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To each and every one of you reading this; be kind, earnest, and nice to those around you.

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This is a Table HeaderThis is Also a HeaderFANTASTIC!

Loony Tunes is my favorite cartoon show

I love my job

I like pea soup

Loony Tines is my favorite cartoon show

I love my job

I like pea soup

Loony Tunes is my favorite cartoon show

I love my job

I like pea soup

Bugs Bunny is the best

I love my job

I like pea soup.


This is What the New Text & Image Editor Will Look Like

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Also spoilers are going to be blacked out from now on instead of being put into tabs. I'm not a fan but hopefully they will be more consistent. Also never use the spoiler feature on wikis. Some bugs are being worked on right now. For example after inserting a spoiler you can't paragraph at all. That is all for now.


This is the Best Video Game Review Ever Written

Recently on a thread discussing the mixed nature of the reviews for Brink the issue of if video game reviewers need to play a game to completion in order to make a valid criticism of a video game. This came up recently when a reviewer from Joystiq was found to have published a review for Brink but their achievements did not show that he finished the game. Now on Giant Bomb and formerly Gamespot there is a rule called Wolpaw's Law which allows for game reviewers to publish reviews without having finished them. It has been mentioned on the podcast multiple times for those that are astute enough. So how could a review ever be valid under any circumstances if a reviewer didn't see a game through till the end? Well this review by Erik Wolpaw (trope namer himself) for the game Freedom: First Resistance  on the late, but still great site Old Man Murray proves why:

As far as we know, it's an unwritten rule of reviewing that the first paragraph of any review should sum up the author's feelings about a product, thereby making the rest of the article generally irrelevant.  Whenever we remember to do it, we've followed that rule to the as far as we know unwritten letter.  Well, gaming friends, that era of clarity is about to end.  This is the first of our new one-minute mystery reviews. They fall somewhere between the adorable, Boy With Toothache Hummel figurine-like opinions expressed in the short reviews and our epic, rhyming long reviews.  In other words, these new reviews are medium sized.  On most of the other crummy sites you visit, that'd be gimmick enough, because as far as they're concerned, you're just a cog in a machine that manufactures equipment for branding barcodes on your forehead.  They don't care about you, even at Christmas or [Kwanzaa joke].

Our new One Minute Mystery Medium Review reviewing gimmick is this: Unlike every other goddamn site, we're not going to ruin the suspense and tell you right from the very first paragraph how we feel about a game.  Instead, we're going to state a few facts, drop a couple of subtle hints, and then only tell you whether or not we like the game at the very end.  See if you're clever - and brave! - enough to guess our opinion... Before we even express it!

We received a package from Red Storm last week.   Here's a picture I took of its contents with the poor man's digital camera, our scanner:


In case you can't read, it says "Freedom: First Resistance Gold Master".  Sometimes crafty PR people send out finished titles in this format so that reviewers can't sell the publisher's shitty games on EBay.  Note that I'm not implying that Freedom: First Resistance is shitty, I'm just saying in general.  Anyway, Chet was gone, there was some confusion that resulted in me thinking this was actually a pirated beta copy of Freedom Force, and so I installed it more or less by accident.  The first thing I noticed was that Freedom: First Resistance is based on a novel by Anne McCaffery. The second thing I noticed was that this means absolutely fucking nothing to me.  If you're such a big fan of reading, I have a quick suggestion for you: go read a book.  Some research at my local library, or as I know it, the free video store, proves that if you simply choose a book at random, there's about a ninety percent chance it's by Anne McCaffery, so you won't even have to do much deliberate planning to have all your Anne McCaffery story entertainment needs filled for free.  Again, this is no reflection on the quality of the game, I'm just sayin'.

Another thing I noticed is that Freedom is one of those games that likes to drag your monitor through fifteen different video modes every time you play it.  It's like a stress test for your monitor.  Some games do it, some games don't.  I don't know why.  Now don't infer anything about our final opinion from this next observation, but the seventh time I loaded it, Red Storm's Anne McCaffery's Freedom: First Resistance BLEW UP MY MONITOR.  Honest to God, I'm not kidding about this.  Freedom began its normal routine of forcing my monitor to sprint through a video mode obstacle course, only this time my beautiful 19" Hansol 900p made a noise like a bomb going off and died.  The glass front panel didn't shatter, meaning it was a fully-contained internal explosion - which is the worst kind!

