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Hitman: Absolution Review - Agent 47 is Back

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Before this game was released there was a lot of concern amongst fans. Many wondered whether the game would be 'dumbed down', that the need to sell to a wider audience would resort in taking away the hardcore stealth elements of the game. Maybe the Agent 47 everyone knows and loves won't be as we remembered him, or that the format has aged and won't be a relevant having spent six years away from the game. As soon as you play this game those fears will gone and you will wonder why you ever doubted the main man in the first place. Hitman: Absolution was worth the wait.

What's so special about this girl?
What's so special about this girl?

The game starts with Agent 47 giving the task of taking down his former employer Diana, who has leaked Agency secrets and bringing back a girl named Victoria who is currently in the care of Diana, to the Agency. Before finishing the job Diana gives 47 a note and tells him to protect Victoria from his own Agency which begins the story of finding out what is so special about this girl.

The story is very engrossing and kept me entertained and intrigued throughout the campaign’s entire duration, culminating in a satisfying conclusion that leaves me longing for more. Unsurprisingly, the game’s story isn't one of the best I've ever seen in a game but encapsulates the essence of Hitman better than it’s, somewhat lacking, prequels.

The length of the story is much longer than most story driven titles with 20 chapters to complete, (which all vary in length) most of which feature completely brand new locations. It’s hard for me to judge how long it would take if you just played the story as I was doing everything there was to do but I believe around 13 hours would do it which is longer than a usual 8-10 hour story only experience. However, with a new challenge system, you will be compelled to revisit chapters time, and time again to get the most out of it.

Sniping from a distance.
Sniping from a distance.

Challenges are what make this game really interesting: each level will have a set amount which will involve 47 performing certain tasks whilst also achieving the mission objective. Some will be pretty evident such as 'never be seen' or 'never change disguise' in the level but others will show you just how layered and well crafted each level in this game really is. Killing a target can involve sniping from a distance, changing into his drug dealer’s clothes and luring him away from his guards, poisoning his coffee or even pushing him down a hole. Each way is so fun I found myself playing each level many times before moving on to the next just to see how each scenario played out. Just really fantastic game design. This is what veterans of the series will look for and you will not be disappointed.

The gameplay really is the shining star and the main reason why this game is so engaging. The controls feel fluid, smooth and easy to use and the first level, which serves as a tutorial, is expertly crafted to teach you everything there is to know very quickly. The shooting mechanics are fine but you shouldn't be using them very often anyway. The way instinct works by showing arrows for alerted guards is great and shows you exactly where you could be in danger without being too intrusive.

Agent 47 : Not to be messed with.
Agent 47 : Not to be messed with.

My only complaint would be the disguise system which doesn't seem very fair to the player. If you use a police officer's uniform other police officers will spot you from very far away without even acting suspiciously. Perhaps if this didn't happen disguises would make the game too easy but I still found them pretty useless and in the end found it easier to not use them and just stay completely hidden.

Visually this game is pretty stunning and stylish to look at. I never had any graphical glitches or texture popping after a good 30 hours with the game on Xbox 360 and the art style really suits the overall tone of the game. The cut-scenes are put together very well and makes the story come to life. Agent 47 has never looked this good.

Other than the main story we also have a separate Contracts mode to play through. This mode is made up of levels designed by players from the community for others to see if they can crack. Anyone can create a contract and you can share them with your friends to see who can assassinate a certain target the best way and, in turn, get the highest score. The mode is an interesting idea but the possibilities for levels are quite limited and having only spent a short time on the mode I never felt compelled to play it again. A nice feature which many will enjoy but nothing more than an added bonus to the main game for me.

Agent 47 has never looked this good.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this game, so much so that as soon as I finished the story I went back and got all the remaining achievements to 100% complete the game. I would gladly pay more for DLC, whether it be story related or not, I feel compelled to assassinate more targets and accomplish more challenges. Hopefully 47 won’t be out of action for as long as his last hiatus of 6 years.

Hitman: Absolution is truly fantastic and one of the best stealth games this generation along with Splinter Cell: Conviction. My complaints are so small and the enjoyment I got was one of the best experiences I've had with a stealth game for a while. The Hitman franchise is alive and better than ever. Agent 47 is going to be finding new ways to eliminate targets for a very long time.


5 Noteworthy Games Hidden in 2013's Impressive Release Schedule

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The first half of 2013 is pretty packed in regards to huge game releases. Look no further than the likes of Grand Theft Auto V, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider and Gears of War: Judgment to know that there are plenty of AAA games from beloved series to keep your attention for the entire year; but what about some of the less recognised games coming out? Perhaps they don't have the budget to compete or aren't a known franchise but they deserve your attention nonetheless. I'm not saying the following games will be great, but they all have different and interesting ideas and don't deserve to be buried in the crazy release schedule of 2013. Here are 5 games that you may have forgot are coming soon and should be on most gamer's radars.

Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360)

Injustice: Gods Among Us
Injustice: Gods Among Us

NetherRealm Studios, headed by Ed Boon - the creator of Mortal Kombat - is introducing a new fighting game IP which will focus on the DC Universe. The DC universe has been visited before by the Mortal Kombat developers in the generally well-received Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. After a rough few years for the Mortal Kombat series, 2011’s release raised the bar and gave the fans what they have been clamoring for years. With a new IP and a welcome resurgence from a prolific fighting game developer, Injustice: Gods Among Us is definitely a game to look out for on April 16th.

Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita)

Killzone: Mercenary
Killzone: Mercenary

Ever since the Playstation Vita was announced by Sony the dream and main promise for gamers was to finally have a console quality first person shooter on a handheld for the first time through the use of dual sticks. The first attempt at this was Resistance: Burning Skies. The game wasn't developed by its usual developer, Insomniac Games but was handed to Nihilistic Software for the difficult task at hand. A series which has produced solid games over the past few years many hoped would be the definitive handheld shooter. Unfortunately the game had a myriad of problems but mostly importantly a bad online infrastructure. The next attempt and the most ambitious so far was Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified. Unfortunately many feared the worse when Treyarch was not on board to develop the game and again it was given to a another developer, Nihilistic Software once more. Fears were compounded when the game was released to terrible reviews and it seems not even the FPS behemoth of Call of Duty can save the Vita.

Well that small task is now at hand for Killzone: Mercenary. Developed by Guerrilla Cambridge with main series creator Guerrilla Games assisting it's production, not much is known about the game so far. However the game seems to be in the right hands and hopefully won't be rushed out like the two previous games I mentioned. This game could be the definitive FPS the Vita so terribly needs and it really couldn't come any sooner with the release schedule for the Vita for 2013 looking incredibly bare. This game currently has a tentative release date of 2013.

Metro: Last Light (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Metro: Last Light
Metro: Last Light

Metro: Last Light is the sequel to 2010's Metro 2033 which came out to incredibly mixed reviews upon its release. The game was praised for its tone and style but many found the combat frustrating and not as fluid as many other FPS on the market. The game did find a niche audience and is somewhat of a cult favorite nowadays and many fans were overjoyed when a sequel was announced.

