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To each and every one of you reading this; be kind, earnest, and nice to those around you.

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The Community Spotlight - 04/07/2011

No Caption Provided

Hello and welcome to the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! A lot has happened since we last hosted a Community Spotlight. For one thing the site has been completely re-designed! There was some tweaking since the launch and some hiccups but everything appears to be in place for this to be the face of Giant Bomb for days to come! Secondly you can now buy Whiskey media subscriptions via PayPal! As I have said before and I will say again...PayPal customer service is the worst so you better make the most out of this. As always there are a handful of Wiki Tasks you should feel free to reap to get some bonus wiki points! Other than that let's get this party started with the now notorious You-Tube video of the Diablo II rap featuring members of the Bastion development team:

Upcoming Events/Useful Information

  • The Official Giant Bomb 3DS Friend Code Exchange - Post your codes HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #12 - Due Sunday, April 10th - Win some FREE GAMES HERE!

  • Banjo-Kazooie N7B Game Club! - Help Bring Back the Multiplayer Community for this game by Checking out THIS THREAD!

Wonderful Wikis

The theme for this week is Tasks. A majority of these wonderful wikis were once not so wonderful but thanks to the oh so fabulous Wiki Task system they are now all fantastic sources of gaming information! Also worth noting is the realistic magazine management wiki page which is just crazy detailed.

Useful User Reviews

Lovable Lists

Best of Blog/Fantastic Forums

We have a wonderful slew of user created blogs and forum topics this week. Firstly Giant Bomb user B0nd07 has his third TNT Promo Gallery archive and a GB Warlords T-shirt design to toot. ThePhantomnaut talks about going to WonderCon. Vidiot describes how the achievements for Beyond Good and Evil HD are. Tebbit has created a cool theme for the Bombcast. EpicSteve professes his love for Resident Evil 4 and ahoodedfigure ponders the appeal and temptation of EVE Online. Mento keeps talking about game mechanics and ARbitraryWater rants about Dark Spire. Now aren't we all a happy functioning family?

Author's Note: Did I forget something? That because I'm reading up about what it's like being a private eye! Anyways Giant Bomb is a big site so in order to ensure the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight is a well versed feature with plenty of variety I need your help! When you see anything that's worth showcasing just drop a comment on this webzone with a link to the content and I'll remember to showcase it!

Am I the Only One Who Likes the Taste of Antacids?

Now I'm not talking about pepto. I'm talking about the chewable assorted fruit flavored kind. For me its the Costco Kirkland brand antacids. They have that chalky antacid taste but I think they taste alright especially the cherry flavored ones. Anyone else feel this way?


The Community Spotlight - 03/31/2011

 Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt for the Banner!
 Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt for the Banner!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight!  Firstly snide has this video for you feast over and see what the new Giant Bomb will look like. Big monitors are required for this video. Yes Giant Bomb was down for a while but the future holds no bounds! StarCraft fanatics should check out the Hyperion Television YouTube channel that archives every single US StarCraft II tournament. User Egge has written a series of blogs pertaining to how he feels about Dragon Age II that you should check out. Also sister site Screened has some crazy wiki editors if you wanted to know. Finally check out this badass Pyramid wallpaper a user created for you to enjoy and plaster on your computer screen.

Upcoming Events!

  • Giant Bomb Community EU King of the Hill - Sat. April 2nd - Sign Up HERE!

  • 3DS Friend Code Exchange - Publish Your Friend Codes HERE!

  • The Official 3DS Street Fighter IV Fight Club - Hook up With Other Street Fighter Fans HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Fan Art Contest - Due Sat. April 2nd - Win FREE STUFF HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Play Rock Band 3 with Giant Bombers Project - See if you can ROCK with Other Users HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #11 - Due Sat. April 2nd - Win Free Games HERE!

  • GT5 Race Nights - Sign up and Get the Details HERE!


Wonderful Wikis

I have a motley bunch of wikis to show for this week. Mostly old PC games but hey Giant Bomb is a community of nostalgic gamers if anything else. However this week proved to be especially difficult to find good wikis that haven't been showcased. Remember that there a whole other side to Giant Bomb that's worth checking out and working on!