At this point, you might be wondering whether my monitor was about to die anyway.  All I can say is that why don't you try using that same logic on the surviving family members of people killed in a plane crash and see how it holds up there.   Freedom: First Resistance BLEW UP MY MONITOR.  I'll repeat that for Red Storm's lawyers: Freedom + monitor = blowed up monitor.  And if you Red Storm people are thinking of suing me, be prepared for the Story of Ricky of courtroom dramas.  Your lawyer will be like "Your Honor, blah blah blah habeus corpus blah blah restraint of trade blah bla-ACK!" because at that point I'll be strangling him with his own intestines.

Here's a financial recap of my experience with Freedom: First Resistance:

Get game for free: +50.00
Game is gold master, unsellable on EBay: -50.00

Total cost of playing Freedom: First Resistance: 483.74

I still haven't revealed whether Freedom is worth your four hundred and eighy three dollars and sevety four cents, but I would like to request that Red Storm not send us any more "free" copies of their games, especially the ones that BLOW UP YOUR MONITOR.  Furthermore, I'd like to cordially invite Red Storm, its employees and their families to go fuck themselves, Anne McCaffery's Freedom: First Resistance, and Anne McCaffery.  And, before I forget, motherfuck fucking Tom Clancy too.  Way to rip people off with your stupid three level Covert Ops expansion pack.  Here's a picture from it:

And here's some advice to go with the picture: If you're trying to produce a realistic, hardcore anti-terrorist sim, don't have the company making it name themselves "Magic Lantern Playware".  And if that's not possible, don't have the fucking words "Magic Lantern Playware" pop up every time I start the game, because it makes me feel a lot less like a trained killer and a lot more like a fag.   On the other hand, Covert Ops didn't explode my monitor, which in retrospect makes it kind of a rousing success for you idiots.

Back to Freedom.  Some people have called it a victory for women because the Latino female lead character has small tits and doesn't wear a thong.  I'm more of a hairless forearm, tiny itty-bitty foot man myself, but I just don't see how any progress has been made here.  This is a picture of Freedom's Angel Sanchez:

Now that's an unattainable body type.  Little girls are going to play Freedom and say, "I want to be just like my hero Angel Sanchez, but my ass isn't a perfectly flat trapezoid... AHHH MY MONITOR'S ON FIRE!"  I don't even know where Angel Sanchez managed to buy those pants.  Maybe the alien invaders brought some technology to clothe her in-hugh-man bee-hind, as alien robots would say.  The point is, since Red Storm knew that I was going to have to stare at Sanchez's ass for the entire game, maybe they could have done me a little favor and made it out of two polygons. 

Here's another crazy thing about Freedom: the save system.

Here I am quick saving my game in the middle of a level.  No problem there.  F3 quick loads. 

When you die, you see this.  If you're like anyone who's ever - ever - played a game before, at this point you hit F3 to reload your last save.   Unfortunately, the geniuses at Red Storm were too busy designing games to ever actually play one.  Not only - for some fucking reason that someone at Red Storm should explain to me some day - can you not reload here, you have to sit and watch while the camera makes swooping motions around your corpse for six or seven seconds.

Then the game takes ten seconds or so to load the campaign map.  Let's see: Journal, Options, Save, Quit, Proceed.  Hmmmm... No Load.  That's okay, because you can just hit F3 to quick load.  Only you can't, since nobody at Red Storm ever thought  you might want to reload your last save after you die.

So what you have to do is quit back to the main menu (which takes some more of your precious time), where, perhaps by accident, Red Storm managed to cram in a way to reload a saved game.

This is too blatant to be a bug.  That leaves only two explanations: a) with holiday publishing schedules being what they are, none of the busy people at Red Storm ever found time to play Freedom: First Resistance or b) Red Storm couldn't care fucking less about either you or their shitty products.  Since Freedom: First Resistance also BLOWS UP YOUR MONITOR, I'm voting for b.

So is Freedom worth almost five hundred dollars?  You may be surprised to learn that, in my opinion, no it's not.  It's so boring, frustrating, and ugly that when it eventually BLOWS UP YOUR MONITOR you might actually be a little relieved.  Until you realize that all your money is gone and Red Storm has ruined Christmas.  Seriously, nice job you Scrooge fucks - I have eight dollars left to buy presents for people, some of whom are children.  Even Blaze and Blade managed to not make my computer explode.


For those that aren't aware Erik Wolpaw left the video game press to persue greater things. Namely he has become the head story and dialogue writter for Valve. His credits include both Portal games, both of the Left 4 Dead games, all of the Half Life games past Half Life 2, and Psychonauts before joining Valve.