The potential for this game is pretty huge. If it delivers on its initial promises from the first game and tightens up all of the problems people had we could see something very special. Scheduled for a release on March 31st this game couldn't have picked a more crowded time to get noticed. Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite and Gears of War: Judgment all release the same month. If this game sells well enough to keep the franchise going it will be a minor miracle, and that is a real shame.

Fuse (PS3, Xbox 360)


Fuse is the upcoming co-op shooter from Insomniac Games. It is the first game in many years from the developer that will be multiplatform, with this game coming to both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. We haven't seen much of this game so far but the real reason you should be interested is that Insomniac rarely make bad games and if you only own an Xbox 360 this will be the first game of theirs you can play this generation.

I do however worry about this game and it's release for many reasons. Firstly it has an extremely generic name that wouldn't entice people at all to pick up and see what this game is about. Secondly, it has terrible box art. I mean look at the above image, why cut off your character's heads? Just awful. Lastly, it's release date of March. So many huge games come out that month as I mentioned and many are shooters in direct competition with this game. I can't see this doing particularly well sales wise I just hope the game itself is great which may help in the long run through word of mouth.

State of Decay (PC, XBLA)

State of Decay
State of Decay

This game won't be on many people's immediate radar due to it being quite far from release but once we know when it's coming you won't want to miss it. A zombie survival open world game coming to Xbox Live Arcade in the same style of DayZ but a more linear and story driven experience. Everything we have seen so far about this game looks fantastic from the screenshots to the trailers. This game looks new, exciting, interesting and truly one of a kind for console gaming.

I imagine this game will be the sole focus of this years Summer of Arcade promotion, probably the last for the current Xbox, and I can't think of a better way to end one of this generation's best and most consistent annual events. State of Decay, remember the name.

Until Next Time...

So there we have it. 5 games that are far from blockbuster titles but all could be interesting and important games for many different reasons. It's a shame of a lot of the games I mentioned won't be best sellers and probably won't win any game of the year awards, this doesn't mean they don’t deserve to be played. In the next 4 months when the dominant games will likely come and steal the limelight away from the opposition, spare a thought to the games that only misstep was launching at one of the busiest release windows in recent memory.


2012 in Review: Games, Movies & Predictions

Happy New Year!

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I hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays and spent all this free time catching up on the great games you may have missed from the year; I know I have. Anyway, thought I would a post about my top 5 games and films of 2012 which I've been meaning to do for a while now and then I also remembered I made 5 video game predictions at the start of 2012 that I needed to review. Also, I needed to post 5 new predictions for 2013, so that's why I'm here now! I'll try and keep this as short as possible to avoid boredom setting in and as there is a lot to get through.

Top 5 Games of 2012

5. Resident Evil: Revelations

Number Five!
Number Five!

Who would have thought out of the THREE new Resident Evil games released in 2012 by far the best one would be exclusive to the 3DS. Revelations is the true sequel that fans deserved to get with Resident Evil 6 and is everything fans have been crying out for. Real survival horror, interesting enemies, a good story and an fantastic setting reminiscent of the mansion from the first game contribute to this being the best Resident Evil game since Resident Evil 4. Don't let this being a portable game put you off, the game uses touch and dual screen fantastically well and is never a tacked on gimmick. The graphics are fantastic for a handheld and I really hope this gets ported so more people can experience it. If you call yourself a Resident Evil fan and you haven't played Revelations, sort it out.

4. Catherine

Number Four!
Number Four!

Before you yell at me for putting a game that was released in 2011 on the list, in the UK where I live (And drink Tea) we only got this beauty of a game in 2012 so that's why it's on my list. Having zero interest in Japanese games in the past after hearing about the unique infidelity theme of the game I decided to try it and was blown away with what I got. Visually stunning from the moment you switch the game on and some of the most difficult puzzles ever constructed this game had me hooked. The ending I got matched the decisions I had made perfectly, even if it wasn't a desirable outcome, and seeing the other endings I think a lot of games with branching story lines could take something from Catherine. An absolute delight all round.

3. Hitman: Absolution

Number Three!
Number Three!

I only just got this game for Christmas so I was weary of putting this game too high incase it has a bad ending but so far my experience with this game has been nothing but an absolute delight. A bad ending wouldn't ruin the experience that much for me as I'm not concerned with the story, it's the gameplay that makes this game so good. It's also one of the first games I've played where I have to play a single level many times over to see every outcome and get all the challenges before moving onto the next. The way each level is layered is so well done and the game looks and controls beautifully. The game has received good reviews but it doesn't seem to be a game many have been taking about. If good stealth action games are your thing, buy this game immediately.

2. Max Payne 3

Number Two!
Number Two!

Max Payne 3 went in a completely different direction to previous games in the series. In the past you could fly through the air into a room full of enemies and take everyone out before you hit the ground. Try that in MP3 and you will get massacred. What we got instead was one of the smoothest and mechanically sound cover-based shooters without Gears of War in the title. The multiplayer many also assumed would be tacked on to a game that was all about the single player in the past; which turned out to be completely wrong. What we got was Rockstar's best and most thought out multiplayer to date. Connectivity issues aside, MP3 has fantastic multiplayer with interesting modes and varied maps. I was slightly disappointed originally with the story but having replayed it I think it's just a way to get Max into fun gameplay situations, which it executes perfectly.

1. The Walking Dead

Number One!
Number One!

What is there to say about this game that hasn't already been said many times before? This game has been getting a lot of attention lately in this award season and rightfully so. What started as a pleasant surprise in Episode 1 developed over the season into something which many will look back on as being an important game for the industry. Overall I feel like people will be have read the reasons why this game is so good many times over. The character development and choices, emotional agony and shocking plot twists are unlike any story told this year. The main reason why it's my game of the year is because I definitely spent more time talking to friends, reading forums and having discussions about this game than any other in 2012. Looking forward to the next episode and pondering over what potential choices I might make have defined this year for gaming for me. When I look back to 2012 in the future without a doubt the first game that will spring to mind is Telltale Games' The Walking Dead. That's why I can't think of a more deserving game of the year.

Honourable Mentions

Other games I really enjoyed include Trials Evolution which is so much fun but can be a bit repetitive after a little while. I haven't had the urge to revisit that title for a while. I also enjoyed Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed III which I think are both good games but a few problems with both stopped them from being in my top games of the year. My biggest disappointment was by far Resident Evil 6. I've already said enough about this game, if you would like to read my review you can find it here.

There are a few games I'm interested in from 2012 that I haven't got round to playing yet which aren't limited to but include Far Cry 3, The Unfinished Swan and Mark of the Ninja.

Top 5 Films of 2012

5. The Cabin in the Woods

Number Five!
Number Five!

Being a huge fan of horror I had heard good things about this film in the community but knew nothing about what happens before I saw it. This is the best way to see this film. It uses the conventions of the genre so well and really is a delight if you're a horror geek like myself. Maybe it can be a bit too 'meta' in places but as a fan of Scream and anything that is made by and for true horror fans, I can't help but enjoy it very much.

4. Skyfall

Number Four!
Number Four!

