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The (Late) Weekly Wiki Update - Monday, Oct. 5th 2015

Well here we go with another update of my weekly wiki exploits. Sorry for posting this one late. I actually completely spaced is yesterday as I was playing through Escape Dead Island, which was a huge mistake.

The Pages

so the theme of this week, and probably the next couple to come was Xbox Live Indie Games. With the service going away I really wanted to make sure as many of these games are in the wiki as possible. Up to this point I have been trying to fill in as much information as I can on each of the pages, so this is probably going to take a long time. Rather than go through each of these one at a time I am just going to list all the games I created pages for or filled in the pages for.

On top of those Xbox Live Indie Games I did do a little editing on some other pages. I created a page for the game Romero's Aftermath when it got added to Steam. I also ended up adding the company for that one.

Another game that came to Steam was GabeN: The Final Decision that did not yet have a page.

I ended up filling in the credits for Iron Fisticle after I played it.

And last but not least I have been adding games to the Gamma Adjustment page as I find games for it.

Wrap Up

And there you have it, what I have been up to in the wiki for the past week (and a day). I really wanted to try and get these up on Sundays but I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-7 hours playing Escape Dead Island. I kept going in that game since for the last probably 4 hours of it I kept thinking it was about to end. I seriously have not played through a game that drug on and on like this one.

So as always, what have all of you been up to in the wiki? What are your plans for what to work on? Anything that maybe needs some attention?


Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, Sept. 27th 2015

Welcome once again to the weekly wiki update. I almost forgot to do this thing this week, but still remembered on Sunday. I am not sure if there is any way to really tell if anyone is still interested in me doing these, but they shall continue on for now anyway.

The Pages

This week was not nearly as focused on hidden object games as the last few, but there are certainly some more.

I actually started off this week with doing an overview, adding some associations, and the system requirements to the Escape Dead Island page, which was all but empty.

Next up was another hidden object game in Enigmatis: The Ghosts Of Maple Creek. This one was already in the wiki but was pretty much empty so I pretty much filled the page out, including credits.

Then I took a strange turn and did a small amount of editing on the pages for the three main characters in 3 Ninjas Kick Back; Rocky, Colt, and Tum-Tum.

Then I moved on to the Japanese exclusive Game Boy Color game Zok Zok Heroes. I created the page for this quite a while ago, but when I went back to it I wasn't satisfied with it just having an overview so I added story and gameplay sections.

I ended up adding a couple of games to the Gamma Adjustment page that @beachthunder created. I am surprised this was not a page earlier. I know there are a TON of games with this in it, so please head on over and add them if you can.

Next up I went on a little run of adding/working on pages for some Xbox Live Indie Games. With these going away I thought it would be a good time to make sure as many of them are archived as possible. I added or worked on pages for Avatar Warfare!, Shark Attack Deathmatch, Press X to not Die, and Electric Racing Car. I also had to add some developers of these games.

While watching the quick look for Skylanders Superchargers I added an overview to the surprisingly empty page as well as a bunch of associations.

Another game I worked on some of the page for while watching the quick look was Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma. I ended up adding overview, gameplay, and system requirement sections as well as some various associations.

And last up this week were two hidden object games. The first was DinerTown Detective Agency which is a spin-off to the main Diner Dash series. The second was League of Light: Silent Mountain, which I totally filled in the page for and added the developer to the wiki.

Wrap Up

So there you have it, my activity in the wonderful world of wiki editing this week. After just a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned I thought more people were doing some wiki editing, I am starting to feel like that wave is already dying off somewhat.

I would love to know what makes people either decide to work on or stop working on the wiki. Anyway as always what have you been working on if you have been?


Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, Sept. 20th 2015

Welcome everyone to the newest edition of the weekly wiki update. This week should be a much shorter one as my wiki time was significantly less, due to work and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

The Pages

Started this week off guessed it a hidden object game. This time around it was the page for Nightmares From The Deep: The Cursed Heart. I had previously filled in the page, but this time around I filled in the credits for the game. In doing so I ended up having to create a bunch of people, but the more of these I do the less I have to create as a lot of these people work on multiple hidden object games.