Community Spotlight - 05/05/2011 (Now Featurning a Starlet!)

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Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! A few things worth going over for this week. Firstly staff member Ethan Lance has published the latest edition of Data Porn. So if you want to see if you are in the running for being a top tier user check that out. On the Whiskey Media site Dave Snider talked about web design and what he has learned over the years. Also Giant Bomb user X19 has constructed a massive and comprehensive TNT User Guide for your convenience that's worth checking out! Other than that Anime Vice is now officially hentai free, Shadow the Hedgehog was Wikipedia's article of the day, and finally Jeff was on the Bonus Round.

Community Starlet - Featuring ahoodedfigure

 The Giantbomb Community Starlet is back after a 2 week hiatus, and this week is awarded to ahoodedfigure. If you look at his top contributions you will see classic games such as Darklands, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, Millipede, and Spacewar! According to Giantbomb's wiki point system these are the pages he made his biggest contributions to, and they are great contributions. However, we all know the point system isn't perfect and if you asked him yourself what page he thinks is his finest his answer would be a game not featured in his top wiki contributions. That game is Star Raiders. Speaking to him directly about his Star Raiders article, here is what he had to say:

I put more work into that Star Raiders entry than about anything else, but it was done toward the site's beginning so it didn't really get that many points. I think it might be my single biggest entry. Still, I'm proud of the fact that GB's own JG featured it in one of his lists, and as a piece of writing I'd probably have to sharpen it up, but it still was one of the most comprehensive pieces I've ever done on a video game. Sort of like a core dump of all my experiences on that thing, and all the time I spent as a kid learning every little trick.

The list he is speaking of can be found here. Jeff calls his entry, "Definitely one of the most in-depth Star Raiders pages on the entirety of the Internet." I have to agree with Jeff on that, if there is a more in-depth Star Raiders page on the internet, I haven't found it.

Wiki editing isn't all ahoodedfigure does, he also has a plethora of amazing lists, many of which haven't gotten any recommendations yet so you should get in there and check them out. You should really check them all out but a few to look out for to get you started are Apocalyptic Toolkit, I've watched these all the way through but never played them, and Games with Music that Haunts Me

And that is all for another edition of the Giantbomb Community Starlet, everyone congratulate ahoodedfigure for being this weeks starlet and remember to make recommendations for who you think should be the next starlet.

-This edition of the Community starlet was authored by GB user Unknown_Pleasures-

Important and Fun Stuff

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #16 + Bonus Portal Contest - Due Saturday May 7th - Get some Free Games HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Community Darkspore Matchmaking Thread - Sign up HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Community StarCraft II Tournament #9 - May 7th 2:30 PM EST/11:30 PST - Check out the details HERE!

Wonderful Wikis

User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blogs


Community Spotlight - 04/28/2011

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Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant bomb Community Spotlight, and I'm glad to say that no servers were harmed in the creation of this feature. There's a couple of major things I need to go over before the showcase starts. Firstly browser based games are formally being allowed into the database. Please read the wiki (AND DON'T EDIT THE RULES!!!!!) and possibly try to work on the massive wiki task on adding browser based games to the database. On Formspring Jeff confirmed that a Giant Bomb homepage re-design is coming soon. For those of you who are WIKI CRAZY check out the slew of Wiki Tasks we have for you to accomplish for massive points! SO without further ado let's turn this Spotlight on!

Community Starlet

Will be added in at a later date, because SOMEONE WANTED TO GO TO BED EARLY!

Important and Fun Game Stuff

  • Giant Bomb Community StarCraft II Tournament #9 - Being held on May 7th (2:30 EST & 11:30 PDT) - Sign Up HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #15 + Bonus Portal Contest! - Due Saturday April, 30th - Try to win some FREE GAMES HERE!

Wonderful Wikis

User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blogs

User Created Podcasts


On the Recent Porn Policy Implementation

As you may or may not be aware of the Giant Bomb moderation team and myself have been embarking on a policy of removing all images on this site which contain act of sex, rape, molestation, and general nudity. This policy in particular has been directed towards Japanese hentai and eroge games. So far we have been ambiguous as to how this policy is being implemented and have not been disclosed the new official new rules to the users of this site. This will be remedied soon. Not only that but due to the surprisingly comprehensive nature of pornographic images on adult games we will soon be asking for the Giant Bomb Community's help in seeking out inappropriate images.

