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1000 Pages: Three Years of the Giant Bomb Wiki

We're less than two weeks away from the third anniversary of Giant Bomb going fully live, which means the wiki is also almost three years old. It's been a long road, but yesterday, I made it to 1000 pages that I've added to the database. Some I'm proud of, others not so much. But I figured I'd take a look back at some of my favorites and some not-so-favorites as well.

Just to be clear, these are pages that I've added, not necessarily completely built. Thankfully, a bunch of members of the Giant Bomb community have taken the initiative to fill in many of these pages. I can't tell you how awesome it is to revisit a page I've added and find that someone has decked it out with a ton of information. So, if you see anything below that piques your interest, please jump on it.

Here's the full list if you're interested: Marino's Created Pages

You Always Remember Your First

The Attack
The Attack

The first thing I ever did on the wiki was add Hyrule as a location to the Link to the Past page, but the first page I ever created was for The Attack. The TI-99/4A was the first game system that I had, so there's a lot of nostalgia there. That's why my first project on the wiki was to fill out the the library of TI-99/4A games like this one, Blasto, Car Wars, and Chisholm Trail.

PlayStation Underground

Issue #1 Front Cover
Issue #1 Front Cover

This was my first big page. I wasn't really sure there was a place for it on the site, but luckily Jeff gave me the go ahead to add it as a concept. Back in 1997, I received the first edition of PlayStation Underground because I had registered my PlayStation with one of those post cards that you get in the box with any new system. At the time, the idea of being able to play demos of games that weren't out yet and getting high quality video content was unheard of. The Internet was still fairly new, and you certainly weren't going to be downloading all this stuff like you can today. I had been teaching myself basic HTML at the time, so I decided to create a site about it. While in an AOL video game chat room trying to get people to check out my site, I got an IM from a guy claiming to work on PlayStation Underground. Of course I didn't believe him, but when he sent me an email from a Sony domain, I couldn't argue with that. Turned out that he was the producer of the whole thing, Gary Barth. I kept working on the site, which became fairly popular with fans of the CD magazine thanks to inside information provided by Gary pertaining to what was coming in each next issue. When Gary found out that I lived in Georgia, he invited my friend Christopher and myself to E3 in Atlanta. I was only 16 at the time, so we were told that if anyone asked, to tell them that we had won a contest from Sony. The site pretty much ended in 2001 when the magazine stopped being produced, so I'm happy that some of the site's content found a new home here.

Electronic Entertainment Expo


When I ran the Underground site, I built a sub-site specifically for E3. I was able to attend the show for 10 years from 1997-2006. I had a lot of documented info from my old site, but I had to create a bunch more especially for the years I didn't attend. Trying to find documentation online for an event that happened in 1995 isn't easy. Despite not having been to the show in five years, E3 is still one of my favorite times of the year.



For over three years, the world of Norrath was pretty much my life. It sounds crazy now, and maybe a little sad, but I enjoyed just about every minute of it. I've come to terms with the fact that EverQuest is likely the most fun that I will ever have in any game for the rest of my life. Nothing will ever match that first MMO experience and sense of community in a virtual world. It's hard to convey to people that didn't play it at the time. Anyway, I've only added two actual EQ games to the database, but there's a bunch other stuff related to the game that I've submitted.

Mortal Kombat

Kerri Hoskins
Kerri Hoskins

After the TI-99/4A stuff, I started tackling MK related content. Specifically, I wanted to add the actors that portrayed the characters in the first three games in the series. Things branched off from there into NBA Jam secret characters.

The Penny Arcade Expo

No Caption Provided

I've been to every PAX since 2008 including the East coast versions. I hope that those that aren't able to go can get some benefit out of the hundreds of pictures I take.

The Wall of Shame

No Caption Provided

Hey, sometimes you come across a game, object, location, character or concept that doesn't exist in the database. It may not be "important" or "significant" or "good," but upon realizing that it's not there, it become your duty to make things right in the world. When building the E3 pages, I came across many games that required a page. Sometimes that leads to making a franchise page. And that leads to character pages. And that... it's a bottomless pit of despair!

The Conception of Concepts

Discontinued MMO
Discontinued MMO

Concepts are easily the most loosely defined category on the site, so they are the ones that most often have their credibility questioned. Sometimes I come across something that still surprises me that we don't have a page for it. The hardest part sometimes is coming up with a concise, yet descriptive (and sometimes funny) name. Here's some of my favorites over the last three years.

The Johns

John Tobias in NBA Jam TE
John Tobias in NBA Jam TE

John is a pretty common name.


Last night's 1000th created page came from my favorite console game of all time. I must accept part of the blame in this, but how on Earth is it possible that, after three years, we don't have every character from a game as popular as A Link to the Past in the database already? That's crazy! So, the descendant of the seven wise men of Hyrule became #1000. Thanks for all the help, Sahasrahla.

If you need help with the wiki, Marino will speak to you telepathically through magical tiles known as the
If you need help with the wiki, Marino will speak to you telepathically through magical tiles known as the "PM Button."


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Edited By Hailinel

@Marino said:

@Hailinel: Based on this, your first created page was Ike.

I'll be darned. I didn't even realize that list existed. Thanks!

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Edited By Marino  Staff

@Hailinel: Based on this, your first created page was Ike.

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Edited By Video_Game_King
I think I can top that. Do you know of any games that involve ephebophilia...besides Phantom Brave, maybe?
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Edited By laserbolts

If I was decent at writing I would definitely contribute but I suck. Are there any non writing related tasks for the wiki?

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Edited By Hailinel

@mracoon said:

Man, I wished I'd kept track of all the pages I'd created. Congrats on reaching 1K, that's quite a feat.

Same here. The first few days of Giant Bomb's wiki were such a mess that it's hard for me to remember my first wiki contribution. Congratulations on all of the effort, Marino (and for recording your efforts).

@Video_Game_King said:

I think we all know the shame of creating questionable wiki pages. Just to make you feel better, I created both the pedophilia (who keeps trying to undermine my Majora's Mask edits to that page?) and Item Merchant pages (and pretty much fleshed out the latter). How do I sleep at night? I created the popular Fetus as a Final Boss page.

At least you aren't the weirdo that created the rape and incest pages. Who was the sick bastard that--oh, wait. That was me.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

I think we all know the shame of creating questionable wiki pages. Just to make you feel better, I created both the pedophilia (who keeps trying to undermine my Majora's Mask edits to that page?) and Item Merchant pages (and pretty much fleshed out the latter). How do I sleep at night? I created the popular Fetus as a Final Boss page.

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Edited By rmanthorp  Moderator

You sir, are a galactic hero!

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Edited By mracoon

Man, I wished I'd kept track of all the pages I'd created. Congrats on reaching 1K, that's quite a feat.

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Edited By sirdesmond

Awesome work! It's crazy to think of both how much one person like yourself can contribute to the site over the years as well as how many people collaboratively have worked to build the site to its entirety.

Here to 1000 more!

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Edited By xMP44x

Wow, that's amazing man. Congratulations! I think I've added ten pages at most.

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Edited By Seedofpower

Makes me proud to contribute. =)