I had zero expectations for this film when it was announced. Being a huge fan of James Bond as a kid my love for the spy has been lost over the years. Casino Royale was good but Quantum of Solace was so dreadful I never wanted to see another Daniel Craig bond film again. After Skyfall there is no doubt in my mind that Daniel Craig IS James Bond. Funny, interesting and heartfelt, this is the true reboot the series has needed for a while. More a drama than an action film everything about Skyfall impressed me and singlehandley rekindled my love for the franchise.

3. V/H/S

Number Three!
Number Three!

In a pretty weak year for horror I think this film stands alone as being the best and most interesting thing to happen to the genre in 2012. Smashing together two of the most hit and miss sub genres (Found Footage and Anthology) we got an amazing film which could be the next big horror franchise with an interesting sequel already scheduled for release in 2013. 5 different segments all intriguing and scary in different ways, the standard of quality on show meant that even the weakest segment is still better that almost everything else in horror last year. A showcase for upcoming new horror directors I hope this sticks around and continues to produce great content on an annual basis.

2. Life of Pi

Number Two!
Number Two!

In any other year this film would have been my number one easily. In all my years studying and watching film I have never been more emotionally affected by a film as much as I was watching Life of Pi. The story does so much with such a small amount it's remarkable the journey that is told through only a boy and a Bengal Tiger. The effects are absolutely incredible and has by far the best use of 3D I have ever seen in a film. Only used to make the world seem more alive without being a gimmick, this is how 3D is done. The ending wasn't as strong as I had liked but the middle hour of this film is one of the best I've ever seen in my life. I cannot wait to watch this film many times over the coming years.

1. The Dark Knight Rises

Number One!
Number One!

Where do I even begin? What Christopher Nolan has achieved through only 3 films is nothing short of remarkable. Everything from the incredible set pieces filmed beautifully on IMAX, the chilling soundtrack composed to perfection, the ensemble cast which all provide something to the experience and the perfect ending to one of the best trilogies of modern cinema. The problems many people have with this film such as minor story plot holes make me wonder why people watch films. I don't wanna be bogged down by tiny details. When a film tells a story of this magnitude and ambition I really don't need to be spoon-fed details such as how Batman gets back to Gotham after escaping the prison. The fact that Nolan picks and chooses when he gives you information shows his level of artistry as a director and belief in the story he is telling. Having seen this film twice at the cinema and once on Blu ray it has gotten better and better each time and I can't wait for my next viewing. This isn't only my top film of 2012 but possibly in my top 3 films ever. Oh and Tom Hardy as Bane is absolutely incredible and one of the best villain performances of all time.

Honourable Mentions

I also really enjoyed The Hobbit with the only letdown for me being the action sequences that are way too CGI heavy. This loses the weight and suspense of the live action scenes we mostly saw in the Lord of the Rings films. I hope the action in the next two are more hands-on and we could see something really special. I also really enjoyed Prometheus and American Reunion.

The only film that disappointed me was Looper. Not a bad film by a long shot but being a huge time travel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan I wanted to love this film so much. I really enjoyed the initial premise and set up of the world but thought the plot and story told wasn't really that interesting. It had too many sequences that dragged on such as the parts at the farm but I did love the flashes of violence the film had which were incredible.

I will also add that Django Unchained, Wreck-it Ralph and Lincoln all come out in the UK in the first two months of 2013 so I haven't seen them yet. They may well feature on next year's list.

2012 Predictions: The Results

I made these for fun on January 1st 2012 just to see how right or wrong I could predict some things. Let's see the results.

Prediction 1: GTA V will NOT be released in 2012.

CORRECT. Quite happy with this one. Remember at the time we had only just had the announcement and first trailer and little did we know all we would get for a whole year is a few pitiful screenshots. I assumed with Max Payne 3 scheduled for release in 2012 and their affiliation with that release window we wouldn't get the game till 2013. And I was right. Go me.

Prediction 2: The 3DS will have a redesign RELEASED in 2012.

CORRECT. After E3 2012 came and went with no news I had given up hope on this one. Then out of nowhere Nintendo announced and then released the 3DS XL. I thought the redesign would contain a 2nd thumb stick which didn't happen but we got a redesign nonetheless so I'm happy.

Prediction 3: The Xbox Durango will be ANNOUNCED by Microsoft in 2012.

WRONG. Probably the safest prediction I made turned about to be completely wrong as Microsoft didn't make a single announcement regarding the new Xbox. Seeing as there is now a 99% chance of it being announced in 2013 I'm gonna avoid this one for fear of failing two years in a row.

Prediction 4: The 3DS will sell more units WORLDWIDE than the PS Vita in 2012.

CORRECT. I haven't been able to find any solid numbers for the year overall just yet but judging by the monthly NPD numbers released where the 3DS always outsold the Vita I'm calling this one as correct. It might seem obvious now but back when I made this prediction the Vita had only been released in Japan and was two months before launching worldwide. I just thought the price was too high and the amount of games wasn't enough to topple the 3DS. Maybe 2013 will be the year Vita finds its feet.

Prediction 5: A Call of Duty will NOT be the best selling game of 2012, across all platforms.

WRONG. Didn't have many high hopes for this one and once Black Ops II got announced I knew this was an epic fail. You haven't seen the last of this prediction though.

2013 Predictions

Prediction 1: A Call of Duty game will NOT be the best selling game of 2013, across all platforms.

Decided to do this one again. It will probably fail when Modern Warfare 4 comes out but I reckon the game in my next prediction will outsell it.

Prediction 2: GTA V will break the entertainment launch record (Overall income in 24 hours).

I think GTA V will be the best selling game of the year so that's why I went with this one. It might fail though as unlike COD, GTA doesn't get a majority of their sales in the first 24 hours, it sells consistently well for a few years. I just think the hype for this one will mean it will sell like crazy on launch.

Prediction 3: Sony will announce the Playstation Orbis before Microsoft announces the Xbox Durango.

Announcements of the new consoles are pretty imminent for this year so I tried to make it slightly interesting. Sony won't want to be last out of the gate like last time so I predicted this one. It will probably be a case of whoever has their conference first at E3 though.

Prediction 4: Smash Brothers on Wii U will be officially announced this year. It will NOT come out in 2013.

We know it's coming but we don't know when. Nintendo will have to tease this at some point in the year but I don't think it will come out soon. I foresee an announcement with a very vague 2014 release date.

Prediction 5: Metal Gear Solid 5 will be announced exclusively for the Playstation Orbis.

Again tried to do go with something not entirely obvious. I think with The Phantom Pain all but being a prelude to announcing MGS 5 the only thing stopping this being the platform it's on not announced yet. I expect when Sony do unveil their next console, a MGS 5 announcement will be with it.

Until next time.

And so there we have it! Tried to keep this as short as possible so couldn't go into as much detail as I would have liked for each game and film to do them justice but then I would have been writing all day. So which games/films did you love of 2012? Which of mine do you hate? And which crazy predictions did anyone make that came true? Let me know and remember to come back next year to make fun of me when none of my predictions come true.