Next up was a non-hidden object game in Legends of Pixelia. I saw this game got added to Steam and decided to add it to the wiki. I filled in all the basic information and a small gameplay section. It really could use more information if someone who puts some time in with it could work on it. I also had to add the developer SimaGames to the wiki.

Can't go too long without working on a hidden object game, so I went with Mind Snares: Alice's Journey. I ended up filling up the page and the credits for around 800 points. With this game came another where I had to add the game's developer, World-Loom.

Then I moved on to the Mega Man Legacy page. I was actually completely surprised to see a mostly empty page here. I would have thought for sure a Mega Man game would have been much more popular a page. I added a quick overview and then proceeded to add every robot master from the games. I would really love to see someone give this page the love it deserves.

And again...wait no it wasn't a hidden object game this time. It was actually MicroLeague Football 2 this time. I added the cover art, an overview, and credits to this completely bare page. This would be another one that could use some gameplay information if anyone either knows enough about it or is willing to research it.

Did a couple super quick edits to the Blood Bowl II and Crackdown 2 pages. On Blood Bowl I added the console platforms that it is coming to and Crackdown 2 I just removed a bunch of italicized game titles.

NOW we go back to a hidden object game in Chronicle Keepers: The Dreaming Garden. I created the page for this one and then filled in the page. Yet again I had to create a page for a company to go along with a game, but this time it was the UK publisher, PCF Media.

Then I moved on to the page for Mythic Wonders: The Child of Prophecy, which was already on the site but was pretty barren. I ended up filling up the page quite a bit.

And last up is another hidden object game, Mythic Wonders: Philosopher's Stone. Another page I had to create and then proceeded to fill in. This one was the heftiest page I think this week with it clocking in at around 1,100 points. I also created the franchise page for Mythic Wonders and the company Organic 2 Digital to go along with this one.

Wrap Up

And there you have it, another hidden object filled week of wiki editing. These hidden object game pages are really starting to blur together now because of just how similar they really are. I have to stop myself from basically writing the exact same page for each of these, but they really are so similar. There are in fact some more concepts, similar to the gear puzzle page I did last week that I am thinking about creating because there are just so many games that re-use the same concepts.

Another thing I have noticed about these games is the surprising amount of them that contain typos. I am not sure if there is a concept for that yet, but if not maybe there should be?

Alright ladies and gents, that is it for me this week. As always, share with everyone what you worked on in the wiki lately.

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Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, Sept. 13th 2015

Here we go again, another Sunday means it is time for another weekly wiki update. This week should be a much shorter post than last time considering this one actually only covers a week and not many months.

The Pages

I kept the hidden object train rolling this week starting out with a licensed mobile game in Dexter: Hidden Darkness. I created the page (along with its developer BlooBuzz), filled in the side bar info as well as creating an overview, story, and gameplay section.

Then as a sharp 180 turn from hidden object games I did some things to the Battlefield: Hardline page. I didn't do too much work, but I ended up playing through this game over the course of a couple of days so I added a bunch of associations such as locations, objects, and concepts to it as I was playing.

Back to the hidden object games I go with Small Town Terrors: Galdor's Bluff. I pretty much filled in the page, including credits.

You know what, I think it might be time to just toss the rest of these hidden object games that I completely filled in the pages for into a list, so here it is:

Now there were also a couple of other things I worked on that weren't hidden object games, such as 16-bit Trader. I downloaded this game randomly from my Steam library, so naturally I took a bunch of screenshots while I was playing it. When I went to upload them, I realized there was no page for the game yet. I ended up filling in the page with all the main sections, although it could use some more detailed work I think.

Another non-hidden object game I worked on was yet another random Steam game. This time it was a gem of a game in Veteran Combat. This is a terrible 2D fighting game that uses digitized sprites and does not go into full screen. I created the page and filled in pretty basic information, but could use more info for sure.

A super quick update was removed the iPod platform from the Pokemon Shuffle page, remember folks that platform is only for the classic click wheel style, not iPod Touch.