Now on the issue as to why we are doing this some of you may be aware of the new "No Hentai" rule on our sister site Anime Vice. After being contacted by Ethan to spread this rule to the public so is that more users would be aware of it I asked him if such a rule could be implemented on Giant Bomb. Perplexed he informed me that such a rule should have always existed. After directing him to the old Help and Forum Rules of this site which permitted many of the images we of the mod team are now deleting he realized that the former rules were accidentally copied and pasted from Anime Vice when they had hosts that felt comfortable covering hentai on their site. From this he indicated that Giant Bomb was never envisioned covering these games or hosting pornographic images in the first place. His exact word in a thread about questionable fan art was:

I feel I need to take some responsibility for this.  The rule about hentai above [old Forum Rules/Help] is actually a mistake.  That text was written specifically for the Anime Vice help page and accidentally got merged into the GB help page.  There is no hentai allowed on GB.  Also, Hentai images are no longer allowed on Anime Vice.   The text of our help page will be updated next code deploy.

As such the current activities of the mod team and myself are not a policy change. It is a rectification of a misunderstanding. This rectification is not an arbitrary decision made by a few moderators but instead a rule that is being mandated by the staff and enforced by the moderation team. However users that uploaded these images which are now banned will not be punished nor will they have their points reset. What is going to happen is that many of the images they have uploaded to the site will be deleted. Until the reformed rules are publish we ask that no users add new games that are pornographic to the site.

Hopefully this has cleared things up for some of you and I appreciate your time.

The Community Spotlight - Late Edition - (Starlet Included!)

Hello? Is This Thing On?

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! Now as you probably have noticed it has been a long road getting from last week's Community Spotlight to this one. We have all survived the Great Crash or better known as the Whiskeyocalypse of 2011! During which we all learned a lot. Firstly in the event that Skynet were to try to take over the world the men and women of Whiskey Media will be leading the resistance at Coit Tower. Radio Dave should be made a weekly feature. Engineer Alexis is more than meets the eye when it comes to Mortal Kombat, as well as many other things! Beyond that please remember to check out the new and improved Forum FAQs and remember that the rules about the types of images you can upload onto the site have been rectified. beyond that I'm going to hand things over to mracoon to talk about the latest Giant Bomb Community Starlet:

Community Starlet

Welcome back to another edition of the Giant Bomb Community Starlet which this week is awarded to user Killjoi. You may have seen his handywork on some pages for popular games like Bulletstorm, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Age II and the much anticipated Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Those are only a handful of the pages to which he has contributed as can be seen by his wiki points total of nearly 80,000, an amount that deserves some serious recognition. I always appreciate it when a user takes the time to edit some pages of lesser known games, something which Killjoi has done with Dreamkiller. It's a shooter that most people have probably forgotten about but after reading through the page you should have all the knowledge you'll ever need. A favourite wiki of mine has to be for Raziel, the amount of information packed in for this Legacy of Kain (an awesome page too) character is just crazy.

If that isn't enough content for you then Killjoi has an ample supply of very highly rated lists for your viewing pleasure. His username is definitely misleading as the lists he makes always give you a good laugh. Want to see some terrible video game ads? How about some unintentionally funny ESRB descriptions? Or my personal pick ' Gaming Peeps Say the Darndest Things ', which is ranked as third best user list on the site. Somehow Killjoi manages to do all this while moonlighting as a mod on Screened, now that's impressive.

There you have it. Another week goes by and another great Giant Bomb user is given the title of Community Starlet. Everyone give it up for Killjoi and all he's done for the site site a be sure to give your nominations for next week.
--This Edition of the Giant Bomb Community Starlet was Written by GB mod mracoon--

Upcoming/Notable Game Events or Tournaments

  • Giant Bomb Community StarCraft II Tournament #9 - Set for May 7th (1:30 PM CDT, 2:30 EST, 11:30 AM PST) - Get the Details HERE!

  • Official Xbox 360 Giant Bomb Kommunity Thread! Play Some Mortal Kombat with Other Giant Bomb Users on Xbox Live HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Mortal Kombat PSN Name Swap Thread! Publish Your PSN ID to Play Some Mortal Kombat With Other Users HERE!

  • SOCOM 4 PSN ID Thread! Trade PSN IDs to play SOCOM 4 with Fellow Giant Bomb Users HERE!

  • Find a Portal Buddy for Portal 2 Co-op! Send out a Yelp for a Fellow Giant Bomber on THIS THREAD!

Wonderful Wikis

Useful User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

User Created Podcasts


The Community Spotlight - 04/14/2011 (The Return of The Starlet!)

