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Now beat a Soulsborne with a three year old and an infant! Everything else is easy.

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Every Game I've Beaten (That I Remember)

So somewhere in the darkness of the late 90s, I decided that the breadth of games that I had gone through merited a list. Perhaps for absurdity's sake, perhaps to try and convince myself to kick the "childish" habit; whatever the case, I now have proof positive that I've done some dumb things in my life, I'm a proud (and old) gamer, and I wish to share that very madness with the Giantbomb community.

List items

  • Cute game. Good lookin goose

  • This game gets so damn intense, but it's still beatable! So good.

  • This is pratically a Game and Watch game. Five levels of turn and attack, win.

  • TAIL GATOR Y'ALL! Hot jams, simple treasure getter. Nothing wrong with a simple one of these.

  • What a great game! I tried to stop playing after the final boss, then I tried to stop playing after the hardest level, now I have to force myself to stop playing before i get 100%, which I will do. Because it's so darn good!

  • Beat the remake now, and not long after release to boot! This is how I like my remakes. An old enough game that you're giving it modern trappings so it's not as obtuse as the old version, but still the same great reasons you enjoyed the original! Didn't really notice the slowdown, although there was an update so maybe I missed it.

  • A quick angle-shoot game. Just enough of this old trope to make it interesting.

  • More of the same, which isn't a bad thing. I like a strategy game that lets me steamroll the enemy. Especially since I'm bad at these.

  • Two years later but I finally beat Nier! I started this game three separate times and didn't feel like I had the patience for it. Once I realized not all the saving was going to be like it was the beginning, everything was fine after that. Great feeling game. Ending was not as satisfying as the first Nier, but I'll take it all the same. Big game off my list!

  • This one didn't feel as focused as Her Story, but I still love having to detect my way through the story myself.

  • A quick Portal/Stanley Parable-like. Cute enough.

  • The bland hacker Assassin's Creed that you thought it was going to be. Didn't do a single side mission. Blech, I hope 2 improves on this.

  • Actually not as terrible as I anticipated! More of the same, and they tried REALLY hard to explain everything up to this point. But I did somehow enjoy playing it.

  • More of the same. Maybe not as good, probably cuz it's not as novel. Still cute.

  • Silly game. Did almost all the extra stuff, then realized I wasn't enjoying it. Still definitely worth cruising through.

  • Great game! Super charming, made good on all the things 2 should've been but wasn't. Do more like this Nintendo, none of that 2 garbage!

  • Another one beaten. Same ol' thing here. Just takes some time to have the patience to do 100+ more of these.

  • A metal as fuck Contra/Castlevania 1 sorta game. Hard but not too hard. Love this format and aesthetic.

  • Staying hip over here! Control is Quantum Break but none of that live action garbage and an interesting if not obtuse story. I wanted to LOVE the lore behind it, but I ended up just really liking it.

  • I love a good Crimsonland clone. And this one seemed easy? At least it made me feel super powerful!

  • More of this! Good yet so much of the same. Fun yet a bit much. Zero difference from the first, but not terrible? I'm so mediocre'd by this game.

  • Why are portable Ninja Gaiden games so killer?! Quick but great game boy version of everyone's favorite badass.

  • Game Boy games are a great thing to cruise through with a one year old running around. This one is baby's first graphics though with really unfair monster boxes. But I gotta, right?

  • I know people had their complaints about this one, but after I got a few levels on my character, it was fun! Also, never used stealth until the end where it was key to skip some bigger baddies.

  • At first, this felt bland and uninspired. Like they threw together Souls elements and dressed it in a Darksiders skin. But because it's a "normal difficulty" game instead of a Souls, it felt great to have those loops without the extreme punishment. This game came around on me in a big way. And that's after 2 leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

  • GBA version. Not as hard as some GBA racers with their rubber banding. Still never a bad genre to dip in and out of for funsies.

  • This was better than it looks. It was a 3d Limbo/Inside, basically. Didn't think it'd catch the same charm, but I'd say it got there.

  • Despite how convoluted this game gets (sometimes up its own butt), the gameplay was great and the music slaps. I almost never used the slowdown, I just wanted to challenge myself. I'll take another one of these for sure.

  • Finally got back to this. Wasn't ready to play another one of these right after Mario U. But a good palette cleanser as always. There's nothing wrong with some good ol' fashioned secret coins!

  • The Adventures of Price continues! I'm glad I took a year off with these. A couple of these a year is all they're ever worth to me. Still is what it is.

  • Cute, quick game. Had to actually learn how to play the game correctly! One of those Japanese quirkies.

  • A decent iteration of Crash on mobile. Still just as frustrating as any Crash game.

  • Another one of those. I think I started playing this one before the first? Which is exactly what I did with the PSX games. So poetic.

  • Cute little puzzles, but some of these bosses were trash! It has the Gradius problem of if you lose your powerups, it's not as much fun to play. Glad to see Goemon's roots.

