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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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Retail PC games. Bought in stores. On shiny CD's and floppy floppies.

Hey, this is the list of PC games I've bought in stores and stuff. Unlike those digital downloads I had created another list for.

A lot of these are even complete with those beautiful, giant paper boxes, printed manuals thick as bibles, 5.25 inch floppies and annoying price tags you can't remove without destroying the cover art.

NOTICE: I'm in the process of splitting this list up by platform, as I have multiple copies across multiple platforms for many games, and editing such a big list became pretty tedious. This list will soon only be PC games, the others will probably be divided by platform manufacturer (i.e. Nintendo Consoles, Sony Consoles etc.), though I have yet to figure that part out.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@velucyraptor: heh, as my library of multiple copies of the same game for different platforms is ever growing I'm kind of thinking of splitting this list up in platform specific ones.

As for the price tags, my primary offender is The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, which is still in perfect condition except for a huge green sticker over the logo that the store I got it from 17 years ago thought was a good addition to the cover art.

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Edited By velucyraptor

Ended up here thanks to spying it in the similar lists section beside my own, just wanted to say 1) impressive & 2) that I made some sort of involuntary whining noise reading " beautiful, giant paper boxes, printed manuals thick as bibles, 5.25 inch floppies and annoying price tags you can't remove without destroying the cover art." Hnnghsdfghjk