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Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight. This week we are going to do things differently than normal. As opposed to having me ramble on about the current events of the site which most people gloss over me and fellow mod mracoon believe that now is the time to mark the return of the Giant Bomb Community Starlet! As you may or may not remember the Starlet was a short lived series on Giant Bomb run by former intern Lemon. Wanting to continue the good tradition of that series mracoon has written up a nice Starlet about the Wiki fiend StarFoxA. I hope you enjoy and look forward to any suggestions about future editions of this series:

The Giant Bomb Community Starlet! - featuring SarFoxA -

 This week the coveted title of Community Starlet goes to the wiki editing monster that is StarFoxA. Getting to 228,712 wiki points (a number which has most likely gone up since this was posted) is no easy feat and it rightfully puts him second on the list of top wiki editors. Some of StarFoxA's more impressive pages are Chrono Trigger, Mario (franchise), Left 4 Dead (franchise), Mother 3 and, of course, Star Fox Command. My personal favorite page of his is for JoyJoy, a title which might not be well known as it's an Xbox Live Indie Games but SFA still gives it a quality page.

Speaking of Indie Games, StarFoxA has got you covered with a comprehensive look back at the best titles released for the service last year as well as several reviews to help you decide what games are worth your hard earned cash. On top of that, he also has a range of lists for you to enjoy including a sizeable gaming collection and every game he's ever completed, of which there are many. If that isn't enough for you, StarFoxA has been a regular contributor to the Delete & Combine forum helping to get rid of unnecessary or duplicate pages from the database.

So give StarFoxA a hand for being Giant Bomb's Community Starlet for the week! If you think you know somebody who deserves recognition for their work on GB, then give your suggestions and they might end up being selected for next week.
-Authored by mracoon-

Notable Events

  • Giant Bomb Community Pokemon Black/White Tournament - Still in Sign Up Phase - Sign Up HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #13 - Due Saturday - Win Free Games HERE!

  • Giant Bomb League of Legends Community Game Night - Still in Organizational Process - Say if you are Interested HERE!

Wonderful Wikis

Useful User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

User Created Podcasts


The Community Spotlight - 04/07/2011

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Hello and welcome to the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! A lot has happened since we last hosted a Community Spotlight. For one thing the site has been completely re-designed! There was some tweaking since the launch and some hiccups but everything appears to be in place for this to be the face of Giant Bomb for days to come! Secondly you can now buy Whiskey media subscriptions via PayPal! As I have said before and I will say again...PayPal customer service is the worst so you better make the most out of this. As always there are a handful of Wiki Tasks you should feel free to reap to get some bonus wiki points! Other than that let's get this party started with the now notorious You-Tube video of the Diablo II rap featuring members of the Bastion development team:

Upcoming Events/Useful Information

  • The Official Giant Bomb 3DS Friend Code Exchange - Post your codes HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #12 - Due Sunday, April 10th - Win some FREE GAMES HERE!

  • Banjo-Kazooie N7B Game Club! - Help Bring Back the Multiplayer Community for this game by Checking out THIS THREAD!

Wonderful Wikis

The theme for this week is Tasks. A majority of these wonderful wikis were once not so wonderful but thanks to the oh so fabulous Wiki Task system they are now all fantastic sources of gaming information! Also worth noting is the realistic magazine management wiki page which is just crazy detailed.

Useful User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blog/Fantastic Forums

We have a wonderful slew of user created blogs and forum topics this week. Firstly Giant Bomb user B0nd07 has his third TNT Promo Gallery archive and a GB Warlords T-shirt design to toot. ThePhantomnaut talks about going to WonderCon. Vidiot describes how the achievements for Beyond Good and Evil HD are. Tebbit has created a cool theme for the Bombcast. EpicSteve professes his love for Resident Evil 4 and ahoodedfigure ponders the appeal and temptation of EVE Online. Mento keeps talking about game mechanics and ARbitraryWater rants about Dark Spire. Now aren't we all a happy functioning family?

Author's Note: Did I forget something? That because I'm reading up about what it's like being a private eye! Anyways Giant Bomb is a big site so in order to ensure the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight is a well versed feature with plenty of variety I need your help! When you see anything that's worth showcasing just drop a comment on this webzone with a link to the content and I'll remember to showcase it!

Am I the Only One Who Likes the Taste of Antacids?

Now I'm not talking about pepto. I'm talking about the chewable assorted fruit flavored kind. For me its the Costco Kirkland brand antacids. They have that chalky antacid taste but I think they taste alright especially the cherry flavored ones. Anyone else feel this way?