The Walking Dead Review: A Landmark Title For This Generation

The Walking Dead is a hard game to review. I feel like the less you know going in the better. If you haven't played this game yet I suggest you do so immediately. If you are still unsure whether this game is for you let me ask you a few simple questions. Is story important to you in a game? Do you like to be tested in making impossible decisions? Would you like to experience how bleak and tragic a zombie apocalypse actually would be? If you answered yes to any of these questions go and play this game right now. If you are on the fence then let me explain to you why this gem of a video game should not be missed.

The Walking Dead is a point and click adventure game set in the same universe as the comic and popular TV show. This is a completely new story and characters but set in a familiar setting. Some cameos from the other media do make appearances but don't expect to see Rick Grimes anytime soon. What you are presented with could very well be the best story told in the universe so far, which can definitely hold its own with the high standards of the show and comics.

Developed by Telltale Games, you could be forgiven for not having this game on your immediate radar. Generally speaking, there aren't many licensed games to get immensely excited about. Add to that the fact of the developer having a record of good niche games, but nothing near the elite of the industry, it's no surprise this game didn't have the biggest following before release. It does go to show that when it all comes together any good developer is capable of producing someone remarkable. And after this game, Telltale Games is now a major player in the video game industry.

The story sees you play as Lee Everett, a convict being escorted in handcuffs via car while being held prisoner. After an accident you escape only to discover the world is in a much worse place than you left it. While trying to work out what is going on you run into a little girl named Clementine who is looking for her parents. Instinctively you protect her and try to find her parents and also try to survive in a world overrun by walkers.

There is so much more to the story but to give away more than the initial premise would be unfair to people who have not yet experienced it. The story is really the shining star in this game and the way the characters develop over the course of the game is one of the best narratives ever told in the medium. What starts as a pretty straight forward survival game soon blossoms into a tale of heartbreak, hope, tragedy, and sadness. This really is the new benchmark when it comes to storytelling in games.

Choices play a big part in the game and they are presented to you in many different forms. Sometimes it will just be a conversation and whether you agree or disagree with someone but other times it really can mean the difference between someone living or dying. The time given to choose an option is so small that you really are rushed into making them and living with these decisions, whether you are happy or unhappy with your selection is part of the game. Just like in real life, the decisions you make effect the outcome of those around us and a bad decision can really come back to haunt you.

I do however feel like these choices could have had more of an overall impact on the story then it did in the end. The motives and actions of characters definitely change dramatically but the outcome roughly stays the same. I don't mind as I prefer one story told rather than many, but I thought my decisions would hold more weight in the end whereas everyone will have the same ending no matter how you play the game. When you compare it to a game like Heavy Rain where your ending can be dramatically different through how you play the game, I wonder whether there could have been more outcomes to some scenarios that are presented. As I said, I do prefer that the game has one ending that everyone will experience but the steps to get there are different, which is a very nice touch.

The style of the game looks like a visual comic book and fits the story perfectly. Simple but effective it really does feel like you are playing a comic book but also isn’t so distracting that you forget the importance of the situation. When most games feel the need to become photo realistic to have believable characters and story, the fact that this game pulls it off in a cartoon world just goes to show the incredible job this game does with its storytelling.

This game was first released digitally one episode at a time roughly a month apart before now making its way onto retail disc. Many gamers will be happy they won't have to wait to continue the story, but I do feel like a certain part of the magic of the game is now lost. The waiting for episodes made the story more effective as you would really have time to think about your actions and how you would react next. You could also talk to your friends and compare how you played the game and see how things panned out differently for them. You can still do this now of course, but I feel like because the story is so compelling having the whole story available from the start will be hard to not play it all the way through, and I wouldn't blame you either. However this is a small complaint and whatever way you play the game you won’t be disappointed.

When I finished this game I took a few days to fully digest what I had just experienced. I really enjoyed the game but where would I rank it to other experiences? It's definitely one of the best stories I’ve seen in a game but the gameplay is nothing special. It’s hard to decide if I will ever want to revisit this game in the future but I do know I will be one of the first people buying season two when it starts. In a year that has been slightly disappointing in my opinion, with the big blockbusters not living up to expectations, this game is a complete breath of fresh air and I suggest you could do a lot worse than to pick up the best game of 2012 if you haven’t already done so.


Crashmo Review: Can The Sequel Better The eShop's Best Game?

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Crashmo (known as Fallblox in EU) is the sequel to the highly rated Pushmo (Pullblox in EU) for the Nintendo 3DS which was one of the most compelling and exciting new IP's from Nintendo in recent years. Fun, challenging and pretty to look at, Nintendo made the eShop a viable platform for games through the release of just one game. A sequel was inevitable. So did they try something new on an already tested and working formula or just release more of the same? Surprisingly this game is different to its predecessor in many ways, and not all of them pay off.

The initial premise of this puzzle game is to climb a bunch of blocks by moving them around, pushing and pulling them to build a way to the top and reaching the goal. What starts as a very basic idea you soon won't believe your eyes at the level of complexity and creativity at play when trying to solve some of the levels. Be warned, don't let this game's cute exterior fool you. What may look like a kid’s game from the start soon develops in one of the most frustrating and hard games you will ever play.

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The visuals in this game are fantastic and are definitely on par with any retail game the system has to offer, let alone for a downloadable title. The screen is bursting with the color and this carries over to the 3D effects brilliantly. So far a majority of the games on the system have used 3D as an optional novelty with only two previous games using it as part of the gameplay. Those games were Super Mario 3D land (arguably the best game on 3DS) and this game's predecessor, Pushmo. When stumped on where to go next, turning the 3D on really does make a difference and can help dramatically in the game overall.

The soundtrack and sound effects are nice and work well with the overall aesthetic of the game. It's pretty standard Nintendo really, cute tunes that get stuck in your head long after playing. When you are doing well the songs are great and catchy, but when the game becomes difficult and frustrating they soon become annoying and the volume switch should be turned down to avoid breaking your system in anger. The sound of completing a level is a real delight though.

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Tutorials are used very efficiently to help ease new players into the game and get you learning all the game mechanics in no time. As a player of the previous game that knows how to play they were slightly intrusive but it didn't bother me that much. The game also explains the changes and new elements to this game very well with lots of training levels designed to make you understand all there is to know such as the new floating blocks that don't drop down like usual blocks.

I alluded to the difficulty of the game earlier and trust me when I say this, this game is very, very difficult. As a veteran of the last game, playing over 40 hours and completing over 225 levels and only struggling on a few of the puzzles, I found myself getting stumped very frequently in this game. It could be due to the differences in the games and trying to play it like the last one which you cannot do or the simple fact that this game is harder. It's probably a cross between the two so be warned that this game won't be an easy ride. You can skip any level which is nice and come back to it later but I found pride getting in the way and I would rather spend an hour trying to work it out rather than take the smart option and retry later.

There's a small price increase for this game compared to the last one which was $6.99 compared to the price tag this time around of $8.99. It's worth noting seeing as it’s primarily the same sort of game and is probably due to the success of the first game they hope people won't mind a small increase. However this game could easily be a retail release and the amount of content you get for your money is still more than worth its modest price tag.