Useful User Reviews

Lovable Lists


Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

PixelPrinny returns with her trend of writing long and extended blogs about JRPGs. PsEG's stats for the latest Community Quest are up to enjoy. Mento is meditative about video games and is followed by ahoodedfigure and RaginLion. Hailinel gets nostalgic about the end of the 3DS and RecSpec talks about a personal failure in making gameplay videos. 

User Created Podcasts

Author's Note: Did I miss something or have you created something truly worthy of being showcased to the entire Giant Bomb Community? Well just drop a link to anything you think is cool and I be sure to showcase it! Feel free to recommend your own stuff or something you are involved with.

The Community Spotlight - 03/24/2011

 Special Thanks to VizMedia for Translating This Banner!
 Special Thanks to VizMedia for Translating This Banner!

Hello and welcome to the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! A couple of housekeeping things to show you before you should delve into the best of the Giant Bomb Community. Firstly you can see what the future holds for Giant Bomb by reading Dave Snider's March Engineering Update on the Whiskey Media site. Dave also revealed that "Wikis will be getting a complete rewrite this year. It will come with a consistent scoring system and full histories," so wait on that piece of deliciousness in the future. Engineer Mike compared the adoption rate of IE9 vs Chrome 10 amongst Giant bomb users. Also the Real Message board is alive and well:
Uhhh...yeah. Finally buzz_clik, Giant Bomb's very own artist has made a minimalists abridged version of Star Wars Episode IV.

Upcoming Events

  • Giant Bomb Community StarCraft II Tournament #8 - On March 26th - Get the Details HERE!

  • Giant Bomb Community Minecraft Project: Chain World - Get the Details HERE!

  • Weekly Full House Poker Giant Bomb Tournament - First Event on Sunday March 27th - Sign up HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #10! One New Game! - Due Saturday Saturday March 26th - Win Free Games HERE!

Wonderful Wikis


Useful User Reviews


Lovable Lists


Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

The big project this week is harris's Minecraft community chain world. Check it out if you care about Minecraft! User notha made an app for the Android marketplace that makes the GG sound. I can't believe I just typed that. Matthew resurrects the Bombcast Breakdown feature that you should enjoy.  Finally video games. People talked about them this week as you may expect. 

User Created Podcasts


The Community Spotlight - 03/17/2011

   Special Thanks to ME!!!! For the Banner This Week!
 Special Thanks to ME!!!! For the Banner This Week!
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! Well it's St. Patrick's Day and you know what that means. It's either a religious monet where you and your community congregate at your nearest chapel or you get stone cold drunk. If you want to discuss Irish themed games then well you have a thread to meet those needs. Check out this awesome user created MK9 themed Giant Bomb logo. There's fresh batch of wiki tasks that are still open to everyone to get some easy points for. Other than that the staff is still recuperating from their PAX ordeal/fiasco. A lot of crazy stuff happened at's proof if you needed any:

Upcoming Events

  • Giant Bomb Community StarCraft II Tournament #8 - Set for 2:30PM EDT, 11:30AM PDT on Saturday, March 26th - Sign Up HERE!

  • Test Drive Unlimited 2 Xbox 360 GB Community Club - Sign up HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #9! - Due Sat., March 19th - Test your luck HERE!


Wonderful Wikis

League of Legends and Pokemon are the stand outs for this week. League of Legends being one of the most detailed wikis on the entire sites. The Enix Corporation wiki tells an interesting tale of corporate history. Final Fantasy XII was recently Wikipedia's Featured Article of the Day so Giant Bomb should showcase their own entry to toot! Also the weakling Sean continues the theme of Street Fighter characters having awesome wiki entries.

User Reviews


Lovable Lists

LordAndrew seems like the new target of the phantom list down voter. Help him out by checking out and up voting any lists you find entertaining or interesting. 

Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

PAx East is the big theme for this week with many users describing their experiences and encounters with the Giant Bomb staff. People are still musing about Dragon Age II and are still split about the game's new direction. The Persona Re-Endurance Run continues. Mento contemplates about genre bending dungeon crawlers and GlenTennis tells you why Goemon is the best N64 game ever made. I

User Created Podcast


Wiki Moderation is a Thankless Job....