  • A scary walking simulator, but it did alright making an effective atmosphere. Nothing to write home about though.

  • I gave this game more than ten minutes, actual understood what I was doing, then beat it. Cute.

  • I didn't think I'd have it in me to enjoy another Skyrim kinda game, but this one mostly got there. Knowing it was way shorter helped a lot. Also, I was in the right mood for a game where I'd follow the arrow and enjoy a good stat check.

  • A very cute little game, made me think of Minit. You can do what you want at your own pace. My partner and I thought it was real PLUR. Did almost everything.

  • I played 10,000 of these sudoku puzzles and I deserve recognition! Forgot to put this one on months ago. Delicious, almost infinite puzzles.

  • Easy one of these. I liked that the last boss was speed instead of a bigger puzzle.

  • Until Dawn 2. Kind of a let down storywise, but still enjoyable as a quick romp.

  • I know I need to give these games a try at SOME point. These GO games are definitely well made and enjoyable for what they are. And in the right mood, I'd probably like the actual Deus Ex games. I just need to wait I guess.

  • Got hard stuck a couple of times, but 90% of this game was well made. Felt a bit plodding and wouldn't have minded some quality of life improvements, but overall still very enjoyable unraveling the mystery.

  • Pretty good! Story and gameplay were a bit blander than terrific in a way I can't put my finger on. Still good, and I would really love if easier Dark Souls games became a trend!

  • Okay, this game is fair compared to the first iteration. Healthy amount of scary without being unfair! Quick and tense the way you wanted this to be.

  • Genuinely shocked that I never ran through the first three of these. At least this didn't get super unfair at the end like I assumed it would. Meh.

  • I don't have a choice, I have to play all of these now, right? It was fine. At least they continue to make a different genre each time they do this. Ran through it quickly enough, meh otherwise. They need to delivery and give the four-playable-horsemen game that everyone wants. It'll probably still be disappointing.

  • The puzzles from 2 are missed, but still a good game! Keep em coming, Capcom!

  • Halfway through this game I had gotten 100% of all challenges and items. As soon as they introduced the Marauders, I started missing things. By the end, I had even used the Sentinel Armor a couple of times. This game got hard in a way that I didn't think was fun or fair. But as a whole, it's pretty good.

  • Battlefront I wouldn't let me play the single player, so I guess it's only this one. Fine for what it was, nothing fancy here. Would've been more impressive before Fallen Order, but that's okay.

  • This is what sold me on VR working as a game. Don't play this game angry! Still more Superhot greatness though.

  • Short, and this almost spoils a little Arkham Knight stuff, but still decent. Had more fun finding the riddles after the story stuff, honestly.

  • Pretty good until that super long last chapter. Story kind of didn't make sense, but it did what you wanted this type of game to do.

  • A simple platformer with a super hard last level you can attempt at any time was a great concept! The levels felt/were all a bit too long. The last level definitely lives up to its name though. I really had to sit there and learn it to get through it.

  • As disappointing as I knew it was going to be, so tolerable? Pretty predictable aside from a couple of notable things. Too easy for its own good. At least it's replete with sideburns.

  • Seven years late on this one. Didn't have the patience to sit on my PS3 and beat it, so it took secondary status on a Switch to power through it. Not that it was bad, it's just another one of these! Finally I can move onto the new Origins/Odyssey style!

  • Alright, I can finally tick this trilogy off my list. Still a good game. Something about that first game just sticks out so much more than these other two though. At least they didn't shit the bed on it.

  • Sorta liked it, sorta didn't. Maybe a bit too much chit chat. I wanted a few more riddles to solve, and no, I'm not going to replay it for different endings.

  • Quick but I liked it. That last boss was an ass though. What did I miss, I got 99%?!

  • Keep making these, these are so easy and dumb, I love em!

  • A weird, short metroidvania. Nothing to tell you how to actually beat the game at the end.

  • This game really was great exactly for what it was. Short, you just do all the things on the map a la Mad Max because none of them are bad in any way. I 100%'ed this. Cute narration helped.

  • Way simpler than I anticipated. Also starting to see how even the more "robust" VR games are same-y. Good, I guess?

  • Cute metroidvania of sorts. Mechanics felt great, enemy variety was good. Like others have said, just give me some damn fast travel!

  • Might be cheating? I'm putting this on again as I just beat the co-op (and I'll consider that a separate game). Had to remember what thinking with portals was like, but nothing TOO demanding here.

  • Cute game. Not hard by any means (although I did miss the last f*$king scroll), but maybe more at a kid's level of difficulty.

  • Getting back to some shorties. Condensed version of the original, but just enough of what you want from the title.

  • Decent game, little same-y with the fights. Certain characters felt way under/overpowered. Don't think I'm gonna keep up with the online stuff though.