If you haven't played Pushmo yet I would probably recommend that over this game due to it being such a fantastic game that everyone should play. The new elements in this game somewhat over complicate the experience and I found the simplicity of the original game more charming and fun to play. If you played Pushmo, and want a new challenge then this is the game for you. It's bigger, harder and contains everything that is great about the first game whilst adding to the series. Really you can't go wrong with either game.

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Overall, Crashmo is a fantastic puzzle game and a great successor to the best game on the eShop. Adding upon the series and cranking up the difficult this really cements this franchise as a serious one that shouldn't be overlooked by any Nintendo fans. With over 100 levels of block climbing madness and a great level editor, this really is worth your time and money. You could do a lot worse than to pick up this gem for your 3DS now.

Crashmo is out now and available exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS via download on the eShop for $8.99. In Europe, the game is known as Fallblox and is also available via the eShop now.


Resident Evil 6 (2012) - Review

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The newest entry in the Resident Evil franchise will undoubtedly divide opinion, and rightfully so. What the developers started in Resident Evil 5 is most definitely continued here with the most action oriented and ambitious title so far in the series. The most important thing however is does it pay off? Does this game take the best of what makes current-gen games great and use them effectively or does it become a bad mash up that tries to run before it can walk? Somewhere in the middle but leaning towards the latter seems about right but lets see what makes this game so popularizing.

Note. This review is very long and thorough. It contains very minor spoilers regarding locations and set pieces but nothing you wouldn't know from seeing one trailer. This isn't based on a demo or anything else but from actually playing all of the campaigns and other modes for over 30 hours.

First of all, the computer AI of the partners have been dramatically improved since the last game. Where Sheva would love standing in a corner and completely ignoring enemies and Chris' cries for help in RE5, the partners in this game kick some serious ass. The amount of times they saved me from a zombie capture even early in the game was really surprising and felt like I was playing with someone that did help me for a change, as opposed to just dragging me down. This does however mean the game is easier when playing by yourself instead of co-op which the game wants you to do but I think this is a unavoidable problem really.

The graphics in this game are truly a sight to behold. Arguably one of the best looking titles on the Xbox 360, even when darkness floods most of the screen, the characters can really show emotion for the first time through how realistic they look. Since Resident Evil 4 the games have looked good and not out of place with everything else on the market but this game really sets the standard for visuals in the franchise so far.

The melee moves which I found awkward in previous games are pretty good but does have its downsides. Even though it's completely over the top and one of the things that shouldn't really be in a Resident Evil game, they are just so damn fun I can't help but really enjoy the inclusion in this game. In particular my favorite is when you grab a weapon off the zombie you are attacking and hit them with it. Decapitating a zombie with his own fire axe is just plain awesome. Some of them are a bit too crazy though. When is a running bulldog ever a good idea? The downside with melee is that they are way too overpowered. In a game that limits your ammo already, I found myself many a times running around and punching enemies to the point this game may as well have been a beat em up.

What can I say about quick time events that hasn't already been said? They suck. There isn't anything else really to say. They pop up way too much. Add absolutely nothing to the experience. My biggest problem with them wasn't so much the execution, which is terrible and inconsistent, but the fact that because they pop up so frequently you can never just enjoy the cut-scenes. I couldn't relax and pay attention to the dialogue because I was on edge that a QTE would pop up and if I failed it would mean instant death. In summary, they are as bad as people say they are and really can ruin any good game.

"characters can really show emotion for the first time through how realistic they look"

The new inventory system is interesting and works somewhat well. The equipping of weapons and reloading on the fly is adequate but the health system is completely useless. On paper the idea is fine whereby if you pick up a herb it goes to your inventory. To use it you then turn it into a pill that can be used at anytime with the press of a button. This would work well in situations where you have time to plan ahead but due to the crazy break neck speed and action of this game, trying to heal yourself quickly becomes an unnecessary chore and the method seems overly complicated for no reason at all.

The game lets you choose which of the 3 campaigns you would like to play first which is a nice touch and gives some sort of control of the story over to the player. Being a huge fan of Resident Evil 4 I decided to go with Leon's campaign first hoping to experience something similar. Let's see if that's what I got.

Leon's campaign starts off well with some great creepy sequences such as walking through a train tunnel and trying to fight zombies whilst also avoiding being splattered by oncoming trains. The use of light and sound is fantastic in this part and probably my favorite part of the campaign, even though it lasts roughly 15 minutes and if you miss a QTE involving dodging trains you'll have to start from scratch. This pretty much sums up this game, whenever something cool happens you know there's something lame around the corner ready to ruin the experience again.

I enjoyed the puzzles in the cathedral and liked the slower pace of Chapter 2 overall. It's a shame the whole of Leon's campaign isn't like this which is what I was expecting as from this chapter to the finish everything is straight up action and not even remotely tense or scary. A terrible underwater sequence lies in the middle of this campaign which serves nothing except to cross off another game mechanic from the long list which this game seems to be trying to fit in during it's almost ridiculous length.

"great creepy sequences such as walking through a train tunnel"

I hated the final chapter and the final boss is one of the most frustrating and boring sequences I've ever played in my entire life. It completely overstays its welcome as the game constantly lies to you in saying that you've have defeated it only for it to pop up once again to the point that I was literally wishing for the game to end. Filled with terrible QTE's and completely absorbing any ammo the game is kind enough to give you, the boss isn't hard, just time consuming and boring. I didn't die as I just leisurely jogged around the area waiting for when I could next hurt the boss and when any ammo would spawn.

Leon's campaign was overall extremely average. What started as cool and fun in the first hour or so, by the near 8 hour mark became increasingly frustrating and the awful ending really soured the experience. Also having to repeat the prelude during this campaign felt so contrived and yet another time filler in a game that is already way too big. A mixed bag so far but maybe Chris's campaign will be better.

The first chapter is pretty terrible really with every story hook and set piece ripped straight from a Call of Duty game. Seriously, when I was breaching rooms in slow motion and taking out enemies to save hostages I really had to remind myself this was a Resident Evil game I was playing. Chapter 2 was actually quite fun by this game's standards. I enjoyed what was going on but because this campaign heavily relies on the cover mechanics which are completely abysmal and broken it really detracts from what could have been a really fun experience.

Further into the campaign sees a horrendous car chase sequence which actually produced one of the funniest parts of my experience with this game. My controller died and the game doesn't pause itself so you can get new batteries, it just keeps on playing. As I was looking for new ones I realized the game was still going on and I wasn't taking any damage. Once my controller was working again I decided just to leave it and see if the section would complete itself. It did. This really sums up how terribly scripted and uninteresting some of the set pieces in this game can be.

"this campaign heavily relies on the cover mechanics which are completely abysmal"

A jet sequence is squeezed in before you finish which tries to be like HAWX and yet again comes off as a terrible knock off like so many of this games ideas. The final boss, albeit not as annoying as Leon's is still pretty terrible and was so frustrating with the limited ammo once again and waiting for QTE's constantly.