Wiki Moderation is a thankless job across all of the Whiskey Media sites, and I would know. The monotony of trying to make sure that every bit of content is original and not plagiarized isn't exactly the most exciting thing you can do on Comic Vine, Anime Vice, Giant Bomb or Screened. However sometimes over the course of human events something weird happens. Case and point this interesting picture. The backstory is that I submitted a couple of sentences into Google to make sure they weren't plagiarized and this is what I got as the top results: 

Yeahh...About That.........
Yeahh...About That.........

The Community Spotlight - 03/11/2011

  Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt
 Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Community Spotlight! Giant Bomb and the other Whiskey Media sites may be experiencing technical difficulties but that wont stop the! It may be from February but check out Marino's PAX Guide to PAX if that is relevant to you. Dave Snider explained on the Whiskey media site why he wants to do a world tour . A GB user made a pretty slick VVVVVV poster . Finally it looks like everyone loves the Quick Looks because we have a new user creating a compilation of his/her favorite Quick Look moments for you to check out:


Notable Current Events

  • Giantbomb Community SC2 EU Tournament #6, March 12th! Sign Up HERE!
  • Giant Bomb Ranking Division for StarCraft II -- See Where you stand HERE!
  • Official Giant Bomb Trading Hub for Pokemon Black/White -- Trade Pokemon HERE!
  • Vito's Game Giveaway #8! Four Games Added! Due Sat. March 12th -- See if you can win free games HERE!

Wonderful Wikis

The two big names this week are Dragon Age and PAX. With the much anticipated release of Dragon Age 2 check out both the Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 wiki entries as well as the Dragon Age Franchise page to brush up on your Dragon Age story and lore. Trust me there's a lot to enjoy! This weeks marks the return of Street Fighter characters...and breasts, because really Giant you need to chillout sometimes.


User Review's


Lovable Lists


Best of Blog/Fantastic Forums

The real standout this week is the Happy Hour Drinking game created by ThatFrood and another user...check it out at your own risk. ZanzibarBreeze keeps churning out the nostalgia with an 8 hour audio clip of the best HotSpot podcast moments from 2007. Claude also took things back with his blog where he chronicled the past reviews from an old issue of GameInformer. User VisceralBishop defies all odds and has obtained a Gamer Score of 200,000 Game Points for his Xbox Account. Then of course enjoy all of the various blogs about video games and the enjoyment you can have with playing them!


User Created Podcasts

Author's Note: How do you get your creations on this? Why it's pretty simple really! Just drop a comment on this article and post a link to the good work that you have done and I'll be sure to showcase it for next week.


How to Kill a Car Battery

It snowed recently. Nothing major but still snow:

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That was a picture of my now dead car. My battery is dead and now I can't travel during Spring Break using my car. Awesome.
Anyways if you are wondering I only created this blog because my Spotlights don't count as real blogs for some reason and my blog tab has disappeared as if I haven't blogged in a long time. Yeah for

The Community Spotlight - 03/03/2011

  As Always Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt for the Banner!
 As Always Special Thanks to FoxxFireArt for the Banner!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! A lot has been happening across all Whiskey Media sites most of which pertain to the re-launched and redesigned version of the Whiskey Media home site! In fact if you have any strong opinions about the new Whiskey Media site and its new direction publish them here! Not only that but if you live in Canada, Europe (Britain included), or Australia and would like the Giant Bomb crew to visit your country help the Bombcast go on A WORLD TOUR! On top of that we have a lot of data to talk about. Check out Mike Tatum's blog where he discusses the Browser War between Tested and Giant Bomb. Ethan has the latest edition of Data Porn on the Whiskey Media Site...I'm the top wiki mod on Giant Bomb and #3 wiki mod across all Whiskey media sites.
Oh yeah a Giant Bomb user beat Ninja Gaiden on the NES on a DDR dance pad:
Also Giant Bomb music maestro Hamst3r has made some music magic for you to enjoy:

Notable Current Events

  • Official Matchmaking Thread for Dawn of War II - Retribution -- Check out the details HERE!