Ghost in the Machine was another game I had to create a page for from my Steam library. Ghost in the Machine is a Virtual Boy inspired 2D platformer. I added an overview, basic info, and information about its Kickstarter. I only played it for about 3 or 4 levels, so if any of you have played it more than that it could use a gameplay section.

One page that I created as a result of hidden object games was a concept for the Gear Puzzle. I noticed while playing these games that this specific puzzle type kept popping up. Basically you put a bunch of gears in between the start gear and end gear in order to get the mechanism to work. If you guys can think of any other games with these puzzles please add them to the page.

And lastly I decided to work on the pages for a bunch of people that have worked on these hidden object games as well as the page for Artifex Mundi, which is a company that makes a lot of these.

Wrap Up

Well that ended up still being a lot longer than I thought. I have to say that since I have started working on the pages for these hidden object games I have actually started to have fun with some of these. The voice acting is often terrible, the animations just as bad, and use the same types of tropes over and over again. One thing that is really interesting about them is just how many of them include strong female protagonists. Far more of these games use a female protagonist than a male, which seems opposite of most genres.

Now I don't know if I am making it up in my own head or not, but I do believe I have been seeing more folks out there working on wiki pages. If you have been working on some stuff let us all know!


Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, Sept. 6th 2015

Welcome ladies and gents to the first weekly wiki update in 6 months. I was having a real problem keeping up with this at the end of the last run, so I decided to just shelve it for a while. Well, I am going to try and give this another go to try and bring a little more attention to the wiki.

The Pages

So it just so happens that when I decided to bring back the weekly wiki update, I also just so happened to start getting back in to working on pages for hidden object games. I tried to fill out as much of these pages as possible as I worked on/created them. Rather than go through these one at a time I will just dump a list of them.

I did end up doing a small amount of other work mixed in with all those hidden object games. I added an overview and some various associations for Hero of the Kingdom 2, which I have been playing a little here and there and enjoying it.

I bought a bundle of PSP sports games last week so I was adding those games to my collection list and noticed that MLB 08: The Show page was kind of a mess. I ended up just moving some things around and modifying the formatting.

When I bought those PSP games I also picked up a couple of PS2 games so I decided to check out their pages. I ended up doing a small amount of work on the RISK: Global Domination. I also did more work to the Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships page, which is an exciting game let me tell you. This one I actually filled out a decent gameplay section and full credits, and in the process realized I also owned this on the original Xbox.

Next up was a game that I had to play for myself, and ended up beating it. The game is Playing History 2: Slave Trade. I ended up creating the page and then filling in all the basic info, gameplay section, and even added pages for two of the games characters, Captain Seahab and Tempus. I am pretty sure this is the only video game that features a slave Tetris mini-game.

I also just put in some very basic information/overview for APT after someone came from asking for some help so the page would show up on their site.

And last, but certainly not least thanks to my desire to play something different in my Steam library I randomly chose Hello Kitty and Sanrio Friends Racing. I ended up not only beating every part of this extremely generic kart racer, but also got all the achievements and spent far too long on this wiki page. I ended up filling in as much information as I possibly could, as well as added pages for each character.

Wrap Up

Whew, here we are at the end of the (hopefully) regular comeback of the weekly wiki update. This week I want to make sure to point out @freezyfrog's Wiki Contest 000 - September 6-8th 2015 - 43 Hour Madness thread on the Editing & Tools forum.

As I previously would ask at the end of these, what has everyone else been working on in the wiki?


Weekly Wiki Update Monday, March 31st 2015

Sorry for posting this a little bit late, but with Wrestlemania and some other things I had to do yesterday it totally escaped me that I hadn't yet posted this.

The Pages

This week I started off with adding an overview to the Butasan page after watching it on the quick look.

Next up I corrected the date, added a new cover image, and added more concepts/objects to the ArcheAge page. The game was recently added to Steam which is how I came across it.

I then added a new page for Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, which is a hidden object game that was added to Steam recently. When I created the page I also created a franchise page for the Grim Legends series.

I really can't remember why I visited the page, but I noticed that the Doodle Kingdom page was totally empty so I added an overview to it.