Overall it's another mixed campaign. Towards the end I found myself really enjoying the story more than I expected to and was looking forward to the cut-scenes way more than actual gameplay. The set pieces and enemies are good overall but again the basic mechanics of the game let it down. Just when I was starting to have fun one of the many random irritations I have with this game would rear its ugly head just long enough to sour my experience. Next up, Jake and Sherry.

This campaign starts off OK with a pretty good first chapter. Replaying the same boss battle from a previous campaign but with different characters was really annoying and boring as it added nothing to an already average battle. Starting to see how the character's stories intertwine is really cool as long as its just seeing them in the background and not making you replaying certain areas again which I find to be a cheap tactic at prolonging the game's length. A cool but ridiculous fight in a plane ends the first chapter and we are left feeling like we are getting pretty much more of the same from the last two campaigns.

The 2nd chapter at least sees a completely new setting to anything with seen in the previous campaigns where we are dropped into snow covered mountains in the middle of a blizzard. The fact that the snow storm is so strong should make the game more tense, not knowing where enemies are like in the original Silent Hill, but because Jake can run really fast this wasn't particularly scary or tense at all. I basically just sprinted from one checkpoint to the next as there is no reason to stand and fight and quickly got bored of this new setting.

As we progress we then encounter a somewhat stealth section (and I use that term loosely) and yet another boss battle takes place, however this time you must avoid being seen or face certain death. This was actually kinda fun which I didn't expect and it's a shame they didn't do more with this part other than making you advance from room to room before yet another inevitable QTE sequence to finally beat the baddie.

A bike chase is included in the next chapter which is just outright terrible and shouldn't be in the game at all. The bike controls awful, the chase isn't remotely fun or exciting, and if you hit any obstacle in the road (which there are many) you die instantly. Just another section which involved many hours and money in development which could have been used on making the mechanics of the game that you control for 90% of your experience better which it desperately needs instead of wasting it on this.

"The bike controls awful, the chase isn't remotely fun or exciting"

The final boss is not as frustrating as the previous campaigns and probably my favorite of the bunch. The fact that it doesn't drag on for too long and is unnecessarily difficult like the previous ones is already a good thing. It does however rely too heavily on QTE's yet again which at this point you really have to just accept that they are a big part of this game (Wish I hate).

Overall I enjoyed the story more than I thought I would and it really ties it all together nicely. It would have been nice to have more back story on Jake but I did find the character rather interesting and the game purposely leaves a lot of questions unanswered for yet another potential sequel. After playing all 3 of the main campaigns I preferred Chris' the most, with Jake second and Leon last which is the opposite order I expected going in to this game.

Ada's campaign is unlocked once you have finished the main 3 campaigns and serves as a sort of round up to the other stories, tying up loose ends and making things a little bit more clearer. I enjoyed this campaign but it wasn't really necessary after playing the previous 3. Ada is a cool character and fun to play as and her weapon of choice, a crossbow, is the best of any of the characters specialties. The environments and enemies are pretty much all from the previous campaigns and leaves nothing as a surprise which is a shame.

The story again I found intriguing and it kept me interested throughout the duration but did leave many questions unanswered. The final's moments of the game I felt should have been used to completely resolve the story but instead it tries very hard to set up a sequel. I know this is how this business works but it is a shame when a publisher already has an eye on the next game before they have properly finished the current one.

"Ada is a cool character and fun to play as"

The length of the campaigns time it took me to beat them definitely got progressively shorter and I'm not sure whether the campaigns actually are shorter or whether I just started to beat them quicker by learning the game and getting better at it. More than likely I just spent less time looking around the rooms and just rushed through each area the more I played due to the frustration of the games length.

I liked the interlinking stories but 2 campaigns like Resident Evil 2 would have worked so much better and got to the point quicker. Leon isn't needed at all in this game so perhaps Chris as one campaign and then Jake/Ada as the other would have worked better. There is so much content that isn't needed that if this game was shortened it would definitely be a better experience for everyone.

Outside of the 4 campaigns there is also yet more content in the form of the usual Mercenaries mode and a new Agent Hunt mode. Mercenaries is pretty much exactly the same as the previous game and everyone should know how this works by now. I've never been a fan of this mode and after playing it a few times I quickly got bored like I usually do and I doubt I'll be revisiting it.

If you don't enjoy the Resident Evil series then I would not recommend this game if you think this is the one to finally hook you in. There are games out there that function so much better than this one on the market and you're better off spending your time and money elsewhere.

If you are a fan of the previous games like myself I would say go ahead but with caution. If you really need to know the story and what happens to the characters you know and love then picking up this game when the price has dropped wouldn't be the worse idea. Better still just watch the cut-scenes on YouTube and avoid the annoying gameplay mechanics which constantly frustrate.

At this point I definitely don't want a Resident Evil 7 and hope this is the end for the current mythology. Leave the franchise alone for say 5 years until the next gen and do a reboot that has a similar tone to the first game. Strip it back to basics and create a whole new world and characters which an entirely new audience could fall in love with. Instead of trying to please both old and new fans with this entry and failing to impress either.

My overall impressions of this game are incredibly mixed. I did really enjoy some of my time playing it but my experience was constantly undermined by so many random irritations which I have mentioned. The gameplay when it's at it's best is average, some of the time it's pretty bad and the rest of the time is just doesn't work. I really enjoyed the story and setting but wish the game would have been finely tuned. There is an amazing game hidden here but it's surrounded by mediocrity and terribleness.

Playing this game actually made me sad. I couldn't help thinking that one of my favorite franchises, having overcome so many obstacles in the past to survive had come to this. A boring action clone that tries what successful games of recent years has done and fails. I really wish this franchise will see such great heights again, but I've got a suspicion that the worst is yet to come.


My week in Gaming (Bully, Mirrors Edge, Max Payne 3 & more)

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Hey all. Just thought I'd do another quick blog about my gaming over the past week or so. These are the games I've been playing recently or will be playing soon and some thoughts on them.

Bully: Scholarship Edition - After asking in a previous post what game I should review next, this game was the most popular choice so I took that advice and did just that. You can find that review here. Even after playing the game extensively for review I continued to play until I got the 100% and every achievement. Dunno if that shows the longevity of the game or my obsession with trying to beat a game entirely.

Max Payne 3 - I keep going back to the multiplayer on this game every so often as there's someone about it that's really addictive. I took advantage of the triple XP weekend that just passed to finally get to Level 50 and the connectivity issues seem to be less frequent which is great.

Mirrors Edge - Only played this game for an hour so far and seems pretty cool, albeit quite repetitive. I like the frantic pace and style very much however. If I find time to review this next I will, however in one weeks time I shall be getting...

Resident Evil 6 - As I mentioned I will definitely be reviewing this game next and right now I have mixed feelings. RE is probably my third favorite franchise but I'm really not hyped for this game. 5 burned me badly and I've tried to avoid previews for this game but the small amount I've seen looks like the worst parts of 5 yet again. Such a shame from an amazing series which had a great return to form in Revelations on the 3DS this year. I'll reserve judgement till after playing it however.