  • A New Hope: MvC3 Tournament (PS3 ONLY) -- Sign up and read the rules HERE!

  • Vito's (PAL ONLY) Game Giveaway #7 - Free Copy of Mass Effect 2 - Entries due Sat. March 5th - Sign up HERE!


Wonderful Wikis

The name game this week is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution, and as to be expected it has a wonderfully wiki. Norrath is yet another monstrosity of Marino's creation. With and upcoming HD re-release check out the wiki entry for Beyond Good & Evil to find out what that game is about. Vagrant Story is the latest PSN release of a classic JRPG that is well represented on Giant Bomb. A new Pokemon game is coming out but read about the franchise's roots. Bear and Engrish rounds out the concept ridiculousness on the Giant bomb database.

User Reviews


Lovable Lists

Last week you may remember that I brought Marino's low list rating to your attention. Well congratulations Giant Bomb Community because we got the wiki master's lists to an above 80% recommendation rating. Mission Accomplished! However it has unfortunately come to my attention that PsEG also was struck by this troll and I forgot to mention him. So if you can please help out!

Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

B0nd07 has completed the second part of his Promo Gallery Archive. ahoodedfigure talks about the changes and evolution of the The Elder Scrolls franchise. dudeglove talks about the re-designed Dante for the upcoming Devil May Cry game. FrankCanada returns with his nostalgic Notable Events blog series. ZanzibarBreeze is the podcast re-cap master as always, but this time makes a re-cap of The Adam Carolla Show. ask any questions you have about Dawn of War II - Retribution of the Beginners thread. And as always the usually suspects are blogging about video games and their lives! Check it out son!

User Created Podcasts

Author's Note: So how do you get on the Community Spotlight? Just drop a comment and a link on this here blog and I'll remember to put the recommended content on for next week. Also please don't rely on PMs or Wall posts. I get so many of those now that it's really hard to keep a track of what you asked me to brag about.

The Community Spotlight - 02/24/2011


 Special Thanks to User FoxxFireArt for the Banner!
 Special Thanks to User FoxxFireArt for the Banner!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Community Spotlight! There's not really that much housecleaning this week. Other than the usual tomfoolery that this site embarks on things have been very mellow. Due to recent events I would like to remind users to be more careful about attaching concepts and objects to wiki pages.
Other than that I'll just add to the brevity of this Spotlight by directing you to TurboMan's latest Best of the Giant Bomb Quicklook videos:

Notable Stuff and Events

  • Batman Batman Batman: The Official Killzone 3 GB Clan Thread -- Sign up HERE!

  • Vito's Game Giveaway #6 -- Due Feb 26th -- Check out the details HERE!


Wonderful Wikis

As to be expected Killzone is the theme of this week with the second and third games both having wonderfully detailed wikis. Albert Wesker is making a lot of noise in the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 community but check out his character page on Giant Bomb. Giant Bomb CLEARLY has a thing for bowling. Finally Xenogears is being re-released on PSN so it seems appropriate to showcase the wiki page for a game many gamers are very nostalgic about. 

User Reviews


Lovable Lists

Alright guys I have a little request this time. Marino is a beast when it comes to the wiki. However when a user took offense to his rulings on some wiki related issues he decided to get revenge by voting down all of his lists detailing his dedication to the site. Said user then created an alt and down voted his lists again. So please check out Marino's lists and give them the credit they deserve!

Best of Blogs/Fantastic Forums

The Giant Bomb community really has a soft spot for JRPGs. Between the constant flow of desktop art for Persona 4 and various JRPG themed endurance blogs I guess Giant Bomb has always been turning Japanese. Gamer_152 completes his wonderful series of blogs about how to become a game designer. ZanzibarBreeze is the master of podcast based nostalgia trips. Sweep and PsEG prove that even when you are a mod you can still blog. Mento continues his successful old vs. new blog series. This time he examines the Final Fantasy series.

User Created Podcasts

Author's Note: Blah blah blah yeah I know I forgot something! Look I'm only human and try the best I can. However if I have forgotten something or you have created or found something totally awesome then drop a comment on this webzone and I'll think about sending you a pizza roll.