I went over and added just a handful of object associations to the Will Harvey's Zany Golf page after watching it on the old games stream.

Another game that I watched in a video here that had an empty page for was Please, Don't Touch Anything so I added a little overview to that one.

Keeping with tradition this week I went to the page for Project D Online after Jeff played it on Unprofessional Fridays. It was another barren page that I added an overview and some other various things to.

I went back next to another game that was recently added to Steam, Princess Evangile. It is an anime visual novel game that had an empty page, so I did what I normally do and I added an overview to it.

The last game I went to the page for this week that was from Steam is a game called RIDE. The page was not empty this time, but I added some concepts and objects to it.

And last and surely least was the page for the game Hong Kong 97. After I saw that the Angry Video Game Nerd did a video about it I decided to check out our page for it. I ended up only added a couple of concepts to the page since it already seemed to have a lot of information


so this week I had worked on a bunch of pages, but didn't do too terribly much to them. I always figure that having at least a small overview is better than having a totally empty page.

That brings me to a question I have, I know was using the wiki for their games, is that still happening? I know before if a page was totally empty it wouldn't show up or something which is another reason I try to make sure at least something is there.

That is all I have for this week, how about the rest of you? I would love to know what kind of work has been getting done around these wiki parts.


Weekly Wiki Update Sunday, March 22, 2015.

Hey would you look at that, I actually managed to do two of these in a row. This past week I managed to squeeze in a little more than I did last week, but I still would have liked to do some more.

The Pages

Started out small this week by simply adding an overview header, a little bit of text, and an image to the Arcade Archives franchise page.

Next up I added a few Zelda games to the Save File Copy page that @beachthunder created. I only added a few that I knew for sure contained that concept, but I know there are plenty more games.

After that I added some more information to the Pocket Mine 2 page, and I plan on doing more still.

Next up was a hidden object game that I have been playing on my phone called Agent Alice. It is not really a great game, but I have played it enough to fill in quite a bit of the information on the page. As part of the Agent Alice page I also created and worked on the page for Wooga, the company that made it.

The next page was yet another game I have been playing on my phone, this time it was Giant Boulder of Death. The page was already created, but was left sitting completely empty. I ended up filling in a bunch of the information and added an overview and gameplay section.

While I was still working on pages for games I have been playing on my phone I decided to see if Google Play Game Services had a page, and it did. I added a little bit of information to the page but added a bunch of games to it.

I then moved on to Crossy Road which was surprisingly empty. I added the overview and small gameplay section to it.

As I watched the Quick Look for 5 Star Wrestling I decided to write up the overview and a very basic gameplay section. It certainly needs more work though.

And last up was Minna de Spelunker Z. After watching @jeff play it on Unprofessional Fridays I decided to download it and give it a shot. I only ended up adding an overview and a couple of concepts to it, but it is a start.


And there you have it. It was certainly a more productive week for me, but I would really love to find more time to do more. I have been hearing about people having troubles with linking, but have not seemed to come across it myself.

Again, I would like to point everyone who edits the wiki or would like to edit the wiki to this forum post if you have any questions, concerns, or anything else pertaining to the wiki.

As always, what have you all been up to in the wiki?


The Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, March 15th 2015.

Welcome everyone to my tales of working on the Giant Bomb wiki. So it has actually been two weeks since my last "weekly" wiki update, but the thing is I honestly thought I had just done it last week. So other than that I spent the first half of this week barely getting to spend any time at my computer since I was laid up on the couch with pain in every joint in my body. Alright, enough of this boring catch up, on to what I did get a chance to work on.

The Pages

Since the last weekly wiki update I did not do too much, so this should be short. I added overviews and some basic information/clean up on Turbo Prop Racing for the PlayStation and ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth for the Xbox. I got to the Turbo Prop Racing page after I purchased the game, and honestly do not remember how I stumbled on the ToeJam & Earl page, probably something to do with the new game.

After those pages I decided to see if Giant Bomb had pages for some of the games I have been playing on my phone recently. I started out with the game Pocket Mine. I have been playing a fair amount of it so I thought it could use a page. I also went and added a page for Roofdog Games, which is the developer and a page for the Pocket Mine franchise.