FIFA 13 - The other game I have preordered for release soon. I have a love/hate relationship with these games. I'll spend a majority of my gaming time playing them but always resent it and wish I was playing more unique compelling titles on the market. Oh well. The cycle starts again soon...

So have you played any of these games lately? Anyone else skeptical about Resident Evil 6 but still optimistic like myself? Let me know and tell me what games you've been playing recently.


Bully: Scholarship Edition (2008) - Review

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Going into Bully: Scholarship Edition I was definitely excited to try a completely different experience from one of my favorite publishers, Rockstar Games. Being a huge fan of Grand Theft Auto, Manhunt and Max Payne I wanted to see whether the usually adult company could create a world and story not involving murders, drugs and the usual Rockstar conventions. What I got was a fantastic concept with likeable characters and varied gameplay. Bully stands alone as a completely different experience to the rest of the open world market and makes egging cars and panty raiding just as fun as performing drug deals and killing prostitutes. Let me explain why Bully should be played by all genre fans.

The story of Bully sees problem child Jimmy Hopkins being dropped off at his new school by his mother and step father ready to start the next year. As Jimmy soon finds out the school consists of many cliques and he must take control of all these groups if he is to survive his time at Bullworth academy. What starts as a pretty interesting foundation for a compelling story unfortunately never takes off and never really expands beyond the opening cinematic. I found the story to be disappointing and incredibly boring compared to other Rockstar titles which showed a lot of promise but ultimately didn't go anywhere. Jimmy is a unique protagonist and a breath of fresh air to play as in a market flooded with alpha males and very different to others in previous Rockstar games but I would have liked to have seen him fleshed out more and developed as the story progressed more than just a problem child that fights to survive.

"Jimmy Hopkins being dropped off at his new school by his mother"

The main story missions involve Jimmy doing various tasks for or against the various cliques such as helping the geeks stand up to the bullies by protecting them as they go to class or angering the jocks by sabotaging a big game of football, in the disguise of the team's mascot of course. The missions are pretty varied and do a good job of making sure you see all of the locations while you are partaking in them. The game does suffer from repetition like most games of this genre do where you will find yourself going to one place, collecting an item and then traveling back to where you started. Typical fetch quests that people will bound to get sick of quickly are unfortunately prevalent and the game could have had less of these filler missions and probably have been a better, shorter experience for it.

One of the main restrictions in this game is time. A clock is always on screen which shows time translating one real life minute to one in game hour and Jimmy must partake in two classes a day until he has passed every class before he can explore Bullworth in peace. Skip class and you will be hounded by the prefects and dragged back to class if they catch you. Perform truancy frequently and you could see yourself in detention, performing tasks such as mowing lawns for free as punishment. I like this mechanic as it makes the game very realistic but these restrictions on an open world game will surely frustrate a majority of its audience. If you've played similar games with these time mechanics such as Pikmin or Dead Rising like myself, this won't be a problem at all.

The classes which you should partake in during your school days consist of many different mini games such as making as many words as you can from a set of letters in English, to learning new fighting moves by wrestling in P.E. I enjoyed these mini games as it really broke up the gameplay nicely and was a good change of pace for an open world game to do something entirely different each day. Dodge ball is great fun albeit slightly easy and the benefits you unlock in class such as an ungraded bicycle in Shop class definitely make turning up to class worth your time.

The graphics are pretty nice and better than I was expecting for this game. Although it is a remake, the game originally only came out in 2006 so graphically the game is pretty much a HD version of a nice looking title in the first place . Aesthetically the game looks quite cartoony which fits great with the setting and humor of the game and is a very nice change to the darker adult Rockstar titles. To have a upbeat lighter more child friendly atmosphere although doesn't sound appealing at first, really is a delight.

"learning new fighting moves by wrestling"

The controls work well with a simple but nice combat system and good use of weapons such as the slingshot and faster traveling available at all times with the skateboard which again handles better than you would assume. Aiming with the slingshot is quite odd and takes some getting used to if you are trying to line up a specific shot. However when fighting enemies the lock on feature works just fine.

Probably the worst part about the entire game is the appalling almost non existent soundtrack. Rockstar titles pride themselves on having some of the best soundtracks in all of Video games but it's like they forgot to add one to this game. It contains no commercial music whatsoever and the music in this game is used to create atmosphere, such as getting more dramatic when a prefect is chasing you. However, in a large game like this it becomes tedious very quickly and I'm glad they never bought this idea over to their bigger franchises.

A part that really surprised me whilst playing Bully was how well the open world has been created considering the game is pretty linear. Of course Rockstar specialize in this but this title really didn't need such a vibrant and realistic town in the background but really adds to the realism of the game. The carnival in particular is fantastic with working rides and attractions, something that isn't even prevalent in the GTA games. (Previous GTA games have had non working rides and Vice City Stories had a working Ferris wheel but not a whole carnival. GTA IV originally had working rides but was removed from the final game).

The game has a ton of extra features that accompany the main story throughout your experience including side missions (errands), races (bicycle and go kart), jobs such as paper route and lawn mowing and tons of mini games throughout. These include boxing, penalty shoot outs and the tons of different games and attractions at the carnival which I mentioned earlier. Overall the game took me about 16 hours finish the main story but that was with doing tons of exploring in-between the missions such as doing every race and job. To get the full 100% including every collectible took another 6 hours after the story was finished so overall you definitely get a lot of value with this game and have plenty of reasons to continue playing after story completion.

"the carnival in particular is fantastic with working rides and attractions"

One of the main problems I had with this game was unfortunately the amount of glitches I ran into. Other than a few small ones here and there that you would expect from an open world game the biggest problems came when glitches prevented me from continuing a mission. For example, one mission you have to go through the fun house at the carnival which was very cool, or would have been had I not had to do it three times due to encountering horrible glitches. First time I tried I couldn't exit a room as the button prompt to leave never came up. The second time I tried to go down a ladder and just got stuck hovering in mid air and I couldn't do anything to move the player. This is incredibly frustrating when you have to reload the game up, potentially losing some of your progress if you don't save frequently and ruins the momentum and immersion of the game.

The thing I enjoyed the most about Bully was definitely the setting as I loved playing as a teenager and doing less adult violent actions in a Rockstar title. Instead of going on murderous rampages I took part in classes, gave wedgies to the bullies and even earned tickets at the carnival games in exchange for a cuddly toy for whatever girl I happened to bring along. Make no mistake this definitely has the Rockstar charm we all know and love but seeing it used in a different way was incredibly refreshing. Their childish humor actually works better with younger characters and as we see franchises like Grand Theft Auto seemingly steering more and more away from this, perhaps Bully is where this humor belongs.

This game takes me back to when I first played Red Dead Revolver. A fantastic setting with a completely different take on the open world that had huge potential but something just didn't click. The undertaking was probably too big at the time and the developers didn't fully understand what they were trying to achieve. Then Red Dead Redemption came out and blew everyone away. Rockstar have never shied away from talking about potential sequels to Bully and it wouldn't surprise if we see them revisit the franchise on the next generation. It really makes you wonder what Rockstar could achieve if they gave Bully 2 the same amount of time and love that Redemption received, we really could see something special.