  • Well it's on here, so I guess it counts. Single stage, just keeps getting harder. Meh

  • This is the DLC edition. That sure was another one of those. Is it weird to say this was "easier"? Maybe just compared to Glittermitten Grove, cuz that thing was nuts.

  • Harder than it should've been, but once you figure out that the jab is more "powerful" than anything else, easy peasy.

  • Enjoyed that I could actually beat this game. After a few hours I overcame "the wall" and blew through the rest. Maybe I'll give the original another shot some day.

  • Genesis version which is a weird, 2d game! Truth be told, I was scum saving between rounds only when I won the first round, but every single time I won the second round so I technically didn't cheat? Dural a motherfucker.

  • Diminishing returns on the franchise. Mad Max was just as boring but more engaging? Maybe it's the tongue-in-cheek of this franchise that's worn off a bit. Still wanted to get all those territories liberated.

  • Had to patience to finally beat the original. Way harder than I expected, those twins are no joke, and then they make you fight them AGAIN?! Cheaper than even a FInal Fight. Dunno if I'm actually gonna beat the other two.

  • Never got good at these games originally because there was no tutorial and I couldn't really grasp the controls. Even with this version, there were a few things I had a figure out a few hours in. But I can now see why these games are seen as some of the greatest in their time. I sure back then, these felt amazing. And even now, this was a lot of fun.

  • Got this when it was free on PS plus when everyone else did, never touched it. Started it up when everyone's talking about the Demon's Souls remake on a lark and LOVED it. Maybe it's been enough time since I beat my head against Dark Souls, but this just clicked. Never even got mad at this game, just kept trying.

  • Can I please get a skip for these cutscenes? Even for an hour long game, this was torture!

  • Great VR game. Simple enough to make me want to get every bot and chameleon in the game. Best proof of concept that probably won't be bested since the PSVR seems dead.

  • More of the first. I remember the fourth level of this really well for no particular reason? It's funny how hard these games seemed 25+ years ago. So short and simple now!

  • You gotta fight the controls on this game to play it, but it tries to keep it simple. Quick at the least

  • Genesis version. This is so much easier when you're 35+ years old!

  • Gotta whiz through some short ones! Finally beat one of these quickies. It was pretty easy until it got pretty hard. Bad-ish design and cheap bad guys that you could sort of cheese until win.

  • Sort of a wet fart of an ending. And if you get the QTE prompts, your conversations have no bearing? That's kind of weird.

  • Cute quick game. Not much more to say about that.

  • Finally cracked into this one. Definitely better than the first forays of the franchise. Didn't become enamored with it the way many people seemed to. But then again, it's never my thing to delve deep into a single level rather than just do a cursory completion.

  • Another Bomberman. Easy and hard at the same time.

  • A lot of the same here. Figured out how to school those fat bois pretty well at least. Also SCREW the jet pack guys.

  • My first platinum! Whoever made those hidden hidden bow places is a jerk btw. Good game, did my Mad Max/Assassin's Creed clear the map with this. It was a good game, and it could've been magnificent. Maybe a tiny bit less? Or change the stance controls.

  • I did not anticipate beating this game the same week as Ghost of Tsushima! Was pecking at this the past couple years for a few hours total, then just slammed through it as the missus was doing an Arkham game. Glad I can say I 100%'ed that World of Light mode. Once you have James McCloud, nothing can stop you?

  • Weird premise, frustrating yet mundane gameplay. What was that final level though?!?? Henry Hatsworth and a tie fighter?!

  • That final boss was coin-stealing arcade cheap! At least you can do the power up thing and coast if you're smart about it.

  • Was that Mechagodzilla? Also I'm glad those fake doors were obvious because that would've gotten infuriating quick.

  • There, all caught up on this franchise. Wasn't expecting Robot grandpa and Kangaroo fight. Played stage 5 drunk, but it still counts!

  • Cute, lost its humor maybe halfway in. At least it tried a different attitude than normal.

  • Eh. They tried to do the same thing, and it almost worked but mostly didn't. The Animal House ending certainly didn't do any favors. Also, why did the dude see numbers when he found a crossbow?

  • A surprisingly decent castlevania clone! Only a couple of bosses (that I beat all on first tries...) and some interesting sub/weapon choices made it totally serviceable. Glad I found this.

  • Cute, better but not quite AS better as I wanted it to be. At least they let you pay your way through fights and ameliorate the disposable weapons system. Glad I stuck with it.

  • Kinda hate how these games dole out the side missions once a main mission, so if you want to do them all in one go, you're backtracking across Manhattan every time... anyways, game is better shorter, but also felt like it lacked a bit in bosses. Still, make another one!

  • Bowser's Fury entry (really weird that it doesn't yet have its own page on Giantbomb). This a great little Mario game you didn't have to wait 6 years for like most Marios. Easy to 100%, has that Mario polish. Really solid.