Since the sequel to Pocket Mine was recently released I decided Pocket Mine 2 needed a page also. After all those pages were created I added a gameplay section to the first Pocket Mine, and plan on doing the same for the sequel.


Another weekly wiki update is in the can. I wanted to point out The Wiki Discussion Thread that was created by @beachthunder. There has been some good wiki discussions going on over there so if you have any issues, ideas, or whatever pertaining to the wiki that is a good place to go. As always, what kinds of things have all you been doing in this fine wiki of ours?


(The return of) The Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, March 1st 2015.

Here it is, the return of the (probably not so much) long awaited Weekly Wiki Update. The last one of these I did was way back on December 1st 2014. Once the holiday season hit it was one thing after another that was keeping me busy, from work giving me more hours to needing to hit multiple Christmas celebrations to doing work on the house.

I did however do some work on the wiki throughout that time, so let's just get into it.

The Pages

So the first page I worked on since I left off way back in December was Farmville 2: Country Escape. I am certainly slightly ashamed to admit how much time I ended up "playing" this game for. I didn't do a whole ton of work on the page, but I did add an overview and a gameplay section as well as a bunch of associations.

Next up (after some very small edits) was the Christmas with Weezer game for iOS. Again, nothing too much here just an overview and some gameplay.

I also ended up putting some work into the Removed from Steam concept page adding an overview and a ton of games.

And after these I went on a string of adding basic information such as overviews and developer/date information to a bunch of page. Mixed in with these pages I also added some credits to a few games, in which I again found frustration with doing a bunch of them only to have it error out and lose it all.

I also ended up adding a whole bunch of pages for games that were added to Steam. Games are starting to come out at such a fast pace on Steam now that it is hard to keep up with them.

An incredibly small edit, but one that bugged me was removing what was basically a joke from the Puyo Puyo Tetris page. I am not sure what makes people think this is an alright thing to do in the wiki, but it sometimes makes me wonder if people do it because the Giant Bomb wiki is not seen as credible or serious.

For whatever reason I did decide to actually fill out the page for Spartans VS Zombies Defense which is a completely horrible game complete with copyright infringing audio.

Other than all of that I just did some more creating pages and filling in basic information.


And there you have it, the first Weekly Wiki Update of 2015. I would really like to get back to doing these on a weekly basis. Since it has been so incredibly long, what has everyone else been up to with their wiki workings?


Weekly Wiki Update - Monday, December 1st 2014.

It is time for another Wiki Wiki Update, just a day late. Just as I had predicted I did not get too much wiki editing in this week as the holiday was quite busy. I still did manage to sneak in some here and there however so let us get into it.

The Pages

This week was mostly about small fixes. I added the game Nerf Arena Blast to the bounce pad concept page as the game does indeed contain them.

Next up I added an overview and some basic information to the Game Boy Color game Tech Deck Skateboarding. I also removed a bunch of games that were labeled as similar just because it was a skateboarding game. I am not sure what the general consensus is about adding similar games, but to me just because the game is in the same genre does not mean it is similar. At the time I left Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 as the Game Boy Advance/Game Boy Color version are indeed actually similar.

Next up was the PlayStation 2 game American Pool 2. The page was pretty much barren so I added a quick overview and some other basic information to it, nothing special.

I also ended up cleaning up some of the formatting on the Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers page. The game has a ton of information, but it was all in very large blocks and was hard to read.

And lastly I had to do the same thing to the Mario Pinball Land page that I did for Tech Deck Skateboarding in which I removed a bunch of non-similar pinball games from the similar list. I also added Rollers of the Realm to similar games as it has a really similar feel, just with some RPG elements mixed in.


Well there you have it folks. It was a rather bland week of wiki editing but a busy one for real life things. I would love to know what everyone's take is on the similar games issue that I referenced earlier and if maybe I am just thinking too much about it.

Also coming up in a couple of weeks I should be getting a decent chunk of time off so there are some game pages I really want to dig in on and tackle.

What editing has everyone else been up to this past week or more?