Until then enjoy this fine underrated, charming game which for some reason seems to have flown under the radar for most which is a massive shame. Bully deserves to be played whether you are a fan of Rockstar Games, or even if you are not. With a fine setting, bags of charm and personality and some pretty solid mechanics, you could do far worse than picking up this game and getting lost in the trials and tribulations of a typical teenage school boy. Typical by Rockstar standards anyway.


Gaming This Week (06/09/2012)

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Hey guys. Thought I'd just post a blog about some of my gaming of the past week. After asking you guys what game I should review next (found here) I took the advice and have just started playing Bully: Scholarship Edition. Look forward to playing it more and already love the Rockstar charm it has.

Been really getting into Max Payne 3 multiplayer lately after playing it loads when it came out and stopping due to connection issues. The game still has many issues when my friends and I try and get a game together but the experience is so fun it usually isn't enough to detract us from playing.

Also been playing Gears of War 3's Horde mode again. Definitely my favourite part of the game and so much fun when you get a group of friends together and do all 50 waves in one session. Such a great accomplishment and thoroughly entertaining.

Only slightly older game I've played this week was The Matrix: Path of Neo. I've always been a huge fan of Enter The Matrix and never played this game and decided to pick it up as its dirt cheap these days. Very fun game but still prefer Enter The Matrix. I wasn't gonna review this game but after its WTF ending I couldn't resist. (If you want to check it out you can find it here.)

So have you played any of these games recently? Found yourself buying random older games you never got around to playing when they first came out. Hope to hear from you guys.


The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) - Review

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The second Matrix game to hit consoles following the mixed reviewed Enter the Matrix comes Path of Neo, which follows a different path to its predecessor by this time letting the player control the one himself through all the movies in the trilogy and more. While some felt that Enter The Matrix was rushed to be out when the movies were released did the extra development time for this game pay off? Do we finally get the definitive Matrix experience on gaming devices that can stand alongside the movies with pride. Let's first start with this game's unusual production.

"Enter the Matrix... which told the story of Niobe and Ghost"

The game's development is a very interesting story if you haven't heard it and quite surprising as well. Shiny Entertainment released Enter The Matrix as a companion to the last two Matrix movies which told the story of Niobe and Ghost and what they were doing when the movies take place. The story was an original one written by the Wachowski brothers and even contained exclusive live action cutscenes filmed during the production of the movies. This was a very nice fresh approach to the usual video game adaption of movies and I think the way this genre should have continued in the future. But this wasn't the case.

Gaming journalists and players alike criticised Enter The Matrix for not having the main characters of the film and wanted to just play the scenes they saw in the movies, not learn something new about the Matrix universe. The outcry was so loud that Shiny Entertainment decided to make a game where you play entirely as Neo and recreate all your favourite scenes from the movies. So when the game that everyone wanted the first time around came out, was it worth the wait and everything the fans wanted? Let's see.

Lets start with the story. The first two movies adapted in this game are very well done (I'll take about the third movie later on). It contains all of the scenes you would want them to recreate such as the subway fight scene from the first movie and Neo vs unlimited Agent Smiths after visiting The Oracle in The Matrix Reloaded. It does quite a nice job of filling some of the gaps the movies leave but I find this odd as the whole point of this game is to recreate scenes we know, not to show what we didn't see. Enter The Matrix did that fantastically yet people complained. But I digress.

Overall the game is paced well but has some slumps such as during the 'Reloaded' portion we have to save random people from agents as we convert them to our side. Again, this seemed more in place with the previous game and will distract many players from what they got the game for. The story is told by showing footage from the movies then thrusting the player immediately into whatever situation the characters from the movie are in. It's a quick and easy approach to get to the action quicker which is good but if you aren't entirely familiar with the trilogy it can be rather confusing.

"The combat in this game is fantastic."

The combat in this game is fantastic. As you would expect from the previous game which has a very good fighting system this game is no different. You can pull off all the moves you see from the movies and more with bullet time never becoming dull during the game. The further you progress, the more moves you unlock and the more awesome you will be become. The gun play is fine albeit pretty simple but does the job in a game where using Melee weapons or your own fists is where you will have the most fun. Games like the Arkham series have been lorded as having very impressive combat systems but for a game that's 7 years old, the combat holds up really well and doesn't feel dated at all.

The graphics aren't the best in the world and take some getting used to after playing HD games the last few years but aren't bad enough to distract from the experience. The only shame is that they are slightly worse than Enter The Matrix which came before it but I guess that's more of a compliment to that game than a criticism of this one.

The authenticity of this game is very good but does have some small flaws. The biggest disappointment by far is the lack of voice actors with only Lawrence Fishburne reprising his role of Morpheus from the movies. This can distract from what is otherwise a very faithful and engrossing adaption. The bullet time and combat looks and feels just like they should and the look of the characters and the world including code vision really feel like they're straight from the movie.

It would be impossible to review this game without talking about the ending so a clear SPOILER ALERT from this point on. The ending to this game is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever played in my life. The Matrix Revolutions part of this game consists entirely of just the final battle between Agent Smith and Neo on the streets with the rain falling hard. Many people will be happy that this is the only part of this movie present but it seems very odd that even the Wachowski brothers themselves deemed this the only part interesting enough for the game. But if you thought that choice was weird it gets better. After defeating Smith in the street you may think the game is over. You would be wrong.

"forming a giant Agent Smith. Complete with giant sunglasses of course."

What happens next is pretty simple. The Wachowski brothers pop up on the screen, in 8 bit form, to explain how the martyr ending of the movie wouldn't make a very good video game ending and so have decided to completely change it to make the game more fun for the player. Still with me so far? A cutscene then shows all of the Agent Smiths on the street being pulled together, along with cars and rubble, forming a giant Agent Smith. Complete with giant sunglasses of course. Getting over how completely ludricous and insane it is to change the ending after what has been a pretty faithful video game adaption so far I could forgive them if what they gave was what they promised. A fun ending to the game. They did not give this at all.

What follows is the most boring boss battle in the history of video games. Dodge, attack. That's it. Dodge what MegaSmith throws, attack him. Rinse and repeat many, many times. Without taking one hit this took 25 minutes. If you don't die of boredom once you defeat MegaSmith you will then see film footage from the final moments of The Matrix Revolutions with Queen's "We Are The Champions" playing over the top. No joke. I honestly think the developers even forgot there was a third Matrix movie and after making two good adaptions they made the third one during the last week of development. It really has to be seen to believed.

Bar the games very odd and out of place finale I did thoroughly enjoy my experience with Path of Neo. I preferred Enter The Matrix which I think is a criminally underrated game but that isn't important here. What's important is that Path Of Neo deserves to be played if your a fan of the series or a fan of action games in general. I picked this game up for next to nothing this year and got 8-10 hours worth of entertainment which more than justified the purchase. If you are like me and still enjoy dusting off the PS2 every so often then I'd definitely recommend giving this game a go.