Very good, and a nice excuse to dust off the Vita. Got the platinum in 6 hours, so it's not a long or difficult game, but what's there is fun and it does neat things with the touch controls.

  • Completed. Man, I thought I liked Bastion, but I REALLY liked Transistor. And I didn't expect to feel that way.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Okay, I kinda fell off of keeping this updated, so I'm catching up on a bunch at once. Really liked this one. Mappy should be best new character 2016.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Pretty straightforward adventure game, but the story's neat and I enjoyed my time with it.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Sometimes you just need some Clicky Shit™, and this is good for that. Also, for an adventure game, contains a surprising amount of cloaks and bondage gear.

  • 100+ hours. 2016 release. The reason I fell off of updating this list. Oh my goodness yes.

  • 2016 release. Still in progress, but I dig it so far. Interesting combat mechanic.

  • Completed. So like bad things happen but THERE'S a TIME TRAVELLING TALLSHIP in the MUSEUM let's go to 1680 AND FIX IT

  • Completed. I finally played Journey and it was everything it was promised to be.

  • 2016 release. Didn't complete because I am Bad At Video Games, but I like what they were doing here.

  • 2016 release. Mostly played the single-player puzzles, which were neat.

  • Completed. 2016 release. Mixed feelings but mostly positive? A very nice experience, even if the controls were at times infuriating and the frame rate took massive dumps.

  • Completed. 2016 release (on PC, at least). 1680 wasn't enough, let's go to 3,000 BC's kinda just modern times but with elves? ??

  • Completed. 2016 release. This was awesome. Characters, world, story, design, sound, everything. One knock is that it's 320x200 (?!?) and WinME-compatible (?!???!?).

  • 2016 release. Not going to finish this by the end of the year, but I love it so far.